Windows issues parsing these characters. Bug fix for entering edit mode without setti...
[cowl.git] / src / cowl-text.lisp
1 (in-package #:cowl)
2 (compiler-opts)
4 (defclass text (widget)
5 ((font :initarg :font :initform (default-font) :accessor font-of
6 :documentation "font object to render the text in")
7 (text :type string :initarg :text :accessor text-of
8 :documentation "The text to display.")
9 (text-updater :initarg :text-updater :type (function (widget) string) :accessor text-updater-of
10 :documentation "A function that can be associated with this input from which the
11 text can be derived.")
12 (lines :type list :accessor lines-of
13 :documentation "The actual lines of text to display.
14 Use the text property unless you really want to explicitely set the lines.")
15 (wrap :type boolean :initform t :initarg :wrap :accessor wrap
16 :documentation "Whether or not to wrap the text to the current size."))
17 (:documentation "Wrappable text object on the on-screen-display system."))
20 (defgeneric display-text-of (text)
21 (:documentation "Can be used to display a different set of characters than is input"))
23 (defmethod display-text-of ((text text))
24 (text-of text))
27 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((text text) &key height width (wrap nil wrap-p))
28 (unless height
29 (setf (current-size-of (y text))
30 (setf (ideal-size-of (y text))
31 (ftgl:get-font-line-height (font-of text)))))
32 ;; if wrap is not specified,
33 (unless wrap-p
34 (if width
35 ;; wrap if width is specified
36 (setf (wrap text) t)
37 ;; don't wrap if no width is specified
38 (setf (wrap text) nil)))
40 ;; if we don't have text, but we do have a text-updater
41 (when (and (not (slot-boundp text 'text))
42 (slot-boundp text 'text-updater))
43 (setf (text-of text)
44 (funcall (text-updater-of text) text)))
46 ;; if we aren't wrapping, no width is specified and we have text
47 (when (and (not wrap) (not width)
48 (slot-boundp text 'text))
49 ;; set the ideal-width to the size of the text ; ;
50 (setf (current-size-of (x text))
51 (setf (ideal-size-of (x text))
52 (ftgl:get-font-advance (font-of text) (display-text-of text))))))
55 (defmethod update-text ((text text))
56 "Calls the updater callback if one exists and sets to as the current text"
57 (when (slot-boundp text 'text-updater)
58 (setf (text-of text)
59 (funcall (slot-value text 'text-updater) text))))
61 (defmethod cursor-x-y-to-position ((text text) ix iy)
62 (+ (min ix (length (elt (lines-of text) iy)))
63 (loop for y below iy for line in (lines-of text) summing (length line))))
65 (defmethod ideal-width-of ((text text))
66 (if (wrap text)
67 (call-next-method)
68 (max (call-next-method)
69 (ftgl:get-font-advance (font-of text) (display-text-of text)))))
72 (defmethod ideal-height-of ((text text))
73 (if (wrap text)
74 (nth-value 1 (font-text-wrap (font-of text) (display-text-of text) (ideal-size-of (x text))))
75 (max (call-next-method)
76 (ftgl:get-font-line-height (font-of text)))))
78 (defmethod layout ((text text))
79 (with-accessors ((font font-of) (lines lines-of) (x x) (y y) (wrap wrap) (text display-text-of)) text
80 (if wrap
81 (setf lines (font-text-wrap font text (current-size-of x)))
82 (setf lines (list text)))))
85 (defmethod draw ((text text))
86 (when (slot-boundp text 'lines)
87 (with-accessors ((font font-of)
88 (lines lines-of)
89 (foreground-colour foreground-colour-of)) text
90 (apply #'gl:color-4f foreground-colour)
91 (let ((font-height (round (ftgl:get-font-line-height font))))
92 (gl:rotate-f 180.0 1.0 0.0 0.0)
93 (loop for iy downfrom (- 0 font-height (round (ftgl:get-font-descender font))) by font-height
94 for line in lines
95 do (gl-print font 0 iy line)))))
96 (when (next-method-p) (call-next-method)))