Inline _RepositoryWalker._get_non_attic_file().
[cvs2svn.git] / test-data / repeated-deltatext-cvsrepos / file.txt,v
1 head    1.3;
2 access;
3 symbols
4         uves_2_0_0:1.3
5         UVES-1_3_0-beta1a:1.1;
6 locks; strict;
7 comment @# @;
10 1.3
11 date    2003.;    author amodigli;        state Exp;
12 branches;
13 next    1.2;
15 1.2
16 date    2003.;    author amodigli;        state Exp;
17 branches;
18 next    1.1;
20 1.1
21 date    2002.;    author amodigli;        state Exp;
22 branches;
23 next    ;
26 desc
30 1.3
31 log
32 @uves-2.0.0-rep
34 text
36      +               FWHM,N_CURR_ORD     !to not pass a parameter to G_PROF
40 1.2
41 log
42 @uves-2.0.0
44 text
48 1.1
49 log
50 @1st release
52 text
56 1.1
57 log
58 @Created
60 text
62      +               FWHM,N_CURR_ORD     !to not pass a parameter to G_PROF