Add :maxsize windows in *default-managed-type*
[clfswm.git] / contrib / server / server.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Client/server connection.
6 ;;; The connection is crypted and you can only connect to the server with the
7 ;;; same clfswm binary.
8 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;;
10 ;;; (C) 2012 Philippe Brochard <>
11 ;;;
12 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;;;
17 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;;;
22 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 ;;;
26 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 ;;; Server protocole:
28 ;;; Server -> Client: orig_key=a generated key crypted with *key*
29 ;;; Client : build its new_key with orig_key+*key*
30 ;;; Client -> Server: new_key+(md5 new_key) crypted with new_key
31 ;;; Server -> Client: check if the keys match and then authenticate the client.
32 ;;; Server <-> Client: All connections are crypted with new_key
33 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 (in-package :clfswm)
37 (defparameter *server-port* 33333)
39 (format t "Loading the clfswm server code... ")
41 (pushnew (truename (merge-pathnames "server/" *contrib-dir*)) asdf:*central-registry*)
43 (dbg asdf:*central-registry*)
45 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm-client)
47 (in-package :clfswm)
49 (use-package :crypt)
51 (defstruct server-socket stream auth form key)
52 (defparameter *server-socket* nil)
54 (defparameter *server-allowed-host* '(""))
55 (defparameter *server-wait-timeout* 0.001d0)
57 (defparameter *server-connection* nil)
59 (defparameter *server-commands* '("bye" "close" "quit" "info" "clear" "ls[d][v|f] [pattern]"))
64 (defun server-show-prompt (sock)
65 ;;(send-to-client sock nil (format nil "~A> " (package-name *package*))))
66 (format (server-socket-stream sock) "~A~%"
67 (crypt (format nil"~A> " (package-name *package*)) (server-socket-key sock)))
68 (force-output (server-socket-stream sock)))
71 (defun send-to-client (sock show-prompt-p &rest msg)
72 (dolist (m (if (consp (car msg)) (car msg) msg))
73 (format (server-socket-stream sock) "~A~%" (crypt m (server-socket-key sock)))
74 (force-output (server-socket-stream sock)))
75 (when show-prompt-p
76 (server-show-prompt sock)))
78 ;;(defun server-show-prompt (sock)
79 ;; (send-to-client sock nil (format nil "~A> " (package-name *package*))))
83 (defun read-from-client (sock)
84 (decrypt (read-line (server-socket-stream sock) nil nil) (server-socket-key sock)))
88 (defun server-remove-connection (sock)
89 (send-to-client sock nil "Connection closed by server")
90 (multiple-value-bind (local-host local-port remote-host remote-port)
91 (port:socket-host/port (server-socket-stream sock))
92 (declare (ignore local-host local-port))
93 (format t "~&Connection from ~A:~A closed.~%" remote-host remote-port))
94 (close (server-socket-stream sock))
95 (setf *server-connection* (remove sock *server-connection*)))
97 (defun server-show-info (sock)
98 (send-to-client sock t (format nil "~A" *server-connection*)))
101 (defun server-clear-connection ()
102 (dolist (sock *server-connection*)
103 (handler-case
104 (send-to-client sock t "Server clear connection in progress.")
105 (error ()
106 (server-remove-connection sock)))))
109 (defun server-show-help (sock)
110 (send-to-client sock t (format nil "Availables commandes: ~{~S~^, ~}" *server-commands*)))
113 (defun server-ls (sock line ls-word var-p fun-p &optional show-doc)
114 (let* ((pattern (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) (subseq (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) line) (length ls-word))))
115 (all-search (string= pattern "")))
116 (with-all-internal-symbols (symbol :clfswm)
117 (when (or all-search (symbol-search pattern symbol))
118 (cond ((and var-p (boundp symbol))
119 (send-to-client sock nil (format nil "~A (variable) ~A" symbol
120 (if show-doc
121 (format nil "~& ~A~& => ~A"
122 (documentation symbol 'variable)
123 (symbol-value symbol))
124 ""))))
125 ((and fun-p (fboundp symbol))
126 (send-to-client sock nil (format nil "~A (function) ~A" symbol
127 (if show-doc
128 (documentation symbol 'function)
129 "")))))))
130 (send-to-client sock t "Done.")))
134 (defun server-is-allowed-host (stream)
135 (multiple-value-bind (local-host local-port remote-host remote-port)
136 (port:socket-host/port stream)
137 (declare (ignore local-host local-port))
138 (and (member remote-host *server-allowed-host* :test #'string-equal)
139 (equal remote-port *server-port*))))
142 (defun server-handle-new-connection ()
143 (handler-case
144 (let ((stream (and *server-socket* (port:socket-accept *server-socket* :wait *server-wait-timeout*))))
145 (when stream
146 (if (server-is-allowed-host stream)
147 (multiple-value-bind (local-host local-port remote-host remote-port)
148 (port:socket-host/port stream)
149 (declare (ignore local-host local-port))
150 (format t "~&New connection from ~A:~A " remote-host remote-port)
151 (let ((new-sock (make-server-socket :stream stream :auth nil :form "" :key *key*))
152 (key (generate-key)))
153 (push new-sock *server-connection*)
154 (send-to-client new-sock nil key)
155 (setf (server-socket-key new-sock) (concatenate 'string key *key*))))
156 (close stream))))
157 (error (c)
158 (format t "Connection rejected: ~A~%" c)
159 (force-output))))
162 (defun server-line-is (line &rest strings)
163 (dolist (str strings)
164 (when (string-equal line str)
165 (return-from server-line-is t)))
166 nil)
169 (defun server-complet-from (sock)
170 (ignore-errors
171 (when (listen (server-socket-stream sock))
172 (let ((line (read-from-client sock)))
173 (cond ((server-line-is line "help") (server-show-help sock))
174 ((server-line-is line "bye" "close" "quit") (server-remove-connection sock))
175 ((server-line-is line "info") (server-show-info sock))
176 ((server-line-is line "clear") (server-clear-connection))
177 ((first-position "lsdv" line) (server-ls sock line "lsdv" t nil t))
178 ((first-position "lsdf" line) (server-ls sock line "lsdf" nil t t))
179 ((first-position "lsd" line) (server-ls sock line "lsd" t t t))
180 ((first-position "lsv" line) (server-ls sock line "lsv" t nil nil))
181 ((first-position "lsf" line) (server-ls sock line "lsf" nil t nil))
182 ((first-position "ls" line) (server-ls sock line "ls" t t nil))
183 (t (setf (server-socket-form sock) (format nil "~A~A~%" (server-socket-form sock) line))))))))
189 (defun server-eval-form (sock)
190 (let* ((result nil)
191 (printed-result
192 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
193 (setf result (handler-case
194 (loop for i in (multiple-value-list
195 (eval (read-from-string (server-socket-form sock))))
196 collect (format nil "~S" i))
197 (error (condition)
198 (format nil "~A" condition)))))))
199 (send-to-client sock nil (ensure-list printed-result))
200 (send-to-client sock t (ensure-list result))
201 (setf (server-socket-form sock) "")))
204 (defun server-handle-form (sock)
205 (server-complet-from sock)
206 (if (server-socket-key sock)
207 (when (ignore-errors (read-from-string (server-socket-form sock)))
208 (server-eval-form sock))
209 (server-show-prompt sock)))
211 (defun server-handle-auth (sock)
212 (loop for line = (read-from-client sock)
213 while line
215 (if (string= line (format nil "~A~A" (server-socket-key sock)
216 (md5:md5 (server-socket-key sock))))
217 (progn
218 (setf (server-socket-auth sock) t)
219 (setf (server-socket-form sock) (format nil "~S" "You are now authenticated!"))
220 (server-handle-form sock)
221 (format t "Connection accepted~%")
222 (return-from server-handle-auth nil))
223 (progn
224 (format t "Connection closed~%")
225 (close (server-socket-stream sock))))))
228 (defun server-handle-connection (sock)
229 (handler-case
230 (when (listen (server-socket-stream sock))
231 (if (server-socket-auth sock)
232 (server-handle-form sock)
233 (server-handle-auth sock)))
234 (error (c)
235 (format t "*** Error: ~A~%" c) (force-output)
236 (close (server-socket-stream sock))
237 (setf *server-connection* (remove sock *server-connection*)))))
239 (defun handle-server ()
240 (server-handle-new-connection)
241 (dolist (sock *server-connection*)
242 (server-handle-connection sock)))
246 (defun start-server (&optional port)
247 (when port
248 (setf *server-port* port))
249 (setf *server-socket* (port:open-socket-server *server-port*))
250 (add-hook *loop-hook* 'handle-server)
251 (format t "*** Server is started on port ~A and is accepting connection only from [~{~A~^, ~}].~2%"
252 *server-port* *server-allowed-host*)
253 (save-new-key))
258 (format t "done.
260 You can now start a clfswm server with the command (start-server &optional port).
261 Only [~{~A~^, ~}] ~A allowed to login on the server. The connection is crypted.
262 You can start the client with the '--client' command line option.~%"
263 *server-allowed-host*
264 (if (or (null *server-allowed-host*) (= (length *server-allowed-host*) 1))
265 "is" "are"))
267 (defun server-parse-cmdline ()
268 (let ((args (get-command-line-words)))
269 (when (member "--client" args :test #'string-equal)
270 (clfswm-client:start-client (remove "--client" args :test #'string-equal))
271 (uquit))))
273 (defun is-started-as-client-p ()
274 (member "--client" (get-command-line-words) :test #'string-equal))
276 (add-hook *main-entrance-hook* 'server-parse-cmdline)