The union of the color and the node_number in the struct screen_char.
[elinks.git] / test / imgmap.html
1 <html>
2 <body>
3 <IMG SRC="image.png" ALT="ImageMap" USEMAP="#map">
4 <map name="map">
5 <AREA SHAPE="poly" COORDS="24,26, 30,30, 22,40, 15,35, 24,26" HREF="href_tests.html" alt="1">
6 <AREA SHAPE="poly" COORDS="21,21, 38,10, 34,19, 39,29, 21,21" HREF="color.html" alt="2">
7 <AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="12,1, 30,18" HREF="underline.html" alt="3">
8 <AREA SHAPE="circle" COORDS="9.5,22, 9" HREF="nbsp.html" name="91" alt="4">
9 </map>
10 </body>
11 </html>