[clsql/s11.git] / tests / test-basic.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;;;; *************************************************************************
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Name: test-basic.lisp
6 ;;;; Purpose: Tests for clsql string-based queries and result types
7 ;;;; Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg
8 ;;;; Created: Mar 2002
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; $Id$
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Kevin M. Rosenberg
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
15 ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
16 ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
17 ;;;; *************************************************************************
19 (in-package #:clsql-tests)
21 (setq *rt-basic*
23 (deftest :basic/type/1
24 (let ((results '()))
25 (dolist (row (query "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types :auto)
26 results)
27 (destructuring-bind (int float str) row
28 (push (list (integerp int)
29 (typep float 'double-float)
30 (stringp str))
31 results))))
32 ((t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t)))
34 (deftest :basic/type/2
35 (let ((results '()))
36 (dolist (row (query "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types :auto)
37 results)
38 (destructuring-bind (int float str) row
39 (setq results
40 (cons (list (double-float-equal
41 (transform-float-1 int)
42 float)
43 (double-float-equal
44 (parse-double str)
45 float))
46 results))))
47 results)
48 ((t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)))
50 (deftest :basic/select/1
51 (let ((rows (query "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types :auto)))
52 (values
53 (length rows)
54 (length (car rows))))
55 11 3)
57 (deftest :BASIC/SELECT/2
58 (let ((results '()))
59 (dolist (row (query "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types nil)
60 results)
61 (destructuring-bind (int float str) row
62 (push (list (stringp int)
63 (stringp float)
64 (stringp str))
65 results))))
66 ((t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t) (t t t)))
68 (deftest :basic/select/3
69 (let ((results '()))
70 (dolist (row (query "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types nil)
71 results)
72 (destructuring-bind (int float str) row
73 (push (list (double-float-equal
74 (transform-float-1 (parse-integer int))
75 (parse-double float))
76 (double-float-equal
77 (parse-double str)
78 (parse-double float)))
79 results))))
80 ((t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)))
82 (deftest :basic/map/1
83 (let ((results '())
84 (rows (map-query 'vector #'identity "select * from TYPE_TABLE"
85 :result-types nil)))
86 (declare (type (simple-array list (*)) rows))
87 (dotimes (i (length rows) results)
88 (push
89 (list
90 (listp (aref rows i))
91 (length (aref rows i))
92 (eql (- i 5)
93 (parse-integer (first (aref rows i))
94 :junk-allowed nil))
95 (double-float-equal
96 (transform-float-1 (parse-integer (first (aref rows i))))
97 (parse-double (second (aref rows i)))))
98 results)))
99 ((t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t)))
102 (deftest :basic/map/2
103 (let ((results '())
104 (rows (map-query 'list #'identity "select * from TYPE_TABLE"
105 :result-types nil)))
106 (dotimes (i (length rows) results)
107 (push
108 (list
109 (listp (nth i rows))
110 (length (nth i rows))
111 (eql (- i 5)
112 (parse-integer (first (nth i rows))
113 :junk-allowed nil))
114 (double-float-equal
115 (transform-float-1 (parse-integer (first (nth i rows))))
116 (parse-double (second (nth i rows)))))
117 results)))
118 ((t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t)))
120 (deftest :basic/map/3
121 (let ((results '())
122 (rows (map-query 'list #'identity "select * from TYPE_TABLE"
123 :result-types :auto)))
124 (dotimes (i (length rows) results)
125 (push
126 (list
127 (listp (nth i rows))
128 (length (nth i rows))
129 (eql (- i 5)
130 (first (nth i rows)))
131 (double-float-equal
132 (transform-float-1 (first (nth i rows)))
133 (second (nth i rows))))
134 results)))
135 ((t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t) (t 3 t t)))
137 ;; confirm that a query on a single element returns a list of one element
138 (deftest :basic/map/4
139 (let ((rows (map-query 'list #'identity "select t_int from TYPE_TABLE"
140 :result-types nil)))
141 (values
142 (consp (first rows))
143 (length (first rows))))
144 t 1)
146 (deftest :basic/do/1
147 (let ((results '()))
148 (do-query ((int float str) "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types nil)
149 (let ((int-number (parse-integer int)))
150 (setq results
151 (cons (list (double-float-equal (transform-float-1
152 int-number)
153 (parse-double float))
154 (double-float-equal (parse-double str)
155 (parse-double float)))
156 results))))
157 results)
158 ((t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)))
160 (deftest :basic/do/2
161 (let ((results '()))
162 (do-query ((int float str) "select * from TYPE_TABLE" :result-types :auto)
163 (setq results
164 (cons
165 (list (double-float-equal
166 (transform-float-1 int)
167 float)
168 (double-float-equal
169 (parse-double str)
170 float))
171 results)))
172 results)
173 ((t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)))
176 (deftest :basic/bigint/1
177 (let ((results '()))
178 (dolist (row (query "select * from TYPE_BIGINT" :result-types :auto)
179 results)
180 (destructuring-bind (int bigint) row
181 (push (list (integerp int)
182 (if (and (eq :odbc *test-database-type*)
183 (eq :postgresql *test-database-underlying-type*))
184 ;; ODBC/Postgresql may return returns bigints as strings or integer
185 ;; depending upon the platform
187 (integerp bigint)))
188 results))))
189 ((t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)))
194 (defun test-basic-initialize ()
195 (ignore-errors
196 (clsql:execute-command "DROP TABLE TYPE_TABLE")
197 (clsql:execute-command "DROP TABLE TYPE_BIGINT"))
199 (clsql:execute-command
200 "CREATE TABLE TYPE_TABLE (t_int integer, t_float double precision, t_str VARCHAR(30))")
202 (if (clsql-sys:db-type-has-bigint? *test-database-type*)
203 (clsql:execute-command "CREATE TABLE TYPE_BIGINT (t_int integer, t_bigint BIGINT)")
204 (clsql:execute-command "CREATE TABLE TYPE_BIGINT (t_int integer)"))
206 (dotimes (i 11)
207 (let* ((test-int (- i 5))
208 (test-flt (transform-float-1 test-int)))
209 (clsql:execute-command
210 (format nil "INSERT INTO TYPE_TABLE VALUES (~a,~a,'~a')"
211 test-int
212 (clsql-sys:number-to-sql-string test-flt)
213 (clsql-sys:number-to-sql-string test-flt)
215 (when (clsql-sys:db-type-has-bigint? *test-database-type*)
216 (clsql:execute-command
217 (format nil "INSERT INTO TYPE_BIGINT VALUES (~a,~a)"
218 test-int
219 (transform-bigint-1 test-int)
220 ))))))
222 ;;;; Testing functions
224 (defun transform-float-1 (i)
225 (coerce (* i (abs (/ i 2)) (expt 10 (* 2 i))) 'double-float))
227 (defun transform-bigint-1 (i)
228 (* i (expt 10 (* 3 (abs i)))))
230 (defun parse-double (num-str)
231 (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
232 (coerce (read-from-string num-str) 'double-float)))
234 (defun double-float-equal (a b)
235 (if (zerop a)
236 (if (zerop b)
238 nil)
239 (let ((diff (abs (/ (- a b) a))))
240 (if (> diff (* 10 double-float-epsilon))
242 t))))