r10930: 06 May 2006 Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@rosenberg.net>
[clsql/s11.git] / db-odbc / odbc-dbi.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;;;; *************************************************************************
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Name: odbc-dbi.cl
6 ;;;; Purpose: Mid-level (DBI) interface for CLSQL ODBC backend
7 ;;;; Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg
8 ;;;; Create: April 2004
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; $Id$
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
15 ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
16 ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
17 ;;;; *************************************************************************
19 (in-package #:cl-user)
21 (defpackage #:odbc-dbi
22 (:use #:cl #:odbc)
23 (:export
24 #:bind-parameter
25 #:close-query
26 #:connect
27 #:db-external-format
28 #:db-hstmt
29 #:db-width
30 #:disconnect
31 #:end-transaction
32 #:fetch-row
33 #:list-all-data-sources
34 #:list-all-database-tables
35 #:list-all-table-columns
36 #:list-table-indexes
37 #:loop-over-results
38 #:prepare-sql
39 #:rr-sql
40 #:run-prepared-sql
41 #:set-autocommit
42 #:sql
44 #:*auto-trim-strings*
45 #:*default-database*
46 #:*default-odbc-external-format*
47 #:*null-value*
49 (:documentation "This is the mid-level interface ODBC."))
51 (in-package #:odbc-dbi)
53 (defgeneric terminate (src))
54 (defgeneric db-open-query (src query-expression
55 &key arglen col-positions result-types width
56 &allow-other-keys))
57 (defgeneric db-fetch-query-results (src &optional count))
58 (defgeneric %db-execute (src sql-expression &key &allow-other-keys))
59 (defgeneric db-execute-command (src sql-string))
61 (defgeneric %initialize-query (src arglen col-positions
62 &key result-types width))
64 (defgeneric %read-query-data (src ignore-columns))
65 (defgeneric db-map-query (src type function query-exp &key result-types))
66 (defgeneric db-prepare-statement (src sql &key parameter-table
67 parameter-columns))
68 (defgeneric get-odbc-info (src info-type))
71 ;;; SQL Interface
73 (defclass odbc-db ()
74 (;; any reason to have more than one henv?
75 (width :initform +max-precision+ :accessor db-width)
76 (hstmt :initform nil :accessor db-hstmt)
77 (henv :initform nil :allocation :class :initarg :henv :accessor henv)
78 (hdbc :initform nil :initarg :hdbc :accessor hdbc)
79 ;; info returned from SQLGetInfo
80 (info :initform (make-hash-table) :reader db-info)
81 (type :initform nil :initarg :db-type :reader db-type)
82 (connected-p :initform nil :accessor db-connected-p)
83 ;; not used yet
84 (count :initform 0 :initarg :count :accessor db-count)
85 ;; not used yet
86 (total-count :initform 0 :allocation :class :accessor db-total-count)
87 ;; the use of this slot is deprecated; it will be removed when dtf works without it.
88 (query :initform nil :accessor db-query-object)
89 ;; resource of (active and inactive) query objects
90 (queries :initform () :accessor db-queries)))
92 (defclass odbc-query ()
93 ((hstmt :initform nil :initarg :hstmt :accessor hstmt) ; = cursor??
94 (width :initform +max-precision+ :accessor query-width)
95 (computed-result-types :initform nil :initarg :computed-result-types :accessor computed-result-types)
96 (column-count :initform nil :accessor column-count)
97 (column-names :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'string :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
98 :accessor column-names)
99 (column-c-types :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
100 :accessor column-c-types)
101 (column-sql-types :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
102 :accessor column-sql-types)
103 (column-data-ptrs :initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
104 :accessor data-ptrs)
105 (column-out-len-ptrs :initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
106 :accessor column-out-len-ptrs)
107 (column-precisions :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
108 :accessor column-precisions)
109 (column-scales :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
110 :accessor column-scales)
111 (column-nullables-p :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'fixnum :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
112 :accessor column-nullables-p)
113 ;;(parameter-count :initform 0 :accessor parameter-count)
114 (parameter-data-ptrs :initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
115 :accessor parameter-ptrs)
116 ;; a query string or a query expression object
117 (sql-expression :initform nil :initarg :sql-expression :accessor sql-expression)
118 ;; database object the query is to be run against
119 (database :initarg :database :reader query-database)
120 (active-p :initform nil :initarg :active-p :accessor query-active-p))
121 (:documentation
122 "Stores query information, like SQL query string/expression and database to run
123 the query against." ))
125 ;;; AODBC Compatible interface
127 (defun connect (&key data-source-name user password connection-string completion window-handle (autocommit t))
128 (let ((db (make-instance 'odbc-db)))
129 (unless (henv db) ;; has class allocation!
130 (setf (henv db) (%new-environment-handle)))
131 (setf (hdbc db) (%new-db-connection-handle (henv db)))
132 (if connection-string
133 (%sql-driver-connect (hdbc db)
134 connection-string
135 (ecase completion
136 (:no-prompt odbc::$SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT)
137 (:complete odbc::$SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)
138 (:prompt odbc::$SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT)
139 (:complete-required odbc::$SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIRED))
140 window-handle)
141 (%sql-connect (hdbc db) data-source-name user password))
142 #+ignore (setf (db-hstmt db) (%new-statement-handle (hdbc db)))
143 (when (/= (get-odbc-info db odbc::$SQL_TXN_CAPABLE) odbc::$SQL_TC_NONE)
144 (if autocommit
145 (enable-autocommit (hdbc db))
146 (disable-autocommit (hdbc db))))
147 db))
149 (defun disconnect (database)
150 (with-slots (hdbc queries) database
151 (dolist (query queries)
152 (if (query-active-p query)
153 (with-slots (hstmt) query
154 (when hstmt
155 (%free-statement hstmt :drop)
156 (setf hstmt nil)))))
157 (when (db-hstmt database)
158 (%free-statement (db-hstmt database) :drop))
159 (%disconnect hdbc)))
162 (defun sql (expr &key db result-types row-count (column-names t) query
163 hstmt width)
164 (declare (ignore hstmt))
165 (cond
166 (query
167 (let ((q (db-open-query db expr :result-types result-types :width width)))
168 (if column-names
169 (values q (column-names q))
170 q)))
172 (multiple-value-bind (data col-names)
173 (db-query db expr :result-types result-types :width width)
174 (cond
175 (row-count
176 (if (consp data) (length data) data))
177 (column-names
178 (values data col-names))
180 data))))))
182 (defun fetch-row (query &optional (eof-errorp t) eof-value)
183 (multiple-value-bind (row query count) (db-fetch-query-results query 1)
184 (cond
185 ((zerop count)
186 (close-query query)
187 (when eof-errorp
188 (error 'clsql:sql-database-data-error
189 :message "ODBC: Ran out of data in fetch-row"))
190 eof-value)
192 (car row)))))
195 (defun close-query (query)
196 (db-close-query query))
198 (defun list-all-database-tables (&key db hstmt)
199 (declare (ignore hstmt))
200 (let ((query (get-free-query db)))
201 (unwind-protect
202 (progn
203 (with-slots (hstmt) query
204 (unless hstmt (setf hstmt (%new-statement-handle (hdbc db))))
205 (%list-tables hstmt)
206 (%initialize-query query nil nil)
207 (values
208 (db-fetch-query-results query)
209 (coerce (column-names query) 'list))))
210 (db-close-query query))))
212 (defun list-table-indexes (table &key db unique hstmt)
213 (declare (ignore hstmt))
214 (let ((query (get-free-query db)))
215 (unwind-protect
216 (progn
217 (with-slots (hstmt) query
218 (unless hstmt
219 (setf hstmt (%new-statement-handle (hdbc db))))
220 (%table-statistics table hstmt :unique unique)
221 (%initialize-query query nil nil)
222 (values
223 (db-fetch-query-results query)
224 (coerce (column-names query) 'list))))
225 (db-close-query query))))
227 (defun list-all-table-columns (table &key db hstmt)
228 (declare (ignore hstmt))
229 (db-describe-columns db nil nil table nil)) ;; use nil rather than "" for unspecified values
231 (defun list-all-data-sources ()
232 (let ((db (make-instance 'odbc-db)))
233 (unless (henv db) ;; has class allocation!
234 (setf (henv db) (%new-environment-handle)))
235 (%list-data-sources (henv db))))
237 (defun rr-sql (hstmt sql-statement &key db)
238 (declare (ignore hstmt sql-statement db))
239 (warn "rr-sql not implemented."))
241 ;;; Mid-level interface
243 (defun db-commit (database)
244 (%commit (henv database) (hdbc database)))
246 (defun db-rollback (database)
247 (%rollback (henv database) (hdbc database)))
249 (defun db-cancel-query (query)
250 (with-slots (hstmt) query
251 (%sql-cancel hstmt)
252 (setf (query-active-p query) nil)))
254 #+simple-version
255 (defmacro with-transaction (&body body)
256 `(%with-transaction
257 (:henv (henv ,*default-database*) :hdbc (hdbc ,*default-database*))
258 ,@body))
260 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((query odbc-query)
261 &key sql henv hdbc &allow-other-keys)
262 (when sql
263 (let ((hstmt (%new-statement-handle hdbc)))
264 (%sql-exec-direct sql hstmt henv hdbc)
265 (with-slots (column-count
266 column-names column-c-types column-sql-types column-data-ptrs
267 column-out-len-ptrs column-precisions column-scales
268 column-nullables-p active-p) query
269 (setf (hstmt query) hstmt)
270 (%initialize-query query nil nil)
271 (setf active-p t)))))
273 ;; one for odbc-db is missing
274 (defmethod terminate ((query odbc-query))
275 ;;(format tb::*local-output* "~%*** terminated: ~s" query)
276 (with-slots (hstmt) query
277 (when hstmt
278 ;(%free-statement hstmt :drop)
279 (uffi:free-foreign-object hstmt)) ;; ??
280 (%dispose-column-ptrs query)))
282 (defun %dispose-column-ptrs (query)
283 (with-slots (column-data-ptrs column-out-len-ptrs hstmt) query
284 (loop for data-ptr across column-data-ptrs
285 when data-ptr do (uffi:free-foreign-object data-ptr))
286 (loop for out-len-ptr across column-out-len-ptrs
287 when out-len-ptr do (uffi:free-foreign-object out-len-ptr))))
289 (defmethod db-open-query ((database odbc-db) query-expression
290 &key arglen col-positions result-types width
291 &allow-other-keys)
292 (db-open-query (get-free-query database) query-expression
293 :arglen arglen :col-positions col-positions
294 :result-types result-types
295 :width (if width width (db-width database))))
297 (defmethod db-open-query ((query odbc-query) query-expression
298 &key arglen col-positions result-types width
299 &allow-other-keys)
300 (%db-execute query query-expression)
301 (%initialize-query query arglen col-positions :result-types result-types
302 :width width))
304 (defmethod db-fetch-query-results ((database odbc-db) &optional count)
305 (db-fetch-query-results (db-query-object database) count))
307 (defmethod db-fetch-query-results ((query odbc-query) &optional count)
308 (when (query-active-p query)
309 (with-slots (column-count column-data-ptrs column-c-types column-sql-types
310 column-out-len-ptrs column-precisions hstmt computed-result-types)
311 query
312 (let* ((rows-fetched 0)
313 (rows
314 (loop for i from 0
315 until (or (and count (= i count))
316 (= (%sql-fetch hstmt) odbc::$SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND))
317 collect
318 (loop for result-type across computed-result-types
319 for data-ptr across column-data-ptrs
320 for c-type across column-c-types
321 for sql-type across column-sql-types
322 for out-len-ptr across column-out-len-ptrs
323 for precision across column-precisions
324 for j from 0 ; column count is zero based in lisp
325 collect
326 (progn
327 (incf rows-fetched)
328 (cond ((< 0 precision (query-width query))
329 (read-data data-ptr c-type sql-type out-len-ptr result-type))
330 ((zerop (get-cast-long out-len-ptr))
331 nil)
333 (read-data-in-chunks hstmt j data-ptr c-type sql-type
334 out-len-ptr result-type))))))))
335 (values rows query rows-fetched)))))
337 (defun db-query (database query-expression &key result-types width)
338 (let ((free-query (get-free-query database)))
339 (setf (sql-expression free-query) query-expression)
340 (unwind-protect
341 (progn
342 (%db-execute free-query query-expression)
343 (%initialize-query free-query nil nil :result-types result-types :width width)
344 (if (plusp (column-count free-query)) ;; KMR: Added check for commands that don't return columns
345 (values
346 (db-fetch-query-results free-query nil)
347 (map 'list #'identity (column-names free-query)))
348 (values
349 (result-rows-count (hstmt free-query))
350 nil)))
351 (db-close-query free-query)
354 (defmethod %db-execute ((database odbc-db) sql-expression &key &allow-other-keys)
355 (%db-execute (get-free-query database) sql-expression))
357 (defmethod %db-execute ((query odbc-query) sql-expression &key &allow-other-keys)
358 (with-slots (henv hdbc) (odbc::query-database query)
359 (with-slots (hstmt) query
360 (unless hstmt (setf hstmt (%new-statement-handle hdbc)))
361 (setf (sql-expression query) sql-expression)
362 (%sql-exec-direct sql-expression hstmt henv hdbc)
363 query)))
365 ;; reuse inactive queries
366 (defun get-free-query (database)
367 "get-free-query finds or makes a nonactive query object, and then sets it to active.
368 This makes the functions db-execute-command and db-query thread safe."
369 (with-slots (queries hdbc) database
370 (or (clsql-sys:without-interrupts
371 (let ((inactive-query (find-if (lambda (query)
372 (not (query-active-p query)))
373 queries)))
374 (when inactive-query
375 (with-slots (column-count column-names column-c-types
376 width hstmt
377 column-sql-types column-data-ptrs
378 column-out-len-ptrs column-precisions
379 column-scales column-nullables-p)
380 inactive-query
381 ;;(print column-data-ptrs tb::*local-output*)
382 ;;(%dispose-column-ptrs inactive-query)
383 (setf column-count 0
384 width +max-precision+
385 ;; KMR hstmt (%new-statement-handle hdbc)
386 (fill-pointer column-names) 0
387 (fill-pointer column-c-types) 0
388 (fill-pointer column-sql-types) 0
389 (fill-pointer column-data-ptrs) 0
390 (fill-pointer column-out-len-ptrs) 0
391 (fill-pointer column-precisions) 0
392 (fill-pointer column-scales) 0
393 (fill-pointer column-nullables-p) 0))
394 (setf (query-active-p inactive-query) t))
395 inactive-query))
396 (let ((new-query (make-instance 'odbc-query
397 :database database
398 ;;(clone-database database)
399 :active-p t)))
400 (push new-query queries)
401 new-query))))
403 (defmethod db-execute-command ((database odbc-db) sql-string)
404 (db-execute-command (get-free-query database) sql-string))
406 (defmethod db-execute-command ((query odbc-query) sql-string)
407 (with-slots (hstmt database) query
408 (with-slots (henv hdbc) database
409 (unless hstmt (setf hstmt (%new-statement-handle hdbc)))
410 (unwind-protect
411 (%sql-exec-direct sql-string hstmt henv hdbc)
412 (db-close-query query)))))
414 (defmethod %initialize-query ((database odbc-db) arglen col-positions &key result-types width)
415 (%initialize-query (db-query-object database) arglen col-positions
416 :result-types result-types
417 :width (if width width (db-width database))))
419 (defmethod %initialize-query ((query odbc-query) arglen col-positions &key result-types width)
420 (with-slots (hstmt computed-result-types
421 column-count column-names column-c-types column-sql-types
422 column-data-ptrs column-out-len-ptrs column-precisions
423 column-scales column-nullables-p)
424 query
425 (setf column-count (if arglen
426 (min arglen (result-columns-count hstmt))
427 (result-columns-count hstmt)))
428 (when width (setf (query-width query) width))
429 ;;(format tb::*local-output* "~%column-count: ~d, col-positions: ~d" column-count col-positions)
430 (labels ((initialize-column (col-nr)
431 (multiple-value-bind (name sql-type precision scale nullable-p)
432 (%describe-column hstmt (1+ col-nr))
433 ;; allocate space to bind result rows to
434 (multiple-value-bind (c-type data-ptr out-len-ptr size long-p)
435 (%allocate-bindings sql-type precision)
436 (if long-p ;; if long-p we fetch in chunks with %sql-get-data but must ensure that out_len_ptr is non zero
437 (setf (uffi:deref-pointer out-len-ptr #.odbc::$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) #.odbc::$SQL_NO_TOTAL)
438 (%bind-column hstmt col-nr c-type data-ptr (1+ size) out-len-ptr))
439 (vector-push-extend name column-names)
440 (vector-push-extend sql-type column-sql-types)
441 (vector-push-extend (sql-to-c-type sql-type) column-c-types)
442 (vector-push-extend precision column-precisions)
443 (vector-push-extend scale column-scales)
444 (vector-push-extend nullable-p column-nullables-p)
445 (vector-push-extend data-ptr column-data-ptrs)
446 (vector-push-extend out-len-ptr column-out-len-ptrs)))))
447 (if col-positions
448 (dolist (col-nr col-positions)
449 (initialize-column col-nr))
450 (dotimes (col-nr column-count)
451 ;; get column information
452 (initialize-column col-nr))))
454 (setf computed-result-types (make-array column-count))
455 (dotimes (i column-count)
456 (setf (aref computed-result-types i)
457 (cond
458 ((consp result-types)
459 (nth i result-types))
460 ((eq result-types :auto)
461 (if (eq (aref column-sql-types i) odbc::$SQL_BIGINT)
462 :number
463 (case (aref column-c-types i)
464 (#.odbc::$SQL_C_SLONG :int)
465 (#.odbc::$SQL_C_DOUBLE :double)
466 (#.odbc::$SQL_C_FLOAT :float)
467 (#.odbc::$SQL_C_SSHORT :short)
468 (#.odbc::$SQL_C_STINYINT :short)
469 (#.odbc::$SQL_BIGINT :short)
470 (t t))))
472 t)))))
473 query)
475 (defun db-close-query (query &key drop-p)
476 (with-slots (hstmt column-count column-names column-c-types column-sql-types
477 column-data-ptrs column-out-len-ptrs column-precisions
478 column-scales column-nullables-p) query
479 (let ((count (fill-pointer column-data-ptrs)))
480 (when (not (zerop count))
481 (dotimes (col-nr count)
482 (let ((data-ptr (aref column-data-ptrs col-nr))
483 (out-len-ptr (aref column-out-len-ptrs col-nr)))
484 (declare (ignorable data-ptr out-len-ptr))
485 ;; free-statment :unbind frees these
486 #+ignore (when data-ptr (uffi:free-foreign-object data-ptr))
487 #+ignore (when out-len-ptr (uffi:free-foreign-object out-len-ptr)))))
488 (cond ((null hstmt)
489 nil)
490 (drop-p
491 (%free-statement hstmt :drop)
492 (setf hstmt nil))
494 (%free-statement hstmt :unbind)
495 (%free-statement hstmt :reset)
496 (%free-statement hstmt :close)))
497 (setf (query-active-p query) nil)))
498 query)
500 (defmethod %read-query-data ((database odbc-db) ignore-columns)
501 (%read-query-data (db-query-object database) ignore-columns))
503 (defmethod %read-query-data ((query odbc-query) ignore-columns)
504 (with-slots (hstmt column-count column-c-types column-sql-types
505 column-data-ptrs column-out-len-ptrs column-precisions
506 computed-result-types)
507 query
508 (unless (= (odbc::SQLFetch hstmt) odbc::$SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
509 (values
510 (loop for col-nr from 0 to (- column-count
511 (if (eq ignore-columns :last) 2 1))
512 for result-type across computed-result-types
513 collect
514 (let ((precision (aref column-precisions col-nr))
515 (sql-type (aref column-sql-types col-nr)))
516 (cond ((or (< 0 precision (query-width query))
517 (and (zerop precision) (not (find sql-type '($SQL_C_CHAR)))))
518 (read-data (aref column-data-ptrs col-nr)
519 (aref column-c-types col-nr)
520 sql-type
521 (aref column-out-len-ptrs col-nr)
522 result-type))
523 ((zerop (get-cast-long (aref column-out-len-ptrs col-nr)))
524 *null*)
526 (read-data-in-chunks hstmt col-nr
527 (aref column-data-ptrs col-nr)
528 (aref column-c-types col-nr)
529 (aref column-sql-types col-nr)
530 (aref column-out-len-ptrs col-nr)
531 result-type)))))
532 t))))
534 (defmethod db-map-query ((database odbc-db) type function query-exp &key result-types)
535 (db-map-query (get-free-query database) type function query-exp :result-types result-types))
537 (defmethod db-map-query ((query odbc-query) type function query-exp &key result-types)
538 (declare (ignore type)) ; preliminary. Do a type coersion here
539 (%db-execute query (sql-expression query-exp))
540 (unwind-protect
541 (progn
542 (%initialize-query query nil nil :result-types result-types)
543 ;; the main loop
544 (loop for data = (%read-query-data query nil)
545 while data
546 do (apply function data)))
547 ;; dispose of memory and set query inactive or get rid of it
548 (db-close-query query)))
550 (defun db-map-bind-query (query type function
551 &rest parameters)
552 (declare (ignore type)) ; preliminary. Do a type coersion here
553 (unwind-protect
554 (progn
555 (apply #'%db-bind-execute query parameters)
556 ;; the main loop
557 (loop with data
558 while (setf data (%read-query-data query nil))
559 do (apply function data)))
560 ;; dispose of memory and set query inactive or get rid of it
561 (%db-reset-query query)))
563 ;; does not always return exactly a lisp type...
564 (defun sql-to-lisp-type (sql-type)
565 (ecase sql-type
566 ((#.odbc::$SQL_CHAR #.odbc::$SQL_VARCHAR #.odbc::$SQL_LONGVARCHAR) :string)
567 ((#.odbc::$SQL_NUMERIC #.odbc::$SQL_DECIMAL #.odbc::$SQL_BIGINT) :string) ; ??
568 (#.odbc::$SQL_INTEGER #.odbc::$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)
569 (#.odbc::$SQL_SMALLINT :short)
570 ((#.odbc::$SQL_FLOAT #.odbc::$SQL_DOUBLE) #.odbc::$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)
571 (#.odbc::$SQL_REAL #.odbc::$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)
572 ((#.odbc::$SQL_DATE #.odbc::$SQL_TYPE_DATE) 'sql-c-date)
573 ((#.odbc::$SQL_TIME #.odbc::$SQL_TYPE_TIME) 'sql-c-time)
574 ((#.odbc::$SQL_TIMESTAMP #.odbc::$SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) 'sql-c-timestamp)
575 ;;((#.odbc::$SQL_BINARY #.odbc::$SQL_VARBINARY #.odbc::$SQL_LONGVARBINARY) odbc::$SQL_C_BINARY) ; ??
576 (#.odbc::$SQL_TINYINT :short)
577 ;;(#.odbc::$SQL_BIT odbc::$SQL_C_BIT) ; ??
578 ((#.odbc::$SQL_VARBINARY #.odbc::$SQL_LONGVARBINARY) :binary)
581 ;; prepared queries
583 (defmethod db-prepare-statement ((database odbc-db) sql
584 &key parameter-table parameter-columns)
585 (with-slots (hdbc) database
586 (let ((query (get-free-query database)))
587 (with-slots (hstmt) query
588 (unless hstmt (setf hstmt (%new-statement-handle hdbc))))
589 (db-prepare-statement query sql parameter-table parameter-columns))))
591 (defmethod db-prepare-statement ((query odbc-query) (sql string)
592 &key parameter-table parameter-columns)
593 ;; this is a workaround to get hold of the column types when the driver does not
594 ;; support SQLDescribeParam. To do: put code in here for drivers that do
595 ;; support it.
596 (unless (string-equal sql "insert" :end1 6)
597 (error 'clsql:sql-database-error
598 (format nil
599 "Only insert expressions are supported in literal ODBC: '~a'." sql)))
600 (%db-execute query (format nil "select ~{~a~^,~} from ~a where 0 = 1"
601 (or parameter-columns '("*")) parameter-table))
602 (%initialize-query query nil nil)
603 (with-slots (hstmt) query
604 (%free-statement hstmt :unbind)
605 (%free-statement hstmt :reset)
606 (setf (sql-expression query) sql)
607 (%sql-prepare hstmt sql))
608 query)
611 (defun %db-bind-execute (query &rest parameters)
612 (with-slots (hstmt parameter-data-ptrs) query
613 (loop for parameter in parameters
614 with data-ptr and size and parameter-string
616 (setf parameter-string
617 (if (stringp parameter)
618 parameter
619 (write-to-string parameter))
620 size (length parameter-string)
621 data-ptr
622 (uffi:allocate-foreign-string (1+ size)))
623 (vector-push-extend data-ptr parameter-data-ptrs)
624 (%sql-bind-parameter
625 hstmt (1- (fill-pointer parameter-data-ptrs)) odbc::$SQL_PARAM_INPUT
626 odbc::$SQL_C_CHAR ; (aref column-c-types parameter-count)
627 odbc::$SQL_CHAR ; sql-type
628 (query-width query) ;precision ; this should be the actual precision!
629 ;; scale
630 0 ;; should be calculated for odbc::$SQL_DECIMAL,
632 data-ptr ;; = rgbValue
634 ;; *pcbValue;
635 ;; change this for output and binary input! (see 3-32)
636 +null-ptr+)
637 (%put-str data-ptr parameter-string size))
638 (%sql-execute hstmt)))
641 (defun %db-reset-query (query)
642 (with-slots (hstmt parameter-data-ptrs) query
643 (prog1
644 (db-fetch-query-results query nil)
645 (%free-statement hstmt :reset) ;; but _not_ :unbind !
646 (%free-statement hstmt :close)
647 (dotimes (param-nr (fill-pointer parameter-data-ptrs))
648 (let ((data-ptr (aref parameter-data-ptrs param-nr)))
649 (when data-ptr (uffi:free-foreign-object data-ptr))))
650 (setf (fill-pointer parameter-data-ptrs) 0))))
652 (defun data-parameter-ptr (hstmt)
653 (uffi:with-foreign-object (param-ptr :pointer-void)
654 (let ((return-code (%sql-param-data hstmt param-ptr)))
655 ;;(format t "~%return-code from %sql-param-data: ~a~%" return-code)
656 (when (= return-code odbc::$SQL_NEED_DATA)
657 ;;(ffc::%pointer-to-address (%get-ptr param-ptr))
658 (uffi:deref-pointer param-ptr :pointer-void)))))
660 ;; database inquiery functions
662 (defun db-describe-columns (database table-qualifier table-owner
663 table-name column-name)
664 (with-slots (hdbc) database
665 (%describe-columns hdbc table-qualifier table-owner table-name column-name)))
667 ;; should translate info-type integers to keywords in order to make this
668 ;; more readable?
669 (defmethod get-odbc-info ((database odbc-db) info-type)
670 (with-slots (hdbc info) database
671 (or (gethash info-type info)
672 (setf (gethash info-type info)
673 (%sql-get-info hdbc info-type)))))
675 (defmethod get-odbc-info ((query odbc-query) info-type)
676 (get-odbc-info (odbc::query-database query) info-type))
678 ;; driver inquiry
679 ;; How does this differ from list-data-sources?
680 (defgeneric db-data-sources (db-type))
681 (defmethod db-data-sources ((db-type (eql :odbc)))
682 "Returns a list of (data-source description) - pairs"
683 (let ((henv (%new-environment-handle)))
684 (unwind-protect
685 (loop with direction = :first
686 for data-source+description
687 = (multiple-value-list (%sql-data-sources henv :direction direction))
688 while (car data-source+description)
689 collect data-source+description
690 do (setf direction :next))
691 (%sql-free-environment henv))))