r11061: 29 Aug 2006 Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@rosenberg.net>
[clsql/s11.git] / db-postgresql-socket / postgresql-socket-api.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;;;; *************************************************************************
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Name: postgresql-socket-api.lisp
6 ;;;; Purpose: Low-level PostgreSQL interface using sockets
7 ;;;; Authors: Kevin M. Rosenberg based on original code by Pierre R. Mai
8 ;;;; Created: Feb 2002
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; $Id$
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Kevin M. Rosenberg
13 ;;;; and Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Pierre R. Mai
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
16 ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
17 ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
18 ;;;; *************************************************************************
20 (in-package #:postgresql-socket)
22 (uffi:def-enum pgsql-ftype
23 ((:bytea 17)
24 (:int2 21)
25 (:int4 23)
26 (:int8 20)
27 (:float4 700)
28 (:float8 701)))
30 (defmethod clsql-sys:database-type-library-loaded ((database-type
31 (eql :postgresql-socket)))
32 "T if foreign library was able to be loaded successfully. Always true for
33 socket interface"
36 (defmethod clsql-sys:database-type-load-foreign ((database-type (eql :postgresql-socket)))
40 ;;; Message I/O stuff
42 (defmacro define-message-constants (description &rest clauses)
43 (assert (evenp (length clauses)))
44 (loop with seen-characters = nil
45 for (name char) on clauses by #'cddr
46 for char-code = (char-code char)
47 for doc-string = (format nil "~A (~:C): ~A" description char name)
48 if (member char seen-characters)
49 do (error "Duplicate message type ~@C for group ~A" char description)
50 else
51 collect
52 `(defconstant ,name ,char-code ,doc-string)
53 into result-clauses
54 and do (push char seen-characters)
55 finally
56 (return `(progn ,@result-clauses))))
58 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
59 (define-message-constants "Backend Message Constants"
60 +ascii-row-message+ #\D
61 +authentication-message+ #\R
62 +backend-key-message+ #\K
63 +binary-row-message+ #\B
64 +completed-response-message+ #\C
65 +copy-in-response-message+ #\G
66 +copy-out-response-message+ #\H
67 +cursor-response-message+ #\P
68 +empty-query-response-message+ #\I
69 +error-response-message+ #\E
70 +function-response-message+ #\V
71 +notice-response-message+ #\N
72 +notification-response-message+ #\A
73 +ready-for-query-message+ #\Z
74 +row-description-message+ #\T))
76 #+scl
77 (declaim (inline read-byte write-byte))
79 (defun send-socket-value-int32 (socket value)
80 (declare (type stream socket)
81 (type (unsigned-byte 32) value))
82 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 24) value) socket)
83 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) value) socket)
84 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) value) socket)
85 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) value) socket)
86 nil)
88 (defun send-socket-value-int16 (socket value)
89 (declare (type stream socket)
90 (type (unsigned-byte 16) value))
91 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) value) socket)
92 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) value) socket)
93 nil)
95 (defun send-socket-value-int8 (socket value)
96 (declare (type stream socket)
97 (type (unsigned-byte 8) value))
98 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) value) socket)
99 nil)
101 (defun send-socket-value-char-code (socket value)
102 (declare (type stream socket)
103 (type character value))
104 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) (char-code value)) socket)
105 nil)
107 (defun send-socket-value-string (socket value)
108 (declare (type stream socket)
109 (type string value))
110 #-sb-unicode
111 (loop for char across value
112 for code = (char-code char)
113 do (write-byte code socket)
114 finally (write-byte 0 socket))
115 #+sb-unicode
116 (write-sequence (sb-ext:string-to-octets value :null-terminate t) socket)
117 nil)
119 (defun send-socket-value-limstring (socket value limit)
120 (declare (type stream socket)
121 (type string value)
122 (type fixnum limit))
123 (let ((length (length value)))
124 (dotimes (i (min length limit))
125 (let ((code (char-code (char value i))))
126 (write-byte code socket)))
127 (dotimes (i (- limit length))
128 (write-byte 0 socket)))
129 nil)
132 (defun read-socket-value-int32 (socket)
133 (declare (type stream socket))
134 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
135 (let ((result 0))
136 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) result))
137 (setf (ldb (byte 8 24) result) (read-byte socket))
138 (setf (ldb (byte 8 16) result) (read-byte socket))
139 (setf (ldb (byte 8 8) result) (read-byte socket))
140 (setf (ldb (byte 8 0) result) (read-byte socket))
141 result))
143 (defun read-socket-value-int16 (socket)
144 (declare (type stream socket))
145 (let ((result 0))
146 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) result))
147 (setf (ldb (byte 8 8) result) (read-byte socket))
148 (setf (ldb (byte 8 0) result) (read-byte socket))
149 result))
151 (defun read-socket-value-int8 (socket)
152 (declare (type stream socket))
153 (read-byte socket))
155 (defun read-socket-value-string (socket)
156 (declare (type stream socket))
157 #-sb-unicode
158 (with-output-to-string (out)
159 (loop for code = (read-byte socket)
160 until (zerop code)
161 do (write-char (code-char code) out)))
162 #+sb-unicode
163 (let ((bytes (make-array 64
164 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
165 :adjustable t
166 :fill-pointer 0)))
167 (loop for code = (read-byte socket)
168 until (zerop code)
169 do (vector-push-extend code bytes))
170 (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes)))
173 (defmacro define-message-sender (name (&rest args) &rest clauses)
174 (let ((socket-var (gensym))
175 (body nil))
176 (dolist (clause clauses)
177 (let* ((type (first clause))
178 (fn (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name '#:send-socket-value-)
179 (symbol-name type)))))
180 (push `(,fn ,socket-var ,@(rest clause)) body)))
181 `(defun ,name (,socket-var ,@args)
182 ,@(nreverse body))))
184 (define-message-sender send-startup-message
185 (database user &optional (command-line "") (backend-tty ""))
186 (int32 296) ; Length
187 (int32 #x00020000) ; Version 2.0
188 (limstring database 64)
189 (limstring user 32)
190 (limstring command-line 64)
191 (limstring "" 64) ; Unused
192 (limstring backend-tty 64))
194 (define-message-sender send-terminate-message ()
195 (char-code #\X))
197 (define-message-sender send-unencrypted-password-message (password)
198 (int32 (+ 5 (length password)))
199 (string password))
201 (define-message-sender send-query-message (query)
202 (char-code #\Q)
203 (string query))
205 (define-message-sender send-encrypted-password-message (crypted-password)
206 (int32 (+ 5 (length crypted-password)))
207 (string crypted-password))
209 (define-message-sender send-cancel-request (pid key)
210 (int32 16) ; Length
211 (int32 80877102) ; Magic
212 (int32 pid)
213 (int32 key))
216 (defun read-socket-sequence (stream length)
217 "KMR -- Added to support reading from binary stream into a string"
218 (declare (stream stream)
219 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
220 #-sb-unicode
221 (let ((result (make-string length)))
222 (dotimes (i length result)
223 (declare (fixnum i))
224 (setf (char result i) (code-char (read-byte stream)))))
225 #+sb-unicode
226 (let ((bytes (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
227 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) bytes))
228 (read-sequence bytes stream)
229 (sb-ext:octets-to-string bytes)))
232 ;;; Support for encrypted password transmission
234 #-scl
235 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
236 (defvar *crypt-library-loaded* nil)
238 (unless *crypt-library-loaded*
239 (uffi:load-foreign-library
240 (uffi:find-foreign-library "libcrypt"
241 '(#+(or 64bit x86-64) "/usr/lib64/"
242 "/usr/lib/" "/usr/local/lib/" "/lib/"))
243 :supporting-libraries '("c"))
244 (setq *crypt-library-loaded* t)))
246 (in-package :postgresql-socket)
248 (uffi:def-function ("crypt" crypt)
249 ((key :cstring)
250 (salt :cstring))
251 :returning :cstring)
253 (defun crypt-password (password salt)
254 "Encrypt a password for transmission to a PostgreSQL server."
255 (uffi:with-cstring (password-cstring password)
256 (uffi:with-cstring (salt-cstring salt)
257 (uffi:convert-from-cstring
258 (crypt password-cstring salt-cstring)))))
261 ;;;; Condition hierarchy
263 (define-condition postgresql-condition (condition)
264 ((connection :initarg :connection :reader postgresql-condition-connection)
265 (message :initarg :message :reader postgresql-condition-message))
266 (:report
267 (lambda (c stream)
268 (format stream "~@<~A occurred on connection ~A. ~:@_Reason: ~A~:@>"
269 (type-of c)
270 (postgresql-condition-connection c)
271 (postgresql-condition-message c)))))
273 (define-condition postgresql-error (error postgresql-condition)
276 (define-condition postgresql-fatal-error (postgresql-error)
279 (define-condition postgresql-login-error (postgresql-fatal-error)
282 (define-condition postgresql-warning (warning postgresql-condition)
285 (define-condition postgresql-notification (postgresql-condition)
287 (:report
288 (lambda (c stream)
289 (format stream "~@<Asynchronous notification on connection ~A: ~:@_~A~:@>"
290 (postgresql-condition-connection c)
291 (postgresql-condition-message c)))))
293 ;;; Structures
295 (defstruct postgresql-connection
296 host
297 port
298 database
299 user
300 password
301 options
303 socket
305 key)
307 (defstruct postgresql-cursor
308 connection
309 name
310 fields)
312 ;;; Socket stuff
314 (defconstant +postgresql-server-default-port+ 5432
315 "Default port of PostgreSQL server.")
317 (defvar *postgresql-server-socket-timeout* 60
318 "Timeout in seconds for reads from the PostgreSQL server.")
320 #+(or cmu scl)
321 (defun open-postgresql-socket (host port)
322 (etypecase host
323 (pathname
324 ;; Directory to unix-domain socket
325 (ext:connect-to-unix-socket
326 (namestring
327 (make-pathname :name ".s.PGSQL" :type (princ-to-string port)
328 :defaults host))))
329 (string
330 (ext:connect-to-inet-socket host port))))
332 #+sbcl
333 (defun open-postgresql-socket (host port)
334 (etypecase host
335 (pathname
336 ;; Directory to unix-domain socket
337 (let ((sock (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:local-socket
338 :type :stream)))
339 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect
340 sock
341 (namestring
342 (make-pathname :name ".s.PGSQL" :type (princ-to-string port)
343 :defaults host)))
344 sock))
345 (string
346 (let ((sock (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket
347 :type :stream
348 :protocol :tcp)))
349 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect
350 sock
351 (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-address
352 (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host))
353 port)
354 sock))))
356 #+(or cmu scl)
357 (defun open-postgresql-socket-stream (host port)
358 (system:make-fd-stream
359 (open-postgresql-socket host port)
360 :input t :output t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
361 :buffering :none
362 :timeout *postgresql-server-socket-timeout*))
365 #+sbcl
366 (defun open-postgresql-socket-stream (host port)
367 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream
368 (open-postgresql-socket host port) :input t :output t
369 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
372 #+allegro
373 (defun open-postgresql-socket-stream (host port)
374 (etypecase host
375 (pathname
376 (let ((path (namestring
377 (make-pathname :name ".s.PGSQL" :type (princ-to-string port)
378 :defaults host))))
379 (socket:make-socket :type :stream :address-family :file
380 :connect :active
381 :remote-filename path :local-filename path)))
382 (string
383 (socket:with-pending-connect
384 (mp:with-timeout (*postgresql-server-socket-timeout* (error "connect failed"))
385 (socket:make-socket :type :stream :address-family :internet
386 :remote-port port :remote-host host
387 :connect :active :nodelay t))))))
389 #+openmcl
390 (defun open-postgresql-socket-stream (host port)
391 (etypecase host
392 (pathname
393 (let ((path (namestring
394 (make-pathname :name ".s.PGSQL" :type (princ-to-string port)
395 :defaults host))))
396 (ccl:make-socket :type :stream :address-family :file
397 :connect :active
398 :remote-filename path :local-filename path)))
399 (string
400 (ccl:make-socket :type :stream :address-family :internet
401 :remote-port port :remote-host host
402 :connect :active :nodelay t))))
404 #+lispworks
405 (defun open-postgresql-socket-stream (host port)
406 (etypecase host
407 (pathname
408 (error "File sockets not supported on Lispworks."))
409 (string
410 (comm:open-tcp-stream host port :direction :io :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
411 :read-timeout *postgresql-server-socket-timeout*))
415 #+clisp
416 (defun open-postgresql-socket-stream (host port)
417 (etypecase host
418 (pathname
419 (error "Not supported"))
420 (string
421 (socket:socket-connect
422 port host
423 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
424 :timeout *postgresql-server-socket-timeout*))))
427 ;;; Interface Functions
429 (defun open-postgresql-connection (&key (host (cmucl-compat:required-argument))
430 (port +postgresql-server-default-port+)
431 (database (cmucl-compat:required-argument))
432 (user (cmucl-compat:required-argument))
433 options tty password)
434 "Open a connection to a PostgreSQL server with the given parameters.
435 Note that host, database and user arguments must be supplied.
437 If host is a pathname, it is assumed to name a directory containing
438 the local unix-domain sockets of the server, with port selecting which
439 of those sockets to open. If host is a string, it is assumed to be
440 the name of the host running the PostgreSQL server. In that case a
441 TCP connection to the given port on that host is opened in order to
442 communicate with the server. In either case the port argument
443 defaults to `+postgresql-server-default-port+'.
445 Password is the clear-text password to be passed in the authentication
446 phase to the server. Depending on the server set-up, it is either
447 passed in the clear, or encrypted via crypt and a server-supplied
448 salt. In that case the alien function specified by `*crypt-library*'
449 and `*crypt-function-name*' is used for encryption.
451 Note that all the arguments (including the clear-text password
452 argument) are stored in the `postgresql-connection' structure, in
453 order to facilitate automatic reconnection in case of communication
454 troubles."
455 (reopen-postgresql-connection
456 (make-postgresql-connection :host host :port port
457 :options (or options "") :tty (or tty "")
458 :database database :user user
459 :password (or password ""))))
461 (defun encrypt-md5 (plaintext salt)
462 (string-downcase
463 (format nil "~{~2,'0X~}"
464 (coerce (md5sum-sequence (concatenate 'string plaintext salt)) 'list))))
466 (defun reopen-postgresql-connection (connection)
467 "Reopen the given PostgreSQL connection. Closes any existing
468 connection, if it is still open."
469 (when (postgresql-connection-open-p connection)
470 (close-postgresql-connection connection))
471 (let ((socket (open-postgresql-socket-stream
472 (postgresql-connection-host connection)
473 (postgresql-connection-port connection))))
474 (unwind-protect
475 (progn
476 (setf (postgresql-connection-socket connection) socket)
477 (send-startup-message socket
478 (postgresql-connection-database connection)
479 (postgresql-connection-user connection)
480 (postgresql-connection-options connection)
481 (postgresql-connection-tty connection))
482 (force-output socket)
483 (loop
484 (case (read-socket-value-int8 socket)
485 (#.+authentication-message+
486 (case (read-socket-value-int32 socket)
487 (0 (return))
488 ((1 2)
489 (error 'postgresql-login-error
490 :connection connection
491 :message
492 "Postmaster expects unsupported Kerberos authentication."))
494 (send-unencrypted-password-message
495 socket
496 (postgresql-connection-password connection))
497 (force-output socket))
499 (let ((salt (read-socket-sequence socket 2)))
500 (send-encrypted-password-message
501 socket
502 (crypt-password
503 (postgresql-connection-password connection) salt)))
504 (force-output socket))
506 (let ((salt (read-socket-sequence socket 4)))
507 (let* ((pwd2 (encrypt-md5 (postgresql-connection-password connection)
508 (postgresql-connection-user connection)))
509 (pwd (encrypt-md5 pwd2 salt)))
510 (send-encrypted-password-message
511 socket
512 (concatenate 'string "md5" pwd))))
513 (force-output socket))
515 (error 'postgresql-login-error
516 :connection connection
517 :message
518 "Postmaster expects unknown authentication method."))))
519 (#.+error-response-message+
520 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
521 (error 'postgresql-login-error
522 :connection connection :message message)))
524 (error 'postgresql-login-error
525 :connection connection
526 :message
527 "Received garbled message from Postmaster"))))
528 ;; Start backend communication
529 (force-output socket)
530 (loop
531 (case (read-socket-value-int8 socket)
532 (#.+backend-key-message+
533 (setf (postgresql-connection-pid connection)
534 (read-socket-value-int32 socket)
535 (postgresql-connection-key connection)
536 (read-socket-value-int32 socket)))
537 (#.+ready-for-query-message+
538 (setq socket nil)
539 (return connection))
540 (#.+error-response-message+
541 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
542 (error 'postgresql-login-error
543 :connection connection
544 :message message)))
545 (#.+notice-response-message+
546 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
547 (warn 'postgresql-warning :connection connection
548 :message message)))
550 (error 'postgresql-login-error
551 :connection connection
552 :message
553 "Received garbled message from Postmaster")))))
554 (when socket
555 (close socket)))))
557 (defun close-postgresql-connection (connection &optional abort)
558 (unless abort
559 (ignore-errors
560 (send-terminate-message (postgresql-connection-socket connection))))
561 (close (postgresql-connection-socket connection)))
563 (defun postgresql-connection-open-p (connection)
564 (let ((socket (postgresql-connection-socket connection)))
565 (and socket (streamp socket) (open-stream-p socket))))
567 (defun ensure-open-postgresql-connection (connection)
568 (unless (postgresql-connection-open-p connection)
569 (reopen-postgresql-connection connection)))
571 (defun process-async-messages (connection)
572 (assert (postgresql-connection-open-p connection))
573 ;; Process any asnychronous messages
574 (loop with socket = (postgresql-connection-socket connection)
575 while (listen socket)
577 (case (read-socket-value-int8 socket)
578 (#.+ready-for-query-message+)
579 (#.+notice-response-message+
580 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
581 (warn 'postgresql-warning :connection connection
582 :message message)))
583 (#.+notification-response-message+
584 (let ((pid (read-socket-value-int32 socket))
585 (message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
586 (when (= pid (postgresql-connection-pid connection))
587 (signal 'postgresql-notification :connection connection
588 :message message))))
590 (close-postgresql-connection connection)
591 (error 'postgresql-fatal-error :connection connection
592 :message "Received garbled message from backend")))))
594 (defun start-query-execution (connection query)
595 (ensure-open-postgresql-connection connection)
596 (process-async-messages connection)
597 (send-query-message (postgresql-connection-socket connection) query)
598 (force-output (postgresql-connection-socket connection)))
600 (defun wait-for-query-results (connection)
601 (assert (postgresql-connection-open-p connection))
602 (let ((socket (postgresql-connection-socket connection))
603 (cursor-name nil)
604 (error nil))
605 (loop
606 (case (read-socket-value-int8 socket)
607 (#.+completed-response-message+
608 (return (values :completed (read-socket-value-string socket))))
609 (#.+cursor-response-message+
610 (setq cursor-name (read-socket-value-string socket)))
611 (#.+row-description-message+
612 (let* ((count (read-socket-value-int16 socket))
613 (fields
614 (loop repeat count
615 collect
616 (list
617 (read-socket-value-string socket)
618 (read-socket-value-int32 socket)
619 (read-socket-value-int16 socket)
620 (read-socket-value-int32 socket)))))
621 (return
622 (values :cursor
623 (make-postgresql-cursor :connection connection
624 :name cursor-name
625 :fields fields)))))
626 (#.+copy-in-response-message+
627 (return :copy-in))
628 (#.+copy-out-response-message+
629 (return :copy-out))
630 (#.+ready-for-query-message+
631 (when error
632 (error error))
633 (return nil))
634 (#.+error-response-message+
635 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
636 (setq error
637 (make-condition 'postgresql-error
638 :connection connection :message message))))
639 (#.+notice-response-message+
640 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
641 (unless (eq :ignore clsql-sys:*backend-warning-behavior*)
642 (warn 'postgresql-warning
643 :connection connection :message message))))
644 (#.+notification-response-message+
645 (let ((pid (read-socket-value-int32 socket))
646 (message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
647 (when (= pid (postgresql-connection-pid connection))
648 (signal 'postgresql-notification :connection connection
649 :message message))))
651 (close-postgresql-connection connection)
652 (error 'postgresql-fatal-error :connection connection
653 :message "Received garbled message from backend"))))))
655 (defun read-null-bit-vector (socket count)
656 (let ((result (make-array count :element-type 'bit)))
657 (dotimes (offset (ceiling count 8))
658 (loop with byte = (read-byte socket)
659 for index from (* offset 8) below (min count (* (1+ offset) 8))
660 for weight downfrom 7
661 do (setf (aref result index) (ldb (byte 1 weight) byte))))
662 result))
665 (defun read-field (socket type)
666 (let ((length (- (read-socket-value-int32 socket) 4)))
667 (case type
668 ((:int32 :int64)
669 (read-integer-from-socket socket length))
670 (:double
671 (read-double-from-socket socket length))
673 (read-socket-sequence socket length)))))
675 (uffi:def-constant +char-code-zero+ (char-code #\0))
676 (uffi:def-constant +char-code-minus+ (char-code #\-))
677 (uffi:def-constant +char-code-plus+ (char-code #\+))
678 (uffi:def-constant +char-code-period+ (char-code #\.))
679 (uffi:def-constant +char-code-lower-e+ (char-code #\e))
680 (uffi:def-constant +char-code-upper-e+ (char-code #\E))
682 (defun read-integer-from-socket (socket length)
683 (declare (fixnum length))
684 (if (zerop length)
686 (let ((val 0)
687 (first-char (read-byte socket))
688 (minusp nil))
689 (declare (fixnum first-char))
690 (decf length) ;; read first char
691 (cond
692 ((= first-char +char-code-minus+)
693 (setq minusp t))
694 ((= first-char +char-code-plus+)
695 ) ;; nothing to do
697 (setq val (- first-char +char-code-zero+))))
699 (dotimes (i length)
700 (declare (fixnum i))
701 (setq val (+
702 (* 10 val)
703 (- (read-byte socket) +char-code-zero+))))
704 (if minusp
705 (- val)
706 val))))
708 (defmacro ascii-digit (int)
709 (let ((offset (gensym)))
710 `(let ((,offset (- ,int +char-code-zero+)))
711 (declare (fixnum ,int ,offset))
712 (if (and (>= ,offset 0)
713 (< ,offset 10))
714 ,offset
715 nil))))
717 (defun read-double-from-socket (socket length)
718 (declare (fixnum length))
719 (let ((before-decimal 0)
720 (after-decimal 0)
721 (decimal-count 0)
722 (exponent 0)
723 (decimalp nil)
724 (minusp nil)
725 (result nil)
726 (char (read-byte socket)))
727 (declare (fixnum char exponent decimal-count))
728 (decf length) ;; already read first character
729 (cond
730 ((= char +char-code-minus+)
731 (setq minusp t))
732 ((= char +char-code-plus+)
734 ((= char +char-code-period+)
735 (setq decimalp t))
737 (setq before-decimal (ascii-digit char))
738 (unless before-decimal
739 (error "Unexpected value"))))
741 (block loop
742 (dotimes (i length)
743 (setq char (read-byte socket))
744 ;; (format t "~&len:~D, i:~D, char:~D, minusp:~A, decimalp:~A" length i char minusp decimalp)
745 (let ((weight (ascii-digit char)))
746 (cond
747 ((and weight (not decimalp)) ;; before decimal point
748 (setq before-decimal (+ weight (* 10 before-decimal))))
749 ((and weight decimalp) ;; after decimal point
750 (setq after-decimal (+ weight (* 10 after-decimal)))
751 (incf decimal-count))
752 ((and (= char +char-code-period+))
753 (setq decimalp t))
754 ((or (= char +char-code-lower-e+) ;; E is for exponent
755 (= char +char-code-upper-e+))
756 (setq exponent (read-integer-from-socket socket (- length i 1)))
757 (setq exponent (or exponent 0))
758 (return-from loop))
760 (break "Unexpected value"))
763 (setq result (* (+ (coerce before-decimal 'double-float)
764 (* after-decimal
765 (expt 10 (- decimal-count))))
766 (expt 10 exponent)))
767 (if minusp
768 (- result)
769 result)))
772 #+ignore
773 (defun read-double-from-socket (socket length)
774 (let ((result (make-string length)))
775 (read-socket-sequence result socket)
776 (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
777 (read-from-string result))))
779 (defun read-cursor-row (cursor types)
780 (let* ((connection (postgresql-cursor-connection cursor))
781 (socket (postgresql-connection-socket connection))
782 (fields (postgresql-cursor-fields cursor)))
783 (assert (postgresql-connection-open-p connection))
784 (loop
785 (let ((code (read-socket-value-int8 socket)))
786 (case code
787 (#.+ascii-row-message+
788 (return
789 (loop with count = (length fields)
790 with null-vector = (read-null-bit-vector socket count)
791 repeat count
792 for null-bit across null-vector
793 for i from 0
794 for null-p = (zerop null-bit)
795 if null-p
796 collect nil
797 else
798 collect
799 (read-field socket (nth i types)))))
800 (#.+binary-row-message+
801 (error "NYI"))
802 (#.+completed-response-message+
803 (return (values nil (read-socket-value-string socket))))
804 (#.+error-response-message+
805 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
806 (error 'postgresql-error
807 :connection connection :message message)))
808 (#.+notice-response-message+
809 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
810 (warn 'postgresql-warning
811 :connection connection :message message)))
812 (#.+notification-response-message+
813 (let ((pid (read-socket-value-int32 socket))
814 (message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
815 (when (= pid (postgresql-connection-pid connection))
816 (signal 'postgresql-notification :connection connection
817 :message message))))
819 (close-postgresql-connection connection)
820 (error 'postgresql-fatal-error :connection connection
821 :message "Received garbled message from backend")))))))
823 (defun map-into-indexed (result-seq func seq)
824 (dotimes (i (length seq))
825 (declare (fixnum i))
826 (setf (elt result-seq i)
827 (funcall func (elt seq i) i)))
828 result-seq)
830 (defun copy-cursor-row (cursor sequence types)
831 (let* ((connection (postgresql-cursor-connection cursor))
832 (socket (postgresql-connection-socket connection))
833 (fields (postgresql-cursor-fields cursor)))
834 (assert (= (length fields) (length sequence)))
835 (loop
836 (let ((code (read-socket-value-int8 socket)))
837 (case code
838 (#.+ascii-row-message+
839 (return
840 #+ignore
841 (let* ((count (length sequence))
842 (null-vector (read-null-bit-vector socket count)))
843 (dotimes (i count)
844 (declare (fixnum i))
845 (if (zerop (elt null-vector i))
846 (setf (elt sequence i) nil)
847 (let ((value (read-field socket (nth i types))))
848 (setf (elt sequence i) value)))))
849 (map-into-indexed
850 sequence
851 #'(lambda (null-bit i)
852 (if (zerop null-bit)
854 (read-field socket (nth i types))))
855 (read-null-bit-vector socket (length sequence)))))
856 (#.+binary-row-message+
857 (error "NYI"))
858 (#.+completed-response-message+
859 (return (values nil (read-socket-value-string socket))))
860 (#.+error-response-message+
861 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
862 (error 'postgresql-error
863 :connection connection :message message)))
864 (#.+notice-response-message+
865 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
866 (warn 'postgresql-warning
867 :connection connection :message message)))
868 (#.+notification-response-message+
869 (let ((pid (read-socket-value-int32 socket))
870 (message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
871 (when (= pid (postgresql-connection-pid connection))
872 (signal 'postgresql-notification :connection connection
873 :message message))))
875 (close-postgresql-connection connection)
876 (error 'postgresql-fatal-error :connection connection
877 :message "Received garbled message from backend")))))))
879 (defun skip-cursor-row (cursor)
880 (let* ((connection (postgresql-cursor-connection cursor))
881 (socket (postgresql-connection-socket connection))
882 (fields (postgresql-cursor-fields cursor)))
883 (loop
884 (let ((code (read-socket-value-int8 socket)))
885 (case code
886 (#.+ascii-row-message+
887 (loop for null-bit across
888 (read-null-bit-vector socket (length fields))
890 (unless (zerop null-bit)
891 (let* ((length (read-socket-value-int32 socket)))
892 (loop repeat (- length 4) do (read-byte socket)))))
893 (return t))
894 (#.+binary-row-message+
895 (error "NYI"))
896 (#.+completed-response-message+
897 (return (values nil (read-socket-value-string socket))))
898 (#.+error-response-message+
899 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
900 (error 'postgresql-error
901 :connection connection :message message)))
902 (#.+notice-response-message+
903 (let ((message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
904 (warn 'postgresql-warning
905 :connection connection :message message)))
906 (#.+notification-response-message+
907 (let ((pid (read-socket-value-int32 socket))
908 (message (read-socket-value-string socket)))
909 (when (= pid (postgresql-connection-pid connection))
910 (signal 'postgresql-notification :connection connection
911 :message message))))
913 (close-postgresql-connection connection)
914 (error 'postgresql-fatal-error :connection connection
915 :message "Received garbled message from backend")))))))
917 (defun run-query (connection query &optional (result-types nil))
918 (start-query-execution connection query)
919 (multiple-value-bind (status cursor)
920 (wait-for-query-results connection)
921 (assert (eq status :cursor))
922 (loop for row = (read-cursor-row cursor result-types)
923 while row
924 collect row
925 finally
926 (wait-for-query-results connection))))
928 #+scl
929 (declaim (ext:maybe-inline read-byte write-byte))