Windows issues parsing these characters. Bug fix for entering edit mode without setti...
[cowl.git] / src / cowl-widget.lisp
1 (in-package #:cowl)
3 (compiler-opts)
5 ;; (font *applications*)
6 (defclass widget-measurement ()
7 ((current-offset :type real :initform 0
8 :initarg :current-offset :accessor current-offset-of
9 :documentation "The actual current offset relative to the parent widget")
10 (current-size :type real :initform (and (default-font) (ftgl:get-font-line-height (default-font)))
11 :initarg :current-size :accessor current-size-of
12 :documentation "The current measurement size of the content (ie. excluding padding, border and margin).")
13 (ideal-size :type real
14 :initarg :ideal-size :accessor ideal-size-of
15 :documentation "The ideal, preferred absolute size of the content of this measurement.")
16 (constraints :type (cons real real)
17 :initarg :constraints :accessor constraints-of
18 :documentation "The (minimum . maximum) size for this measurement.")
19 (margin :type (cons real real)
20 :initarg :margin :initform (cons 2 2) :accessor margin-of
21 :documentation "Cons-pair of margin widths in pixels outside the border of this widget.")
22 (border-width :type (cons real real)
23 :initarg :border-width :initform (cons 1 1) :accessor border-width-of
24 :documentation "Cons-pair of widths in pixels of the border.")
25 (padding :type (cons real real)
26 :initarg :padding :initform (cons 2 2) :accessor padding-of
27 :documentation "Cons-pair of widths in pixels of the border.")
28 (border-colour :type (cons list list) :initarg :border-colour :accessor border-colour-of
29 :initform (cons '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))
30 :documentation "Cons-pair of lists of RGBA float 0.0->1.0 values."))
31 (:documentation "A measurement in one dimension (namely x or y) of an widget and
32 its associated data for laying out in containers."))
34 ;; this warns because generic functions are implicly created
35 ;; perhaps use the (defgeneric :method syntax instead)?
36 (defmacro define-before-after-accessors (class &rest slots)
37 `(progn
38 ,@(mapcan
39 #'(lambda (slot)
40 `((defmethod ,(intern (format nil "BEFORE-~a-OF" slot)) ((,class ,class))
41 (car (slot-value ,class ',slot)))
42 (defmethod (setf ,(intern (format nil "BEFORE-~a-OF" slot))) (val (,class ,class))
43 (setf (car (slot-value ,class ',slot)) val))
44 (defmethod ,(intern (format nil "AFTER-~a-OF" slot)) ((,class ,class))
45 (cdr (slot-value ,class ',slot)))
46 (defmethod (setf ,(intern (format nil "AFTER-~a-OF" slot))) (val (,class ,class))
47 (setf (cdr (slot-value ,class ',slot)) val))))
48 slots)))
50 (define-before-after-accessors widget-measurement margin border-width padding border-colour)
52 (defmethod minimum-size-of ((widget-measurement widget-measurement))
53 (car (constraints-of widget-measurement)))
55 (defmethod (setf minimum-size-of) (val (widget-measurement widget-measurement))
56 (setf (car (constraints-of widget-measurement)) val))
58 (defmethod maximum-size-of ((widget-measurement widget-measurement))
59 (cdr (constraints-of widget-measurement)))
61 (defmethod (setf maximum-size-of) (val (widget-measurement widget-measurement))
62 (setf (cdr (constraints-of widget-measurement)) val))
65 (defmethod first-border-width-of ((widget-measurement widget-measurement))
66 (with-slots (border-width) widget-measurement
67 (if (consp border-width)
68 (car border-width)
69 border-width)))
71 (defmethod (setf total-current-size-of) (size (widget-measurement widget-measurement))
72 "Computes the current internal size and sets it from an external total size."
73 (setf (current-size-of widget-measurement)
74 (- size
75 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)
76 (after-padding-of widget-measurement)
77 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
78 (after-border-width-of widget-measurement)
79 (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
80 (after-margin-of widget-measurement))))
82 (defmethod total-current-size-of ((widget-measurement widget-measurement))
83 "Computes the total current outer size, including padding, border and margin of this dimension."
84 (+ (slot-value widget-measurement 'current-size)
85 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)
86 (after-padding-of widget-measurement)
87 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
88 (after-border-width-of widget-measurement)
89 (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
90 (after-margin-of widget-measurement)))
93 (defmethod (setf total-ideal-size-of) (size (widget-measurement widget-measurement))
94 "Computes the ideal internal size and sets it from an external total size."
95 (setf (ideal-size-of widget-measurement)
96 (- size
97 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)
98 (after-padding-of widget-measurement)
99 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
100 (after-border-width-of widget-measurement)
101 (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
102 (after-margin-of widget-measurement))))
104 (defmethod total-ideal-size-of ((widget-measurement widget-measurement))
105 "Computes the total ideal outer size, including padding, border and margin of this dimension."
106 (if (slot-boundp widget-measurement 'ideal-size)
107 (+ (slot-value widget-measurement 'ideal-size)
108 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)
109 (after-padding-of widget-measurement)
110 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
111 (after-border-width-of widget-measurement)
112 (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
113 (after-margin-of widget-measurement))
116 (defmethod content-offset-of ((widget-measurement widget-measurement))
117 "Offset from the top left of the widget to the content start"
118 (+ (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
119 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
120 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)))
122 ;; this references cowl contaner before it is declared, ok, but leads to warnings
123 (defclass widget ()
124 ((parent :accessor parent-of :type widget :initarg :parent)
125 (visible :accessor visibility-of :type boolean
126 :initform t :initarg :visible
127 :documentation "Inhibits the widget from being drawn. It is still
128 present in the layout though.")
129 (x :accessor x :type widget-measurement
130 :initform (make-instance 'widget-measurement))
131 (y :accessor y :type widget-measurement
132 :initform (make-instance 'widget-measurement))
133 (foreground-colour :type list
134 :accessor foreground-colour-of
135 :documentation "Colour of the text, default solid border
136 colour and highlight.")
137 (background-colour :type list
138 :accessor background-colour-of
139 :documentation "Colour of the background of the widget
140 and base colour of default inset/outset border."))
141 (:documentation "The base class for all on-screen-display widgets"))
143 (defmethod initialize-instance :after
144 ((widget widget) &key x y width height style padding margin
145 padding-left padding-right padding-top padding-bottom
146 margin-left margin-right margin-top margin-bottom
147 border-width-left border-width-right border-width-top border-width-bottom
148 foreground-colour background-colour
149 (border-style :solid border-stylep)
150 (border-width 1 border-widthp)
151 (border-colour nil border-colourp)
152 &allow-other-keys)
153 (when (realp x) (setf (current-offset-of (x widget)) x))
154 (when (realp y) (setf (current-offset-of (y widget)) y))
155 (when (realp width) (setf (ideal-size-of (x widget)) width
156 (current-size-of (x widget)) width))
157 (when (realp height) (setf (ideal-size-of (y widget)) height
158 (current-size-of (y widget)) height))
160 ;; style settings - borders depend on colours.
161 (setf (foreground-colour-of widget)
162 (or foreground-colour (get-style-value widget :foreground-colour style))
163 (background-colour-of widget)
164 (or background-colour (get-style-value widget :background-colour style))
165 (margin-of widget)
166 (or margin (get-style-value widget :margin style))
167 (padding-of widget)
168 (or padding (get-style-value widget :padding style)))
170 ;; pedantic paddings and margins widths
171 (when padding-left (setf (before-padding-of (x widget)) padding-left))
172 (when padding-right (setf (after-padding-of (x widget)) padding-right))
173 (when padding-top (setf (before-padding-of (y widget)) padding-top))
174 (when padding-bottom (setf (after-padding-of (y widget)) padding-bottom))
175 (when margin-left (setf (before-margin-of (x widget)) margin-left))
176 (when margin-right (setf (after-margin-of (x widget)) margin-right))
177 (when margin-top (setf (before-margin-of (y widget)) margin-top))
178 (when margin-bottom (setf (after-margin-of (y widget)) margin-bottom))
180 (if (or border-stylep border-widthp border-colourp)
181 (set-borders widget border-style border-width border-colour)
182 (let ((borders (get-style-value widget :borders style)))
183 (when borders
184 (apply #'set-borders (cons widget borders)))))
186 ;; pedantic borders widths
187 (when border-width-left (setf (before-border-width-of (x widget)) border-width-left))
188 (when border-width-right (setf (after-border-width-of (x widget)) border-width-right))
189 (when border-width-top (setf (before-border-width-of (y widget)) border-width-top))
190 (when border-width-bottom (setf (after-border-width-of (y widget)) border-width-bottom)))
192 (defun set-widget-style (widget style)
193 (declare (type widget widget))
195 ;; style settings - borders depend on colours.
196 (setf (foreground-colour-of widget)
197 (get-style-value widget :foreground-colour style)
198 (background-colour-of widget)
199 (get-style-value widget :background-colour style)
200 (margin-of widget)
201 (get-style-value widget :margin style)
202 (padding-of widget)
203 (get-style-value widget :padding style))
204 (let ((borders (get-style-value widget :borders style)))
205 (when borders
206 (apply #'set-borders (cons widget borders)))))
209 (defmethod detach ((widget widget))
210 "Callback for when an widget is detached from the current view (ie. it goes off the screen).")
212 (defmethod (setf padding-of) (val (widget widget))
213 (setf (padding-of (x widget)) (cons val val)
214 (padding-of (y widget)) (cons val val)))
216 (defmethod (setf margin-of) (val (widget widget))
217 (setf (margin-of (x widget)) (cons val val)
218 (margin-of (y widget)) (cons val val)))
220 (defmethod ideal-width-of ((widget widget))
221 (if (slot-boundp (x widget) 'ideal-size)
222 (ideal-size-of (x widget))
225 (defmethod ideal-height-of ((widget widget))
226 (if (slot-boundp (y widget) 'ideal-size)
227 (ideal-size-of (y widget))
230 (defmethod total-ideal-width-of ((widget widget))
231 (with-accessors ((widget-measurement x)) widget
232 (+ (ideal-width-of widget)
233 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)
234 (after-padding-of widget-measurement)
235 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
236 (after-border-width-of widget-measurement)
237 (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
238 (after-margin-of widget-measurement))))
240 (defmethod total-ideal-height-of ((widget widget))
241 (with-accessors ((widget-measurement y)) widget
242 (+ (ideal-height-of widget)
243 (before-padding-of widget-measurement)
244 (after-padding-of widget-measurement)
245 (before-border-width-of widget-measurement)
246 (after-border-width-of widget-measurement)
247 (before-margin-of widget-measurement)
248 (after-margin-of widget-measurement))))
250 (defmethod cumulative-offset-of ((widget widget))
251 "Returns the cumulative offset in the viewport as (list x y)"
252 (apply #'mapcar (cons #'+ (loop for n = widget then (and (slot-boundp n 'parent) (parent-of n))
253 while n
254 nconcing
255 (list (list (current-offset-of (x n)) (current-offset-of (y n)))
256 (list (before-margin-of (x n)) (before-margin-of (y n)))
257 (list (before-border-width-of (x n)) (before-border-width-of (y n)))
258 (list (before-padding-of (x n)) (before-padding-of (y n))))))))
260 (defmethod current-offset-before-border-of ((widget widget))
261 (destructuring-bind (cx cy) (cumulative-offset-of widget)
262 (list (+ cx (before-border-width-of (x widget)))
263 (+ cy (before-border-width-of (y widget))))))
265 (defmethod current-offset-before-border-of ((widget widget))
266 (list (+ (current-offset-of (x widget))
267 (before-border-width-of (x widget)))
268 (+ (current-offset-of (y widget))
269 (before-border-width-of (y widget)))))
271 (defmethod set-borders ((widget widget) style &optional (width 1) colour)
272 (declare (type (member :solid :inset :outset :none) style))
273 "Set up borders to one of the four presets."
274 (with-slots (x y) widget
275 (flet ((dark-light (delta)
276 (let ((base-colour (or colour
277 (if (slot-boundp widget 'background-colour)
278 (background-colour-of widget)
279 '(0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5)))))
280 (cons (list (- (elt base-colour 0) delta)
281 (- (elt base-colour 1) delta)
282 (- (elt base-colour 2) delta)
283 (elt base-colour 3))
284 (list (+ (elt base-colour 0) delta)
285 (+ (elt base-colour 1) delta)
286 (+ (elt base-colour 2) delta)
287 (elt base-colour 3))))))
288 (ecase style
289 (:solid
290 (unless colour (setf colour
291 (if (slot-boundp widget 'foreground-colour)
292 (foreground-colour-of widget)
293 '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))))
294 (setf (border-width-of x) (cons width width)
295 (border-width-of y) (cons width width)
296 (border-colour-of x) (cons colour colour)
297 (border-colour-of y) (cons colour colour)))
298 (:outset
299 (setf (border-width-of x) (cons width width)
300 (border-width-of y) (cons width width)
301 (border-colour-of x) (dark-light -0.25)
302 (border-colour-of y) (dark-light -0.25)))
303 (:inset
304 (setf (border-width-of x) (cons width width)
305 (border-width-of y) (cons width width)
306 (border-colour-of x) (dark-light 0.25)
307 (border-colour-of y) (dark-light 0.25)))
308 ((nil :none)
309 (setf (border-width-of x) (cons 0 0)
310 (border-width-of y) (cons 0 0)))))))
312 (defmethod layout ((widget widget))
313 "Lay-out the contents of the widget when the sizes/offsets change.")
316 (defmacro with-widget-box-bindings (widget &body forms)
317 "Makes bindings for b[xy][01][01] thus:
318 bx00 bx01 bx10 bx11
319 by00 + +----------------------+ +
321 by01 +-----+----------------------+----+
322 | | | |
323 | | | |
324 | | Content | |
325 | | | |
326 | | | |
327 by10 +-----+----------------------+----+
329 by11 + +----------------------+ "
330 (let ((widget-s (gensym "WIDGET-"))
331 (x (gensym "X-"))
332 (y (gensym "Y-")))
333 `(let* ((,widget-s ,widget)
334 (,x (x ,widget-s))
335 (,y (y ,widget-s))
336 (bx00 (before-margin-of ,x))
337 (bx01 (+ bx00 (before-border-width-of ,x)))
338 (bx10 (+ bx01 (current-size-of ,x) (before-padding-of ,x) (after-padding-of ,x)))
339 (bx11 (+ bx10 (after-border-width-of ,x)))
340 (by00 (before-margin-of ,y))
341 (by01 (+ by00 (before-border-width-of ,y)))
342 (by10 (+ by01 (current-size-of ,y) (before-padding-of ,y) (after-padding-of ,y)))
343 (by11 (+ by10 (after-border-width-of ,y))))
344 ,@forms)))
347 (defmethod draw ((widget widget))
348 "No-op method here for testing")
350 (defmethod draw :around ((widget widget))
351 "Draws the borders and background colour, if approcpriate, of the widget and translates it to the right position for drawing.
352 This is the border layout.
353 bx00 bx01 bx10 bx11
354 by00 + +----------------------+ +
356 by01 +-----+----------------------+----+
357 | | | |
358 | | | |
359 | | Content | |
360 | | | |
361 | | | |
362 by10 +-----+----------------------+----+
364 by11 + +----------------------+ +"
366 (unless (visibility-of widget)
367 (return-from draw))
369 (with-slots (x y) widget
370 (gl:disable gl:+texture-2d+)
372 (with-widget-box-bindings widget
373 ;; left border
374 (when (plusp (before-border-width-of x))
375 (apply #'gl:color-4f (before-border-colour-of x))
376 (gl:rect-f bx00 by10 bx01 by01))
377 ;; top border
378 (when (plusp (before-border-width-of y))
379 (apply #'gl:color-4f (before-border-colour-of y))
380 (gl:rect-f bx01 by01 bx10 by00))
381 ;; right border
382 (when (plusp (after-border-width-of x))
383 (apply #'gl:color-4f (after-border-colour-of x))
384 (gl:rect-f bx10 by10 bx11 by01))
385 ;; bottom border
386 (when (plusp (after-border-width-of y))
387 (apply #'gl:color-4f (after-border-colour-of y))
388 (gl:rect-f bx01 by11 bx10 by10))
390 ;; background
391 (when (slot-boundp widget 'background-colour)
392 (apply #'gl:color-4f (background-colour-of widget))
393 (gl:rect-f bx10 by01 bx01 by10))
395 (when (next-method-p)
396 (gl:with-push-matrix
397 (gl:translate-f (coerce (+ bx01 (before-padding-of x)) 'single-float)
398 (coerce (+ by01 (before-padding-of y)) 'single-float)
399 0.0)
400 (call-next-method))))))