content encoding: New function accept_encoding_header.
[elinks.git] / src / util / string.h
1 #ifndef EL__UTIL_STRING_H
2 #define EL__UTIL_STRING_H
4 /* To these two functions, same remark applies as to copy_string() or
5 * straconcat(). */
7 #include <ctype.h>
8 #include <string.h>
10 #include "osdep/ascii.h"
11 #include "util/error.h"
12 #include "util/lists.h"
13 #include "util/memdebug.h"
14 #include "util/memory.h"
17 #ifndef DEBUG_MEMLEAK
19 /** @name Autoallocation string constructors:
20 * Note that, contrary to the utilities using the string struct, these
21 * functions are NOT granular, thus you can't simply reuse strings allocated by
22 * these in add_to_string()-style functions.
23 * @{ */
25 /** Allocates NUL terminated string with @a len bytes from @a src.
26 * If @a src == NULL or @a len < 0 only one byte is allocated and set it to 0.
27 * @returns the string or NULL on allocation failure. */
28 unsigned char *memacpy(const unsigned char *src, int len);
30 /** Allocated NUL terminated string with the content of @a src. */
31 unsigned char *stracpy(const unsigned char *src);
33 /** @} */
35 #else /* DEBUG_MEMLEAK */
37 unsigned char *debug_memacpy(const unsigned char *, int, const unsigned char *, int);
38 #define memacpy(s, l) debug_memacpy(__FILE__, __LINE__, s, l)
40 unsigned char *debug_stracpy(const unsigned char *, int, const unsigned char *);
41 #define stracpy(s) debug_stracpy(__FILE__, __LINE__, s)
43 #endif /* DEBUG_MEMLEAK */
46 /** Concatenates @a src to @a str.
47 * If reallocation of @a str fails @a str is not touched. */
48 void add_to_strn(unsigned char **str, const unsigned char *src);
50 /** Inserts @a seqlen chars from @a seq at position @a pos in the @a
51 * dst string.
52 * If reallocation of @a dst fails it is not touched and NULL is returned. */
53 unsigned char *insert_in_string(unsigned char **dst, int pos,
54 const unsigned char *seq, int seqlen);
56 /** Takes a list of strings where the last parameter _must_ be
57 * (unsigned char *) NULL and concatenates them.
59 * @returns the allocated string or NULL on allocation failure.
61 * Example: @code
62 * unsigned char *abc = straconcat("A", "B", "C", (unsigned char *) NULL);
63 * if (abc) return;
64 * printf("%s", abc); -> print "ABC"
65 * mem_free(abc); -> free memory used by @abc
66 * @endcode */
67 unsigned char *straconcat(const unsigned char *str, ...);
70 /** @name Misc. utility string functions.
71 * @{ */
73 /** Compare two strings, handling correctly @a s1 or @a s2 being NULL. */
74 int xstrcmp(const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char *s2);
76 /** Copies at most @a len chars into @a dst. Ensures null termination of @a dst. */
77 unsigned char *safe_strncpy(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len);
79 /* strlcmp() is the middle child of history, everyone is using it differently.
80 * On some weird *systems* it seems to be defined (equivalent to strcasecmp()),
81 * so we'll better use our #define redir. */
83 /** This routine compares string @a s1 of length @a n1 with string @a s2
84 * of length @a n2.
86 * This acts identically to strcmp() but for non-zero-terminated strings,
87 * rather than being similiar to strncmp(). That means, it fails if @a n1
88 * != @a n2, thus you may use it for testing whether @a s2 matches *full*
89 * @a s1, not only its start (which can be a security hole, e.g. in the
90 * cookies domain checking).
92 * @a n1 or @a n2 may be -1, which is same as strlen(@a s1 or @a s2) but
93 * possibly more effective (in the future ;-).
95 * @returns zero if the strings match or undefined non-zero value if they
96 * differ. (The non-zero return value is _not_ same as for the standard
97 * strcmp() family.) */
98 #define strlcmp(a,b,c,d) (errfile = __FILE__, errline = __LINE__, elinks_strlcmp(a,b,c,d))
99 int elinks_strlcmp(const unsigned char *s1, size_t n1,
100 const unsigned char *s2, size_t n2);
102 /** Acts identically to strlcmp(), except for being case insensitive. */
103 #define strlcasecmp(a,b,c,d) (errfile = __FILE__, errline = __LINE__, elinks_strlcasecmp(a,b,c,d))
104 int elinks_strlcasecmp(const unsigned char *s1, size_t n1,
105 const unsigned char *s2, size_t n2);
107 /** @} */
110 #define skip_space(S) \
111 do { while (isspace(*(S))) (S)++; } while (0)
113 #define skip_nonspace(S) \
114 do { while (*(S) && !isspace(*(S))) (S)++; } while (0)
116 #undef isdigit
117 #define isdigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
118 #define isquote(c) ((c) == '"' || (c) == '\'')
119 #define isasciialpha(c) (((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z'))
120 #define isasciialnum(c) (isasciialpha(c) || isdigit(c))
121 #define isident(c) (isasciialnum(c) || (c) == '_' || (c) == '-')
123 /** Char is safe to write to the terminal screen. Cannot test for C1
124 * control characters (0x80 to 0x9F) because this is also used for
125 * non-ISO-8859 charsets. */
126 #define isscreensafe(c) ((c) >= ' ' && (c) != ASCII_DEL)
128 /** Like isscreensafe() but takes Unicode values and so can check for C1. */
129 #define isscreensafe_ucs(c) (((c) >= 0x20 && (c) <= 0x7E) || (c) >= 0xA0)
132 /** String debugging using magic number, it may catch some errors. */
133 #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG
134 #define DEBUG_STRING
135 #endif
137 struct string {
138 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
139 int magic;
140 #endif
141 unsigned char *source;
142 int length;
146 /** The granularity used for the struct string based utilities. */
149 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
150 #define STRING_MAGIC 0x2E5BF271
151 #define check_string_magic(x) assertm((x)->magic == STRING_MAGIC, "String magic check failed.")
152 #define set_string_magic(x) do { (x)->magic = STRING_MAGIC; } while (0)
154 #define INIT_STRING(s, l) { STRING_MAGIC, s, l }
155 #else
156 #define check_string_magic(x)
157 #define set_string_magic(x)
158 #define NULL_STRING { NULL, 0 }
159 #define INIT_STRING(s, l) { s, l }
160 #endif
162 /** Initializes the passed string struct by preallocating the
163 * string.source member.
164 * @returns @a string if successful, or NULL if out of memory.
165 * @post done_string(@a string) is safe, even if this returned NULL.
166 * @relates string */
167 #ifdef DEBUG_MEMLEAK
168 struct string *init_string__(const unsigned char *file, int line, struct string *string);
169 #define init_string(string) init_string__(__FILE__, __LINE__, string)
170 #else
171 struct string *init_string(struct string *string);
172 #endif
174 /** Resets @a string and free()s the string.source member.
175 * @relates string */
176 void done_string(struct string *string);
179 struct string *add_to_string(struct string *string,
180 const unsigned char *source);
181 struct string *add_char_to_string(struct string *string, unsigned char character);
182 struct string *add_string_to_string(struct string *to, const struct string *from);
183 struct string *add_file_to_string(struct string *string, const unsigned char *filename);
184 struct string *add_crlf_to_string(struct string *string);
186 /** Adds each C string to @a string until a terminating
187 * (unsigned char *) NULL is met.
188 * @relates string */
189 struct string *string_concat(struct string *string, ...);
191 /** Extends the string with @a times number of @a character.
192 * @relates string */
193 struct string *add_xchar_to_string(struct string *string, unsigned char character, int times);
195 /** Add printf()-style format string to @a string.
196 * @relates string */
197 struct string *add_format_to_string(struct string *string, const unsigned char *format, ...);
199 /** Get a regular newly allocated stream of bytes from @a string.
200 * @relates string */
201 static unsigned char *squeezastring(struct string *string);
204 static inline unsigned char *
205 squeezastring(struct string *string)
207 return memacpy(string->source, string->length);
211 #undef realloc_string
213 #define realloc_string(str, size) \
214 mem_align_alloc(&(str)->source, (str)->length, (size) + 1, \
217 #ifdef DEBUG_MEMLEAK
219 #define add_bytes_to_string(string, bytes, length) \
220 add_bytes_to_string__(__FILE__, __LINE__, string, bytes, length)
222 #define debug_realloc_string(str, size) \
223 mem_align_alloc__(file, line, (void **) &(str)->source, (str)->length, (size) + 1, \
224 sizeof(unsigned char), STRING_GRANULARITY)
226 #else
228 #define add_bytes_to_string(string, bytes, length) \
229 add_bytes_to_string__(string, bytes, length)
231 #define debug_realloc_string(str, size) realloc_string(str, size)
233 #endif
235 static inline struct string *
236 add_bytes_to_string__(
237 #ifdef DEBUG_MEMLEAK
238 const unsigned char *file, int line,
239 #endif
240 struct string *string, const unsigned char *bytes,
241 int length)
243 int newlength;
245 assertm(string && bytes && length >= 0, "[add_bytes_to_string]");
246 if_assert_failed { return NULL; }
248 check_string_magic(string);
250 if (length == 0) return string;
252 newlength = string->length + length;
253 if (!debug_realloc_string(string, newlength))
254 return NULL;
256 memcpy(string->source + string->length, bytes, length);
257 string->source[newlength] = 0;
258 string->length = newlength;
260 return string;
264 struct string_list_item {
265 LIST_HEAD(struct string_list_item);
267 struct string string;
270 /** Adds @a string with @a length chars to the list. If @a length is -1
271 * it will be set to the return value of strlen().
272 * @relates string_list_item */
273 struct string *
274 add_to_string_list(LIST_OF(struct string_list_item) *list,
275 const unsigned char *string, int length);
277 void free_string_list(LIST_OF(struct string_list_item) *list);
280 /** Returns an empty C string or @a str if different from NULL. */
281 #define empty_string_or_(str) ((str) ? (unsigned char *) (str) : (unsigned char *) "")
283 /** Allocated copy if not NULL or returns NULL. */
284 #define null_or_stracpy(str) ((str) ? stracpy(str) : NULL)
286 #endif /* EL__UTIL_STRING_H */