Move definitions of generate_ignores() higher in the file.
[cvs2svn.git] / cvs2svn_lib /
1 # (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
3 # ====================================================================
4 # Copyright (c) 2000-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
6 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
7 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
8 # are also available at
9 # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
10 # newer version instead, at your option.
12 # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
13 # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
14 # history and logs, available at
15 # ====================================================================
17 """This module contains the SVNRepositoryDelegate class."""
20 class SVNRepositoryDelegate:
21 """Abstract superclass for any delegate to SVNOutputOption.
23 Subclasses must implement all of the methods below.
25 For each method, a subclass implements, in its own way, the
26 Subversion operation implied by the method's name. For example, for
27 the add_path method, the DumpstreamDelegate writes out a 'Node-add:'
28 command to a Subversion dumpfile."""
30 def start_commit(self, revnum, revprops):
31 """An SVN commit is starting.
33 Perform any actions needed to start an SVN commit with revision
34 number REVNUM and revision properties REVPROPS."""
36 raise NotImplementedError()
38 def end_commit(self):
39 """An SVN commit is ending."""
41 raise NotImplementedError()
43 def initialize_project(self, project):
44 """Initialize PROJECT.
46 For Subversion, this means to create the trunk, branches, and tags
47 directories for PROJECT."""
49 raise NotImplementedError()
51 def initialize_lod(self, lod):
52 """Initialize LOD with no contents.
54 LOD is an instance of LineOfDevelopment. It is also possible for
55 an LOD to be created by copying from another LOD; such events are
56 indicated via the copy_lod() callback."""
58 raise NotImplementedError()
60 def mkdir(self, lod, cvs_directory):
61 """Create CVS_DIRECTORY within LOD.
63 LOD is a LineOfDevelopment; CVS_DIRECTORY is a CVSDirectory."""
65 raise NotImplementedError()
67 def add_path(self, cvs_rev):
68 """Add the path corresponding to CVS_REV to the repository.
70 CVS_REV is a CVSRevisionAdd."""
72 raise NotImplementedError()
74 def change_path(self, cvs_rev):
75 """Change the path corresponding to CVS_REV in the repository.
77 CVS_REV is a CVSRevisionChange."""
79 raise NotImplementedError()
81 def delete_lod(self, lod):
82 """Delete LOD from the repository.
84 LOD is a LineOfDevelopment instance."""
86 raise NotImplementedError()
88 def delete_path(self, lod, cvs_path):
89 """Delete CVS_PATH from LOD.
91 LOD is a LineOfDevelopment; CVS_PATH is a CVSPath."""
93 raise NotImplementedError()
95 def copy_lod(self, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum):
98 SRC_LOD and DEST_LOD are both LODs, and SRC_REVNUM is a subversion
99 revision number (int)."""
101 raise NotImplementedError()
103 def copy_path(self, cvs_path, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum):
106 CVS_PATH is a CVSPath, SRC_LOD and DEST_LOD are LODs, and
107 SRC_REVNUM is a subversion revision number (int)."""
109 raise NotImplementedError()
111 def finish(self):
112 """All SVN revisions have been committed.
114 Perform any necessary cleanup."""
116 raise NotImplementedError()