Extract a base class for RCSRevisionReader and CVSRevisionReader.
[cvs2svn.git] / test-data / native-eol-cvsrepos / foo.txt,v
1 head    1.4;
2 access;
3 symbols;
4 locks; strict;
5 comment @# @;
8 1.4
9 date    2005.;    author tori;    state Exp;
10 branches;
11 next    1.3;
13 1.3
14 date    2005.;    author tori;    state Exp;
15 branches;
16 next    1.2;
18 1.2
19 date    2005.;    author tori;    state Exp;
20 branches;
21 next    1.1;
23 1.1
24 date    2005.;    author tori;    state Exp;
25 branches;
26 next    ;
29 desc
33 1.4
34 log
35 @Mixed EOLs
37 text
38 @And then\r
39 mixed\rEOLs
43 1.3
44 log
45 @CR EOLs
47 text
48 @d1 2
49 a2 1
50 And then\rCR\rEOLs\r@
53 1.2
54 log
57 text
58 @d1 1
59 a1 3
60 Then\r
61 CRLF\r
62 EOLs\r
66 1.1
67 log
68 @LF EOLs
70 text
71 @d1 3
72 a3 3
73 First
75 EOLs