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2 # : tools for manipulating a test's working area ("a sandbox")
4 # ====================================================================
5 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
6 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
7 # distributed with this work for additional information
8 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
9 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
10 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
11 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
13 #
15 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
16 # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
18 # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
19 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
20 # under the License.
21 # ====================================================================
24 import os
25 import shutil
26 import copy
27 import urllib
28 import logging
30 import svntest
32 logger = logging.getLogger()
35 class Sandbox:
36 """Manages a sandbox (one or more repository/working copy pairs) for
37 a test to operate within."""
39 dependents = None
41 def __init__(self, module, idx):
42 self.test_paths = []
44 self._set_name("%s-%d" % (module, idx))
45 # This flag is set to True by build() and returned by is_built()
46 self._is_built = False
48 # Create an empty directory for temporary files
49 self.tmp_dir = self.add_wc_path('tmp', remove=True)
50 os.mkdir(self.tmp_dir)
52 def _set_name(self, name, read_only=False):
53 """A convenience method for renaming a sandbox, useful when
54 working with multiple repositories in the same unit test."""
55 if not name is None:
56 = name
57 self.read_only = read_only
58 self.wc_dir = os.path.join(svntest.main.general_wc_dir,
59 self.add_test_path(self.wc_dir)
60 if not read_only:
61 self.repo_dir = os.path.join(svntest.main.general_repo_dir,
62 self.repo_url = (svntest.main.options.test_area_url + '/'
63 + urllib.pathname2url(self.repo_dir))
64 self.add_test_path(self.repo_dir)
65 else:
66 self.repo_dir = svntest.main.pristine_greek_repos_dir
67 self.repo_url = svntest.main.pristine_greek_repos_url
69 ### TODO: Move this into to the build() method
70 # For dav tests we need a single authz file which must be present,
71 # so we recreate it each time a sandbox is created with some default
72 # contents, making sure that an empty file is never present
73 if self.repo_url.startswith("http"):
74 # this dir doesn't exist out of the box, so we may have to make it
75 if not os.path.exists(svntest.main.work_dir):
76 os.makedirs(svntest.main.work_dir)
77 self.authz_file = os.path.join(svntest.main.work_dir, "authz")
78 tmp_authz_file = os.path.join(svntest.main.work_dir, "authz-" +
79 open(tmp_authz_file, 'w').write("[/]\n* = rw\n")
80 shutil.move(tmp_authz_file, self.authz_file)
82 # For svnserve tests we have a per-repository authz file, and it
83 # doesn't need to be there in order for things to work, so we don't
84 # have any default contents.
85 elif self.repo_url.startswith("svn"):
86 self.authz_file = os.path.join(self.repo_dir, "conf", "authz")
88 def clone_dependent(self, copy_wc=False):
89 """A convenience method for creating a near-duplicate of this
90 sandbox, useful when working with multiple repositories in the
91 same unit test. If COPY_WC is true, make an exact copy of this
92 sandbox's working copy at the new sandbox's working copy
93 directory. Any necessary cleanup operations are triggered by
94 cleanup of the original sandbox."""
96 if not self.dependents:
97 self.dependents = []
98 clone = copy.deepcopy(self)
99 self.dependents.append(clone)
100 clone._set_name("%s-%d" % (, len(self.dependents)))
101 if copy_wc:
102 self.add_test_path(clone.wc_dir)
103 shutil.copytree(self.wc_dir, clone.wc_dir, symlinks=True)
104 return clone
106 def build(self, name=None, create_wc=True, read_only=False,
107 minor_version=None):
108 """Make a 'Greek Tree' repo (or refer to the central one if READ_ONLY),
109 and check out a WC from it (unless CREATE_WC is false). Change the
110 sandbox's name to NAME. See actions.make_repo_and_wc() for details."""
111 self._set_name(name, read_only)
112 svntest.actions.make_repo_and_wc(self, create_wc, read_only, minor_version)
113 self._is_built = True
115 def authz_name(self, repo_dir=None):
116 "return this sandbox's name for use in an authz file"
117 repo_dir = repo_dir or self.repo_dir
118 if self.repo_url.startswith("http"):
119 return os.path.basename(repo_dir)
120 else:
121 return repo_dir.replace('\\', '/')
123 def add_test_path(self, path, remove=True):
124 self.test_paths.append(path)
125 if remove:
126 svntest.main.safe_rmtree(path)
128 def add_repo_path(self, suffix, remove=True):
129 """Generate a path, under the general repositories directory, with
130 a name that ends in SUFFIX, e.g. suffix="2" -> ".../basic_tests.2".
131 If REMOVE is true, remove anything currently on disk at that path.
132 Remember that path so that the automatic clean-up mechanism can
133 delete it at the end of the test. Generate a repository URL to
134 refer to a repository at that path. Do not create a repository.
135 Return (REPOS-PATH, REPOS-URL)."""
136 path = (os.path.join(svntest.main.general_repo_dir,
137 + '.' + suffix)
138 url = svntest.main.options.test_area_url + \
139 '/' + urllib.pathname2url(path)
140 self.add_test_path(path, remove)
141 return path, url
143 def add_wc_path(self, suffix, remove=True):
144 """Generate a path, under the general working copies directory, with
145 a name that ends in SUFFIX, e.g. suffix="2" -> ".../basic_tests.2".
146 If REMOVE is true, remove anything currently on disk at that path.
147 Remember that path so that the automatic clean-up mechanism can
148 delete it at the end of the test. Do not create a working copy.
149 Return the generated WC-PATH."""
150 path = self.wc_dir + '.' + suffix
151 self.add_test_path(path, remove)
152 return path
154 tempname_offs = 0 # Counter for get_tempname
156 def get_tempname(self, prefix='tmp'):
157 """Get a stable name for a temporary file that will be removed after
158 running the test"""
160 self.tempname_offs = self.tempname_offs + 1
162 return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '%s-%s' % (prefix, self.tempname_offs))
164 def cleanup_test_paths(self):
165 "Clean up detritus from this sandbox, and any dependents."
166 if self.dependents:
167 # Recursively cleanup any dependent sandboxes.
168 for sbox in self.dependents:
169 sbox.cleanup_test_paths()
170 # cleanup all test specific working copies and repositories
171 for path in self.test_paths:
172 if not path is svntest.main.pristine_greek_repos_dir:
173 _cleanup_test_path(path)
175 def is_built(self):
176 "Returns True when build() has been called on this instance."
177 return self._is_built
179 def ospath(self, relpath, wc_dir=None):
180 """Return RELPATH converted to an OS-style path relative to the WC dir
181 of this sbox, or relative to OS-style path WC_DIR if supplied."""
182 if wc_dir is None:
183 wc_dir = self.wc_dir
184 return os.path.join(wc_dir, svntest.wc.to_ospath(relpath))
186 def ospaths(self, relpaths, wc_dir=None):
187 """Return a list of RELPATHS but with each path converted to an OS-style
188 path relative to the WC dir of this sbox, or relative to OS-style
189 path WC_DIR if supplied."""
190 return [self.ospath(rp, wc_dir) for rp in relpaths]
192 def redirected_root_url(self, temporary=False):
193 """If TEMPORARY is set, return the URL which should be configured
194 to temporarily redirect to the root of this repository;
195 otherwise, return the URL which should be configured to
196 permanent redirect there. (Assumes that the sandbox is not
197 read-only.)"""
198 assert not self.read_only
199 assert self.repo_url.startswith("http")
200 parts = self.repo_url.rsplit('/', 1)
201 return '%s/REDIRECT-%s-%s' % (parts[0],
202 temporary and 'TEMP' or 'PERM',
203 parts[1])
205 def simple_update(self, target=None, revision='HEAD'):
206 """Update the WC or TARGET.
207 TARGET is a relpath relative to the WC."""
208 if target is None:
209 target = self.wc_dir
210 else:
211 target = self.ospath(target)
212 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'update', target, '-r', revision)
214 def simple_switch(self, url, target=None):
215 """Switch the WC or TARGET to URL.
216 TARGET is a relpath relative to the WC."""
217 if target is None:
218 target = self.wc_dir
219 else:
220 target = self.ospath(target)
221 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'switch', url, target, '--ignore-ancestry')
223 def simple_commit(self, target=None, message=None):
224 """Commit the WC or TARGET, with a default or supplied log message.
225 Raise if the exit code is non-zero or there is output on stderr.
226 TARGET is a relpath relative to the WC."""
227 assert not self.read_only
228 if target is None:
229 target = self.wc_dir
230 else:
231 target = self.ospath(target)
232 if message is None:
233 message = svntest.main.make_log_msg()
234 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'commit', '-m', message,
235 target)
237 def simple_rm(self, *targets):
238 """Schedule TARGETS for deletion.
239 TARGETS are relpaths relative to the WC."""
240 assert len(targets) > 0
241 targets = self.ospaths(targets)
242 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'rm', *targets)
244 def simple_mkdir(self, *targets):
245 """Create TARGETS as directories scheduled for addition.
246 TARGETS are relpaths relative to the WC."""
247 assert len(targets) > 0
248 targets = self.ospaths(targets)
249 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'mkdir', *targets)
251 def simple_add(self, *targets):
252 """Schedule TARGETS for addition.
253 TARGETS are relpaths relative to the WC."""
254 assert len(targets) > 0
255 targets = self.ospaths(targets)
256 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'add', *targets)
258 def simple_revert(self, *targets):
259 """Revert TARGETS.
260 TARGETS are relpaths relative to the WC."""
261 assert len(targets) > 0
262 targets = self.ospaths(targets)
263 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'revert', *targets)
265 def simple_propset(self, name, value, *targets):
266 """Set property NAME to VALUE on TARGETS.
267 TARGETS are relpaths relative to the WC."""
268 assert len(targets) > 0
269 targets = self.ospaths(targets)
270 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'propset', name, value, *targets)
272 def simple_propdel(self, name, *targets):
273 """Delete property NAME from TARGETS.
274 TARGETS are relpaths relative to the WC."""
275 assert len(targets) > 0
276 targets = self.ospaths(targets)
277 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'propdel', name, *targets)
279 def simple_propget(self, name, target):
280 """Return the value of the property NAME on TARGET.
281 TARGET is a relpath relative to the WC."""
282 target = self.ospath(target)
283 exit, out, err = svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'propget',
284 '--strict', name, target)
285 return ''.join(out)
287 def simple_proplist(self, target):
288 """Return a dictionary mapping property name to property value, of the
289 properties on TARGET.
290 TARGET is a relpath relative to the WC."""
291 target = self.ospath(target)
292 exit, out, err = svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'proplist',
293 '--verbose', '--quiet', target)
294 props = {}
295 for line in out:
296 line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
297 if line[2] != ' ': # property name
298 name = line[2:]
299 val = None
300 elif line.startswith(' '): # property value
301 if val is None:
302 val = line[4:]
303 else:
304 val += '\n' + line[4:]
305 props[name] = val
306 else:
307 raise Exception("Unexpected line '" + line + "' in proplist output" + str(out))
308 return props
310 def simple_copy(self, source, dest):
311 """Copy SOURCE to DEST in the WC.
312 SOURCE and DEST are relpaths relative to the WC."""
313 source = self.ospath(source)
314 dest = self.ospath(dest)
315 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'copy', source, dest)
317 def simple_move(self, source, dest):
318 """Move SOURCE to DEST in the WC.
319 SOURCE and DEST are relpaths relative to the WC."""
320 source = self.ospath(source)
321 dest = self.ospath(dest)
322 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'move', source, dest)
324 def simple_repo_copy(self, source, dest):
325 """Copy SOURCE to DEST in the repository, committing the result with a
326 default log message.
327 SOURCE and DEST are relpaths relative to the repo root."""
328 svntest.main.run_svn(False, 'copy', '-m', svntest.main.make_log_msg(),
329 self.repo_url + '/' + source,
330 self.repo_url + '/' + dest)
332 def simple_append(self, dest, contents, truncate=False):
333 """Append CONTENTS to file DEST, optionally truncating it first.
334 DEST is a relpath relative to the WC."""
335 open(self.ospath(dest), truncate and 'w' or 'a').write(contents)
338 def is_url(target):
339 return (target.startswith('^/')
340 or target.startswith('file://')
341 or target.startswith('http://')
342 or target.startswith('https://')
343 or target.startswith('svn://')
344 or target.startswith('svn+ssh://'))
347 _deferred_test_paths = []
349 def cleanup_deferred_test_paths():
350 global _deferred_test_paths
351 test_paths = _deferred_test_paths
352 _deferred_test_paths = []
353 for path in test_paths:
354 _cleanup_test_path(path, True)
357 def _cleanup_test_path(path, retrying=False):
358 if retrying:
359"CLEANUP: RETRY: %s", path)
360 else:
361"CLEANUP: %s", path)
363 try:
364 svntest.main.safe_rmtree(path)
365 except:
366"WARNING: cleanup failed, will try again later")
367 _deferred_test_paths.append(path)