bug 764: Initialize the right member of union option_value
[elinks.git] / src / protocol / rewrite / rewrite.c
1 /* URI rewriting module */
3 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
4 #include "config.h"
5 #endif
7 #include "elinks.h"
9 #include "config/options.h"
10 #include "intl/gettext/libintl.h"
11 #include "main/event.h"
12 #include "main/module.h"
13 #include "protocol/rewrite/rewrite.h"
14 #include "protocol/uri.h"
15 #include "session/location.h"
16 #include "session/session.h"
17 #include "util/string.h"
20 enum uri_rewrite_type {
26 /* TODO: An event hook for follow-url might also feel at home here. --jonas */
28 enum uri_rewrite_option {
43 static union option_info uri_rewrite_options[] = {
44 INIT_OPT_TREE("protocol", N_("URI rewriting"),
45 "rewrite", OPT_SORT,
46 N_("Rules for rewriting URIs entered in the goto dialog. "
47 "It makes it possible to define a set of prefixes that will "
48 "be expanded if they match a string entered in the goto "
49 "dialog. The prefixes can be dumb, meaning that they work "
50 "only like URI abbreviations, or smart ones, making it "
51 "possible to pass arguments to them like search engine "
52 "keywords.")),
54 INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.rewrite", N_("Enable dumb prefixes"),
55 "enable-dumb", 0, 1,
56 N_("Enable dumb prefixes - simple URI abbreviations which "
57 "can be written to the Goto URL dialog instead of actual URIs "
58 "- i.e. if you write 'elinks' there, you are directed to "
59 "http://elinks.cz/.")),
61 INIT_OPT_BOOL("protocol.rewrite", N_("Enable smart prefixes"),
62 "enable-smart", 0, 1,
63 N_("Enable smart prefixes - URI templates triggered by "
64 "writing given abbreviation to the Goto URL dialog followed "
65 "by a list of arguments from which the actual URI is composed "
66 "- i.e. 'gg:search keywords' or 'gn search keywords for "
67 "news'.")),
69 INIT_OPT_TREE("protocol.rewrite", N_("Dumb Prefixes"),
71 N_("Dumb prefixes, see enable-dumb description for details.")),
73 INIT_OPT_STRING("protocol.rewrite.dumb", NULL,
74 "_template_", 0, "",
75 /* xgettext:no-c-format */
76 N_("Replacement URI for this dumbprefix:\n"
77 "%c in the string means the current URL\n"
78 "%% in the string means '%'")),
80 INIT_OPT_TREE("protocol.rewrite", N_("Smart Prefixes"),
82 N_("Smart prefixes, see enable-smart description for "
83 "details.")),
85 /* TODO: In some rare occations current link URI and referrer might
86 * also be useful and dare I mention some kind of proxy argument. --jonas */
87 INIT_OPT_STRING("protocol.rewrite.smart", NULL,
88 "_template_", 0, "",
89 /* xgettext:no-c-format */
90 N_("Replacement URI for this smartprefix:\n"
91 "%c in the string means the current URL\n"
92 "%s in the string means the whole argument to smartprefix\n"
93 "%0,%1,...,%9 means argument 0, 1, ..., 9\n"
94 "%% in the string means '%'")),
96 INIT_OPT_STRING("protocol.rewrite", N_("Default template"),
97 "default_template", 0, "",
98 /* xgettext:no-c-format */
99 N_("Default URI template used when the string entered in "
100 "the goto dialog does not appear to be a URI or a filename "
101 "(i.e. contains no '.', ':' or '/' characters), and does "
102 "not match any defined prefixes. Set the value to \"\" to "
103 "disable use of the default template rewrite rule.\n"
104 "\n"
105 "%c in the template means the current URL,\n"
106 "%s in the template means the whole string from the goto\n"
107 " dialog,\n"
108 "%0,%1,...,%9 mean the 1st,2nd,...,10th space-delimited part\n"
109 " of %s,\n"
110 "%% in the template means '%'.")),
112 #define INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX(prefix, uri) \
113 INIT_OPT_STRING("protocol.rewrite.dumb", NULL, prefix, 0, uri, NULL)
116 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("documentation", ELINKS_DOC_URL),
120 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("arc", "http://web.archive.org/web/*/%c"),
121 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("cia", "http://cia.navi.cx/"),
122 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("b", "http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr"),
123 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("d", "http://www.dict.org"),
124 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("g", "http://www.google.com/"),
125 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("gg", "http://www.google.com/"),
126 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("go", "http://www.google.com/"),
127 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("fm", "http://freshmeat.net/"),
128 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("sf", "http://www.sourceforge.net/"),
129 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("dbug", "http://bugs.debian.org/"),
130 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("dpkg", "http://packages.debian.org/"),
131 /* Hm, is this Debian-centric? -- Miciah */
132 /* Well, does anyone but Debian use lua40 naming convention? --pasky */
133 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("lua", "file:///usr/share/doc/lua40-doc/manual/idx.html"),
134 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("pycur", "http://www.python.org/doc/current/"),
135 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("pydev", "http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/"),
136 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("pyhelp", "http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/pyhelp.cgi"),
137 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("pyvault", "http://www.vex.net/parnassus/"),
138 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("e2", "http://www.everything2.org/"),
139 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("sd", "http://slashdot.org/"),
140 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("vhtml", "http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=%c"),
141 INIT_OPT_DUMB_PREFIX("vcss", "http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=%c"),
143 #define INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX(prefix, uri) \
144 INIT_OPT_STRING("protocol.rewrite.smart", NULL, prefix, 0, uri, NULL)
145 #define bugzilla_prefix(prefix) (ELINKS_BUGS_URL prefix)
147 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("bug", bugzilla_prefix("show_bug.cgi?id=%s")),
149 #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG
150 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("milestone-bugs", bugzilla_prefix("buglist.cgi?target_milestone=%s")),
151 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("search-bugs", bugzilla_prefix("buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=%s")),
152 #endif
154 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("arc", "http://web.archive.org/web/*/%s"),
155 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("bb", "http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr?urltext=%s"),
156 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("bb_fr_en", "http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr?lp=fr_en&submit=1&urltext=%s"),
157 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("bb_en_fr", "http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr?lp=en_fr&submit=1&urltext=%s"),
158 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("cambridge", "http://dictionary.cambridge.org/results.asp?searchword=%s"),
159 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("cliki", "http://www.cliki.net/admin/search?words=%s"),
160 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("d", "http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Query=%s&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Database=*&submit=Submit+query"),
161 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("dmoz", "http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=%s"),
162 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("foldoc", "http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?%s"),
163 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("g", "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnG=Google+Search"),
164 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gd", "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&cat=gwd/Top"),
165 /* Whose idea was it to use 'gg' for websearches? -- Miciah */
166 /* INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gg", "http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%s"), */
167 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gg", "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnG=Google+Search"),
168 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gi", "http://images.google.com/images?q=%s"),
169 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gn", "http://news.google.com/news?q=%s"),
170 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("go", "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnG=Google+Search"),
171 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gr", "http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%s"),
172 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("google", "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s"),
173 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gwho", "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=1"),
174 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gwhat", "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=2"),
175 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gwhere", "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=3"),
176 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("gwhen", "http://www.googlism.com/?ism=%s&name=4"),
177 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("fm", "http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=%s"),
178 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("savannah", "http://savannah.nongnu.org/search/?words=%s&type_of_search=soft&exact=1"),
179 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sf", "http://sourceforge.net/search/?q=%s"),
180 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sfp", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/%s"),
181 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sd", "http://slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s"),
182 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sdc", "http://slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=comments"),
183 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sdu", "http://slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=users"),
184 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sdp", "http://slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=polls"),
185 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("sdj", "http://slashdot.org/search.pl?query=%s&op=journals"),
186 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("dbug", "http://bugs.debian.org/%s"),
187 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("dpkg", "http://packages.debian.org/%s"),
188 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("emacs", "http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?search=%s"),
189 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("lyrics", "http://music.lycos.com/lyrics/results.asp?QT=L&QW=%s"),
190 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("lxr", "http://lxr.linux.no/ident?i=%s"),
191 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("onelook", "http://onelook.com/?w=%s&ls=a"),
192 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("py", "http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/pyhelp.cgi?keyword=%s&version=current"),
193 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("pydev", "http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/pyhelp.cgi?keyword=%s&version=devel"),
194 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("pyvault", "http://py.vaults.ca/apyllo.py?find=%s"),
195 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("e2", "http://www.everything2.org/?node=%s"),
196 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("encz", "http://www.slovnik.cz/bin/ecd?ecd_il=1&ecd_vcb=%s&ecd_trn=translate&ecd_trn_dir=0&ecd_lines=15&ecd_hptxt=0"),
197 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("czen", "http://www.slovnik.cz/bin/ecd?ecd_il=1&ecd_vcb=%s&ecd_trn=translate&ecd_trn_dir=1&ecd_lines=15&ecd_hptxt=0"),
198 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("dict", "http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=%s"),
199 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("thes", "http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=%s"),
200 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("a", "http://acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?String=exact&Acronym=%s"),
201 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("imdb", "http://imdb.com/Find?%s"),
202 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("mw", "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=%s"),
203 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("mwt", "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/thesaurus?book=Thesaurus&va=%s"),
204 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("whatis", "http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/?host=%s"),
205 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("wiki", "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?search=%s"),
206 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("wn", "http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn1.7.1?stage=1&word=%s"),
207 /* Search the Free Software Directory */
208 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("fsd", "http://directory.fsf.org/search/fsd-search.py?q=%s"),
209 /* rfc by number */
210 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("rfc", "http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc%s.txt"),
211 /* rfc search */
212 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("rfcs", "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/rfcsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25"),
213 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("cr", "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/rfcsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25"),
214 /* Internet Draft search */
215 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("rfcid", "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/idsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25"),
216 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("id", "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/idsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25"),
217 INIT_OPT_SMART_PREFIX("draft", "http://www.rfc-editor.org/cgi-bin/idsearch.pl?searchwords=%s&format=http&abstract=abson&keywords=keyon&num=25"),
222 #define get_opt_rewrite(which) uri_rewrite_options[(which)].option
223 #define get_dumb_enable() get_opt_rewrite(URI_REWRITE_ENABLE_DUMB).value.number
224 #define get_smart_enable() get_opt_rewrite(URI_REWRITE_ENABLE_SMART).value.number
226 static inline struct option *
227 get_prefix_tree(enum uri_rewrite_option tree)
229 assert(tree == URI_REWRITE_DUMB_TREE
230 || tree == URI_REWRITE_SMART_TREE);
231 return &get_opt_rewrite(tree);
234 #define MAX_URI_ARGS 10
236 static unsigned char *
237 rewrite_uri(unsigned char *url, struct uri *current_uri, unsigned char *arg)
239 struct string n = NULL_STRING;
240 unsigned char *args[MAX_URI_ARGS];
241 int argslen[MAX_URI_ARGS];
242 int argc = 0;
243 int i;
245 if (!init_string(&n)) return NULL;
247 /* Extract space separated list of arguments */
248 args[argc] = arg;
249 for (i = 0; ; i++) {
250 if (args[argc][i] == ' ') {
251 argslen[argc] = i;
252 argc++;
253 if (argc == MAX_URI_ARGS) break;
254 args[argc] = &args[argc - 1][i];
255 i = 0;
256 for (; *args[argc] == ' '; args[argc]++);
257 } else if (!args[argc][i]) {
258 argslen[argc] = i;
259 argc++;
260 break;
264 while (*url) {
265 int p;
266 int value;
268 for (p = 0; url[p] && url[p] != '%'; p++);
270 add_bytes_to_string(&n, url, p);
271 url += p;
273 if (*url != '%') continue;
275 url++;
276 switch (*url) {
277 case 'c':
278 if (!current_uri) break;
279 add_uri_to_string(&n, current_uri, URI_ORIGINAL);
280 break;
281 case 's':
282 if (arg) encode_uri_string(&n, arg, -1, 1);
283 break;
284 case '%':
285 add_char_to_string(&n, '%');
286 break;
287 case '0':
288 case '1':
289 case '2':
290 case '3':
291 case '4':
292 case '5':
293 case '6':
294 case '7':
295 case '8':
296 case '9':
297 value = *url - '0';
298 if (value >= argc) break;
299 encode_uri_string(&n, args[value],
300 argslen[value], 1);
301 break;
302 default:
303 add_bytes_to_string(&n, url - 1, 2);
304 break;
306 if (*url) url++;
309 return n.source;
312 static unsigned char *
313 get_uri_rewrite_prefix(enum uri_rewrite_type type, unsigned char *url)
315 enum uri_rewrite_option tree = type == URI_REWRITE_DUMB
317 struct option *prefix_tree = get_prefix_tree(tree);
318 struct option *opt = get_opt_rec_real(prefix_tree, url);
319 unsigned char *exp = opt ? opt->value.string : NULL;
321 return (exp && *exp) ? exp : NULL;
324 static enum evhook_status
325 goto_url_hook(va_list ap, void *data)
327 unsigned char **url = va_arg(ap, unsigned char **);
328 struct session *ses = va_arg(ap, struct session *);
329 unsigned char *uu = NULL;
330 unsigned char *arg = "";
331 unsigned char *argstart = *url + strcspn(*url, " :");
333 if (get_smart_enable() && *argstart) {
334 unsigned char bucket = *argstart;
336 *argstart = '\0';
337 uu = get_uri_rewrite_prefix(URI_REWRITE_SMART, *url);
338 *argstart = bucket;
339 arg = argstart + 1;
342 if (get_dumb_enable() && !uu && !*argstart)
343 uu = get_uri_rewrite_prefix(URI_REWRITE_DUMB, *url);
345 if (!uu
346 && !strchr(*url, ':')
347 && !strchr(*url, '.')
348 && !strchr(*url, '/')) {
349 uu = get_opt_str("protocol.rewrite.default_template");
350 if (uu && *uu) {
351 arg = *url;
352 } else {
353 uu = NULL;
357 if (uu) {
358 struct uri *uri = ses && have_location(ses)
359 ? cur_loc(ses)->vs.uri : NULL;
361 uu = rewrite_uri(uu, uri, arg);
362 if (uu) {
363 mem_free(*url);
364 *url = uu;
371 struct event_hook_info uri_rewrite_hooks[] = {
372 { "goto-url", -1, goto_url_hook },
377 struct module uri_rewrite_module = struct_module(
378 /* name: */ N_("URI rewrite"),
379 /* options: */ uri_rewrite_options,
380 /* hooks: */ uri_rewrite_hooks,
381 /* submodules: */ NULL,
382 /* data: */ NULL,
383 /* init: */ NULL,
384 /* done: */ NULL