serialization fuer's debugging
[cxml-rng.git] / parse.lisp
1 (in-package :cxml-rng)
3 #+sbcl
4 (declaim (optimize (debug 2)))
7 ;;;; Errors
9 (define-condition rng-error (simple-error) ())
11 (defun rng-error (source fmt &rest args)
12 (let ((s (make-string-output-stream)))
13 (apply #'format s fmt args)
14 (when source
15 (format s "~& [ Error at line ~D, column ~D in ~S ]"
16 (klacks:current-line-number source)
17 (klacks:current-column-number source)
18 (klacks:current-system-id source)))
19 (error 'rng-error
20 :format-control "~A"
21 :format-arguments (list (get-output-stream-string s)))))
24 ;;;; Parser
26 (defvar *datatype-library*)
27 (defvar *namespace-uri*)
28 (defvar *entity-resolver*)
29 (defvar *external-href-stack*)
30 (defvar *include-uri-stack*)
32 (defvar *debug* nil)
34 (defun invoke-with-klacks-handler (fn source)
35 (if *debug*
36 (funcall fn)
37 (handler-case
38 (funcall fn)
39 (cxml:xml-parse-error (c)
40 (rng-error source "Cannot parse schema: ~A" c)))))
42 (defun parse-relax-ng (input &key entity-resolver)
43 (klacks:with-open-source (source (cxml:make-source input))
44 (invoke-with-klacks-handler
45 (lambda ()
46 (klacks:find-event source :start-element)
47 (let ((*datatype-library* "")
48 (*namespace-uri* "")
49 (*entity-resolver* entity-resolver)
50 (*external-href-stack* '())
51 (*include-uri-stack* '()))
52 (p/pattern source)))
53 source)))
56 ;;;; pattern structures
57 ;;;;
58 ;;;; Before final simplification, all patterns are allowed.
59 ;;;;
60 ;;;; Afterwards, parent-ref has been removed, element appears only in define,
61 ;;;; and define only in grammar, notallowed only in start or element, and
62 ;;;; empty only in selected situations.
64 (defstruct pattern)
66 (defstruct (%parent (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
67 child)
69 (defstruct (%named-pattern (:include %parent) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
70 name)
71 (defstruct (element (:include %named-pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
72 (defstruct (attribute (:include %named-pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
74 (defstruct (%combination (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
75 a b)
76 (defstruct (group
77 (:include %combination)
78 (:constructor make-group (a b))))
79 (defstruct (interleave
80 (:include %combination)
81 (:constructor make-interleave (a b))))
82 (defstruct (choice
83 (:include %combination)
84 (:constructor make-choice (a b))))
86 (defstruct (one-or-more
87 (:include %parent)
88 (:constructor make-one-or-more (child))))
89 (defstruct (list-pattern
90 (:include %parent)
91 (:constructor make-list-pattern (child))))
93 (defstruct (%ref (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
94 ref-name)
95 (defstruct (ref (:include %ref) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
96 (defstruct (parent-ref (:include %ref) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
98 (defstruct (empty (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
99 (defstruct (text (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
101 (defstruct (%typed-pattern (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
102 datatype-library
103 type)
105 (defstruct (value (:include %typed-pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
107 string)
109 (defstruct (data (:include %typed-pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
110 params
111 except)
113 (defstruct (not-allowed (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-")))
115 (defstruct (grammar (:include pattern) (:conc-name "PATTERN-"))
116 content)
119 ;;;; non-pattern
121 (defstruct param
122 name
123 string)
125 (defstruct start
126 combine
127 child)
129 (defstruct define
130 name
131 combine
132 child)
135 ;;;; parser
137 (defvar *rng-namespace* "")
139 (defun skip-foreign* (source)
140 (loop
141 (case (klacks:peek-next source)
142 (:start-element (skip-foreign source))
143 (:end-element (return)))))
145 (defun skip-to-native (source)
146 (loop
147 (case (klacks:peek source)
148 (:start-element
149 (when (equal (klacks:current-uri source) *rng-namespace*)
150 (return))
151 (klacks:serialize-element source nil))
152 (:end-element (return)))
153 (klacks:consume source)))
155 (defun consume-and-skip-to-native (source)
156 (klacks:consume source)
157 (skip-to-native source))
159 (defun skip-foreign (source)
160 (when (equal (klacks:current-uri source) *rng-namespace*)
161 (rng-error source
162 "invalid schema: ~A not allowed here"
163 (klacks:current-lname source)))
164 (klacks:serialize-element source nil))
166 (defun attribute (lname attrs)
167 (let ((a (sax:find-attribute-ns "" lname attrs)))
168 (if a
169 (sax:attribute-value a)
170 nil)))
172 (defvar *whitespace*
173 (format nil "~C~C~C"
174 (code-char 9)
175 (code-char 32)
176 (code-char 13)
177 (code-char 10)))
179 (defun ntc (lname source-or-attrs)
180 ;; used for (n)ame, (t)ype, and (c)ombine, this also strings whitespace
181 (let* ((attrs
182 (if (listp source-or-attrs)
183 source-or-attrs
184 (klacks:list-attributes source-or-attrs)))
185 (a (sax:find-attribute-ns "" lname attrs)))
186 (if a
187 (string-trim *whitespace* (sax:attribute-value a))
188 nil)))
190 (defmacro with-library-and-ns (attrs &body body)
191 `(invoke-with-library-and-ns (lambda () ,@body) ,attrs))
193 (defun invoke-with-library-and-ns (fn attrs)
194 (let* ((dl (attribute "datatypeLibrary" attrs))
195 (ns (attribute "ns" attrs))
196 (*datatype-library* (if dl (escape-uri dl) *datatype-library*))
197 (*namespace-uri* (or ns *namespace-uri*)))
198 (funcall fn)))
200 (defun p/pattern (source)
201 (let* ((lname (klacks:current-lname source))
202 (attrs (klacks:list-attributes source)))
203 (with-library-and-ns attrs
204 (case (find-symbol lname :keyword)
205 (:|element| (p/element source (ntc "name" attrs)))
206 (:|attribute| (p/attribute source (ntc "name" attrs)))
207 (:|group| (p/combination #'groupify source))
208 (:|interleave| (p/combination #'interleave-ify source))
209 (:|choice| (p/combination #'choice-ify source))
210 (:|optional| (p/optional source))
211 (:|zeroOrMore| (p/zero-or-more source))
212 (:|oneOrMore| (p/one-or-more source))
213 (:|list| (p/list source))
214 (:|mixed| (p/mixed source))
215 (:|ref| (p/ref source))
216 (:|parentRef| (p/parent-ref source))
217 (:|empty| (p/empty source))
218 (:|text| (p/text source))
219 (:|value| (p/value source))
220 (:|data| (p/data source))
221 (:|notAllowed| (p/not-allowed source))
222 (:|externalRef| (p/external-ref source))
223 (:|grammar| (p/grammar source))
224 (t (skip-foreign source))))))
226 (defun p/pattern+ (source)
227 (let ((children nil))
228 (loop
229 (case (klacks:peek source)
230 (:start-element
231 (let ((p (p/pattern source))) (when p (push p children))))
232 (:end-element
233 (return))
235 (klacks:consume source))))
236 (unless children
237 (rng-error source "empty element"))
238 (nreverse children)))
240 (defun p/pattern? (source)
241 (let ((result nil))
242 (loop
243 (skip-to-native source)
244 (case (klacks:peek source)
245 (:start-element
246 (when result
247 (rng-error source "at most one pattern expected here"))
248 (setf result (p/pattern source)))
249 (:end-element
250 (return))
252 (klacks:consume source))))
253 result))
255 (defun p/element (source name)
256 (klacks:expecting-element (source "element")
257 (let ((result (make-element)))
258 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
259 (if name
260 (setf (pattern-name result) (destructure-name source name))
261 (setf (pattern-name result) (p/name-class source)))
262 (skip-to-native source)
263 (setf (pattern-child result) (groupify (p/pattern+ source)))
264 result)))
266 (defvar *attribute-namespace-p* nil)
268 (defun p/attribute (source name)
269 (klacks:expecting-element (source "attribute")
270 (let ((result (make-attribute)))
271 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
272 (if name
273 (setf (pattern-name result)
274 (let ((*namespace-uri* ""))
275 (destructure-name source name)))
276 (setf (pattern-name result)
277 (let ((*attribute-namespace-p* t))
278 (p/name-class source))))
279 (skip-to-native source)
280 (setf (pattern-child result)
281 (or (p/pattern? source) (make-text)))
282 result)))
284 (defun p/combination (zipper source)
285 (klacks:expecting-element (source)
286 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
287 (funcall zipper (p/pattern+ source))))
289 (defun p/one-or-more (source)
290 (klacks:expecting-element (source "oneOrMore")
291 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
292 (let ((children (p/pattern+ source)))
293 (make-one-or-more (groupify children)))))
295 (defun p/zero-or-more (source)
296 (klacks:expecting-element (source "zeroOrMore")
297 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
298 (let ((children (p/pattern+ source)))
299 (make-choice (make-one-or-more (groupify children))
300 (make-empty)))))
302 (defun p/optional (source)
303 (klacks:expecting-element (source "optional")
304 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
305 (let ((children (p/pattern+ source)))
306 (make-choice (groupify children) (make-empty)))))
308 (defun p/list (source)
309 (klacks:expecting-element (source "list")
310 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
311 (let ((children (p/pattern+ source)))
312 (make-list-pattern (groupify children)))))
314 (defun p/mixed (source)
315 (klacks:expecting-element (source "mixed")
316 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
317 (let ((children (p/pattern+ source)))
318 (make-interleave (groupify children) (make-text)))))
320 (defun p/ref (source)
321 (klacks:expecting-element (source "ref")
322 (prog1
323 (make-ref :ref-name (ntc "name" source))
324 (skip-foreign* source))))
326 (defun p/parent-ref (source)
327 (klacks:expecting-element (source "parentRef")
328 (prog1
329 (make-parent-ref :ref-name (ntc "name" source))
330 (skip-foreign* source))))
332 (defun p/empty (source)
333 (klacks:expecting-element (source "empty")
334 (skip-foreign* source)
335 (make-empty)))
337 (defun p/text (source)
338 (klacks:expecting-element (source "text")
339 (skip-foreign* source)
340 (make-text)))
342 (defun consume-and-parse-characters (source)
343 ;; fixme
344 (let ((tmp ""))
345 (loop
346 (multiple-value-bind (key data) (klacks:peek-next source)
347 (case key
348 (:characters
349 (setf tmp (concatenate 'string tmp data)))
350 (:end-element (return)))))
351 tmp))
353 (defun p/value (source)
354 (klacks:expecting-element (source "value")
355 (let* ((type (ntc "type" source))
356 (string (consume-and-parse-characters source))
357 (ns *namespace-uri*)
358 (dl *datatype-library*))
359 (unless type
360 (setf type "token")
361 (setf dl ""))
362 (make-value :string string :type type :ns ns :datatype-library dl))))
364 (defun p/data (source)
365 (klacks:expecting-element (source "data")
366 (let* ((type (ntc "type" source))
367 (result (make-data :type type
368 :datatype-library *datatype-library*
370 (params '()))
371 (loop
372 (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname)
373 (klacks:peek-next source)
375 (case key
376 (:start-element
377 (case (find-symbol lname :keyword)
378 (:|param| (push (p/param source) params))
379 (:|except|
380 (setf (pattern-except result) (p/except-pattern source))
381 (skip-to-native source)
382 (return))
383 (t (skip-foreign source))))
384 (:end-element
385 (return)))))
386 (setf (pattern-params result) (nreverse params))
387 result)))
389 (defun p/param (source)
390 (klacks:expecting-element (source "param")
391 (let ((name (ntc "name" source))
392 (string (consume-and-parse-characters source)))
393 (make-param :name name :string string))))
395 (defun p/except-pattern (source)
396 (klacks:expecting-element (source "except")
397 (with-library-and-ns (klacks:list-attributes source)
398 (klacks:consume source)
399 (choice-ify (p/pattern+ source)))))
401 (defun p/not-allowed (source)
402 (klacks:expecting-element (source "notAllowed")
403 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
404 (make-not-allowed)))
406 (defun safe-parse-uri (source str &optional base)
407 (when (zerop (length str))
408 (rng-error source "missing URI"))
409 (handler-case
410 (if base
411 (puri:merge-uris str base)
412 (puri:parse-uri str))
413 (puri:uri-parse-error ()
414 (rng-error source "invalid URI: ~A" str))))
416 (defun p/external-ref (source)
417 (klacks:expecting-element (source "externalRef")
418 (let* ((href
419 (escape-uri (attribute "href" (klacks:list-attributes source))))
420 (base (klacks:current-xml-base source))
421 (uri (safe-parse-uri source href base)))
422 (when (find uri *include-uri-stack* :test #'puri:uri=)
423 (rng-error source "looping include"))
424 (prog1
425 (let* ((*include-uri-stack* (cons uri *include-uri-stack*))
426 (xstream
427 (cxml::xstream-open-extid* *entity-resolver* nil uri)))
428 (klacks:with-open-source (source (cxml:make-source xstream))
429 (invoke-with-klacks-handler
430 (lambda ()
431 (klacks:find-event source :start-element)
432 (let ((*datatype-library* ""))
433 (p/pattern source)))
434 source)))
435 (skip-foreign* source)))))
437 (defun p/grammar (source)
438 (klacks:expecting-element (source "grammar")
439 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
440 (make-grammar :content (p/grammar-content* source))))
442 (defun p/grammar-content* (source &key disallow-include)
443 (loop
444 append
445 (prog1
446 (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname) (klacks:peek source)
448 (case key
449 (:start-element
450 (with-library-and-ns (klacks:list-attributes source)
451 (case (find-symbol lname :keyword)
452 (:|start| (list (p/start source)))
453 (:|define| (list (p/define source)))
454 (:|div| (p/div source))
455 (:|include|
456 (when disallow-include
457 (rng-error source "nested include not permitted"))
458 (p/include source))
460 (skip-foreign source)
461 nil))))
462 (:end-element
463 (loop-finish))))
464 (klacks:consume source))))
466 (defun p/start (source)
467 (klacks:expecting-element (source "start")
468 (let ((combine (ntc "combine" source))
469 (child
470 (progn
471 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
472 (p/pattern source))))
473 (skip-foreign* source)
474 (make-start :combine (find-symbol (string-upcase combine) :keyword)
475 :child child))))
477 (defun zip (constructor children)
478 (cond
479 ((null children)
480 (rng-error nil "empty choice?"))
481 ((null (cdr children))
482 (car children))
484 (destructuring-bind (a b &rest rest)
485 children
486 (zip constructor (cons (funcall constructor a b) rest))))))
488 (defun choice-ify (children) (zip #'make-choice children))
489 (defun groupify (children) (zip #'make-group children))
490 (defun interleave-ify (children) (zip #'make-interleave children))
492 (defun p/define (source)
493 (klacks:expecting-element (source "define")
494 (let ((name (ntc "name" source))
495 (combine (ntc "combine" source))
496 (children (progn
497 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
498 (p/pattern+ source))))
499 (make-define :name name
500 :combine (find-symbol (string-upcase combine) :keyword)
501 :child (groupify children)))))
503 (defun p/div (source)
504 (klacks:expecting-element (source "div")
505 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
506 (p/grammar-content* source)))
508 (defun p/include (source)
509 (klacks:expecting-element (source "include")
510 (let* ((href
511 (escape-uri (attribute "href" (klacks:list-attributes source))))
512 (base (klacks:current-xml-base source))
513 (uri (safe-parse-uri source href base))
514 (include-content
515 (progn
516 (consume-and-skip-to-native source)
517 (p/grammar-content* source :disallow-include t))))
518 (when (find uri *include-uri-stack* :test #'puri:uri=)
519 (rng-error source "looping include"))
520 (let* ((*include-uri-stack* (cons uri *include-uri-stack*))
521 (xstream (cxml::xstream-open-extid* *entity-resolver* nil uri))
522 (grammar
523 (klacks:with-open-source (source (cxml:make-source xstream))
524 (invoke-with-klacks-handler
525 (lambda ()
526 (klacks:find-event source :start-element)
527 (let ((*datatype-library* ""))
528 (p/grammar source)))
529 source)))
530 (grammar-content (pattern-content grammar)))
531 (append
532 (simplify-include source grammar-content include-content)
533 include-content)))))
535 (defun simplify-include/map (fn l)
536 (remove nil (mapcar fn l)))
538 (defun simplify-include/start (source grammar-content include-content)
539 (let ((startp (some (lambda (x) (typep x 'start)) include-content)))
540 (if startp
541 (let ((ok nil))
542 (prog1
543 (remove-if (lambda (x)
544 (when (typep x 'start)
545 (setf ok t)
547 grammar-content)
548 (unless ok
549 (rng-error source "expected start in grammar"))))
550 grammar-content)))
552 (defun simplify-include/define (source grammar-content include-content)
553 (let ((defines '()))
554 (dolist (x include-content)
555 (when (typep x 'define)
556 (push (cons x nil) defines)))
557 (prog1
558 (remove-if (lambda (x)
559 (when (typep x 'define)
560 (let ((cons (find (define-name x)
561 defines
562 :key (lambda (y)
563 (define-name (car y)))
564 :test #'equal)))
565 (when cons
566 (setf (cdr cons) t)
567 t))))
568 grammar-content)
569 (loop for (define . okp) in defines do
570 (unless okp
571 (rng-error source "expected matching ~A in grammar" define))))))
573 (defun simplify-include (source grammar-content include-content)
574 (simplify-include/define
575 source
576 (simplify-include/start source grammar-content include-content)
577 include-content))
579 (defvar *any-name-allowed-p* t)
580 (defvar *ns-name-allowed-p* t)
582 (defun destructure-name (source qname)
583 (multiple-value-bind (uri lname)
584 (klacks:decode-qname qname source)
585 (setf uri (or uri *namespace-uri*))
586 (when (and *attribute-namespace-p*
587 (or (and (equal lname "xmlns") (equal uri ""))
588 (equal uri "")))
589 (rng-error source "namespace attribute not permitted"))
590 (list :name lname uri)))
592 (defun p/name-class (source)
593 (klacks:expecting-element (source)
594 (with-library-and-ns (klacks:list-attributes source)
595 (case (find-symbol (klacks:current-lname source) :keyword)
596 (:|name|
597 (let ((qname (string-trim *whitespace*
598 (consume-and-parse-characters source))))
599 (destructure-name source qname)))
600 (:|anyName|
601 (unless *any-name-allowed-p*
602 (rng-error source "anyname now permitted in except"))
603 (klacks:consume source)
604 (prog1
605 (let ((*any-name-allowed-p* nil))
606 (cons :any (p/except-name-class? source)))
607 (skip-to-native source)))
608 (:|nsName|
609 (unless *ns-name-allowed-p*
610 (rng-error source "nsname now permitted in except"))
611 (let ((uri *namespace-uri*)
612 (*any-name-allowed-p* nil)
613 (*ns-name-allowed-p* nil))
614 (when (and *attribute-namespace-p*
615 (equal uri ""))
616 (rng-error source "namespace attribute not permitted"))
617 (klacks:consume source)
618 (prog1
619 (list :nsname uri (p/except-name-class? source))
620 (skip-to-native source))))
621 (:|choice|
622 (klacks:consume source)
623 (cons :choice (p/name-class* source)))
625 (rng-error source "invalid child in except"))))))
627 (defun p/name-class* (source)
628 (let ((results nil))
629 (loop
630 (skip-to-native source)
631 (case (klacks:peek source)
632 (:start-element (push (p/name-class source) results))
633 (:end-element (return)))
634 (klacks:consume source))
635 (nreverse results)))
637 (defun p/except-name-class? (source)
638 (skip-to-native source)
639 (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname)
640 (klacks:peek source)
642 (if (and (eq key :start-element)
643 (string= (find-symbol lname :keyword) "except"))
644 (p/except-name-class source)
645 nil)))
647 (defun p/except-name-class (source)
648 (klacks:expecting-element (source "except")
649 (with-library-and-ns (klacks:list-attributes source)
650 (klacks:consume source)
651 (cons :except (p/name-class* source)))))
653 (defun escape-uri (string)
654 (with-output-to-string (out)
655 (loop for c across (cxml::rod-to-utf8-string string) do
656 (let ((code (char-code c)))
657 ;;
658 (if (or (>= code 127) (<= code 32) (find c "<>\"{}|\\^`"))
659 (format out "%~2,'0X" code)
660 (write-char c out))))))
663 ;;;; unparsing
665 (defun serialize-grammar (grammar sink)
666 (cxml:with-xml-output sink
667 (serialize-pattern grammar)))
669 (defun serialize-pattern (pattern)
670 (etypecase pattern
671 (element
672 (cxml:with-element "element"
673 (serialize-name (pattern-name pattern))
674 (serialize-pattern (pattern-child pattern))))
675 (attribute
676 (cxml:with-element "attribute"
677 (serialize-name (pattern-name pattern))
678 (serialize-pattern (pattern-child pattern))))
679 (%combination
680 (cxml:with-element
681 (etypecase pattern
682 (group "group")
683 (interleave "interleave")
684 (choice "choice"))
685 (serialize-pattern (pattern-a pattern))
686 (serialize-pattern (pattern-b pattern))))
687 (one-or-more
688 (cxml:with-element "oneOrmore"
689 (serialize-pattern (pattern-child pattern))))
690 (list-pattern
691 (cxml:with-element "list"
692 (serialize-pattern (pattern-child pattern))))
693 (ref
694 (cxml:with-element "ref"
695 (cxml:attribute "name" (pattern-ref-name pattern))))
696 (parent-ref
697 (cxml:with-element "parentRef"
698 (cxml:attribute "name" (pattern-ref-name pattern))))
699 (empty
700 (cxml:with-element "empty"))
701 (not-allowed
702 (cxml:with-element "notAllowed"))
703 (text
704 (cxml:with-element "text"))
705 (value
706 (cxml:with-element "value"
707 (cxml:attribute "datatype-library"
708 (pattern-datatype-library pattern))
709 (cxml:attribute "type" (pattern-type pattern))
710 (cxml:attribute "ns" (pattern-ns pattern))
711 (cxml:text (pattern-string pattern))))
712 (data
713 (cxml:with-element "value"
714 (cxml:attribute "datatype-library"
715 (pattern-datatype-library pattern))
716 (cxml:attribute "type" (pattern-type pattern))
717 (dolist (param (pattern-params pattern))
718 (cxml:with-element "param"
719 (cxml:attribute "name" (param-name param))
720 (cxml:text (param-string param))))
721 (when (pattern-except pattern)
722 (cxml:with-element "except"
723 (serialize-pattern (pattern-except pattern))))))))
725 (defun serialize-name (name)
726 (ecase (car name)
727 (:name
728 (cxml:with-element "name"
729 (destructuring-bind (lname uri)
730 (cdr name)
731 (cxml:attribute "ns" uri)
732 (cxml:text lname))))
733 (:any
734 (cxml:with-element "anyName"
735 (when (cdr name)
736 (serialize-except-name name))))
737 (:nsname
738 (cxml:with-element "anyName"
739 (destructuring-bind (uri except)
740 (cdr name)
741 (cxml:attribute "ns" uri)
742 (when except
743 (serialize-except-name name)))))
744 (:choice
745 (cxml:with-element "choice"
746 (mapc #'serialize-name (cdr name))))))
748 (defun serialize-except-name (spec)
749 (cxml:with-element "except"
750 (mapc #'serialize-name (cdr spec))))
753 ;;;; simplification
755 ;;; 4.1 Annotations
756 ;;; Foreign attributes and elements are removed implicitly while parsing.
758 ;;; 4.2 Whitespace
759 ;;; All character data is discarded while parsing (which can only be
760 ;;; whitespace after validation).
762 ;;; Whitespace in name, type, and combine attributes is stripped while
763 ;;; parsing. Ditto for <name/>.
765 ;;; 4.3. datatypeLibrary attribute
766 ;;; Escaping is done by p/pattern.
767 ;;; Attribute value defaulting is done using *datatype-library*; only
768 ;;; p/data and p/value record the computed value.
770 ;;; 4.4. type attribute of value element
771 ;;; Done by p/value.
773 ;;; 4.5. href attribute
774 ;;; Escaping is done by p/include and p/external-ref.
776 ;;; FIXME: Mime-type handling should be the job of the entity resolver,
777 ;;; but that requires xstream hacking.
779 ;;; 4.6. externalRef element
780 ;;; Done by p/external-ref.
782 ;;; 4.7. include element
783 ;;; Done by p/include.
785 ;;; 4.8. name attribute of element and attribute elements
786 ;;; `name' is stored as a slot, not a child. Done by p/element and
787 ;;; p/attribute.
789 ;;; 4.9. ns attribute
790 ;;; done by p/name-class, p/value, p/element, p/attribute
792 ;;; 4.10. QNames
793 ;;; done by p/name-class
795 ;;; 4.11. div element
796 ;;; Legen wir gar nicht erst an.
798 ;;; 4.12. 4.13 4.14 4.15
799 ;;; beim anlegen
801 ;;; 4.16
802 ;;; p/name-class
803 ;;; -- ausser der sache mit den datentypen
805 ;;;; tests
807 (defun run-tests (&optional (p "/home/david/src/lisp/cxml-rng/spec-split/*"))
808 (dribble "/home/david/src/lisp/cxml-rng/TEST" :if-exists :rename-and-delete)
809 (let ((pass 0)
810 (total 0)
811 (*package* (find-package :cxml-rng)))
812 (dolist (d (directory p))
813 (let ((name (car (last (pathname-directory d)))))
814 (when (parse-integer name :junk-allowed t)
815 (incf total)
816 (when (test1 d)
817 (incf pass)))))
818 (format t "Passed ~D/~D tests.~%" pass total))
819 (dribble))
821 (defun run-test (n &optional (p "/home/david/src/lisp/cxml-rng/spec-split/"))
822 (test1 (merge-pathnames (format nil "~3,'0D/" n) p)))
824 (defun parse-test (n &optional (p "/home/david/src/lisp/cxml-rng/spec-split/"))
825 (let* ((*debug* t)
826 (d (merge-pathnames (format nil "~3,'0D/" n) p))
827 (i (merge-pathnames "i.rng" d))
828 (c (merge-pathnames "c.rng" d))
829 (rng (if (probe-file c) c i)))
830 (format t "~A: " (car (last (pathname-directory d))))
831 (print rng)
832 (parse-relax-ng rng)))
834 (defun test1 (d)
835 (let* ((i (merge-pathnames "i.rng" d))
836 (c (merge-pathnames "c.rng" d)))
837 (format t "~A: " (car (last (pathname-directory d))))
838 (if (probe-file c)
839 (handler-case
840 (progn
841 (parse-relax-ng c)
842 (format t " PASS~%")
844 (error (c)
845 (format t " FAIL: ~A~%" c)
846 nil))
847 (handler-case
848 (progn
849 (parse-relax-ng i)
850 (format t " FAIL: didn't detect invalid schema~%")
851 nil)
852 (rng-error (c)
853 (format t " PASS: ~S~%" (type-of c))
855 (error (c)
856 (format t " FAIL: incorrect condition type: ~A~%" c)
857 nil)))))