Windows issues parsing these characters. Bug fix for entering edit mode without setti...
[cowl.git] / src / cowl-container.lisp
1 (in-package #:cowl)
2 (compiler-opts)
4 (defclass container (widget)
5 ((contents :type (simple-array (or null widget) 2) :reader contents-of
6 :documentation "A matrix of contained widgets")
7 (row-heights :type list :accessor row-heights :initarg :row-heights :accessor row-heights-of
8 :documentation "Heights of the rows, list of either a stretch-weight (:weight . number),
9 or a fixed value (:fixed . number).")
10 (column-widths :type list :accessor column-widths :initarg :column-widths :accessor column-widths-of
11 :documentation "Widths of the columns, list of either a stretch-weight (:weight . number),
12 or a fixed value (:fixed . number).")
13 (computed-row-heights :type list :accessor computed-row-heights-of)
14 (computed-column-widths :type list :accessor computed-column-widths-of))
15 (:documentation "A grid-layout container for other widgets."))
17 (defmethod (setf contents-of) (ncontents (container container))
18 (with-slots (contents) container
19 (cond
20 ((listp ncontents)
21 (unless (listp (first ncontents)) (error "contents must be a list of lists"))
22 ;; (format t "Making a ~ax~a grid~%" (length contents) (length (first contents)))
23 (setf contents
24 (make-array (list (length ncontents) (length (first ncontents)))
25 :element-type '(or null widget)
26 :initial-contents ncontents)))
27 ((arrayp ncontents)
28 (setf contents ncontents))))
29 (with-accessors ((contents contents-of)) container
30 (loop for row below (array-dimension contents 0) do
31 (loop for column below (array-dimension contents 1) do
32 (let ((widget (aref contents row column)))
33 (when widget
34 (setf (parent-of widget) container)))))
35 (unless (slot-boundp container 'row-heights)
36 (setf (slot-value container 'row-heights)
37 (make-list (array-dimension contents 0)
38 :initial-element (cons :expand (if (default-font)
39 (ftgl:get-font-line-height (default-font))
40 10))))
41 ;; (format t "row heights unintialized, set to ~a~%" (slot-value container 'row-heights))
43 (unless (slot-boundp container 'column-widths)
44 (setf (slot-value container 'column-widths)
45 (make-list (array-dimension contents 1)
46 :initial-element (cons :expand (if (default-font)
47 (ftgl:get-font-line-height (default-font))
48 10))))
49 ;; (format t "column widths unintialized, set to ~a~%" (slot-value container 'column-widths))
50 )))
53 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((container container) &key rows columns contents)
54 (cond
55 (contents
56 (setf (contents-of container) contents))
57 ((and (realp columns) (realp rows))
58 (setf (contents-of container)
59 (make-array (list rows columns)
60 :element-type '(or null widget)
61 :initial-element nil)))))
63 (defmethod set-cell ((container container) row column widget)
64 (when (aref (contents-of container) row column)
65 (detach (aref (contents-of container) row column)))
66 (setf (aref (contents-of container) row column)
67 widget)
68 (when widget
69 (setf (parent-of widget) container)))
71 (defun row-widget-heights-of (2d-array)
72 (loop for row below (array-dimension 2d-array 0) collecting
73 (loop for column below (array-dimension 2d-array 1) collecting
74 (let ((widget (aref 2d-array row column)))
75 (if widget
76 (total-ideal-height-of widget)
77 0)))))
79 (defun column-widget-widths-of (2d-array)
80 (loop for column below (array-dimension 2d-array 1) collecting
81 (loop for row below (array-dimension 2d-array 0) collecting
82 (let ((widget (aref 2d-array row column)))
83 (if widget
84 (total-ideal-width-of widget)
85 0)))))
87 (defmethod contents-list ((container container))
88 "Just collect up all of the contents into one list, ignoring empty cells."
89 (loop for column below (array-dimension (contents-of container) 1) nconcing
90 (loop for row below (array-dimension (contents-of container) 0)
91 when (aref (contents-of container) row column)
92 collecting
93 (aref (contents-of container) row column))))
95 (defun compute-ideal-sizes (sizes set-ideal-sizes)
96 (loop for size in sizes
97 for ideal-sizes in set-ideal-sizes
98 collecting
99 (ecase (car size)
100 ((:expand :weight) (reduce #'max (cons (cdr size) ideal-sizes)))
101 (:fixed (cdr size)))))
104 (defmethod ideal-width-of ((container container))
105 (if (slot-boundp (x container) 'ideal-size)
106 (slot-value (x container) 'ideal-size)
107 (reduce #'+
108 (compute-ideal-sizes (column-widths-of container)
109 (column-widget-widths-of (contents-of container))))))
111 (defmethod ideal-height-of ((container container))
112 (if (slot-boundp (y container) 'ideal-size)
113 (slot-value (y container) 'ideal-size)
114 (reduce #'+
115 (compute-ideal-sizes (row-heights-of container)
116 (row-widget-heights-of (contents-of container))))))
119 (defun compute-set-sizes (available-size sizes set-ideal-sizes)
120 (let* ((available-weighted-size available-size)
121 (total-weight 0.0)
122 (out-sizes
123 (loop for size in sizes
124 for ideal-sizes in set-ideal-sizes
125 collecting
126 (ecase (car size)
127 (:weight
128 (incf total-weight (cdr size))
129 size)
130 ((:expand :fixed)
131 (let ((size (min available-weighted-size
132 (ecase (car size)
133 (:expand (reduce #'max (cons (cdr size) ideal-sizes)))
134 (:fixed (cdr size))))))
135 (decf available-weighted-size size)
136 size))))))
137 (map-into out-sizes
138 #'(lambda (size)
139 (if (consp size)
140 (* (cdr size) (/ available-weighted-size total-weight))
141 size))
142 out-sizes)))
144 (defmethod detach ((container container))
145 "Callback for when an widget is detached from the current view (ie. it goes off the screen)."
146 (mapcar #'detach (contents-list container)))
148 (defmethod layout ((container container))
149 (setf (computed-row-heights-of container)
150 (compute-set-sizes (current-size-of (y container))
151 (row-heights-of container)
152 (row-widget-heights-of (contents-of container)))
153 (computed-column-widths-of container)
154 (compute-set-sizes (current-size-of (x container))
155 (column-widths-of container)
156 (column-widget-widths-of (contents-of container))))
157 ;; (format t "computed ~a~% widths~a~% heights~a~%"
158 ;; container
159 ;; (computed-column-widths-of container)
160 ;; (computed-row-heights-of container))
161 (let ((ix 0.0) (iy 0.0))
162 (loop for row below (array-dimension (contents-of container) 0)
163 for height in (computed-row-heights-of container) do
164 (loop for column below (array-dimension (contents-of container) 1)
165 for width in (computed-column-widths-of container) do
166 (let ((widget (aref (contents-of container) row column)))
167 (when widget
168 (setf (total-current-size-of (x widget)) (min width (total-ideal-width-of widget))
169 (total-current-size-of (y widget)) (min height (total-ideal-height-of widget))
170 (current-offset-of (x widget)) ix
171 (current-offset-of (y widget)) iy)
172 (layout widget)))
173 (incf ix width))
174 (incf iy height)
175 (setf ix 0.0))))
177 (defmethod draw ((container container))
178 (layout container)
179 (with-slots (x y) container
180 (mapcar #'(lambda (widget)
181 (gl:with-push-matrix
182 (gl:translate-f (current-offset-of (x widget))
183 (current-offset-of (y widget))
184 0.0)
185 (draw widget)))
186 (contents-list container))))
188 (defmethod update-text ((container container))
189 (mapc #'update-text (contents-list container)))
192 (defmacro define-propogating-container-method (name (&rest lambda-list) &body forms)
193 "Defines a method named name, with lambda-list prepended by (container container),
194 that propogates to child widgets, x and y must appear in the lambda list.
195 For the course of forms, widget is also bound to the widget located."
196 `(defmethod ,name ,(list* '(container container) lambda-list)
197 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
198 (when (and (slot-boundp container 'computed-row-heights)
199 (slot-boundp container 'computed-column-widths))
200 (let ((y-row 0))
201 (loop for row-height in (computed-row-heights-of container)
202 for iy from 0 do
203 (let ((x-column 0))
204 (loop for column-width in (computed-column-widths-of container)
205 for ix from 0 do
206 (when (and (>= x x-column)
207 (<= x (+ column-width x-column))
208 (>= y y-row)
209 (<= y (+ row-height y-row)))
210 (let ((widget (aref (contents-of container) iy ix)))
211 (when widget
212 ,@forms)))
213 (incf x-column column-width)))
214 (incf y-row row-height))))))
216 (define-propogating-container-method handle-mouse-button (button press x y)
217 (handle-mouse-button widget
218 button press
219 (- x (current-offset-of (x widget)))
220 (- y (current-offset-of (y widget)))))
222 (define-propogating-container-method handle-mouse-wheel (zrel x y)
223 (handle-mouse-wheel widget
224 zrel
225 (- x (current-offset-of (x widget)))
226 (- y (current-offset-of (y widget)))))
231 (defmacro contents-iterate-forwards (contents widget-name &body forms)
232 (let ((x (gensym "X"))
233 (y (gensym "Y"))
234 (c (gensym "CONTENTS")))
235 `(let ((,c ,contents))
236 (loop for ,y below (array-dimension ,c 0) do
237 (loop for ,x below (array-dimension ,c 1) do
238 (let ((,widget-name (aref ,c ,y ,x)))
239 ,@forms))))))
241 (defmacro contents-iterate-backwards (contents widget-name &body forms)
242 (let ((x (gensym "X"))
243 (y (gensym "Y"))
244 (c (gensym "CONTENTS")))
245 `(let ((,c ,contents))
246 (loop for ,y from (1- (array-dimension ,c 0)) downto 0 do
247 (loop for ,x from (1- (array-dimension ,c 1)) downto 0 do
248 (let ((,widget-name (aref ,c ,y ,x)))
249 ,@forms))))))
252 (defun find-first-focusable (widget)
253 "Find the first focusable widget that is widget, or is in widget.
254 Depth-first search"
255 (declare (type widget widget))
256 (cond
257 ((accept-focus-p widget)
258 widget)
259 ((typep widget 'container)
260 (contents-iterate-forwards (contents-of widget) w
261 (when (and w (setf w (find-first-focusable w)))
262 (return-from find-first-focusable w))))))
264 (defun find-last-focusable (widget)
265 "Find the last focusable widget that is widget, or is in widget.
266 Depth-first search"
267 (declare (type widget widget))
268 (cond
269 ((accept-focus-p widget)
270 widget)
271 ((typep widget 'container)
272 (contents-iterate-backwards (contents-of widget) w
273 (when (and w (setf w (find-last-focusable w)))
274 (return-from find-last-focusable w))))))
277 (defun next-widget (widget)
278 (declare (type widget widget))
279 (let ((parent (when (slot-boundp widget 'parent)
280 (parent-of widget))))
281 (when parent
282 (when (typep parent 'container)
283 (let (found)
284 (contents-iterate-forwards (contents-of parent) w
285 (if found
286 (when (and w (setf w (find-first-focusable w)))
287 (return-from next-widget w))
288 ;;Found our own widget in the container, from now on, search for something focusable
289 (when (eql w widget)
290 (setf found t))))))
291 ;;Nothing was found - go up a level
292 (next-widget parent))))
294 (defun prev-widget (widget)
295 (declare (type widget widget))
296 (let ((parent (when (slot-boundp widget 'parent)
297 (parent-of widget))))
298 (when parent
299 (when (typep parent 'container)
300 (let (found)
301 (contents-iterate-backwards (contents-of parent) w
302 (if found
303 (when (and w (setf w (find-last-focusable w)))
304 (return-from prev-widget w))
305 ;;Found our own widget in the container, from now on, search for something focusable
306 (when (eql w widget)
307 (setf found t))))))
308 ;;Nothing was found - go up a level
309 (prev-widget parent))))