Limit the maximum number of files open at a time.
[cvs2svn.git] / cvs2svn_lib /
1 # (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
3 # ====================================================================
4 # Copyright (c) 2000-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
6 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
7 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
8 # are also available at
9 # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
10 # newer version instead, at your option.
12 # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
13 # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
14 # history and logs, available at
15 # ====================================================================
17 """This module contains common facilities used by cvs2svn."""
20 import re
21 import time
22 import codecs
24 from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log
27 # Always use these constants for opening databases.
28 DB_OPEN_READ = 'r'
29 DB_OPEN_WRITE = 'w'
30 DB_OPEN_NEW = 'n'
36 # Warnings and errors start with these strings. They are typically
37 # followed by a colon and a space, as in "%s: " ==> "WARNING: ".
38 warning_prefix = "WARNING"
39 error_prefix = "ERROR"
42 class FatalException(Exception):
43 """Exception thrown on a non-recoverable error.
45 If this exception is thrown by main(), it is caught by the global
46 layer of the program, its string representation is printed (followed
47 by a newline), and the program is ended with an exit code of 1."""
49 pass
52 class InternalError(Exception):
53 """Exception thrown in the case of a cvs2svn internal error (aka, bug)."""
55 pass
58 class FatalError(FatalException):
59 """A FatalException that prepends error_prefix to the message."""
61 def __init__(self, msg):
62 """Use (error_prefix + ': ' + MSG) as the error message."""
64 FatalException.__init__(self, '%s: %s' % (error_prefix, msg,))
67 class CommandError(FatalError):
68 """A FatalError caused by a failed command invocation.
70 The error message includes the command name, exit code, and output."""
72 def __init__(self, command, exit_status, error_output=''):
73 self.command = command
74 self.exit_status = exit_status
75 self.error_output = error_output
76 if error_output.rstrip():
77 FatalError.__init__(
78 self,
79 'The command %r failed with exit status=%s\n'
80 'and the following output:\n'
81 '%s'
82 % (self.command, self.exit_status, self.error_output.rstrip()))
83 else:
84 FatalError.__init__(
85 self,
86 'The command %r failed with exit status=%s and no output'
87 % (self.command, self.exit_status))
90 def path_join(*components):
91 """Join two or more pathname COMPONENTS, inserting '/' as needed.
92 Empty component are skipped."""
94 return '/'.join(filter(None, components))
97 def path_split(path):
98 """Split the svn pathname PATH into a pair, (HEAD, TAIL).
100 This is similar to os.path.split(), but always uses '/' as path
101 separator. PATH is an svn path, which should not start with a '/'.
102 HEAD is everything before the last slash, and TAIL is everything
103 after. If PATH ends in a slash, TAIL will be empty. If there is no
104 slash in PATH, HEAD will be empty. If PATH is empty, both HEAD and
105 TAIL are empty."""
107 pos = path.rfind('/')
108 if pos == -1:
109 return ('', path,)
110 else:
111 return (path[:pos], path[pos+1:],)
114 class IllegalSVNPathError(FatalException):
115 pass
118 # Control characters (characters not allowed in Subversion filenames):
119 ctrl_characters_regexp = re.compile('[\\\x00-\\\x1f\\\x7f]')
122 def verify_svn_filename_legal(filename):
123 """Verify that FILENAME is a legal filename.
125 FILENAME is a path component of a CVS path. Check that it won't
126 choke SVN:
128 - Check that it is not empty.
130 - Check that it is not equal to '.' or '..'.
132 - Check that the filename does not include any control characters.
134 If any of these tests fail, raise an IllegalSVNPathError."""
136 if filename == '':
137 raise IllegalSVNPathError("Empty filename component.")
139 if filename in ['.', '..']:
140 raise IllegalSVNPathError("Illegal filename component %r." % (filename,))
142 m =
143 if m:
144 raise IllegalSVNPathError(
145 "Character %r in filename %r is not supported by Subversion."
146 % (, filename,)
150 def verify_svn_path_legal(path):
151 """Verify that PATH is a legitimate SVN path.
153 If not, raise an IllegalSVNPathError."""
155 if path.startswith('/'):
156 raise IllegalSVNPathError("Path %r must not start with '/'." % (path,))
157 head = path
158 while head != '':
159 (head,tail) = path_split(head)
160 try:
161 verify_svn_filename_legal(tail)
162 except IllegalSVNPathError, e:
163 raise IllegalSVNPathError('Problem with path %r: %s' % (path, e,))
166 def normalize_svn_path(path, allow_empty=False):
167 """Normalize an SVN path (e.g., one supplied by a user).
169 1. Strip leading, trailing, and duplicated '/'.
170 2. If ALLOW_EMPTY is not set, verify that PATH is not empty.
172 Return the normalized path.
174 If the path is invalid, raise an IllegalSVNPathError."""
176 norm_path = path_join(*path.split('/'))
177 if not allow_empty and not norm_path:
178 raise IllegalSVNPathError("Path is empty")
179 return norm_path
182 class PathRepeatedException(Exception):
183 def __init__(self, path, count):
184 self.path = path
185 self.count = count
186 Exception.__init__(
187 self, 'Path %s is repeated %d times' % (self.path, self.count,)
191 class PathsNestedException(Exception):
192 def __init__(self, nest, nestlings):
193 self.nest = nest
194 self.nestlings = nestlings
195 Exception.__init__(
196 self,
197 'Path %s contains the following other paths: %s'
198 % (self.nest, ', '.join(self.nestlings),)
202 class PathsNotDisjointException(FatalException):
203 """An exception that collects multiple other disjointness exceptions."""
205 def __init__(self, problems):
206 self.problems = problems
207 Exception.__init__(
208 self,
209 'The following paths are not disjoint:\n'
210 ' %s\n'
211 % ('\n '.join([str(problem) for problem in self.problems]),)
215 def verify_paths_disjoint(*paths):
216 """Verify that all of the paths in the argument list are disjoint.
218 If any of the paths is nested in another one (i.e., in the sense
219 that 'a/b/c/d' is nested in 'a/b'), or any two paths are identical,
220 raise a PathsNotDisjointException containing exceptions detailing
221 the individual problems."""
223 def split(path):
224 if not path:
225 return []
226 else:
227 return path.split('/')
229 def contains(split_path1, split_path2):
230 """Return True iff SPLIT_PATH1 contains SPLIT_PATH2."""
232 return (
233 len(split_path1) < len(split_path2)
234 and split_path2[:len(split_path1)] == split_path1
237 paths = [(split(path), path) for path in paths]
238 # If all overlapping elements are equal, a shorter list is
239 # considered "less than" a longer one. Therefore if any paths are
240 # nested, this sort will leave at least one such pair adjacent, in
241 # the order [nest,nestling].
242 paths.sort()
244 problems = []
246 # Create exceptions for any repeated paths, and delete the repeats
247 # from the paths array:
248 i = 0
249 while i < len(paths):
250 split_path, path = paths[i]
251 j = i + 1
252 while j < len(paths) and split_path == paths[j][0]:
253 j += 1
254 if j - i > 1:
255 problems.append(PathRepeatedException(path, j - i))
256 # Delete all but the first copy:
257 del paths[i + 1:j]
258 i += 1
260 # Create exceptions for paths nested in each other:
261 i = 0
262 while i < len(paths):
263 split_path, path = paths[i]
264 j = i + 1
265 while j < len(paths) and contains(split_path, paths[j][0]):
266 j += 1
267 if j - i > 1:
268 problems.append(PathsNestedException(
269 path, [path2 for (split_path2, path2) in paths[i + 1:j]]
271 i += 1
273 if problems:
274 raise PathsNotDisjointException(problems)
277 def format_date(date):
278 """Return an svn-compatible date string for DATE (seconds since epoch).
280 A Subversion date looks like '2002-09-29T14:44:59.000000Z'."""
282 return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000000Z", time.gmtime(date))
285 class CVSTextDecoder:
286 """Callable that decodes CVS strings into Unicode."""
288 def __init__(self, encodings, fallback_encoding=None):
289 """Create a CVSTextDecoder instance.
291 ENCODINGS is a list containing the names of encodings that are
292 attempted to be used as source encodings in 'strict' mode.
294 FALLBACK_ENCODING, if specified, is the name of an encoding that
295 should be used as a source encoding in lossy 'replace' mode if all
296 of ENCODINGS failed.
298 Raise LookupError if any of the specified encodings is unknown."""
300 self.decoders = [
301 (encoding, codecs.lookup(encoding)[1])
302 for encoding in encodings]
304 if fallback_encoding is None:
305 self.fallback_decoder = None
306 else:
307 self.fallback_decoder = (
308 fallback_encoding, codecs.lookup(fallback_encoding)[1]
311 def add_encoding(self, encoding):
312 """Add an encoding to be tried in 'strict' mode.
314 ENCODING is the name of an encoding. If it is unknown, raise a
315 LookupError."""
317 for (name, decoder) in self.decoders:
318 if name == encoding:
319 return
320 else:
321 self.decoders.append( (encoding, codecs.lookup(encoding)[1]) )
323 def set_fallback_encoding(self, encoding):
324 """Set the fallback encoding, to be tried in 'replace' mode.
326 ENCODING is the name of an encoding. If it is unknown, raise a
327 LookupError."""
329 if encoding is None:
330 self.fallback_decoder = None
331 else:
332 self.fallback_decoder = (encoding, codecs.lookup(encoding)[1])
334 def __call__(self, s):
335 """Try to decode string S using our configured source encodings.
337 Return the string as a Unicode string. If S is already a unicode
338 string, do nothing.
340 Raise UnicodeError if the string cannot be decoded using any of
341 the source encodings and no fallback encoding was specified."""
343 if isinstance(s, unicode):
344 return s
345 for (name, decoder) in self.decoders:
346 try:
347 return decoder(s)[0]
348 except ValueError:
349 Log().verbose("Encoding '%s' failed for string %r" % (name, s))
351 if self.fallback_decoder is not None:
352 (name, decoder) = self.fallback_decoder
353 return decoder(s, 'replace')[0]
354 else:
355 raise UnicodeError
358 class Timestamper:
359 """Return monotonic timestamps derived from changeset timestamps."""
361 def __init__(self):
362 # The last timestamp that has been returned:
363 self.timestamp = 0.0
365 # The maximum timestamp that is considered reasonable:
366 self.max_timestamp = time.time() + 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0
368 def get(self, timestamp, change_expected):
369 """Return a reasonable timestamp derived from TIMESTAMP.
371 Push TIMESTAMP into the future if necessary to ensure that it is
372 at least one second later than every other timestamp that has been
373 returned by previous calls to this method.
375 If CHANGE_EXPECTED is not True, then log a message if the
376 timestamp has to be changed."""
378 if timestamp > self.max_timestamp:
379 # If a timestamp is in the future, it is assumed that it is
380 # bogus. Shift it backwards in time to prevent it forcing other
381 # timestamps to be pushed even further in the future.
383 # Note that this is not nearly a complete solution to the bogus
384 # timestamp problem. A timestamp in the future still affects
385 # the ordering of changesets, and a changeset having such a
386 # timestamp will not be committed until all changesets with
387 # earlier timestamps have been committed, even if other
388 # changesets with even earlier timestamps depend on this one.
389 self.timestamp = self.timestamp + 1.0
390 if not change_expected:
391 Log().warn(
392 'Timestamp "%s" is in the future; changed to "%s".'
393 % (time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp)),
394 time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.timestamp)),)
396 elif timestamp < self.timestamp + 1.0:
397 self.timestamp = self.timestamp + 1.0
398 if not change_expected and Log().is_on(Log.VERBOSE):
399 Log().verbose(
400 'Timestamp "%s" adjusted to "%s" to ensure monotonicity.'
401 % (time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp)),
402 time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.timestamp)),)
404 else:
405 self.timestamp = timestamp
407 return self.timestamp