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2 # Control of test case execution.
4 # Subversion is a tool for revision control.
5 # See for more information.
7 # ====================================================================
8 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
9 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
10 # distributed with this work for additional information
11 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
12 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
13 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
14 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
16 #
18 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
19 # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
21 # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
22 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
23 # under the License.
24 ######################################################################
26 import os, types, sys
28 import svntest
30 # if somebody does a "from testcase import *", they only get these names
31 __all__ = ['_XFail', '_Wimp', '_Skip', '_SkipUnless']
33 RESULT_OK = 'ok'
34 RESULT_FAIL = 'fail'
35 RESULT_SKIP = 'skip'
38 class TextColors:
39 '''Some ANSI terminal constants for output color'''
40 ENDC = '\033[0;m'
41 FAILURE = '\033[1;31m'
42 SUCCESS = '\033[1;32m'
44 @classmethod
45 def disable(cls):
46 cls.ENDC = ''
47 cls.FAILURE = ''
48 cls.SUCCESS = ''
50 @classmethod
51 def success(cls, str):
52 return lambda: cls.SUCCESS + str + cls.ENDC
54 @classmethod
55 def failure(cls, str):
56 return lambda: cls.FAILURE + str + cls.ENDC
59 if not sys.stdout.isatty() or sys.platform == 'win32':
60 TextColors.disable()
63 class TestCase:
64 """A thing that can be tested. This is an abstract class with
65 several methods that need to be overridden."""
67 _result_map = {
68 RESULT_OK: (0, TextColors.success('PASS: '), True),
69 RESULT_FAIL: (1, TextColors.failure('FAIL: '), False),
70 RESULT_SKIP: (2, TextColors.success('SKIP: '), True),
73 def __init__(self, delegate=None, cond_func=lambda: True, doc=None, wip=None,
74 issues=None):
75 """Create a test case instance based on DELEGATE.
77 COND_FUNC is a callable that is evaluated at test run time and should
78 return a boolean value that determines how a pass or failure is
79 interpreted: see the specialized kinds of test case such as XFail and
80 Skip for details. The evaluation of COND_FUNC is deferred so that it
81 can base its decision on useful bits of information that are not
82 available at __init__ time (like the fact that we're running over a
83 particular RA layer).
85 DOC is ...
87 WIP is a string describing the reason for the work-in-progress
88 """
89 assert hasattr(cond_func, '__call__')
91 self._delegate = delegate
92 self._cond_func = cond_func
93 self.description = doc or delegate.description
94 self.inprogress = wip
95 self.issues = issues
97 def get_function_name(self):
98 """Return the name of the python function implementing the test."""
99 return self._delegate.get_function_name()
101 def get_sandbox_name(self):
102 """Return the name that should be used for the sandbox.
104 If a sandbox should not be constructed, this method returns None.
106 return self._delegate.get_sandbox_name()
108 def set_issues(self, issues):
109 """Set the issues associated with this test."""
110 self.issues = issues
112 def run(self, sandbox):
113 """Run the test within the given sandbox."""
114 return
116 def list_mode(self):
117 return ''
119 def results(self, result):
120 # if our condition applied, then use our result map. otherwise, delegate.
121 if self._cond_func():
122 val = list(self._result_map[result])
123 val[1] = val[1]()
124 return val
125 return self._delegate.results(result)
128 class FunctionTestCase(TestCase):
129 """A TestCase based on a naked Python function object.
131 FUNC should be a function that returns None on success and throws an
132 svntest.Failure exception on failure. It should have a brief
133 docstring describing what it does (and fulfilling certain conditions).
134 FUNC must take one argument, an Sandbox instance. (The sandbox name
135 is derived from the file name in which FUNC was defined)
138 def __init__(self, func, issues=None):
139 # it better be a function that accepts an sbox parameter and has a
140 # docstring on it.
141 assert isinstance(func, types.FunctionType)
143 name = func.func_name
145 assert func.func_code.co_argcount == 1, \
146 '%s must take an sbox argument' % name
148 doc = func.__doc__.strip()
149 assert doc, '%s must have a docstring' % name
151 # enforce stylistic guidelines for the function docstrings:
152 # - no longer than 50 characters
153 # - should not end in a period
154 # - should not be capitalized
155 assert len(doc) <= 50, \
156 "%s's docstring must be 50 characters or less" % name
157 assert doc[-1] != '.', \
158 "%s's docstring should not end in a period" % name
159 assert doc[0].lower() == doc[0], \
160 "%s's docstring should not be capitalized" % name
162 TestCase.__init__(self, doc=doc, issues=issues)
163 self.func = func
165 def get_function_name(self):
166 return self.func.func_name
168 def get_sandbox_name(self):
169 """Base the sandbox's name on the name of the file in which the
170 function was defined."""
172 filename = self.func.func_code.co_filename
173 return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
175 def run(self, sandbox):
176 return self.func(sandbox)
179 class _XFail(TestCase):
180 """A test that is expected to fail, if its condition is true."""
182 _result_map = {
183 RESULT_OK: (1, TextColors.failure('XPASS:'), False),
184 RESULT_FAIL: (0, TextColors.success('XFAIL:'), True),
185 RESULT_SKIP: (2, TextColors.success('SKIP: '), True),
188 def __init__(self, test_case, cond_func=lambda: True, wip=None,
189 issues=None):
190 """Create an XFail instance based on TEST_CASE. COND_FUNC is a
191 callable that is evaluated at test run time and should return a
192 boolean value. If COND_FUNC returns true, then TEST_CASE is
193 expected to fail (and a pass is considered an error); otherwise,
194 TEST_CASE is run normally. The evaluation of COND_FUNC is
195 deferred so that it can base its decision on useful bits of
196 information that are not available at __init__ time (like the fact
197 that we're running over a particular RA layer).
199 WIP is ...
201 ISSUES is an issue number (or a list of issue numbers) tracking this."""
203 TestCase.__init__(self, create_test_case(test_case), cond_func, wip=wip,
204 issues=issues)
206 def list_mode(self):
207 # basically, the only possible delegate is a Skip test. favor that mode.
208 return self._delegate.list_mode() or 'XFAIL'
211 class _Wimp(_XFail):
212 """Like XFail, but indicates a work-in-progress: an unexpected pass
213 is not considered a test failure."""
215 _result_map = {
216 RESULT_OK: (0, TextColors.success('XPASS:'), True),
217 RESULT_FAIL: (0, TextColors.success('XFAIL:'), True),
218 RESULT_SKIP: (2, TextColors.success('SKIP: '), True),
221 def __init__(self, wip, test_case, cond_func=lambda: True):
222 _XFail.__init__(self, test_case, cond_func, wip)
225 class _Skip(TestCase):
226 """A test that will be skipped if its conditional is true."""
228 def __init__(self, test_case, cond_func=lambda: True, issues=None):
229 """Create a Skip instance based on TEST_CASE. COND_FUNC is a
230 callable that is evaluated at test run time and should return a
231 boolean value. If COND_FUNC returns true, then TEST_CASE is
232 skipped; otherwise, TEST_CASE is run normally.
233 The evaluation of COND_FUNC is deferred so that it can base its
234 decision on useful bits of information that are not available at
235 __init__ time (like the fact that we're running over a
236 particular RA layer)."""
238 TestCase.__init__(self, create_test_case(test_case), cond_func,
239 issues=issues)
241 def list_mode(self):
242 if self._cond_func():
243 return 'SKIP'
244 return self._delegate.list_mode()
246 def get_sandbox_name(self):
247 if self._cond_func():
248 return None
249 return self._delegate.get_sandbox_name()
251 def run(self, sandbox):
252 if self._cond_func():
253 raise svntest.Skip
254 return
257 class _SkipUnless(_Skip):
258 """A test that will be skipped if its conditional is false."""
260 def __init__(self, test_case, cond_func):
261 _Skip.__init__(self, test_case, lambda c=cond_func: not c())
264 def create_test_case(func, issues=None):
265 if isinstance(func, TestCase):
266 return func
267 else:
268 return FunctionTestCase(func, issues=issues)
271 # Various decorators to make declaring tests as such simpler
272 def XFail_deco(cond_func = lambda: True):
273 def _second(func):
274 if isinstance(func, TestCase):
275 return _XFail(func, cond_func, issues=func.issues)
276 else:
277 return _XFail(func, cond_func)
279 return _second
282 def Wimp_deco(wip, cond_func = lambda: True):
283 def _second(func):
284 if isinstance(func, TestCase):
285 return _Wimp(wip, func, cond_func, issues=func.issues)
286 else:
287 return _Wimp(wip, func, cond_func)
289 return _second
292 def Skip_deco(cond_func = lambda: True):
293 def _second(func):
294 if isinstance(func, TestCase):
295 return _Skip(func, cond_func, issues=func.issues)
296 else:
297 return _Skip(func, cond_func)
299 return _second
302 def SkipUnless_deco(cond_func):
303 def _second(func):
304 if isinstance(func, TestCase):
305 return _Skip(func, lambda c=cond_func: not c(), issues=func.issues)
306 else:
307 return _Skip(func, lambda c=cond_func: not c())
309 return _second
312 def Issues_deco(*issues):
313 def _second(func):
314 if isinstance(func, TestCase):
315 # if the wrapped thing is already a test case, just set the issues
316 func.set_issues(issues)
317 return func
319 else:
320 # we need to wrap the function
321 return create_test_case(func, issues=issues)
323 return _second
325 # Create a singular alias, for linguistic correctness
326 Issue_deco = Issues_deco