Add some filenames with single quotes to main test repo.
[cvs2svn.git] / test-data / main-cvsrepos / single-files / can't-avoid-quotes,v
1 head    1.2;
2 access;
3 symbols
4         after:1.2;
5 locks
6         maxb:1.2; strict;
7 comment @ * @;
10 1.2
11 date    2002.;    author jrandom; state Exp;
12 branches;
13 next    1.1;
15 1.1
16 date    2002.;    author jrandom; state Exp;
17 branches;
18 next    ;
21 desc
25 1.2
26 log
27 @*** empty log message ***
29 text
30 @hello
31 modified after checked in
37 1.1
38 log
39 @*** empty log message ***
41 text
42 @d2 2