src/clfswm-configuration.lisp (create-configuration-menu): Change the config system...
[clfswm.git] / src / clfswm-configuration.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Configuration definitions and Menu generation
6 ;;;
7 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 ;;;
9 ;;; (C) 2010 Philippe Brochard <>
10 ;;;
11 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
14 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;;;
21 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 ;;;
25 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 (in-package :clfswm)
29 (defun find-configuration-variables ()
30 (let ((all-groups nil)
31 (all-variables nil))
32 (maphash (lambda (key val)
33 (pushnew (configvar-group val) all-groups :test #'string-equal)
34 (push (list key (configvar-group val)) all-variables))
35 *config-var-table*)
36 (values all-groups all-variables)))
39 (defun find-symbol-function (function)
40 (with-all-internal-symbols (symbol :clfswm)
41 (when (and (fboundp symbol) (equal (symbol-function symbol) function))
42 (return-from find-symbol-function symbol))))
44 (defun escape-conf-value (value)
45 (cond ((or (equal value t) (equal value nil))
46 (format nil "~S" value))
47 ((consp value)
48 (format nil "(quote ~S)" value))
49 ((symbolp value)
50 (format nil "'~S" value))
51 ((functionp value)
52 (format nil "'~S" (find-symbol-function value)))
53 ((xlib:color-p value)
54 (format nil "(->color #x~X)" (color->rgb value)))
55 (t (format nil "~S" value))))
57 (defun escape-conf-symbol-value (symbol)
58 (let ((value (symbol-value symbol)))
59 (escape-conf-value value)))
61 (defun get-config-value (value)
62 (ignore-errors (eval (read-from-string value))))
64 (defun reset-config-to-default-value (symbol)
65 (setf (symbol-value symbol) (config-default-value symbol)))
68 ;;; Save configuration variables part
69 (defun temp-conf-file-name ()
70 (let ((name (conf-file-name)))
71 (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory name)
72 :name (concatenate 'string (pathname-name name) "-tmp"))))
75 (defun copy-previous-conf-file-begin (stream-in stream-out)
76 (loop for line = (read-line stream-in nil nil)
77 while line
78 until (zerop (or (search ";;; ### Internal variables definitions" line) -1))
79 do (format stream-out "~A~%" line)))
81 (defun copy-previous-conf-file-end (stream-in stream-out)
82 (loop for line = (read-line stream-in nil nil)
83 while line
84 until (zerop (or (search ";;; ### End of internal variables definitions" line) -1)))
85 (loop for line = (read-line stream-in nil nil)
86 while line
87 do (format stream-out "~A~%" line)))
91 (defun save-variables-in-conf-file (stream)
92 (multiple-value-bind (all-groups all-variables)
93 (find-configuration-variables)
94 (format stream "~&;;; ### Internal variables definitions ### ;;;~%")
95 (format stream ";;; ### You can edit this part when clfswm is not running ### ;;;~%")
96 (format stream ";;; ### And you can remove this part to revert to the ### ;;;~%")
97 (format stream ";;; ### original configuration variables values. ### ;;;~%")
98 (format stream "(in-package :clfswm)~2%")
99 (format stream "(setf~%")
100 (dolist (group all-groups)
101 (format stream " ;; ~A:~%" group)
102 (dolist (var all-variables)
103 (when (string-equal (second var) group)
104 (format stream " ~A ~A~%" (first var)
105 (escape-conf-symbol-value (first var)))))
106 (format stream "~%"))
107 (format stream ")~%")
108 (format stream ";;; ### End of internal variables definitions ### ;;;~%")))
113 (defun save-configuration-variables ()
114 "Save all configuration variables in clfswmrc"
115 (let ((conffile (conf-file-name))
116 (tempfile (temp-conf-file-name)))
117 (with-open-file (stream-in conffile :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :create)
118 (with-open-file (stream-out tempfile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
119 (copy-previous-conf-file-begin stream-in stream-out)
120 (save-variables-in-conf-file stream-out)
121 (copy-previous-conf-file-end stream-in stream-out)))
122 (delete-file conffile)
123 (rename-file tempfile conffile)
124 nil))
127 ;;; Configuration menu definition
129 (defun group->menu (group)
130 (intern (string-upcase (format nil "conf-~A" group)) :clfswm))
132 (defun group-name (group)
133 (format nil "~:(~A~) Group" (substitute #\Space #\- (string group))))
135 (defun query-conf-value (var string original)
136 (labels ((warn-wrong-type (result original)
137 (if (equal (simple-type-of result) (simple-type-of original))
138 result
139 (if (query-yes-or-no "~A and ~A are not of the same type (~A and ~A). Do you really want to use this value?"
140 (escape-conf-value result) (escape-conf-value original)
141 (type-of result) (type-of original))
142 result
143 original)))
144 (ask-set-default-value (original-val)
145 (let ((default (config-default-value var)))
146 (if (query-yes-or-no "Reset ~A from ~A to ~A?" var original (escape-conf-value default))
147 default
148 original-val))))
149 (multiple-value-bind (result return)
150 (query-string (format nil "Configure ~A - ~A (blank=Default: ~A)" string
151 (documentation var 'variable)
152 (escape-conf-value (config-default-value var)))
153 original)
154 (let ((original-val (get-config-value original)))
155 (if (equal return :Return)
156 (if (string= result "")
157 (ask-set-default-value original-val)
158 (let ((result-val (get-config-value result)))
159 (warn-wrong-type result-val original-val)))
160 original-val)))))
163 (defun create-conf-function (var)
164 (let* ((string (remove #\* (format nil "~A" var)))
165 (symbol (intern (format nil "CONFIGURE-~A" string) :clfswm)))
166 (setf (symbol-function symbol) (lambda ()
167 (setf (symbol-value var) (query-conf-value var string (escape-conf-symbol-value var)))
168 (open-menu (find-menu 'configuration-menu)))
169 (documentation symbol 'function) (format nil "Configure ~A" string))
170 symbol))
173 (defun create-configuration-menu (&key clear)
174 "Configuration menu"
175 (when clear
176 (clear-sub-menu 'main 'configuration-menu))
177 (multiple-value-bind (all-groups all-variables)
178 (find-configuration-variables)
179 (loop for group in all-groups
180 for i from 0
181 do (let ((menu (group->menu group)))
182 (add-sub-menu 'configuration-menu (number->char i) menu (group-name group))
183 (loop for var in all-variables
184 with j = -1
185 do (when (equal (second var) group)
186 (add-menu-key menu (number->char (incf j))
187 (create-conf-function (first var))))))))
188 (add-menu-key 'configuration-menu "F2" 'save-configuration-variables)
189 (add-menu-key 'configuration-menu "F3" 'reset-all-config-variables))
193 (defun reset-all-config-variables ()
194 "Reset all configuration variables to there default values"
195 (when (query-yes-or-no "Do you really want to reset all values to there default?")
196 (maphash (lambda (key val)
197 (declare (ignore val))
198 (reset-config-to-default-value key))
199 *config-var-table*))
200 (open-menu (find-menu 'configuration-menu)))