[cxml-stp.git] / package.lisp
1 (defpackage :cxml-stp
2 (:use :cl)
3 (:export #:*check-uri-syntax*
5 #:node
6 #:parent
7 #:document
8 #:root
9 #:base-uri
10 #:detach
11 #:string-value
12 #:map-children
13 #:do-children
14 #:list-children
15 #:copy
16 #:unparse
17 ;; #:query
19 #:parent-node
20 #:prepend-child
21 #:append-child
22 #:nth-child
23 #:find-child
24 #:find-child-if
25 #:child-position
26 #:child-position-if
27 #:filter-children
28 #:delete-child
29 #:delete-nth-child
31 #:insert-child
32 #:delete-child-if
33 #:replace-children
35 (:documentation
36 "@code{cxml-stp} implements ___.
37 Relax NG} schema validation for Closure XML.
39 Support for @a[http://relaxng.org/compact-20021121.html]{Compact Syntax}
40 and @a[http://relaxng.org/compatibility-20011203.html]{DTD Compatibility}
41 is included.
43 @begin[Example]{section}
44 @begin{pre}(cxml:parse-file \"test.xml\"
45 (cxml-rng:make-validator
46 (cxml-rng:parse-schema #p\"test.rng\")))
47 @end{pre}
48 @end{section}
49 @begin[Classes]{section}
50 @aboutclass{schema}
51 @aboutclass{rng-error}
52 @aboutclass{dtd-compatibility-error}
53 @end{section}
54 @begin[Parsing and validating]{section}
55 @aboutfun{parse-schema}
56 @aboutfun{parse-compact}
57 @aboutfun{make-validator}
58 @aboutfun{make-dtd-compatibility-handler}
59 @aboutfun{serialize-grammar}
60 @end{section}
61 @begin[Grammar introspection]{section}
62 The following classes and function are exported so that users can
63 take a peek at the internals of the parsed and simplified grammar.
65 @aboutfun{schema-start}
66 @aboutclass{attribute}
67 @aboutclass{choice}
68 @aboutclass{data}
69 @aboutclass{element}
70 @aboutclass{empty}
71 @aboutclass{group}
72 @aboutclass{interleave}
73 @aboutclass{list-pattern}
74 @aboutclass{not-allowed}
75 @aboutclass{one-or-more}
76 @aboutclass{pattern}
77 @aboutclass{ref}
78 @aboutclass{text}
79 @aboutclass{value}
80 @aboutfun{pattern-child}
81 @aboutfun{pattern-a}
82 @aboutfun{pattern-b}
83 @aboutfun{pattern-name}
84 @aboutfun{pattern-element}
85 @aboutfun{pattern-type}
86 @aboutfun{pattern-string}
87 @aboutfun{pattern-value}
88 @aboutfun{pattern-params}
89 @aboutfun{pattern-except}
90 @end{section}"))