src/clfswm-internal.lisp: Adapt prevent-current-*-equal-child
[clfswm.git] / src / clfswm-layout.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Layout functions
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2011 Philippe Brochard <>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 (in-package :clfswm)
29 ;;; CONFIG - Layout menu
30 ;;;
31 ;;; To add a new layout:
32 ;;; 1- define your own layout: a method returning the real size of the
33 ;;; child in screen size (integer) as 4 values (rx, ry, rw, rh).
34 ;;; This method can use the float size of the child (x, y ,w , h).
35 ;;; It can be specialized for xlib:window or frame
36 ;;; 2- Define a setter function for your layout
37 ;;; 3- Register your new layout with register-layout or create
38 ;;; a sub menu for it with register-layout-sub-menu.
42 (defparameter *layout-current-key* (1- (char-code #\a)))
45 ;;; Generic functions
46 (defun set-layout (layout)
47 "Set the layout of the current child"
48 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
49 (setf (frame-layout *current-child*) layout)
50 (leave-second-mode)))
52 (defun set-layout-dont-leave (layout)
53 "Set the layout of the current child"
54 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
55 (setf (frame-layout *current-child*) layout)))
57 (defun set-layout-once (layout-name)
58 (set-layout-dont-leave layout-name)
59 (show-all-children)
60 (fixe-real-size-current-child)
61 (set-layout-dont-leave #'no-layout))
64 (defun get-managed-child (parent)
65 "Return only the windows that are managed for tiling"
66 (when (frame-p parent)
67 (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
68 (and (xlib:window-p x) (not (managed-window-p x parent))))
69 (frame-child parent))))
72 (defun next-layout-key ()
73 (code-char (incf *layout-current-key*)))
76 (defun register-layout (layout)
77 (add-menu-key 'frame-layout-menu (next-layout-key) layout))
80 (defun register-layout-sub-menu (name doc layout-list)
81 (add-sub-menu 'frame-layout-menu (next-layout-key) name doc)
82 (loop :for item :in layout-list
83 :for i :from 0
84 :do (typecase item
85 (cons (add-menu-key name (first item) (second item)))
86 (string (add-menu-comment name item))
87 (t (add-menu-key name (number->char i) item)))))
92 (defun layout-ask-size (msg slot &optional (min 80))
93 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
94 (let ((new-size (/ (or (query-number msg (* (frame-data-slot *current-child* slot) 100)) min) 100)))
95 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* slot) (max (min new-size 0.99) 0.01)))))
97 (defun adjust-layout-size (slot inc)
98 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
99 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* slot)
100 (max (min (+ (frame-data-slot *current-child* slot) inc) 0.99) 0.01))))
102 (defun inc-tile-layout-size ()
103 "Increase the tile layout size"
104 (adjust-layout-size :tile-size 0.05)
105 (show-all-children))
107 (defun dec-tile-layout-size ()
108 "Decrease the tile layout size"
109 (adjust-layout-size :tile-size -0.05)
110 (show-all-children))
112 (defun inc-slow-tile-layout-size ()
113 "Increase slowly the tile layout size"
114 (adjust-layout-size :tile-size 0.01)
115 (show-all-children))
117 (defun dec-slow-tile-layout-size ()
118 "Decrease slowly the tile layout size"
119 (adjust-layout-size :tile-size -0.01)
120 (show-all-children))
125 (defun fast-layout-switch ()
126 "Switch between two layouts"
127 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
128 (with-slots (layout) *current-child*
129 (let* ((layout-list (frame-data-slot *current-child* :fast-layout))
130 (first-layout (ensure-function (first layout-list)))
131 (second-layout (ensure-function (second layout-list))))
132 (setf layout (if (eql layout first-layout)
133 second-layout
134 first-layout))
135 (leave-second-mode)))))
138 (defun push-in-fast-layout-list ()
139 "Push the current layout in the fast layout list"
140 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
141 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :fast-layout)
142 (list (frame-layout *current-child*)
143 (first (frame-data-slot *current-child* :fast-layout))))
144 (leave-second-mode)))
148 (register-layout-sub-menu 'frame-fast-layout-menu "Frame fast layout menu"
149 '(("s" fast-layout-switch)
150 ("p" push-in-fast-layout-list)))
153 ;;; No layout
154 (defgeneric no-layout (child parent)
155 (:documentation "No layout: Maximize windows in their frame - Leave frames to their original size"))
157 (defmethod no-layout ((child xlib:window) parent)
158 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
159 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
160 (adj-border-xy ry child)
161 (adj-border-wh rw child)
162 (adj-border-wh rh child))))
164 (defmethod no-layout ((child frame) parent)
165 (values (adj-border-xy (x-fl->px (frame-x child) parent) child)
166 (adj-border-xy (y-fl->px (frame-y child) parent) child)
167 (adj-border-wh (w-fl->px (frame-w child) parent) child)
168 (adj-border-wh (h-fl->px (frame-h child) parent) child)))
172 (defun set-no-layout ()
173 "No layout: Maximize windows in their frame - Leave frames to their original size"
174 (set-layout #'no-layout))
176 (register-layout 'set-no-layout)
178 ;;; No layout remember size
179 (defun set-no-layout-remember-size ()
180 "No layout: Maximize windows in their frame - Leave frames to their actual size"
181 (fixe-real-size-current-child)
182 (set-no-layout))
184 (register-layout 'set-no-layout-remember-size)
188 ;;; Maximize layout
189 (defgeneric maximize-layout (child parent)
190 (:documentation "Maximize layout: Maximize windows and frames in their parent frame"))
192 (defmethod maximize-layout (child parent)
193 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
194 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
195 (adj-border-xy ry child)
196 (adj-border-wh rw child)
197 (adj-border-wh rh child))))
200 (defun set-maximize-layout ()
201 "Maximize layout: Maximize windows and frames in their parent frame"
202 (set-layout #'maximize-layout))
204 (register-layout 'set-maximize-layout)
209 ;;; Tile layout
210 (defun tile-layout-ask-keep-position ()
211 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
212 (if (query-yes-or-no "Keep frame children positions?")
213 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :tile-layout-keep-position) :yes)
214 (remove-frame-data-slot *current-child* :tile-layout-keep-position))))
218 (labels ((set-managed ()
219 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :layout-managed-children)
220 (copy-list (get-managed-child *current-child*)))))
221 (defun set-layout-managed-children ()
222 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
223 (set-managed)
224 (tile-layout-ask-keep-position)))
227 (defun update-layout-managed-children-position ()
228 "Update layout managed children position"
229 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
230 (set-managed)
231 (leave-second-mode))))
235 (defun update-layout-managed-children-keep-position (child parent)
236 (declare (ignore child))
237 (let ((managed-children (frame-data-slot parent :layout-managed-children))
238 (managed-in-parent (get-managed-child parent)))
239 (dolist (ch managed-in-parent)
240 (unless (child-member ch managed-children)
241 (setf managed-children (append managed-children (list ch)))))
242 (setf managed-children (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
243 (child-member x managed-in-parent))
244 managed-children))
245 (setf (frame-data-slot parent :layout-managed-children) managed-children)
246 managed-children))
248 (defun update-layout-managed-children (child parent)
249 (if (eql (frame-data-slot parent :tile-layout-keep-position) :yes)
250 (update-layout-managed-children-keep-position child parent)
251 (get-managed-child parent)))
255 (defgeneric tile-layout (child parent)
256 (:documentation "Tile child in its frame (vertical)"))
258 (defmethod tile-layout (child parent)
259 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
260 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
261 (len (length managed-children))
262 (nx (ceiling (sqrt len)))
263 (ny (ceiling (/ len nx)))
264 (dx (/ (frame-rw parent) nx))
265 (dy (/ (frame-rh parent) ny))
266 (dpos (- (* nx ny) len))
267 (width dx))
268 (when (plusp dpos)
269 (if (zerop pos)
270 (setf width (* dx (1+ dpos)))
271 (incf pos dpos)))
272 (values (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-rx parent) (truncate (* (mod pos nx) dx))) child))
273 (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-ry parent) (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos nx)) dy))) child))
274 (round (adj-border-wh width child))
275 (round (adj-border-wh dy child)))))
277 (defun set-tile-layout ()
278 "Tile child in its frame (vertical)"
279 (set-layout-managed-children)
280 (set-layout #'tile-layout))
284 ;; Horizontal tiling layout
285 (defgeneric tile-horizontal-layout (child parent)
286 (:documentation "Tile child in its frame (horizontal)"))
288 (defmethod tile-horizontal-layout (child parent)
289 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
290 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
291 (len (length managed-children))
292 (ny (ceiling (sqrt len)))
293 (nx (ceiling (/ len ny)))
294 (dx (/ (frame-rw parent) nx))
295 (dy (/ (frame-rh parent) ny))
296 (dpos (- (* nx ny) len))
297 (height dy))
298 (when (plusp dpos)
299 (if (zerop pos)
300 (setf height (* dy (1+ dpos)))
301 (incf pos dpos)))
302 (values (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-rx parent) (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos ny)) dx))) child))
303 (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-ry parent) (truncate (* (mod pos ny) dy))) child))
304 (round (adj-border-wh dx child))
305 (round (adj-border-wh height child)))))
307 (defun set-tile-horizontal-layout ()
308 "Tile child in its frame (horizontal)"
309 (set-layout-managed-children)
310 (set-layout #'tile-horizontal-layout))
315 ;; Mix tile layout : automatic choose between vertical/horizontal
316 (defgeneric tile-layout-mix (child parent)
317 (:documentation "Tile child in its frame (mix: automatic choose between vertical/horizontal)"))
319 (defmethod tile-layout-mix (child parent)
320 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
321 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
322 (len (length managed-children))
323 (d1 (ceiling (sqrt len)))
324 (d2 (ceiling (/ len d1)))
325 (nx (if (> (frame-rw parent) (frame-rh parent)) d1 d2))
326 (ny (if (> (frame-rw parent) (frame-rh parent)) d2 d1))
327 (dx (/ (frame-rw parent) nx))
328 (dy (/ (frame-rh parent) ny))
329 (dpos (- (* nx ny) len))
330 (width dx))
331 (when (plusp dpos)
332 (if (zerop pos)
333 (setf width (* dx (1+ dpos)))
334 (incf pos dpos)))
335 (values (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-rx parent)
336 (truncate (* (mod pos nx) dx))) child))
337 (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-ry parent)
338 (truncate (* (truncate (/ pos nx)) dy))) child))
339 (round (adj-border-wh width child))
340 (round (adj-border-wh dy child)))))
343 (defun set-tile-layout-mix ()
344 "Tile child in its frame (mix: automatic choose between vertical/horizontal)"
345 (set-layout-managed-children)
346 (set-layout #'tile-layout-mix))
349 ;; One column layout
350 (defgeneric one-column-layout (child parent)
351 (:documentation "One column layout"))
353 (defmethod one-column-layout (child parent)
354 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
355 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
356 (len (length managed-children))
357 (dy (/ (frame-rh parent) len)))
358 (values (round (adj-border-xy (frame-rx parent) child))
359 (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-ry parent) (* pos dy)) child))
360 (round (adj-border-wh (frame-rw parent) child))
361 (round (adj-border-wh dy child)))))
363 (defun set-one-column-layout ()
364 "One column layout"
365 (set-layout-managed-children)
366 (set-layout #'one-column-layout))
369 ;; One line layout
370 (defgeneric one-line-layout (child parent)
371 (:documentation "One line layout"))
373 (defmethod one-line-layout (child parent)
374 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
375 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
376 (len (length managed-children))
377 (dx (/ (frame-rw parent) len)))
378 (values (round (adj-border-xy (+ (frame-rx parent) (* pos dx)) child))
379 (round (adj-border-xy (frame-ry parent) child))
380 (round (adj-border-wh dx child))
381 (round (adj-border-wh (frame-rh parent) child)))))
383 (defun set-one-line-layout ()
384 "One line layout"
385 (set-layout-managed-children)
386 (set-layout #'one-line-layout))
392 ;;; Space layout
393 (defun tile-space-layout (child parent)
394 "Tile Space: tile child in its frame leaving spaces between them"
395 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
396 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
397 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
398 (len (length managed-children))
399 (d1 (ceiling (sqrt len)))
400 (d2 (ceiling (/ len d1)))
401 (cols (if (> rw rh) d1 d2))
402 (rows (if (> rw rh) d2 d1))
403 (col (mod pos cols))
404 (row (floor pos cols))
405 (space-percent (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-space-size) 0.05))
406 (col-space-total (* rw space-percent))
407 (row-space-total (* rh space-percent))
408 (col-space (floor col-space-total (1+ cols)))
409 (row-space (floor row-space-total (1+ rows)))
410 (child-width (floor (- rw col-space-total) cols))
411 (child-height (floor (- rh row-space-total) rows))
413 (values (round (adj-border-xy (+ rx col-space
414 (* (+ col-space child-width) col)) child))
415 (round (adj-border-xy (+ ry row-space
416 (* (+ row-space child-height) row)) child))
417 (round (adj-border-wh child-width child))
418 (round (adj-border-wh child-height child))))))
421 (defun set-tile-space-layout ()
422 "Tile Space: tile child in its frame leaving spaces between them"
423 (layout-ask-size "Space size in percent (%)" :tile-space-size 0.01)
424 (set-layout-managed-children)
425 (set-layout #'tile-space-layout))
429 (register-layout-sub-menu 'frame-tile-layout-menu "Frame tile layout menu"
430 '(("v" set-tile-layout)
431 ("h" set-tile-horizontal-layout)
432 ("m" set-tile-layout-mix)
433 ("c" set-one-column-layout)
434 ("l" set-one-line-layout)
435 ("s" set-tile-space-layout)))
439 ;;; Tile Left
440 (defun tile-left-layout (child parent)
441 "Tile Left: main child on left and others on right"
442 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
443 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
444 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
445 (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
446 (dy (/ rh len))
447 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
448 (if (> (length managed-children) 1)
449 (if (= pos 0)
450 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
451 (adj-border-xy ry child)
452 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw size)) child)
453 (adj-border-wh rh child))
454 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* rw size))) child)
455 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))) child)
456 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw (- 1 size))) child)
457 (adj-border-wh (round dy) child)))
458 (no-layout child parent)))))
461 (defun set-tile-left-layout ()
462 "Tile Left: main child on left and others on right"
463 (layout-ask-size "Tile size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
464 (set-layout-managed-children)
465 (set-layout #'tile-left-layout))
469 ;;; Tile right
470 (defun tile-right-layout (child parent)
471 "Tile Right: main child on right and others on left"
472 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
473 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
474 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
475 (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
476 (dy (/ rh len))
477 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
478 (if (> (length managed-children) 1)
479 (if (= pos 0)
480 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* rw (- 1 size)))) child)
481 (adj-border-xy ry child)
482 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw size)) child)
483 (adj-border-wh rh child))
484 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
485 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))) child)
486 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw (- 1 size))) child)
487 (adj-border-wh (round dy) child)))
488 (no-layout child parent)))))
491 (defun set-tile-right-layout ()
492 "Tile Right: main child on right and others on left"
493 (layout-ask-size "Tile size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
494 (set-layout-managed-children)
495 (set-layout #'tile-right-layout))
502 ;;; Tile Top
503 (defun tile-top-layout (child parent)
504 "Tile Top: main child on top and others on bottom"
505 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
506 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
507 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
508 (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
509 (dx (/ rw len))
510 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
511 (if (> (length managed-children) 1)
512 (if (= pos 0)
513 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
514 (adj-border-xy ry child)
515 (adj-border-wh rw child)
516 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh size)) child))
517 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* dx (1- pos)))) child)
518 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* rh size))) child)
519 (adj-border-wh (round dx) child)
520 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh (- 1 size))) child)))
521 (no-layout child parent)))))
524 (defun set-tile-top-layout ()
525 "Tile Top: main child on top and others on bottom"
526 (layout-ask-size "Tile size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
527 (set-layout-managed-children)
528 (set-layout #'tile-top-layout))
533 ;;; Tile Bottom
534 (defun tile-bottom-layout (child parent)
535 "Tile Bottom: main child on bottom and others on top"
536 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
537 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
538 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
539 (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
540 (dx (/ rw len))
541 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
542 (if (> (length managed-children) 1)
543 (if (= pos 0)
544 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
545 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* rh (- 1 size)))) child)
546 (adj-border-wh rw child)
547 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh size)) child))
548 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* dx (1- pos)))) child)
549 (adj-border-xy ry child)
550 (adj-border-wh (round dx) child)
551 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh (- 1 size))) child)))
552 (no-layout child parent)))))
556 (defun set-tile-bottom-layout ()
557 "Tile Bottom: main child on bottom and others on top"
558 (layout-ask-size "Tile size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
559 (set-layout-managed-children)
560 (set-layout #'tile-bottom-layout))
563 (register-layout-sub-menu 'frame-tile-dir-layout-menu "Tile in one direction layout menu"
564 '(("l" set-tile-left-layout)
565 ("r" set-tile-right-layout)
566 ("t" set-tile-top-layout)
567 ("b" set-tile-bottom-layout)))
574 ;;; Left and space layout: like left layout but leave a space on the left
575 (defun layout-ask-space (msg slot &optional (default 100))
576 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
577 (let ((new-space (or (query-number msg (or (frame-data-slot *current-child* slot) default)) default)))
578 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* slot) new-space))))
581 (defun tile-left-space-layout (child parent)
582 "Tile Left Space: main child on left and others on right. Leave some space (in pixels) on the left."
583 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
584 (let* ((managed-children (update-layout-managed-children child parent))
585 (pos (child-position child managed-children))
586 (len (max (1- (length managed-children)) 1))
587 (dy (/ rh len))
588 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8))
589 (space (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-left-space) 100)))
590 (if (> (length managed-children) 1)
591 (if (= pos 0)
592 (values (adj-border-xy (+ rx space) child)
593 (adj-border-xy ry child)
594 (adj-border-wh (- (round (* rw size)) space) child)
595 (adj-border-wh rh child))
596 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* rw size))) child)
597 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* dy (1- pos)))) child)
598 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw (- 1 size))) child)
599 (adj-border-wh (round dy) child)))
600 (multiple-value-bind (rnx rny rnw rnh)
601 (no-layout child parent)
602 (values (+ rnx space)
604 (- rnw space)
605 rnh))))))
608 (defun set-tile-left-space-layout ()
609 "Tile Left Space: main child on left and others on right. Leave some space on the left."
610 (layout-ask-size "Tile size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
611 (layout-ask-space "Tile space (in pixels)" :tile-left-space)
612 (set-layout-managed-children)
613 (set-layout #'tile-left-space-layout))
615 (register-layout-sub-menu 'frame-tile-space-layout-menu "Tile with some space on one side menu"
616 '(set-tile-left-space-layout))
621 ;;; Main windows layout - A possible GIMP layout
622 ;;; The windows in the main list are tiled on the frame
623 ;;; others windows are on one side of the frame.
624 (defun main-window-right-layout (child parent)
625 "Main window right: Main windows on the right. Others on the left."
626 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
627 (let* ((main-windows (frame-data-slot parent :main-window-list))
628 (len (length main-windows))
629 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
630 (if (zerop len)
631 (no-layout child parent)
632 (if (child-member child main-windows)
633 (let* ((dy (/ rh len))
634 (pos (child-position child main-windows)))
635 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* rw (- 1 size)))) child)
636 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* dy pos))) child)
637 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw size)) child)
638 (adj-border-wh (round dy) child)))
639 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
640 (adj-border-xy ry child)
641 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw (- 1 size))) child)
642 (adj-border-wh rh child)))))))
644 (defun set-main-window-right-layout ()
645 "Main window right: Main windows on the right. Others on the left."
646 (layout-ask-size "Split size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
647 (set-layout #'main-window-right-layout))
652 (defun main-window-left-layout (child parent)
653 "Main window left: Main windows on the left. Others on the right."
654 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
655 (let* ((main-windows (frame-data-slot parent :main-window-list))
656 (len (length main-windows))
657 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
658 (if (zerop len)
659 (no-layout child parent)
660 (if (child-member child main-windows)
661 (let* ((dy (/ rh len))
662 (pos (child-position child main-windows)))
663 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
664 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* dy pos))) child)
665 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw size)) child)
666 (adj-border-wh (round dy) child)))
667 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* rw size))) child)
668 (adj-border-xy ry child)
669 (adj-border-wh (round (* rw (- 1 size))) child)
670 (adj-border-wh rh child)))))))
672 (defun set-main-window-left-layout ()
673 "Main window left: Main windows on the left. Others on the right."
674 (layout-ask-size "Split size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
675 (set-layout #'main-window-left-layout))
679 (defun main-window-top-layout (child parent)
680 "Main window top: Main windows on the top. Others on the bottom."
681 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
682 (let* ((main-windows (frame-data-slot parent :main-window-list))
683 (len (length main-windows))
684 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
685 (if (zerop len)
686 (no-layout child parent)
687 (if (child-member child main-windows)
688 (let* ((dx (/ rw len))
689 (pos (child-position child main-windows)))
690 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* dx pos))) child)
691 (adj-border-xy ry child)
692 (adj-border-wh (round dx) child)
693 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh size)) child)))
694 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
695 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* rh size))) child)
696 (adj-border-wh rw child)
697 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh (- 1 size))) child)))))))
699 (defun set-main-window-top-layout ()
700 "Main window top: Main windows on the top. Others on the bottom."
701 (layout-ask-size "Split size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
702 (set-layout #'main-window-top-layout))
706 (defun main-window-bottom-layout (child parent)
707 "Main window bottom: Main windows on the bottom. Others on the top."
708 (with-slots (rx ry rw rh) parent
709 (let* ((main-windows (frame-data-slot parent :main-window-list))
710 (len (length main-windows))
711 (size (or (frame-data-slot parent :tile-size) 0.8)))
712 (if (zerop len)
713 (no-layout child parent)
714 (if (child-member child main-windows)
715 (let* ((dx (/ rw len))
716 (pos (child-position child main-windows)))
717 (values (adj-border-xy (round (+ rx (* dx pos))) child)
718 (adj-border-xy (round (+ ry (* rh (- 1 size)))) child)
719 (adj-border-wh (round dx) child)
720 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh size)) child)))
721 (values (adj-border-xy rx child)
722 (adj-border-xy ry child)
723 (adj-border-wh rw child)
724 (adj-border-wh (round (* rh (- 1 size))) child)))))))
726 (defun set-main-window-bottom-layout ()
727 "Main window bottom: Main windows on the bottom. Others on the top."
728 (layout-ask-size "Split size in percent (%)" :tile-size)
729 (set-layout #'main-window-bottom-layout))
735 (defun add-in-main-window-list ()
736 "Add the current window in the main window list"
737 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
738 (with-current-window
739 (when (child-member window (get-managed-child *current-child*))
740 (pushnew window (frame-data-slot *current-child* :main-window-list)))))
741 (leave-second-mode))
744 (defun remove-in-main-window-list ()
745 "Remove the current window from the main window list"
746 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
747 (with-current-window
748 (when (child-member window (get-managed-child *current-child*))
749 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :main-window-list)
750 (child-remove window (frame-data-slot *current-child* :main-window-list))))))
751 (leave-second-mode))
753 (defun clear-main-window-list ()
754 "Clear the main window list"
755 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
756 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :main-window-list) nil))
757 (leave-second-mode))
762 (register-layout-sub-menu 'frame-main-window-layout-menu "Main window layout menu"
763 '(("r" set-main-window-right-layout)
764 ("l" set-main-window-left-layout)
765 ("t" set-main-window-top-layout)
766 ("b" set-main-window-bottom-layout)
767 "-=- Actions on main windows list -=-"
768 ("a" add-in-main-window-list)
769 ("v" remove-in-main-window-list)
770 ("c" clear-main-window-list)))
773 ;;; GIMP layout specifics functions
775 (defconfig *gimp-layout-notify-window-delay* 30 'gimp-layout
776 "Time to display the GIMP layout notify window help")
779 (defun select-next/previous-child-no-main-window (fun-rotate)
780 "Select the next/previous child - Skip windows in main window list"
781 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
782 (with-slots (child) *current-child*
783 (let* ((main-windows (frame-data-slot *current-child* :main-window-list))
784 (to-skip? (not (= (length main-windows)
785 (length child)))))
786 (labels ((rec ()
787 (setf child (funcall fun-rotate child))
788 (when (and to-skip?
789 (child-member (frame-selected-child *current-child*) main-windows))
790 (rec))))
791 (unselect-all-frames)
792 (rec)
793 (show-all-children))))))
796 (defun select-next-child-no-main-window ()
797 "Select the next child - Skip windows in main window list"
798 (select-next/previous-child-no-main-window #'rotate-list))
800 (defun select-previous-child-no-main-window ()
801 "Select the previous child - Skip windows in main window list"
802 (select-next/previous-child-no-main-window #'anti-rotate-list))
805 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-and-move-no-main-window (window root-x root-y)
806 "Move and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent.
807 Or do actions on corners - Skip windows in main window list"
808 (unless (do-corner-action root-x root-y *corner-main-mode-left-button*)
809 (if (and (frame-p *current-child*)
810 (child-member window (frame-data-slot *current-child* :main-window-list)))
811 (replay-button-event)
812 (mouse-click-to-focus-generic root-x root-y #'move-frame))))
816 (let ((help-text-list `(("-=- Help on The GIMP layout -=-" ,*info-color-title*)
818 "The GIMP layout is a main-window-layout with a sloppy focus policy."
819 "You can change the main windows direction with the layout menu."
821 "Press Alt+F8 to add a window to the main windows list."
822 "Press Alt+F9 to remove a window from the main windows list."
823 "Press Alt+F10 to clear the main windows list."
825 "You can select a main window with the right mouse button."
827 "Use the layout menu to restore the previous layout and keybinding.")))
828 (defun help-on-gimp-layout ()
829 "Help on the GIMP layout"
830 (info-mode help-text-list)
831 (leave-second-mode))
833 (defun set-gimp-layout ()
834 "The GIMP Layout"
835 (when (frame-p *current-child*)
836 ;; Note: There is no need to ungrab/grab keys because this
837 ;; is done when leaving the second mode.
838 (define-main-key ("F8" :mod-1) 'add-in-main-window-list)
839 (define-main-key ("F9" :mod-1) 'remove-in-main-window-list)
840 (define-main-key ("F10" :mod-1) 'clear-main-window-list)
841 (define-main-key ("Tab" :mod-1) 'select-next-child-no-main-window)
842 (define-main-key ("Tab" :mod-1 :shift) 'select-previous-child-no-main-window)
843 (define-main-mouse (1) 'mouse-click-to-focus-and-move-no-main-window)
844 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :focus-policy-save)
845 (frame-focus-policy *current-child*))
846 (setf (frame-focus-policy *current-child*) :sloppy)
847 (setf (frame-data-slot *current-child* :layout-save)
848 (frame-layout *current-child*))
849 (open-notify-window help-text-list)
850 (add-timer *gimp-layout-notify-window-delay* #'close-notify-window)
851 ;; Set the default layout and leave the second mode.
852 (set-main-window-right-layout))))
855 (defun set-previous-layout ()
856 "Restore the previous layout"
857 (undefine-main-key ("F8" :mod-1))
858 (undefine-main-key ("F9" :mod-1))
859 (undefine-main-key ("F10" :mod-1))
860 (define-main-key ("Tab" :mod-1) 'select-next-child)
861 (define-main-key ("Tab" :mod-1 :shift) 'select-previous-child)
862 (define-main-mouse (1) 'mouse-click-to-focus-and-move)
863 (setf (frame-focus-policy *current-child*)
864 (frame-data-slot *current-child* :focus-policy-save))
865 (setf (frame-layout *current-child*)
866 (frame-data-slot *current-child* :layout-save))
867 (leave-second-mode))
872 (register-layout-sub-menu 'frame-gimp-layout-menu "The GIMP layout menu"
873 '(("g" set-gimp-layout)
874 ("p" set-previous-layout)
875 ("h" help-on-gimp-layout)
876 "-=- Main window layout -=-"
877 ("r" set-main-window-right-layout)
878 ("l" set-main-window-left-layout)
879 ("t" set-main-window-top-layout)
880 ("b" set-main-window-bottom-layout)
881 "-=- Actions on main windows list -=-"
882 ("a" add-in-main-window-list)
883 ("v" remove-in-main-window-list)
884 ("c" clear-main-window-list)))