Windows issues parsing these characters. Bug fix for entering edit mode without setti...
[cowl.git] / src / cowl-font.lisp
2 (in-package #:cowl)
4 (defun blankp (char)
5 (declare (type character char))
6 (find char '(#\Space #\Newline #\Page #\Tab #\Backspace #\Return #\Linefeed)))
8 (defun string-split (string &optional (predicate #'blankp))
9 "Split a string into a list of strings, partitioning by characters matching the predicate.
10 Default any whitespace character"
11 (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
12 as j = (position-if predicate string :start i)
13 collect (subseq string i j)
14 while j))
16 (defun font-string-cursor-offset (font string cursor-x)
17 "Returns the pixels offset from left of a cursor in the string"
18 (declare (type string string))
19 (declare (type (integer 0) cursor-x))
20 (loop for c across string for i from 0 until (= i cursor-x) summing (ftgl:get-font-advance font (make-string 1 :initial-element c))))
22 (defun font-string-character-position (font string offset-x)
23 "Returns the integer character index in string at the offset-x"
24 (declare (type string string))
25 (declare (type (integer 0) offset-x))
27 (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
28 (c-offset 0))
29 ((or (>= i (length string))
30 (> (+ c-offset (/ (ftgl:get-font-advance font (subseq string i (1+ i)))
31 2))
32 offset-x))
34 (incf c-offset (ftgl:get-font-advance font (subseq string i (1+ i))))))
36 (defun font-text-wrap (font text width)
37 "Using a font, wraps a string of text to a given width.
38 Returns a list of strings of the lines and the height of all the strings in pixels.
40 (let* ((space-width (ftgl:get-font-advance font " "))
41 lines
42 lines-tail
43 (line-width 0)
44 (num-lines 0))
45 (flet ((new-line ()
46 (incf num-lines)
47 (setf line-width 0)
48 (let ((prev-tail lines-tail)) ; append to end, maintaining tail
49 (setf lines-tail (cons (make-array 64 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\Nul :fill-pointer 0) nil))
50 (when prev-tail
51 (setf (cdr prev-tail) lines-tail)))))
52 (new-line)
53 (setf lines lines-tail) ; set the head to the first tail
54 ;; collect up a list of (word . width)s one the split text
55 (do ((word-word-width (loop for word in (string-split text) collecting (cons word (ftgl:get-font-advance font word)))
56 (cdr word-word-width)))
57 ((null word-word-width)
58 (values lines (* num-lines (ftgl:get-font-line-height font))))
59 (destructuring-bind (word . word-width) (car word-word-width)
60 ;; add word to line
61 (loop for c across word do (vector-push-extend c (car lines-tail)))
62 ;; add word-width to line
63 (incf line-width word-width)
64 ;; if there is a next word
65 (when (cdr word-word-width)
66 (incf line-width space-width)
67 (vector-push-extend #\Space (car lines-tail))
68 ;; if puts us over the edge
69 (if (> (+ line-width (cdadr word-word-width)) width)
70 (new-line))))))))
73 (defun gl-print (font x y text)
74 (declare (type string text))
75 (gl:with-push-attrib (gl:+texture-bit+ gl:+depth-buffer-bit+)
76 (gl:depth-mask gl:+false+)
77 (gl:disable gl:+depth-test+)
78 (gl:enable gl:+blend+)
79 (gl:blend-func gl:+src-alpha+ gl:+one-minus-src-alpha+)
81 (gl:with-push-matrix
82 (gl:translate-f (coerce x 'single-float)
83 (coerce y 'single-float)
84 0.0)
85 (ftgl:render-font font text :all))))