Windows issues parsing these characters. Bug fix for entering edit mode without setti...
[cowl.git] / src / cowl-glfw.lisp
1 (defpackage #:cowl-glfw
2 (:use #:cl)
3 (:export
4 #:mouse-button-callback
5 #:mouse-wheel-callback
6 #:key-callback
7 #:edit-mode-char-callback
8 #:enter-edit-mode-hook
9 #:leave-edit-mode-hook
10 #:clear-input-events
11 #:setup-input-callbacks
12 #:teardown-input-callbacks))
14 (in-package #:cowl-glfw)
16 (pushnew 'cowl:delete-default-font cl-glfw:*terminate-hooks*)
18 (defun mouse-button-callback (button action)
19 "Callback for capturing GLFW mouse button events and passing them to Cowl."
20 (cowl:mouse-button-event button (eql action glfw:+press+)))
22 (defun key-callback (key action)
23 "The key capture GLFW callback, note that this is not intended for
24 capturing character input, use edit-mode-char-callback for that."
25 ;; unless it's a character in edit mode.
26 (unless (and (characterp key)
27 (typep cowl:*focused-widget* 'cowl:input))
28 (cowl:key-event key (eql action glfw:+press+))))
30 ;;; for cowl:input boxes
31 (defun edit-mode-char-callback (character action)
32 "Character capture GLFW callback. Note that this is not intended for capturing
33 non-textual and modifier keys, use key-callback for that."
34 (cowl:key-event character (eql action glfw:+press+)))
36 (defun enter-edit-mode-hook ()
37 "The cowl-glfw callback to set up GLFW for reading
38 textual input."
39 (glfw:enable glfw:+key-repeat+)
40 (glfw:set-char-callback #'edit-mode-char-callback))
42 (defun leave-edit-mode-hook ()
43 "The cowl-glfw callback to undo enter-edit-mode-hook."
44 (glfw:disable glfw:+key-repeat+)
45 (glfw:set-char-callback nil))
47 (defun setup-input-callbacks ()
48 "Set the callbacks for Cowl on GLFW."
49 (glfw:set-mouse-button-callback 'mouse-button-callback)
50 (glfw:set-mouse-pos-callback 'cowl:mouse-motion-event)
51 (glfw:set-mouse-wheel-callback 'cowl:mouse-wheel-event)
52 (glfw:set-key-callback 'key-callback)
53 (pushnew 'enter-edit-mode-hook cowl:*enter-edit-mode-hooks*)
54 (pushnew 'leave-edit-mode-hook cowl:*leave-edit-mode-hooks*))
56 (defun clear-input-events ()
57 "Forces event collection with the cowl:*ignore-events* flag set.
58 This effectively clears all the input events, by flushing and ignoring them."
59 (let ((cowl:*ignore-events* t))
60 (glfw:poll-events)))
63 (defun teardown-input-callbacks ()
64 "Removed all of the input callbacks. NB. this won't discriminate cowl-glfw callbacks
65 from anything else you might have put there."
66 (glfw:set-mouse-button-callback nil)
67 (glfw:set-mouse-pos-callback nil)
68 (glfw:set-mouse-wheel-callback nil)
69 (glfw:set-key-callback nil)
70 (glfw:set-char-callback nil))