r11061: 29 Aug 2006 Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@rosenberg.net>
[clsql/s11.git] / doc / appendix.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
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4 <!ENTITY % myents SYSTEM "entities.inc">
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8 <appendix id="appendix">
9   <title>Database Back-ends</title>
11   <sect1 id="foreignlibs">
12     <title>How CLSQL finds and loads foreign  libraries</title>
13     <para>
14       For some database types CLSQL has to load external foreign
15       libaries.  These are usually searched for in the standard
16       locations the operating system uses but you can tell &clsql; to
17       look into other directories as well by using the function
18       <function>CLSQL:PUSH-LIBRARY-PATH</function> or by directly
19       manipulating the special variable
20       <varname>CLSQL:*FOREIGN-LIBRARY-SEARCH-PATHS*</varname>.  If,
21       say, the shared library libpq.so needed for PostgreSQL support
22       is located in the directory <filename>/opt/foo/</filename> on
23       your machine you'd use
24       <screen>
25         (clsql:push-library-path "/opt/foo/")
26       </screen>
27   before loading the CLSQL-POSTGRESQL module.  (Note the trailing
28   slash above!)
30   If you want to combine this with fully automatic loading of
31   libraries via ASDF a technique like the following works:
33   <screen>
34     (defmethod asdf:perform :after ((o asdf:load-op) 
35                                     (c (eql (asdf:find-system 'clsql))))
36       (funcall (find-symbol (symbol-name '#:push-library-path)
37                             (find-package 'clsql))
38                #p"/opt/foo/"))
39   </screen>
40     </para>
42     <para>
43       Additionally, site-specific initialization can be done using an
44 initialization file. If the file <filename>/etc/clsql-init.lisp</filename> 
45 exists, this file will be read after the &clsql; ASDF system is loaded.
46 This file can contain forms to set site-specific paths as well as change
47 &clsql; default values.
48     </para>
49   </sect1>
50   <sect1 id="postgresql">
51     <title>PostgreSQL</title>
52     <sect2>
53       <title>Libraries</title>
54       <para>The PostgreSQL back-end requires the PostgreSQL C 
55       client library (<filename>libpq.so</filename>).  The
56       location of this library is specified via 
57           <symbol>*postgresql-so-load-path*</symbol>, which defaults
58           to <filename>/usr/lib/libpq.so</filename>.  Additional flags 
59           to <application>ld</application> needed for linking are
60           specified via <symbol>*postgresql-so-libraries*</symbol>,
61           which defaults to <symbol>("-lcrypt" "-lc")</symbol>.</para>
62       </sect2>
63       <sect2>
64         <title>Initialization</title>
65         <para>Use 
66           <screen>
67 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-postgresql)
68         </screen>
69           to load the PostgreSQL back-end.  The database type for the
70           PostgreSQL back-end is <symbol>:postgresql</symbol>.</para>
71       </sect2>
72       <sect2>
73         <title>Connection Specification</title>
74         <sect3>
75           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
76           <synopsis>
77             (<replaceable>host</replaceable> <replaceable>db</replaceable> <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>password</replaceable> &amp;optional <replaceable>port</replaceable> <replaceable>options</replaceable> <replaceable>tty</replaceable>)
78           </synopsis>
79         </sect3>
80         <sect3>
81           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
82           <para>
83             For every parameter in the connection-spec,
84             <symbol>nil</symbol> indicates that the PostgreSQL default
85             environment variables (see PostgreSQL documentation) will
86             be used, or if those are unset, the compiled-in defaults
87             of the C client library are used.
88           </para>
89           <variablelist>
90             <varlistentry>
91               <term><parameter>host</parameter></term>
92               <listitem>
93                 <para>String representing the hostname or IP address
94                   the PostgreSQL server resides on.  Use the empty
95                   string to indicate a connection to localhost via
96                   Unix-Domain sockets instead of TCP/IP.</para>
97               </listitem>
98             </varlistentry>
99             <varlistentry>
100               <term><parameter>db</parameter></term>
101               <listitem>
102                 <para>String representing the name of the database on
103                   the server to connect to.</para>
104               </listitem>
105             </varlistentry>
106             <varlistentry>
107               <term><parameter>user</parameter></term>
108               <listitem>
109                 <para>String representing the user name to use for
110                   authentication.</para>
111               </listitem>
112             </varlistentry>
113             <varlistentry>
114               <term><parameter>password</parameter></term>
115               <listitem>
116                 <para>String representing the unencrypted password to
117                   use for authentication.</para>
118               </listitem>
119             </varlistentry>
120             <varlistentry>
121               <term><parameter>port</parameter></term>
122               <listitem>
123                 <para>String representing the port to use for
124                   communication with the PostgreSQL server.</para>
125               </listitem>
126             </varlistentry>
127             <varlistentry>
128               <term><parameter>options</parameter></term>
129               <listitem>
130                 <para>String representing further runtime options for
131                   the PostgreSQL server.</para>
132               </listitem>
133             </varlistentry>
134             <varlistentry>
135               <term><parameter>tty</parameter></term>
136               <listitem>
137                 <para>String representing the tty or file to use for
138                   debugging messages from the PostgreSQL server.</para>
139               </listitem>
140             </varlistentry>
141           </variablelist>
142         </sect3>
143       </sect2>
144       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
145       <para>None.</para>
146       </sect2>
147     </sect1>
149     <sect1 id="postgresql-socket">
150       <title>PostgreSQL Socket</title>
151       <sect2>
152         <title>Libraries</title>
153         <para>The PostgreSQL Socket back-end needs
154           <emphasis>no</emphasis> access to the PostgreSQL C
155           client library, since it communicates directly with the
156           PostgreSQL server using the published frontend/backend
157           protocol, version 2.0.  This eases installation and makes it
158           possible to dump CMU CL images containing CLSQL and this
159           backend, contrary to backends which require FFI code.</para>
160       </sect2>
161       <sect2>
162         <title>Initialization</title>
163         <para>
164           Use 
165           <screen>
166 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-postgresql-socket)
167         </screen>
168           to load the PostgreSQL Socket back-end.  The database type
169           for the PostgreSQL Socket back-end is
170           <symbol>:postgresql-socket</symbol>.
171         </para>
172       </sect2>
173       <sect2>
174         <title>Connection Specification</title>
175         <sect3>
176           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
177           <synopsis>
178             (<replaceable>host</replaceable> <replaceable>db</replaceable> <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>password</replaceable> &amp;optional <replaceable>port</replaceable> <replaceable>options</replaceable> <replaceable>tty</replaceable>)
179           </synopsis>
180         </sect3>
181         <sect3>
182           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
183           <variablelist>
184             <varlistentry>
185               <term><parameter>host</parameter></term>
186               <listitem>
187                 <para>If this is a string, it represents the hostname or
188                   IP address the PostgreSQL server resides on.  In
189                   this case communication with the server proceeds via
190                   a TCP connection to the given host and port.</para>
191                 <para>
192                   If this is a pathname, then it is assumed to name the
193                   directory that contains the server's Unix-Domain
194                   sockets.  The full name to the socket is then
195                   constructed from this and the port number passed,
196                   and communication will proceed via a connection to
197                   this unix-domain socket.</para>
198               </listitem>
199             </varlistentry>
200             <varlistentry>
201               <term><parameter>db</parameter></term>
202               <listitem>
203                 <para>String representing the name of the database on
204                   the server to connect to.</para>
205               </listitem>
206             </varlistentry>
207             <varlistentry>
208               <term><parameter>user</parameter></term>
209               <listitem>
210                 <para>String representing the user name to use for
211                   authentication.</para>
212               </listitem>
213             </varlistentry>
214             <varlistentry>
215               <term><parameter>password</parameter></term>
216               <listitem>
217                 <para>String representing the unencrypted password to
218                   use for authentication.  This can be the empty
219                   string if no password is required for
220                   authentication.</para>
221               </listitem>
222             </varlistentry>
223             <varlistentry>
224               <term><parameter>port</parameter></term>
225               <listitem>
226                 <para>Integer representing the port to use for
227                   communication with the PostgreSQL server.  This
228                   defaults to 5432.</para>
229               </listitem>
230             </varlistentry>
231             <varlistentry>
232               <term><parameter>options</parameter></term>
233               <listitem>
234                 <para>String representing further runtime options for
235                   the PostgreSQL server.</para>
236               </listitem>
237             </varlistentry>
238             <varlistentry>
239               <term><parameter>tty</parameter></term>
240               <listitem>
241                 <para>String representing the tty or file to use for
242                   debugging messages from the PostgreSQL server.</para>
243               </listitem>
244             </varlistentry>
245           </variablelist>
246         </sect3>
247       </sect2>
248       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
249       <para>None.</para>
250       </sect2>
251     </sect1>
253   <sect1 id="mysql">
254     <title>MySQL</title>
255     <sect2>
256       <title>Libraries</title>
257       <para>The &mysql; back-end requires the &mysql; C 
258         client library (<filename>libmysqlclient.so</filename>).
259         The location of this library is specified 
260         via <symbol>*mysql-so-load-path*</symbol>, which defaults
261         to <filename>/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so</filename>.
262         Additional flags to <application>ld</application> needed for
263         linking are specified via <symbol>*mysql-so-libraries*</symbol>,
264         which defaults to <symbol>("-lc")</symbol>.
265       </para>
266     </sect2>
267     <sect2>
268       <title>Initialization</title>
269       <para>
270         Use 
271         <screen>
272 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-mysql)
273         </screen>
274         to load the &mysql; back-end.  The database type for the MySQL
275         back-end is <symbol>:mysql</symbol>.
276       </para>
277       </sect2>
278       <sect2>
279         <title>Connection Specification</title>
280         <sect3>
281           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
282           <synopsis>(<replaceable>host</replaceable> <replaceable>db</replaceable> <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>password</replaceable> &amp;optional <replaceable>port</replaceable>)</synopsis>
283         </sect3>
284         <sect3>
285           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
286           <variablelist>
287             <varlistentry>
288               <term><parameter>host</parameter></term>
289               <listitem>
290                 <para>String representing the hostname or IP address
291                   the &mysql; server resides on, or <symbol>nil</symbol>
292                   to indicate the localhost.</para>
293               </listitem>
294             </varlistentry>
295             <varlistentry>
296               <term><parameter>db</parameter></term>
297               <listitem>
298                 <para>String representing the name of the database on
299                   the server to connect to.</para>
300               </listitem>
301             </varlistentry>
302             <varlistentry>
303               <term><parameter>user</parameter></term>
304               <listitem>
305                 <para>String representing the user name to use for
306                   authentication, or <symbol>nil</symbol> to use the
307                   current Unix user ID.</para>
308               </listitem>
309             </varlistentry>
310             <varlistentry>
311               <term><parameter>password</parameter></term>
312               <listitem>
313                 <para>String representing the unencrypted password to
314                   use for authentication, or <symbol>nil</symbol> if
315                   the authentication record has an empty password
316                   field.</para>
317               </listitem>
318             </varlistentry>
319             <varlistentry>
320               <term><parameter>port</parameter></term>
321               <listitem>
322                 <para>String representing the port to use for
323                   communication with the MySQL server.</para>
324               </listitem>
325             </varlistentry>
326           </variablelist>
327         </sect3>
328       </sect2>
329       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
330       <sect3><title>FDDL</title> 
331       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
332         <listitem>
333           <para>
334             <link
335             linkend="drop-index"><function>drop-index</function></link>
336             requires a table to be specified with the
337             <symbol>:on</symbol> keyword parameter.
338           </para>
339         </listitem>
340         <listitem>
341           <para>
342             <glossterm linkend="gloss-view">views</glossterm> are not
343             supported by &mysql;. 
344           </para>
345         </listitem>
346         <listitem>
347           <para>
348             The <symbol>:transactions</symbol> keyword argument to
349             <link
350             linkend="create-table"><function>create-table</function></link>
351             controls whether or not the created table is an InnoDB
352             table which supports transactions.
353           </para>
354         </listitem>
355         <listitem>
356           <para>
357             The <symbol>:owner</symbol> keyword argument to the FDDL functions 
358             for listing and testing for database objects is ignored. 
359           </para>
360         </listitem>        
361       </itemizedlist>
362       </sect3>
363       <sect3><title>FDML</title>
364       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
365         <listitem>
366           <para>
367             Prior to version 4.1, &mysql; does not support nested
368             subqueries in calls to <link
369             linkend="select"><function>select</function></link>.
370           </para>
371         </listitem>
372       </itemizedlist>
373       </sect3>
374       <sect3><title>Symbolic SQL Syntax</title>
375       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
376         <listitem>
377           <para>
378             &mysql; does not support the <function>||</function>
379             concatenation operator. Use <function>concat</function>
380             instead.
381           </para>
382         </listitem>
383         <listitem>
384           <para>
385             &mysql; does not support the <function>substr</function>
386             operator. Use <function>substring</function> instead.
387           </para>
388         </listitem>
389         <listitem>
390           <para>
391             &mysql; does not support the
392             <function>intersect</function> and
393             <function>except</function> set operations.
394           </para>
395         </listitem>
396         <listitem>
397           <para>
398             &mysql; (version 4.0 and later) does not support string
399             table aliases unless the server is started with
400             ANSI_QUOTES enabled.
401           </para>
402         </listitem>
403       </itemizedlist>
404       </sect3>
405       </sect2>
406     </sect1>
408     <sect1 id="odbc">
409       <title>&odbc;</title>
410       <sect2>
411         <title>Libraries</title> 
412         <para>
413           The &odbc; back-end requires access to an &odbc; driver
414           manager as well as &odbc; drivers for the underlying
415           database server. &clsql; has been tested with
416           <application>unixODBC</application> ODBC Driver Manager as
417           well as Microsoft's ODBC manager.  These driver managers
418           have been tested with the <ulink
419           url="http://odbc.postgresql.org">
420           <citetitle>psqlODBC</citetitle></ulink> driver for
421           &postgresql; and the <ulink
422           url="http://www.mysql.com/products/connector/odbc/">
423           <citetitle>MyODBC</citetitle></ulink> driver for &mysql;.
424         </para>
425       </sect2>
426       <sect2>
427         <title>Initialization</title>
428         <para>
429           Use 
430           <screen>
431 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-odbc)
432           </screen>
433           to load the &odbc; back-end.  The database type for the &odbc;
434           back-end is <symbol>:odbc</symbol>.
435         </para>
436       </sect2>
437       <sect2>
438         <title>Connection Specification</title>
439         <sect3>
440           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
441           <synopsis>(<replaceable>dsn</replaceable> <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>password</replaceable>)</synopsis>
442         </sect3>
443         <sect3>
444           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
445           <variablelist>
446             <varlistentry>
447               <term><parameter>dsn</parameter></term>
448               <listitem>
449                 <para>String representing the ODBC data source name.</para>
450               </listitem>
451             </varlistentry>
452             <varlistentry>
453               <term><parameter>user</parameter></term>
454               <listitem>
455                 <para>String representing the user name to use for
456                   authentication.</para>
457               </listitem>
458             </varlistentry>
459             <varlistentry>
460               <term><parameter>password</parameter></term>
461               <listitem>
462                 <para>String representing the unencrypted password to
463                   use for authentication.</para>
464               </listitem>
465             </varlistentry>
466           </variablelist>
467         </sect3>
468       </sect2>
469       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
470       <sect3><title>FDDL</title> 
471       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
472         <listitem>
473           <para>
474             The <symbol>:owner</symbol> keyword argument to the FDDL functions 
475             for listing and testing for database objects is ignored. 
476           </para>
477         </listitem>        
478       </itemizedlist>
479       </sect3>
480       </sect2>
481     </sect1>
483     <sect1 id="aodbc">
484       <title>&aodbc;</title>
485       <sect2>
486         <title>Libraries</title> <para>The &aodbc; back-end requires
487         access to the &odbc; interface of &acl; named DBI. This
488         interface is not available in the trial version of
489         &acl;</para>
490       </sect2>
491       <sect2>
492         <title>Initialization</title>
493         <para>
494           Use 
495           <screen>
496 (require 'aodbc-v2)
497 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-aodbc)
498           </screen>
499           to load the &aodbc; back-end.  The database type for the &aodbc;
500           back-end is <symbol>:aodbc</symbol>.
501         </para>
502       </sect2>
503       <sect2>
504         <title>Connection Specification</title>
505         <sect3>
506           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
507           <synopsis>
508             (<replaceable>dsn</replaceable> <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>password</replaceable>)
509           </synopsis>
510         </sect3>
511         <sect3>
512           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
513           <variablelist>
514             <varlistentry>
515               <term><parameter>dsn</parameter></term>
516               <listitem>
517                 <para>String representing the ODBC data source name.</para>
518               </listitem>
519             </varlistentry>
520             <varlistentry>
521               <term><parameter>user</parameter></term>
522               <listitem>
523                 <para>String representing the user name to use for
524                   authentication.</para>
525               </listitem>
526             </varlistentry>
527             <varlistentry>
528               <term><parameter>password</parameter></term>
529               <listitem>
530                 <para>String representing the unencrypted password to
531                   use for authentication.</para>
532               </listitem>
533             </varlistentry>
534           </variablelist>
535         </sect3>
536       </sect2>
537       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
538       <para>
539         None. 
540       </para>
541       </sect2>
542     </sect1>
544     <sect1 id="sqlite">
545       <title>&sqlite;</title>
546       <sect2>
547         <title>Libraries</title> <para>The &sqlite; back-end requires
548         the &sqlite; shared library file. Its default file name is
549         <filename>/usr/lib/libsqlite.so</filename>.</para>
550       </sect2>
551       <sect2>
552         <title>Initialization</title>
553         <para>
554           Use 
555           <screen>
556 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-sqlite)
557           </screen>
558           to load the &sqlite; back-end.  The database type for the &sqlite;
559           back-end is <symbol>:sqlite</symbol>.
560         </para>
561       </sect2>
562       <sect2>
563         <title>Connection Specification</title>
564         <sect3>
565           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
566           <synopsis>(<replaceable>filename</replaceable>)</synopsis>
567         </sect3>
568         <sect3>
569           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
570           <variablelist>
571             <varlistentry>
572               <term><parameter>filename</parameter></term>
573               <listitem>
574                 <para>String representing the filename of the &sqlite;
575                 database file.</para>
576               </listitem>
577             </varlistentry>
578           </variablelist>
579         </sect3>
580       </sect2>
581       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
582       <sect3><title>Connection</title> 
583       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
584         <listitem>
585           <para>
586             Passing <parameter>filename</parameter> a value of
587             <filename>:memory:</filename> will create a database in
588             physical memory instead of using a file on disk.
589           </para>
590         </listitem>        
591         <listitem>
592           <para>
593             Some operations will be many times faster if database
594             integrity checking is disabled by setting the SYNCHRONOUS
595             flag to OFF (see the SQLITE manual for details).
596           </para>
597         </listitem>
598       </itemizedlist>
599       </sect3>
600       <sect3><title>FDDL</title> 
601       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
602         <listitem>
603           <para>
604             The <symbol>:owner</symbol> keyword argument to the FDDL functions 
605             for listing and testing for database objects is ignored. 
606           </para>
607         </listitem>        
608         <listitem>
609           <para>
610             The <symbol>:column-list</symbol> keyword argument to
611             <link
612             linkend="create-view"><function>create-view</function></link>
613             is not supported by &sqlite;. 
614           </para>
615         </listitem>
616       </itemizedlist>
617       </sect3>
618       <sect3><title>Symbolic SQL Syntax</title>
619       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
620         <listitem>
621           <para>
622             &sqlite; does not support the <function>all</function>,
623             <function>some</function>, <function>any</function> and
624             <function>exists</function> subquery operations. 
625           </para>
626         </listitem>
627       </itemizedlist>
628       </sect3>
629       </sect2>
630     </sect1>
632     <sect1 id="sqlite3">
633       <title>&sqlite3;</title>
634       <sect2>
635         <title>Libraries</title> <para>The &sqlite3; back-end requires
636         the &sqlite3; shared library file. Its default file name is
637         <filename>/usr/lib/libsqlite3.so</filename>.</para>
638       </sect2>
639       <sect2>
640         <title>Initialization</title>
641         <para>
642           Use 
643           <screen>
644 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-sqlite3)
645           </screen>
646           to load the &sqlite3; back-end.  The database type for the &sqlite3;
647           back-end is <symbol>:sqlite3</symbol>.
648         </para>
649       </sect2>
650       <sect2>
651         <title>Connection Specification</title>
652         <sect3>
653           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
654           <synopsis>(<replaceable>filename</replaceable> &amp;optional <replaceable>init-function</replaceable>)</synopsis>
655         </sect3>
656         <sect3>
657           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
658           <variablelist>
659             <varlistentry>
660               <term><parameter>filename</parameter></term>
661               <listitem>
662                 <para>String representing the filename of the &sqlite3;
663                 database file.</para>
664               </listitem>
665             </varlistentry>
666             <varlistentry>
667               <term><parameter>init-function</parameter></term>
668               <listitem>
669                 <para>
670                  A function designator.
671                  <replaceable>init-function</replaceable> takes a
672                  single argument of type
673                  <type>sqlite3:sqlite3-db</type>, a foreign pointer to
674                  the C descriptor of the newly opened database.
675                  <replaceable>init-function</replaceable> is called by
676                  the back-end immediately after &sqlite3;
677                  <function>sqlite3_open</function> library function,
678                  and can be used to perform optional database
679                  initializations by calling foreign functions in the
680                  &sqlite3; library.
681                 </para>
682                 <para>
683                  An example of an initialization function which
684                  defines a new collating sequence for text columns is
685                  provided in
686                  <filename>./examples/sqlite3/init-func/</filename>.
687                 </para>
688               </listitem>
689             </varlistentry>
690           </variablelist>
691         </sect3>
692       </sect2>
693       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
694       <sect3><title>Connection</title> 
695       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
696         <listitem>
697           <para>
698             Passing <parameter>filename</parameter> a value of
699             <filename>:memory:</filename> will create a database in
700             physical memory instead of using a file on disk.
701           </para>
702         </listitem>        
703         <listitem>
704           <para>
705             Some operations will be many times faster if database
706             integrity checking is disabled by setting the SYNCHRONOUS
707             flag to OFF (see the SQLITE manual for details).
708           </para>
709         </listitem>
710       </itemizedlist>
711       </sect3>
712       <sect3><title>FDDL</title> 
713       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
714         <listitem>
715           <para>
716             The <symbol>:owner</symbol> keyword argument to the FDDL functions 
717             for listing and testing for database objects is ignored. 
718           </para>
719         </listitem>        
720         <listitem>
721           <para>
722             The <symbol>:column-list</symbol> keyword argument to
723             <link
724             linkend="create-view"><function>create-view</function></link>
725             is not supported by &sqlite3;. 
726           </para>
727         </listitem>
728       </itemizedlist>
729       </sect3>
730       <sect3><title>Symbolic SQL Syntax</title>
731       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
732         <listitem>
733           <para>
734             &sqlite3; does not support the <function>all</function>,
735             <function>some</function>, <function>any</function> and
736             <function>exists</function> subquery operations. 
737           </para>
738         </listitem>
739       </itemizedlist>
740       </sect3>
741       </sect2>
742     </sect1>
744   <sect1 id="oracle">
745     <title>Oracle</title>
746     <sect2>
747       <title>Libraries</title>
748       <para>The &oracle; back-end requires the &oracle; OCI client
749       library. (<filename>libclntsh.so</filename>).  The location of
750       this library is specified relative to the
751       <symbol>ORACLE_HOME</symbol> value in the operating system
752       environment.
753       </para>
754     </sect2>
755     <sect2>
756       <title>Library Versions</title>
757       <para>
758         &clsql; has tested sucessfully using the client library from
759         Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g server installations as well as
760         Oracle's 10g Instant Client library. For Oracle 8 and earlier
761         versions, there is vestigial support by pushing the symbol
762         <symbol>:oci7</symbol> onto <symbol>cl:*features*</symbol>
763         prior to loading the <filename>clsql-oracle</filename> &asdf;
764         system.
765         <screen>
766           (push :oci7 cl:*features*)
767           (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-oracle)
768         </screen>
769       </para>
770     </sect2>
771     <sect2>
772       <title>Initialization</title>
773       <para>
774         Use 
775         <screen>
776 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql-oracle)
777         </screen>
778         to load the &oracle; back-end.  The database type for the Oracle
779         back-end is <symbol>:oracle</symbol>.
780       </para>
781       </sect2>
782       <sect2>
783         <title>Connection Specification</title>
784         <sect3>
785           <title>Syntax of connection-spec</title>
786           <synopsis>(<replaceable>global-name</replaceable> <replaceable>user</replaceable> <replaceable>password</replaceable>)</synopsis>
787         </sect3>
788         <sect3>
789           <title>Description of connection-spec</title>
790           <variablelist>
791             <varlistentry>
792               <term><parameter>global-name</parameter></term>
793               <listitem>
794                 <para>String representing the global name of the Oracle database.
795                   This is looked up through the tnsnames.ora file.</para>
796               </listitem>
797             </varlistentry>
798             <varlistentry>
799               <term><parameter>user</parameter></term>
800               <listitem>
801                 <para>String representing the user name to use for
802                   authentication.</para>
803               </listitem>
804             </varlistentry>
805             <varlistentry>
806               <term><parameter>password</parameter></term>
807               <listitem>
808                 <para>String representing the password to
809                   use for authentication..</para>
810               </listitem>
811             </varlistentry>
812           </variablelist>
813         </sect3>
814       </sect2>
815       <sect2><title>Notes</title>
816       <sect3><title>Symbolic SQL Syntax</title>
817       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
818         <listitem>
819           <para>
820             The <function>userenv</function> operator is &oracle; specific. 
821           </para>
822         </listitem>
823         <listitem>
824           <para>
825             &oracle; does not support the <function>except</function>
826             operator. Use <function>minus</function> instead.
827           </para>
828         </listitem>
829         <listitem>
830           <para>
831             &oracle; does not support the <function>all</function>,
832             <function>some</function>, <function>any</function>
833             subquery operations.
834           </para>
835         </listitem>
836       </itemizedlist>
837       </sect3>
838       <sect3><title>Transactions</title>
839       <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
840         <listitem>
841           <para>
842             By default, &clsql; starts in transaction AUTOCOMMIT mode
843             (see <link
844             linkend="set-autocommit"><function>set-autocommit</function></link>).
845             To begin a transaction in autocommit mode, <link
846             linkend="start-transaction"><function>start-transaction</function></link>
847             has to be called explicitly.
848           </para>
849         </listitem>
850       </itemizedlist>
851       </sect3>
852       </sect2> 
853     </sect1>
855   </appendix>