system: implement zip support again
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / g_basic.pas
1 unit g_basic;
3 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
5 interface
7 uses
8 LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages;
10 const
11 EDITOR_VERSION = '0.667';
15 Type
16 String16 = String[16];
17 Char16 = packed array[0..15] of Char;
18 Char32 = packed array[0..31] of Char;
19 Char64 = packed array[0..63] of Char;
20 Char256 = packed array[0..255] of Char;
21 ArrayStr16 = Array of String16;
22 SArray = Array of String;
23 DWArray = Array of DWORD;
25 TDirection = (D_LEFT, D_RIGHT);
27 function g_GetBuilderName (): AnsiString;
28 function g_GetBuildHash (full: Boolean = True): AnsiString;
30 function g_Collide(X1, Y1: Integer; Width1, Height1: Word;
31 X2, Y2: Integer; Width2, Height2: Word): Boolean;
32 function g_CollidePoint(X, Y, X2, Y2: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
33 function g_CollideLevel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
34 function g_CollideLevel2(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; _ID: DWORD; var PanelID: DWORD): Boolean;
35 function g_PatchLength(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Word;
36 procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; B, Max: Integer); overload;
37 procedure IncMax(var A: Single; B, Max: Single); overload;
38 procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; Max: Integer); overload;
39 procedure IncMax(var A: Single; Max: Single); overload;
40 procedure IncMax(var A: Word; B, Max: Word); overload;
41 procedure IncMax(var A: Word; Max: Word); overload;
42 procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; B, Max: SmallInt); overload;
43 procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; Max: SmallInt); overload;
44 procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; B, Min: Integer); overload;
45 procedure DecMin(var A: Single; B, Min: Single); overload;
46 procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; Min: Integer); overload;
47 procedure DecMin(var A: Single; Min: Single); overload;
48 procedure DecMin(var A: Word; B, Min: Word); overload;
49 procedure DecMin(var A: Word; Min: Word); overload;
50 procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; B, Min: Byte); overload;
51 procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; Min: Byte); overload;
52 function Sign(A: Integer): ShortInt; overload;
53 function Sign(A: Single): ShortInt; overload;
54 function PointToRect(X, Y: Integer; X1, Y1, Width, Height: Integer): Integer;
55 procedure g_ChangeDir(var dir: TDirection);
56 function g_GetFileTime(fileName: String): Integer;
57 function g_SetFileTime(fileName: String; time: Integer): Boolean;
59 implementation
61 uses
62 Math, g_map, MAPDEF, SysUtils;
64 {$PUSH}
65 {$WARN 2054 OFF} // unknwon env var
66 {$WARN 6018 OFF} // unreachable code
67 function g_GetBuilderName (): AnsiString;
68 begin
69 if {$I %D2DF_BUILD_USER%} <> '' then
70 result := {$I %D2DF_BUILD_USER%} // custom
71 else if {$I %USER%} <> '' then
72 result := {$I %USER%} // unix username
73 else if {$I %USERNAME%} <> '' then
74 result := {$I %USERNAME%} // windows username
75 else
76 result := 'unknown'
77 end;
79 function g_GetBuildHash (full: Boolean = True): AnsiString;
80 begin
81 if {$I %D2DF_BUILD_HASH%} <> '' then
82 if full then
83 result := {$I %D2DF_BUILD_HASH%}
84 else
85 result := Copy({$I %D2DF_BUILD_HASH%}, 1, 7)
86 else
87 result := 'custom build'
88 end;
89 {$POP}
91 procedure g_ChangeDir(var dir: TDirection);
92 begin
93 if dir = D_LEFT then
94 dir := D_RIGHT
95 else
96 dir := D_LEFT;
97 end;
99 function g_GetFileTime(fileName: String): Integer;
101 F: File;
103 begin
104 if not FileExists(fileName) then
105 begin
106 Result := -1;
107 Exit;
108 end;
110 AssignFile(F, fileName);
111 Reset(F);
112 Result := FileGetDate(TFileRec(F).Handle);
113 CloseFile(F);
114 end;
116 function g_SetFileTime(fileName: String; time: Integer): Boolean;
118 F: File;
120 begin
121 if (not FileExists(fileName)) or (time < 0) then
122 begin
123 Result := False;
124 Exit;
125 end;
127 AssignFile(F, fileName);
128 Reset(F);
129 Result := (FileSetDate(TFileRec(F).Handle, time) = 0);
130 CloseFile(F);
131 end;
133 function g_PatchLength(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Word;
134 begin
135 Result := Trunc(Hypot(Abs(X2-X1), Abs(Y2-Y1)));
136 end;
138 function g_CollideLevel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
140 a: Integer;
142 begin
143 Result := False;
145 if gPanels = nil then Exit;
147 for a := 0 to High(gPanels) do
148 if gPanels[a].PanelType = PANEL_WALL then
149 if not (((Y + Height <= gPanels[a].Y) or
150 (Y >= gPanels[a].Y + gPanels[a].Height)) or
151 ((X + Width <= gPanels[a].X) or
152 (X >= gPanels[a].X + gPanels[a].Width))) then
153 begin
154 Result := True;
155 Exit;
156 end;
157 end;
159 {function g_CollideLevel2(X, Y, X2, Y2: Integer): Boolean;
161 a: Integer;
162 begin
163 Result := False;
165 if gWalls = nil then Exit;
167 for a := 0 to High(gWalls) do
168 if not (((Y2 <= gWalls[a].Y) or
169 (Y >= gWalls[a].Y + gWalls[a].Height)) or
170 ((X2 <= gWalls[a].X) or
171 (X >= gWalls[a].X + gWalls[a].Width))) then
172 begin
173 Result := True;
174 Exit;
175 end;
176 end;}
178 function g_CollideLevel2(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word; _ID: DWORD; var PanelID: DWORD): Boolean;
180 a: DWORD;
181 begin
182 Result := False;
184 if gPanels = nil then Exit;
186 for a := 0 to High(gPanels) do
187 if (gPanels[a].PanelType = PANEL_WALL) and (_ID <> a) then
188 if not (((Y + Height <= gPanels[a].Y) or
189 (Y >= gPanels[a].Y + gPanels[a].Height)) or
190 ((X + Width <= gPanels[a].X) or
191 (X >= gPanels[a].X + gPanels[a].Width))) then
192 begin
193 Result := True;
194 PanelID := a;
195 Exit;
196 end;
197 end;
199 function g_Collide(X1, Y1: Integer; Width1, Height1: Word;
200 X2, Y2: Integer; Width2, Height2: Word): Boolean;
201 begin
202 Result := not (((Y1 + Height1 <= Y2) or
203 (Y1 >= Y2 + Height2)) or
204 ((X1 + Width1 <= X2) or
205 (X1 >= X2 + Width2)));
206 end;
208 function g_CollidePoint(X, Y, X2, Y2: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
209 begin
210 {X := X-X2;
211 Y := Y-Y2;
212 Result := (x >= 0) and (x <= Width) and
213 (y >= 0) and (y <= Height);}
214 Result := (X >= X2) and (X <= (X2+Width)) and
215 (Y >= Y2) and (Y <= (Y2+Height));
216 end;
218 procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; B, Max: Integer);
219 begin
220 if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B;
221 end;
223 procedure IncMax(var A: Single; B, Max: Single);
224 begin
225 if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B;
226 end;
228 procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; B, Min: Integer);
229 begin
230 if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B;
231 end;
233 procedure DecMin(var A: Word; B, Min: Word);
234 begin
235 if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B;
236 end;
238 procedure DecMin(var A: Single; B, Min: Single);
239 begin
240 if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B;
241 end;
243 procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; Max: Integer);
244 begin
245 if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1;
246 end;
248 procedure IncMax(var A: Single; Max: Single);
249 begin
250 if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1;
251 end;
253 procedure IncMax(var A: Word; B, Max: Word);
254 begin
255 if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B;
256 end;
258 procedure IncMax(var A: Word; Max: Word);
259 begin
260 if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1;
261 end;
263 procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; B, Max: SmallInt);
264 begin
265 if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B;
266 end;
268 procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; Max: SmallInt);
269 begin
270 if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1;
271 end;
273 procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; Min: Integer);
274 begin
275 if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1;
276 end;
278 procedure DecMin(var A: Single; Min: Single);
279 begin
280 if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1;
281 end;
283 procedure DecMin(var A: Word; Min: Word);
284 begin
285 if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1;
286 end;
288 procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; B, Min: Byte);
289 begin
290 if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B;
291 end;
293 procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; Min: Byte); overload;
294 begin
295 if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1;
296 end;
298 function Sign(A: Integer): ShortInt;
299 begin
300 if A < 0 then Result := -1
301 else if A > 0 then Result := 1
302 else Result := 0;
303 end;
305 function Sign(A: Single): ShortInt;
306 const
307 Eps = 1.0E-5;
308 begin
309 if Abs(A) < Eps then Result := 0
310 else if A < 0 then Result := -1
311 else Result := 1;
312 end;
314 function PointToRect(X, Y: Integer; X1, Y1, Width, Height: Integer): Integer;
315 begin
316 X := X-X1;
317 Y := Y-Y1;
319 if X < 0 then
320 begin
321 if Y < 0 then Result := Round(Sqrt(Sqr(X)+Sqr(Y)))
322 else if Y > Height then Result := Round(Sqrt(Sqr(X)+Sqr(Y-Height)))
323 else Result := -X;
325 else
326 if X > Width then
327 begin
328 X := X-width;
329 if y < 0 then Result := Round(Sqrt(Sqr(X)+Sqr(Y)))
330 else if Y > Height then Result := Round(Sqrt(Sqr(X)+Sqr(Y-Height)))
331 else Result := X;
333 else
334 begin
335 if Y < 0 then Result := -Y
336 else if Y > Height then Result := Y-Height
337 else Result:=0;
338 end;
339 end;
341 end.