Expound on the handling of NTDBR parents.
[cvs2svn.git] / cvs2svn_lib / symbol_statistics.py
1 # (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
3 # ====================================================================
4 # Copyright (c) 2000-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
6 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
7 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
8 # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
9 # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
10 # newer version instead, at your option.
12 # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
13 # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
14 # history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
15 # ====================================================================
17 """This module gathers and processes statistics about lines of development."""
19 import cPickle
21 from cvs2svn_lib import config
22 from cvs2svn_lib.common import error_prefix
23 from cvs2svn_lib.common import FatalException
24 from cvs2svn_lib.log import logger
25 from cvs2svn_lib.artifact_manager import artifact_manager
26 from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Trunk
27 from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import IncludedSymbol
28 from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Branch
29 from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Tag
30 from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import ExcludedSymbol
33 class SymbolPlanError(FatalException):
34 pass
37 class SymbolPlanException(SymbolPlanError):
38 def __init__(self, stats, symbol, msg):
39 self.stats = stats
40 self.symbol = symbol
41 SymbolPlanError.__init__(
42 self,
43 'Cannot convert the following symbol to %s: %s\n %s'
44 % (symbol, msg, self.stats,)
48 class IndeterminateSymbolException(SymbolPlanException):
49 def __init__(self, stats, symbol):
50 SymbolPlanException.__init__(self, stats, symbol, 'Indeterminate type')
53 class _Stats:
54 """A summary of information about a symbol (tag or branch).
56 Members:
58 lod -- the LineOfDevelopment instance of the lod being described
60 tag_create_count -- the number of files in which this lod appears
61 as a tag
63 branch_create_count -- the number of files in which this lod
64 appears as a branch
66 branch_commit_count -- the number of files in which there were
67 commits on this lod
69 trivial_import_count -- the number of files in which this branch
70 was purely a non-trunk default branch containing exactly one
71 revision.
73 pure_ntdb_count -- the number of files in which this branch was
74 purely a non-trunk default branch (consisting only of
75 non-trunk default branch revisions).
77 branch_blockers -- a set of Symbol instances for any symbols that
78 sprout from a branch with this name.
80 possible_parents -- a map {LineOfDevelopment : count} indicating
81 in how many files each LOD could have served as the parent of
82 self.lod."""
84 def __init__(self, lod):
85 self.lod = lod
86 self.tag_create_count = 0
87 self.branch_create_count = 0
88 self.branch_commit_count = 0
89 self.branch_blockers = set()
90 self.trivial_import_count = 0
91 self.pure_ntdb_count = 0
92 self.possible_parents = { }
94 def register_tag_creation(self):
95 """Register the creation of this lod as a tag."""
97 self.tag_create_count += 1
99 def register_branch_creation(self):
100 """Register the creation of this lod as a branch."""
102 self.branch_create_count += 1
104 def register_branch_commit(self):
105 """Register that there were commit(s) on this branch in one file."""
107 self.branch_commit_count += 1
109 def register_branch_blocker(self, blocker):
110 """Register BLOCKER as preventing this symbol from being deleted.
112 BLOCKER is a tag or a branch that springs from a revision on this
113 symbol."""
115 self.branch_blockers.add(blocker)
117 def register_trivial_import(self):
118 """Register that this branch is a trivial import branch in one file."""
120 self.trivial_import_count += 1
122 def register_pure_ntdb(self):
123 """Register that this branch is a pure import branch in one file."""
125 self.pure_ntdb_count += 1
127 def register_possible_parent(self, lod):
128 """Register that LOD was a possible parent for SELF.lod in a file."""
130 self.possible_parents[lod] = self.possible_parents.get(lod, 0) + 1
132 def register_branch_possible_parents(self, cvs_branch, cvs_file_items):
133 """Register any possible parents of this symbol from CVS_BRANCH."""
135 # This routine is a bottleneck. So we define some local variables
136 # to speed up access to frequently-needed variables.
137 register = self.register_possible_parent
138 parent_cvs_rev = cvs_file_items[cvs_branch.source_id]
140 # The "obvious" parent of a branch is the branch holding the
141 # revision where the branch is rooted:
142 register(parent_cvs_rev.lod)
144 # If the parent revision is a non-trunk default (vendor) branch
145 # revision, then count trunk as a possible parent. In particular,
146 # the symbol could be grafted to the post-commit that copies the
147 # vendor branch changes to trunk. On the other hand, our vendor
148 # branch handling is currently too stupid to do so. On the other
149 # other hand, when the vendor branch is being excluded from the
150 # conversion, then the vendor branch revision will be moved to
151 # trunk, again making trunk a possible parent--and *this* our code
152 # can handle. In the end, considering trunk a possible parent can
153 # never affect the correctness of the conversion, and on balance
154 # seems to improve the selection of symbol parents.
155 if parent_cvs_rev.ntdbr:
156 register(cvs_file_items.trunk)
158 # Any other branches that are rooted at the same revision and
159 # were committed earlier than the branch are also possible
160 # parents:
161 symbol = cvs_branch.symbol
162 for branch_id in parent_cvs_rev.branch_ids:
163 parent_symbol = cvs_file_items[branch_id].symbol
164 # A branch cannot be its own parent, nor can a branch's
165 # parent be a branch that was created after it. So we stop
166 # iterating when we reached the branch whose parents we are
167 # collecting:
168 if parent_symbol == symbol:
169 break
170 register(parent_symbol)
172 def register_tag_possible_parents(self, cvs_tag, cvs_file_items):
173 """Register any possible parents of this symbol from CVS_TAG."""
175 # This routine is a bottleneck. So use local variables to speed
176 # up access to frequently-needed objects.
177 register = self.register_possible_parent
178 parent_cvs_rev = cvs_file_items[cvs_tag.source_id]
180 # The "obvious" parent of a tag is the branch holding the
181 # revision where the branch is rooted:
182 register(parent_cvs_rev.lod)
184 # Branches that are rooted at the same revision are also
185 # possible parents:
186 for branch_id in parent_cvs_rev.branch_ids:
187 parent_symbol = cvs_file_items[branch_id].symbol
188 register(parent_symbol)
190 def is_ghost(self):
191 """Return True iff this lod never really existed."""
193 return (
194 not isinstance(self.lod, Trunk)
195 and self.branch_commit_count == 0
196 and not self.branch_blockers
197 and not self.possible_parents
200 def check_valid(self, symbol):
201 """Check whether SYMBOL is a valid conversion of SELF.lod.
203 It is planned to convert SELF.lod as SYMBOL. Verify that SYMBOL
204 is a TypedSymbol and that the information that it contains is
205 consistent with that stored in SELF.lod. (This routine does not
206 do higher-level tests of whether the chosen conversion is actually
207 sensible.) If there are any problems, raise a
208 SymbolPlanException."""
210 if not isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, Branch, Tag, ExcludedSymbol)):
211 raise IndeterminateSymbolException(self, symbol)
213 if symbol.id != self.lod.id:
214 raise SymbolPlanException(self, symbol, 'IDs must match')
216 if symbol.project != self.lod.project:
217 raise SymbolPlanException(self, symbol, 'Projects must match')
219 if isinstance(symbol, IncludedSymbol) and symbol.name != self.lod.name:
220 raise SymbolPlanException(self, symbol, 'Names must match')
222 def check_preferred_parent_allowed(self, symbol):
223 """Check that SYMBOL's preferred_parent_id is an allowed parent.
225 SYMBOL is the planned conversion of SELF.lod. Verify that its
226 preferred_parent_id is a possible parent of SELF.lod. If not,
227 raise a SymbolPlanException describing the problem."""
229 if isinstance(symbol, IncludedSymbol) \
230 and symbol.preferred_parent_id is not None:
231 for pp in self.possible_parents.keys():
232 if pp.id == symbol.preferred_parent_id:
233 return
234 else:
235 raise SymbolPlanException(
236 self, symbol,
237 'The selected parent is not among the symbol\'s '
238 'possible parents.'
241 def __str__(self):
242 return (
243 '\'%s\' is '
244 'a tag in %d files, '
245 'a branch in %d files, '
246 'a trivial import in %d files, '
247 'a pure import in %d files, '
248 'and has commits in %d files'
249 % (self.lod, self.tag_create_count, self.branch_create_count,
250 self.trivial_import_count, self.pure_ntdb_count,
251 self.branch_commit_count)
254 def __repr__(self):
255 retval = ['%s\n possible parents:\n' % (self,)]
256 parent_counts = self.possible_parents.items()
257 parent_counts.sort(lambda a,b: - cmp(a[1], b[1]))
258 for (symbol, count) in parent_counts:
259 if isinstance(symbol, Trunk):
260 retval.append(' trunk : %d\n' % count)
261 else:
262 retval.append(' \'%s\' : %d\n' % (symbol.name, count))
263 if self.branch_blockers:
264 blockers = list(self.branch_blockers)
265 blockers.sort()
266 retval.append(' blockers:\n')
267 for blocker in blockers:
268 retval.append(' \'%s\'\n' % (blocker,))
269 return ''.join(retval)
272 class SymbolStatisticsCollector:
273 """Collect statistics about lines of development.
275 Record a summary of information about each line of development in
276 the RCS files for later storage into a database. The database is
277 created in CollectRevsPass and it is used in CollateSymbolsPass (via
278 the SymbolStatistics class).
280 collect_data._SymbolDataCollector inserts information into instances
281 of this class by by calling its register_*() methods.
283 Its main purpose is to assist in the decisions about which symbols
284 can be treated as branches and tags and which may be excluded.
286 The data collected by this class can be written to the file
287 config.SYMBOL_STATISTICS."""
289 def __init__(self):
290 # A map { lod -> _Stats } for all lines of development:
291 self._stats = { }
293 def __getitem__(self, lod):
294 """Return the _Stats record for line of development LOD.
296 Create and register a new one if necessary."""
298 try:
299 return self._stats[lod]
300 except KeyError:
301 stats = _Stats(lod)
302 self._stats[lod] = stats
303 return stats
305 def register(self, cvs_file_items):
306 """Register the statistics for each symbol in CVS_FILE_ITEMS."""
308 for lod_items in cvs_file_items.iter_lods():
309 if lod_items.lod is not None:
310 branch_stats = self[lod_items.lod]
312 branch_stats.register_branch_creation()
314 if lod_items.cvs_revisions:
315 branch_stats.register_branch_commit()
317 if lod_items.is_trivial_import():
318 branch_stats.register_trivial_import()
320 if lod_items.is_pure_ntdb():
321 branch_stats.register_pure_ntdb()
323 for cvs_symbol in lod_items.iter_blockers():
324 branch_stats.register_branch_blocker(cvs_symbol.symbol)
326 if lod_items.cvs_branch is not None:
327 branch_stats.register_branch_possible_parents(
328 lod_items.cvs_branch, cvs_file_items
331 for cvs_tag in lod_items.cvs_tags:
332 tag_stats = self[cvs_tag.symbol]
334 tag_stats.register_tag_creation()
336 tag_stats.register_tag_possible_parents(cvs_tag, cvs_file_items)
338 def purge_ghost_symbols(self):
339 """Purge any symbols that don't have any activity.
341 Such ghost symbols can arise if a symbol was defined in an RCS
342 file but pointed at a non-existent revision."""
344 for stats in self._stats.values():
345 if stats.is_ghost():
346 logger.warn('Deleting ghost symbol: %s' % (stats.lod,))
347 del self._stats[stats.lod]
349 def close(self):
350 """Store the stats database to the SYMBOL_STATISTICS file."""
352 f = open(artifact_manager.get_temp_file(config.SYMBOL_STATISTICS), 'wb')
353 cPickle.dump(self._stats.values(), f, -1)
354 f.close()
355 self._stats = None
358 class SymbolStatistics:
359 """Read and handle line of development statistics.
361 The statistics are read from a database created by
362 SymbolStatisticsCollector. This class has methods to process the
363 statistics information and help with decisions about:
365 1. What tags and branches should be processed/excluded
367 2. What tags should be forced to be branches and vice versa (this
368 class maintains some statistics to help the user decide)
370 3. Are there inconsistencies?
372 - A symbol that is sometimes a branch and sometimes a tag
374 - A forced branch with commit(s) on it
376 - A non-excluded branch depends on an excluded branch
378 The data in this class is read from a pickle file."""
380 def __init__(self, filename):
381 """Read the stats database from FILENAME."""
383 # A map { LineOfDevelopment -> _Stats } for all lines of
384 # development:
385 self._stats = { }
387 # A map { LineOfDevelopment.id -> _Stats } for all lines of
388 # development:
389 self._stats_by_id = { }
391 stats_list = cPickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
393 for stats in stats_list:
394 self._stats[stats.lod] = stats
395 self._stats_by_id[stats.lod.id] = stats
397 def __len__(self):
398 return len(self._stats)
400 def __getitem__(self, lod_id):
401 return self._stats_by_id[lod_id]
403 def get_stats(self, lod):
404 """Return the _Stats object for LineOfDevelopment instance LOD.
406 Raise KeyError if no such lod exists."""
408 return self._stats[lod]
410 def __iter__(self):
411 return self._stats.itervalues()
413 def _check_blocked_excludes(self, symbol_map):
414 """Check for any excluded LODs that are blocked by non-excluded symbols.
416 If any are found, describe the problem to logger.error() and raise
417 a FatalException."""
419 # A list of (lod,[blocker,...]) tuples for excludes that are
420 # blocked by the specified non-excluded blockers:
421 problems = []
423 for lod in symbol_map.itervalues():
424 if isinstance(lod, ExcludedSymbol):
425 # Symbol is excluded; make sure that its blockers are also
426 # excluded:
427 lod_blockers = []
428 for blocker in self.get_stats(lod).branch_blockers:
429 if isinstance(symbol_map.get(blocker, None), IncludedSymbol):
430 lod_blockers.append(blocker)
431 if lod_blockers:
432 problems.append((lod, lod_blockers))
434 if problems:
435 s = []
436 for (lod, lod_blockers) in problems:
437 s.append(
438 '%s: %s cannot be excluded because the following symbols '
439 'depend on it:\n'
440 % (error_prefix, lod,)
442 for blocker in lod_blockers:
443 s.append(' %s\n' % (blocker,))
444 s.append('\n')
445 logger.error(''.join(s))
447 raise FatalException()
449 def _check_invalid_tags(self, symbol_map):
450 """Check for commits on any symbols that are to be converted as tags.
452 SYMBOL_MAP is a map {AbstractSymbol : (Trunk|TypedSymbol)}
453 indicating how each AbstractSymbol is to be converted. If there
454 is a commit on a symbol, then it cannot be converted as a tag. If
455 any tags with commits are found, output error messages describing
456 the problems then raise a FatalException."""
458 logger.quiet("Checking for forced tags with commits...")
460 invalid_tags = [ ]
461 for symbol in symbol_map.itervalues():
462 if isinstance(symbol, Tag):
463 stats = self.get_stats(symbol)
464 if stats.branch_commit_count > 0:
465 invalid_tags.append(symbol)
467 if not invalid_tags:
468 # No problems found:
469 return
471 s = []
472 s.append(
473 '%s: The following branches cannot be forced to be tags '
474 'because they have commits:\n'
475 % (error_prefix,)
477 for tag in invalid_tags:
478 s.append(' %s\n' % (tag.name))
479 s.append('\n')
480 logger.error(''.join(s))
482 raise FatalException()
484 def check_consistency(self, symbol_map):
485 """Check the plan for how to convert symbols for consistency.
487 SYMBOL_MAP is a map {AbstractSymbol : (Trunk|TypedSymbol)}
488 indicating how each AbstractSymbol is to be converted. If any
489 problems are detected, describe the problem to logger.error() and
490 raise a FatalException."""
492 # We want to do all of the consistency checks even if one of them
493 # fails, so that the user gets as much feedback as possible. Set
494 # this variable to True if any errors are found.
495 error_found = False
497 # Check that the planned preferred parents are OK for all
498 # IncludedSymbols:
499 for lod in symbol_map.itervalues():
500 if isinstance(lod, IncludedSymbol):
501 stats = self.get_stats(lod)
502 try:
503 stats.check_preferred_parent_allowed(lod)
504 except SymbolPlanException, e:
505 logger.error('%s\n' % (e,))
506 error_found = True
508 try:
509 self._check_blocked_excludes(symbol_map)
510 except FatalException:
511 error_found = True
513 try:
514 self._check_invalid_tags(symbol_map)
515 except FatalException:
516 error_found = True
518 if error_found:
519 raise FatalException(
520 'Please fix the above errors and restart CollateSymbolsPass'
523 def exclude_symbol(self, symbol):
524 """SYMBOL has been excluded; remove it from our statistics."""
526 del self._stats[symbol]
527 del self._stats_by_id[symbol.id]
529 # Remove references to this symbol from other statistics objects:
530 for stats in self._stats.itervalues():
531 stats.branch_blockers.discard(symbol)
532 if symbol in stats.possible_parents:
533 del stats.possible_parents[symbol]