Added password input box
[cowl.git] / src / cowl-input.lisp
1 (in-package #:cowl)
3 (defclass input (text-button)
4 ((writer :initarg :writer :type (function (t))
5 :accessor writer-of
6 :documentation "Whenever edit mode is left and the text confirmed, this callback is called
7 with the new string."))
8 (:documentation "Widget for editable text. "))
10 (defclass password-input (input)
12 (:documentation "Purely specialized to not echo the text back"))
14 (defparameter *edit-mode-cursor-positions* (list 0 0)
15 "A list of two values of the current cursor position. If the values are different,
16 this signifies a selection.")
17 (declaim (type (cons (integer 0) (cons (integer 0) null)) *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))
19 (defparameter *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state* t
20 "Whether the cursor is currently blinked on or off")
21 (declaim (type boolean *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state*))
23 (defparameter *edit-mode-cursor-blink-time* (/ internal-time-units-per-second 2)
24 "Setting for how long the cursor should blink before toggling")
26 (defparameter *edit-mode-cursor-blink-last-change* 0
27 "Current time of the last state change of blink")
29 (defparameter *edit-mode-text-memento* "You should never see this"
30 "The text before we entered edit-mode (for reverting back if the user cancels editing)")
31 (declaim (type string *edit-mode-text-memento*))
33 (defparameter *edit-mode-drag-anchors* nil
34 "If not-nil, the first is the initial position of the drag and the second
35 Or nil if there is no drag currently happening.")
36 (declaim (type (or (cons (integer 0) (cons (integer 0) null)) null) *edit-mode-drag-anchors*))
38 (defparameter *enter-edit-mode-hooks* nil
39 "A list of functions called BEFORE entering edit mode.
40 This can be used, eg. for ensuring that a character
41 reader event handler is registered in the client application.")
42 (defparameter *leave-edit-mode-hooks* nil
43 "A list of functions called AFTER leaving edit mode.
44 This can be used for undoing the effects of
45 *enter-edit-mode-hooks*, when editing is finished.")
47 (defmethod display-text-of ((input password-input))
48 (make-string (length (text-of input)) :initial-element #\*))
50 (defmethod accept-focus-p ((input input))
51 (declare (ignore input))
54 (defmethod focus ((input input))
55 "Sets up edit mode with input as the active widget."
56 (assert (eql input *focused-widget*))
57 (mapc #'funcall *enter-edit-mode-hooks*)
58 (setf *edit-mode-text-memento* (text-of *focused-widget*))
59 (setf *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state* t)
60 (setf *edit-mode-cursor-blink-last-change* (get-internal-real-time)))
62 (defmethod finish-edit-mode ((input input) confirm-edit)
63 "Hook method called after the text input is complete, confirmed or cancelled.
64 If confirm-edit is true, call the writer callback, else revert text to previous state."
65 (if confirm-edit
66 (when (slot-boundp input 'writer)
67 (funcall (slot-value input 'writer) (text-of input)))
68 (setf (text-of input) *edit-mode-text-memento*)))
70 (defmethod blur ((input input))
71 "Invokes leave-edit-mode."
72 (assert (eql input *focused-widget*))
73 (leave-edit-mode t))
75 (defun leave-edit-mode (&optional (confirm-edit t))
76 "A command to drop the focused widget out of edit-mode.
77 Invokes finish-edit-mode."
78 (declare (type boolean confirm-edit))
79 (finish-edit-mode *focused-widget* confirm-edit)
80 (setf *focused-widget* nil)
81 (mapc #'funcall *leave-edit-mode-hooks*))
83 (defmethod offset-to-char-x-char-y ((input input) ox oy)
84 "Converts a cursor offset to a “char coordinate”, of the line and colum number
85 of wrapped text."
86 (let* ((iy (max 0 (min (1- (length (lines-of input)))
87 (floor oy (ftgl:get-font-line-height (font-of input))))))
88 (ix (font-string-character-position (font-of input)
89 (elt (lines-of input) iy)
90 (max 0 (floor ox)))))
91 ;; (format t "cursor at ~a,~a~%" ix iy)
92 (cursor-x-y-to-position input ix iy)))
94 (defun input-selection-drag-mouse-motion (mx my)
95 "Handler for mouse motion while an input is having a selection dragged."
96 (destructuring-bind (cx cy) (cumulative-offset-of *focused-widget*)
97 (let ((x (- mx cx))
98 (y (- my cy)))
99 ;; (format t "Dragging at ~a,~a which is ~a,~a offset from ~a,~a~%" (glfw:get-mouse-pos) x y cx cy)
100 (setf (second *edit-mode-drag-anchors*)
101 (offset-to-char-x-char-y *focused-widget* x y))
102 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions) *edit-mode-drag-anchors*)))
105 ;; ?? mouse-button-handlers mouse-motion-handlers
106 (defun input-selection-drag-finish (button press x y)
107 (when (and (not press)
108 (eql button :left))
109 (setf *mouse-button-handlers* (delete #'input-selection-drag-finish *mouse-button-handlers*))
110 (setf *mouse-motion-handlers* (delete #'input-selection-drag-mouse-motion *mouse-motion-handlers*))
113 (defmethod handle-mouse-button ((input input) button press x y)
114 (if (and press (eql button :left))
115 (progn
116 (focus input)
117 (setf *edit-mode-drag-anchors*
118 (make-list 2 :initial-element
119 (offset-to-char-x-char-y input
120 (- x
121 (before-margin-of (x input))
122 (before-border-width-of (x input))
123 (before-padding-of (x input)))
124 (- y
125 (before-margin-of (y input))
126 (before-border-width-of (y input))
127 (before-padding-of (y input))))))
128 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions) *edit-mode-drag-anchors*)
129 ;; (format t "anchors: ~a; cursor positions: ~a~%" *edit-mode-drag-anchors* *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
130 (pushnew #'input-selection-drag-mouse-motion *mouse-motion-handlers*)
131 (pushnew #'input-selection-drag-finish *mouse-button-handlers*)
133 (call-next-method)))
136 (defun edit-mode-cursor-positions-fix ()
137 (setf *edit-mode-cursor-positions* (sort *edit-mode-cursor-positions* #'<)
138 (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) (max 0 (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))
139 (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) (min (length (display-text-of *focused-widget*))
140 (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
142 (defun edit-mode-cursor-positions () *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
143 (defun (setf edit-mode-cursor-positions) (val)
144 (when *focused-widget*
145 (setf *edit-mode-cursor-positions*
146 (mapcar #'(lambda (val) (mod val (1+ (length (display-text-of *focused-widget*)))))
147 (if (listp val) val (list val val)))))
148 (edit-mode-cursor-positions-fix)
149 val)
152 (defun cursor-position (cursor-index)
153 (let ((lines-length 0))
154 (loop for line in (lines-of *focused-widget*)
155 for i from 0
157 (when (and (>= cursor-index lines-length)
158 (<= cursor-index (+ (length line) lines-length)))
159 (return-from cursor-position (list (- cursor-index lines-length) i)))
160 (incf lines-length (length line)))
161 (list (length (car (last (lines-of *focused-widget*))))
162 (1- (length (lines-of *focused-widget*))))))
164 (defun edit-mode-update-cursor-blink ()
165 (when (> (- (get-internal-real-time)
166 *edit-mode-cursor-blink-last-change*)
167 *edit-mode-cursor-blink-time*)
168 (setf *edit-mode-cursor-blink-last-change* (get-internal-real-time)
169 *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state* (not *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state*)))
170 *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state*)
172 (defmethod detach ((input input))
173 (when (eql input *focused-widget*)
174 (leave-edit-mode nil)))
176 (defmethod draw-cursor ((input input))
177 (gl:disable gl:+texture-2d+)
178 (apply #'gl:color-4f (foreground-colour-of input))
179 (if (apply #'= *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
180 (progn
181 (unless (edit-mode-update-cursor-blink)
182 (return-from draw-cursor))
183 (gl:begin gl:+lines+))
184 (gl:begin gl:+quads+))
185 (labels ((cursor-x-offset (cursor-pos)
186 (destructuring-bind (cursor-x cursor-y) cursor-pos
187 (font-string-cursor-offset
188 (font-of input)
189 (elt (lines-of input) cursor-y)
190 cursor-x)))
191 (cursor-y-offset (cursor-pos)
192 (* (second cursor-pos) (ftgl:get-font-line-height (font-of input))))
193 (vertex-pair (cursor-pos &optional down)
194 (let ((cursor-x-offset (cursor-x-offset cursor-pos))
195 (cursor-y-offset (cursor-y-offset cursor-pos)))
196 (if down
197 (progn
198 (gl:vertex-2f cursor-x-offset cursor-y-offset)
199 (gl:vertex-2f cursor-x-offset (+ cursor-y-offset (ftgl:get-font-line-height (font-of input)))))
200 (progn
201 (gl:vertex-2f cursor-x-offset (+ cursor-y-offset (ftgl:get-font-line-height (font-of input))))
202 (gl:vertex-2f cursor-x-offset cursor-y-offset))))))
204 (let ((cursor-pos-front (cursor-position (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
205 (vertex-pair cursor-pos-front t)
206 (unless (apply #'= *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
207 (let ((cursor-pos-back (cursor-position (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
208 (do ((i (second cursor-pos-front) (1+ i)))
209 ((>= i (second cursor-pos-back)))
210 (vertex-pair (list (length (elt (lines-of *focused-widget*) i)) i))
211 (vertex-pair (list 0 (1+ i)) t))
212 (vertex-pair cursor-pos-back)))))
213 (gl:end))
215 (defmethod draw ((input input))
216 (when (eql input *focused-widget*)
217 (draw-cursor input))
218 (call-next-method))
220 (defun string-insert (string replacement position)
221 "Returns a string with the character at the position, or between the cons pair of positions, in string."
222 (cond
223 ((typep position '(cons integer (cons integer null)))
224 (concatenate 'string
225 (subseq string 0 (first position))
226 replacement
227 (subseq string (second position))))
228 ((typep position 'integer)
229 (concatenate 'string
230 (subseq string 0 position)
231 replacement
232 (subseq string position)))))
234 (defmethod (setf text-of) (val (input input))
235 (call-next-method)
236 (when *focused-widget*
237 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions)
238 (list (max (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) (length val))
239 (max (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) (length val))))
240 (when *edit-mode-drag-anchors*
241 (setf (first *edit-mode-drag-anchors*) (max (first *edit-mode-drag-anchors*) (length val))
242 (second *edit-mode-drag-anchors*) (max (second *edit-mode-drag-anchors*) (length val))))))
244 (defun edit-mode-backspace-text ()
245 (unless (apply #'= (cons 0 *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))
246 (setf (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
247 (min (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
248 (1- (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
249 (with-accessors ((text text-of)) *focused-widget*
250 (psetf text (string-insert text nil *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
251 (edit-mode-cursor-positions) (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)))))
253 (defun edit-mode-delete-text ()
254 (with-accessors ((text text-of)) *focused-widget*
255 (unless (apply #'= (cons (length text) *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))
256 (setf (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
257 (max (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
258 (1+ (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
259 (psetf text (string-insert text nil *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
260 (edit-mode-cursor-positions) (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)))))
262 (defun edit-mode-insert-text (char)
263 (with-accessors ((text text-of)) *focused-widget*
264 (psetf text (string-insert text (list char) *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
265 (edit-mode-cursor-positions) (1+ (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)))))
267 (defun edit-mode-backwards-word (position)
268 (if (zerop position)
270 (or (position-if #'blankp (text-of *focused-widget*) :from-end t :end position)
271 0)))
273 (defun edit-mode-forwards-word (position)
274 (if (= position (length (text-of *focused-widget*)))
275 (length (text-of *focused-widget*))
276 (or (position-if #'blankp (text-of *focused-widget*) :start (1+ position))
277 (length (text-of *focused-widget*)))))
279 (defun edit-mode-move-line (position delta)
280 (destructuring-bind (cx cy) (cursor-position position)
281 (let ((x-offset (font-string-cursor-offset (font-of *focused-widget*)
282 (elt (lines-of *focused-widget*)
284 cx)))
285 (setf cy (mod (+ cy delta) (length (lines-of *focused-widget*))))
286 (+ (loop for i below cy for line in (lines-of *focused-widget*)
287 summing (length line))
288 (font-string-character-position (font-of *focused-widget*)
289 (elt (lines-of *focused-widget*) cy)
290 x-offset)))))
292 (defmethod accept-char-p ((input input) character)
293 (graphic-char-p character))
296 (defmethod handle-key ((input input) key press)
297 (when press
298 (setf *edit-mode-cursor-blink-last-change* (get-internal-real-time)
299 *edit-mode-cursor-blink-state* t)
300 (etypecase key
301 (character
302 (when (accept-char-p input key)
303 (edit-mode-insert-text key)))
304 (symbol
305 (case key
306 (:home
307 (if (intersection *held-keys* '(:lshift :rshift))
308 (setf (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) 0)
309 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions) 0))
311 (:end
312 (if (intersection *held-keys* '(:lshift :rshift))
313 (setf (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) (length (text-of input)))
314 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions) (length (text-of input))))
316 (:backspace (edit-mode-backspace-text) t)
317 (:del (edit-mode-delete-text) t)
318 ((:enter :kp-enter) (leave-edit-mode t) t)
319 (:esc (leave-edit-mode nil) t)
320 (:left
321 (cond
322 ((intersection *held-keys* '(:lshift :rshift))
323 (setf (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
324 (if (intersection *held-keys* '(:lctrl :rctrl))
325 (edit-mode-backwards-word (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))
326 (1- (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
327 (edit-mode-cursor-positions-fix))
328 ((intersection *held-keys* '(:lctrl :rctrl))
329 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions)
330 (edit-mode-backwards-word (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
332 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions) (1- (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)))))
334 (:right
335 (cond
336 ((intersection *held-keys* '(:lshift :rshift))
337 (setf (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
338 (if (intersection *held-keys* '(:lctrl :rctrl))
339 (edit-mode-forwards-word (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))
340 (1+ (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
341 (edit-mode-cursor-positions-fix))
342 ((intersection *held-keys* '(:lctrl :rctrl))
343 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions)
344 (edit-mode-forwards-word (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*))))
346 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions) (1+ (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)))))
348 (:up
349 (cond
350 ((intersection *held-keys* '(:lshift :rshift))
351 (setf (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
352 (edit-mode-move-line (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) -1))
353 (edit-mode-cursor-positions-fix))
355 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions)
356 (edit-mode-move-line (first *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) -1))))
358 (:down
359 (cond
360 ((intersection *held-keys* '(:lshift :rshift))
361 (setf (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*)
362 (edit-mode-move-line (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) 1))
363 (edit-mode-cursor-positions-fix))
365 (setf (edit-mode-cursor-positions)
366 (edit-mode-move-line (second *edit-mode-cursor-positions*) 1))))
367 t))))))