FlexUI: module renamings; moved standalone sdl carcass augemntation to FlexUI
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / flexui / sdlstandalone.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc}
17 unit sdlstandalone;
19 interface
21 uses
22 SDL2,
23 sdlcarcass;
26 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
27 // initialize OpenGL; set `gScreenWidth` and `gScreenHeight` before calling this
28 function glInit (const winTitle: AnsiString='SDL TEST'): Boolean;
29 procedure glDeinit ();
30 // call this to show built frame
31 procedure glSwap ();
32 // call this to push "quit" event into queue
33 procedure pushQuitEvent ();
34 // call this to process queued messages; result is `true` if quit event was received
35 function processMessages (): Boolean;
37 // run main loop, call `buildFrameCB()` and `renderFrameCB()`, maintain the given FPS
38 procedure mainLoop ();
41 implementation
43 uses
44 SysUtils;
47 var
48 gWinH: PSDL_Window = nil;
49 gGLContext: TSDL_GLContext = nil;
50 lastFrameTime: UInt64 = 0;
53 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
54 procedure onExposeFrame ();
55 begin
56 glSwap();
57 end;
60 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
61 function sdlInit (): Boolean;
62 var
63 sdlflags: LongWord;
64 begin
65 result := false;
67 sdlflags := SDL_INIT_TIMER or SDL_INIT_VIDEO;
68 if SDL_Init(sdlflags) < 0 then exit; //raise Exception.Create('SDL: Init failed: ' + SDL_GetError());
70 //SDL_Quit();
71 result := true;
72 fuiWinActive := fuiWinActive;
73 end;
76 procedure glSwap ();
77 begin
78 if (gWinH = nil) then exit;
79 SDL_GL_SwapWindow(gWinH);
80 end;
83 procedure killGLWindow ();
84 begin
85 if (gWinH <> nil) then SDL_DestroyWindow(gWinH);
86 if (gGLContext <> nil) then SDL_GL_DeleteContext(gGLContext);
87 gWinH := nil;
88 gGLContext := nil;
89 end;
92 procedure pushQuitEvent ();
93 var
94 ev: TSDL_Event;
95 begin
96 ev.type_ := SDL_QUITEV;
97 SDL_PushEvent(@ev);
98 end;
101 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
102 // true: quit
103 function processMessages (): Boolean;
105 ev: TSDL_Event;
106 begin
107 result := false;
108 FillChar(ev, sizeof(ev), 0);
109 while (SDL_PollEvent(@ev) > 0) do
110 begin
111 if fuiOnSDLEvent(ev) then result := true;
112 //if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) then exit;
113 end;
114 end;
117 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
118 procedure glDeinit ();
119 begin
120 if (gWinH <> nil) and assigned(oglDeinitCB) then oglDeinitCB();
121 killGLWindow();
122 end;
125 function glInit (const winTitle: AnsiString='SDL TEST'): Boolean;
127 wFlags: LongWord = 0;
128 v: Byte = 0;
129 begin
130 result := false;
133 //if gFullscreen then wFlags := wFlags or SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN;
134 //if gWinMaximized then wFlags := wFlags or SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED;
136 glDeinit();
138 //if VSync then v := 1 else v := 0;
141 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8);
142 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8);
143 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8);
144 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
145 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1);
146 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 1); // lights; it is enough to have 1-bit stencil buffer for lighting
147 SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(v);
150 if gFullscreen then
151 begin
152 mode.w := gScreenWidth;
153 mode.h := gScreenHeight;
154 mode.format := 0;
155 mode.refresh_rate := 0;
156 mode.driverdata := nil;
157 if SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(0, @mode, @cmode) = nil then
158 begin
159 gScreenWidth := 800;
160 gScreenHeight := 600;
162 else
163 begin
164 gScreenWidth := cmode.w;
165 gScreenHeight := cmode.h;
166 end;
167 end;
170 gWinH := SDL_CreateWindow(PAnsiChar(winTitle), -1, -1, fuiScrWdt, fuiScrHgt, wFlags);
171 if (gWinH = nil) then exit;
173 gGLContext := SDL_GL_CreateContext(gWinH);
174 if (gGLContext = nil) then begin SDL_DestroyWindow(gWinH); gWinH := nil; exit; end;
176 SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(gWinH, gGLContext);
177 SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE);
179 if assigned(oglInitCB) then oglInitCB();
181 result := true;
182 end;
185 // run main loop, call `buildFrameCB()` and `renderFrameCB()`, maintain the given FPS
186 procedure mainLoop ();
188 nft, ctt: UInt64;
189 wt: Integer;
190 begin
191 if assigned(buildFrameCB) then buildFrameCB();
192 if assigned(prerenderFrameCB) then prerenderFrameCB();
193 if assigned(renderFrameCB) then renderFrameCB();
194 if assigned(postrenderFrameCB) then postrenderFrameCB();
195 glSwap();
196 lastFrameTime := fuiTimeMilli();
197 while true do
198 begin
199 // calculate time to build and render next frame
200 nft := lastFrameTime+(1000 div fuiFPS);
201 ctt := fuiTimeMilli();
202 if (ctt >= nft) then
203 begin
204 // time to build next frame
205 if assigned(buildFrameCB) then buildFrameCB();
206 if assigned(prerenderFrameCB) then prerenderFrameCB();
207 if assigned(renderFrameCB) then renderFrameCB();
208 if assigned(postrenderFrameCB) then postrenderFrameCB();
209 glSwap();
210 lastFrameTime := ctt; // ignore frame processing time
212 else
213 begin
214 // has to wait for some time
215 if (nft-ctt > 1000) then wt := 1000 else wt := Integer(nft-ctt);
216 SDL_WaitEventTimeout(nil, wt);
217 end;
218 if processMessages() then break; // just in case
219 end;
220 end;
223 initialization
224 exposeFrameCB := onExposeFrame();
226 if not sdlInit() then raise Exception.Create('cannot initialize SDL');
227 finalization
228 glDeinit();
229 SDL_Quit();
230 end.