src/clfswm-expose-mode.lisp (expose-query-key-press-hook): Add an option to immediate...
[clfswm.git] / src / tools.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: General tools
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2012 Philippe Brochard <>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 (in-package :common-lisp-user)
29 (defpackage tools
30 (:use common-lisp)
31 (:export :it
32 :awhen
33 :aif
34 :defconfig :*config-var-table* :configvar-value :configvar-group :config-default-value
35 :config-all-groups
36 :config-group->string
37 :find-in-hash
38 :view-hash-table
39 :copy-hash-table
40 :nfuncall
41 :pfuncall
42 :symbol-search
43 :create-symbol :create-symbol-in-package
44 :call-hook
45 :add-new-hook
46 :add-hook
47 :remove-hook
48 :clear-timers
49 :add-timer
50 :at
51 :with-timer
52 :process-timers
53 :erase-timer
54 :timer-loop
55 :dbg
56 :dbgnl
57 :dbgc
58 :make-rectangle
59 :rectangle-x :rectangle-y :rectangle-width :rectangle-height
60 :in-rectangle
61 :distance
62 :collect-all-symbols
63 :with-all-internal-symbols
64 :export-all-functions :export-all-variables
65 :export-all-functions-and-variables
66 :ensure-function
67 :empty-string-p
68 :find-common-string
69 :command-in-path
70 :setf/=
71 :number->char
72 :number->string
73 :number->letter
74 :simple-type-of
75 :repeat-chars
76 :nth-insert
77 :split-string
78 :substring-equal
79 :string-match
80 :extented-alphanumericp
81 :append-newline-space
82 :expand-newline
83 :ensure-list
84 :ensure-printable
85 :limit-length
86 :ensure-n-elems
87 :begin-with-2-spaces
88 :string-equal-p
89 :find-assoc-word
90 :print-space
91 :escape-string
92 :first-position
93 :find-free-number
94 :date-string
95 :do-execute
96 :do-shell :fdo-shell
97 :getenv
98 :uquit
99 :urun-prog
100 :ushell
101 :ush
102 :ushell-loop
103 :cldebug
104 :get-command-line-words
105 :string-to-list
106 :near-position
107 :string-to-list-multichar
108 :list-to-string
109 :list-to-string-list
110 :clean-string
111 :one-in-list
112 :exchange-one-in-list
113 :rotate-list
114 :anti-rotate-list
115 :n-rotate-list
116 :append-formated-list
117 :shuffle-list
118 :parse-integer-in-list
119 :convert-to-number
120 :next-in-list :prev-in-list
121 :find-string
122 :find-all-strings
123 :subst-strings
124 :test-find-string
125 :memory-usage
126 :cpu-usage
127 :battery-usage
128 :battery-alert-string
129 :start-system-poll
130 :stop-system-poll
131 :system-usage-poll))
134 (in-package :tools)
137 (defstruct rectangle x y width height)
139 (setq *random-state* (make-random-state t))
144 (defmacro awhen (test &body body)
145 `(let ((it ,test))
146 (when it
147 ,@body)))
149 (defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
150 `(let ((it ,test)) (if it ,then ,else)))
153 ;;; Configuration variables
154 (defstruct configvar value group doc)
156 (defparameter *config-var-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
158 (defmacro defconfig (name value group doc)
159 `(progn
160 (setf (gethash ',name *config-var-table*)
161 (make-configvar :value ,value
162 :group (or ,group 'Miscellaneous)))
163 (defparameter ,name ,value ,doc)))
165 (defun config-default-value (var)
166 (let ((config (gethash var *config-var-table*)))
167 (when config
168 (configvar-value config))))
170 (defun config-group->string (group)
171 (format nil "~:(~A group~)" (substitute #\Space #\- (string group))))
174 ;;; Configuration variables
175 (defun config-all-groups ()
176 (let (all-groups)
177 (maphash (lambda (key val)
178 (declare (ignore key))
179 (pushnew (configvar-group val) all-groups :test #'equal))
180 *config-var-table*)
181 (sort all-groups (lambda (x y)
182 (string< (string x) (string y))))))
187 (defun find-in-hash (val hashtable &optional (test #'equal))
188 "Return the key associated to val in the hashtable"
189 (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
190 (when (and (consp v) (funcall test (first v) val))
191 (return-from find-in-hash (values k v))))
192 hashtable))
195 (defun view-hash-table (title hashtable)
196 (maphash (lambda (k v)
197 (format t "[~A] ~A ~A~%" title k v))
198 hashtable))
200 (defun copy-hash-table (hashtable)
201 (let ((rethash (make-hash-table :test (hash-table-test hashtable))))
202 (maphash (lambda (k v)
203 (setf (gethash k rethash) v))
204 hashtable)
205 rethash))
208 (defun nfuncall (function)
209 (when function
210 (funcall function)))
212 (defun pfuncall (function &rest args)
213 (when (and function
214 (or (functionp function)
215 (and (symbolp function) (fboundp function))))
216 (apply function args)))
219 (defun symbol-search (search symbol)
220 "Search the string 'search' in the symbol name of 'symbol'"
221 (search search (symbol-name symbol) :test #'string-equal))
223 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
224 (defun mkstr (&rest args)
225 (with-output-to-string (s)
226 (dolist (a args)
227 (princ a s))))
229 (defun create-symbol (&rest args)
230 (values (intern (string-upcase (apply #'mkstr args)))))
232 (defun create-symbol-in-package (package &rest args)
233 (values (intern (string-upcase (apply #'mkstr args)) package))))
236 ;;;,-----
237 ;;;| Minimal hook
238 ;;;`-----
239 (defun call-hook (hook &rest args)
240 "Call a hook (a function, a symbol or a list of functions)
241 Return the result of the last hook"
242 (let ((result nil))
243 (labels ((rec (hook)
244 (when hook
245 (typecase hook
246 (cons (dolist (h hook)
247 (rec h)))
248 (function (setf result (apply hook args)))
249 (symbol (when (fboundp hook)
250 (setf result (apply hook args))))))))
251 (rec hook)
252 result)))
255 (defmacro add-new-hook (hook &rest value)
256 "Add a hook. Duplicate it if needed"
257 `(setf ,hook (append (typecase ,hook
258 (list ,hook)
259 (t (list ,hook)))
260 (list ,@value))))
262 (defmacro add-hook (hook &rest value)
263 "Add a hook only if not duplicated"
264 (let ((i (gensym)))
265 `(dolist (,i (list ,@value))
266 (unless (member ,i (typecase ,hook
267 (list ,hook)
268 (t (list ,hook))))
269 (add-new-hook ,hook ,i)))))
271 (defmacro remove-hook (hook &rest value)
272 (let ((i (gensym)))
273 `(dolist (,i (list ,@value) ,hook)
274 (setf ,hook (remove ,i ,hook)))))
277 ;;;,-----
278 ;;;| Timers tools
279 ;;;`-----
280 (defparameter *timer-list* nil)
282 (declaim (inline realtime->s s->realtime))
284 (defun realtime->s (rtime)
285 (float (/ rtime internal-time-units-per-second)))
287 (defun s->realtime (second)
288 (round (* second internal-time-units-per-second)))
291 (defun clear-timers ()
292 (setf *timer-list* nil))
294 (defun add-timer (delay fun &optional (id (gensym)))
295 "Start the function fun at delay seconds."
296 (push (list id
297 (let ((time (+ (get-internal-real-time) (s->realtime delay))))
298 (lambda (current-time)
299 (when (>= current-time time)
300 (funcall fun)
301 t))))
302 *timer-list*)
305 (defun at (delay fun &optional (id (gensym)))
306 "Start the function fun at delay seconds."
307 (funcall #'add-timer delay fun id))
309 (defmacro with-timer ((delay &optional (id (gensym))) &body body)
310 "Same thing as add-timer but with syntaxic sugar"
311 `(add-timer ,delay
312 (lambda ()
313 ,@body)
314 ,id))
317 (defun process-timers ()
318 "Call each timers in *timer-list* if needed"
319 (let ((current-time (get-internal-real-time)))
320 (dolist (timer *timer-list*)
321 (when (funcall (second timer) current-time)
322 (setf *timer-list* (remove timer *timer-list* :test #'equal))))))
324 (defun erase-timer (id)
325 "Erase the timer identified by its id"
326 (setf *timer-list* (remove id *timer-list* :test (lambda (x y)
327 (equal x (first y))))))
329 (defun timer-test-loop ()
330 (let ((count 0))
331 (labels ((plop ()
332 (format t "Plop-~A" count)
333 (erase-timer :toto))
334 (toto ()
335 (format t "Toto-~A" count)
336 (add-timer 3 #'toto :toto)))
337 (add-timer 3 #'toto :toto)
338 (add-timer 13 #'plop)
339 (loop
340 (princ ".") (force-output)
341 (process-timers)
342 (sleep 0.5)
343 (incf count)))))
347 ;;;,-----
348 ;;;| Debuging tools
349 ;;;`-----
350 (defvar *%dbg-name%* "dbg")
351 (defvar *%dbg-count%* 0)
354 (defmacro dbg (&rest forms)
355 `(progn
356 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
357 (typecase form
358 (string `(setf *%dbg-name%* ,form))
359 (number `(setf *%dbg-count%* ,form))))
360 forms)
361 (format t "~&DEBUG[~A - ~A] " (incf *%dbg-count%*) *%dbg-name%*)
362 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
363 (typecase form
364 ((or string number) nil)
365 (t `(format t "~A=~S " ',form ,form))))
366 forms)
367 (format t "~%")
368 (force-output)
369 ,@forms))
371 (defmacro dbgnl (&rest forms)
372 `(progn
373 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
374 (typecase form
375 (string `(setf *%dbg-name%* ,form))
376 (number `(setf *%dbg-count%* ,form))))
377 forms)
378 (format t "~&DEBUG[~A - ~A] --------------------~%" (incf *%dbg-count%*) *%dbg-name%*)
379 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
380 (typecase form
381 ((or string number) nil)
382 (t `(format t " - ~A=~S~%" ',form ,form))))
383 forms)
384 (force-output)
385 ,@forms))
388 (defun dbgc (obj &optional newline)
389 (princ obj)
390 (when newline
391 (terpri))
392 (force-output))
396 (defun in-rectangle (x y rectangle)
397 (and rectangle
398 (<= (rectangle-x rectangle) x (+ (rectangle-x rectangle) (rectangle-width rectangle)))
399 (<= (rectangle-y rectangle) y (+ (rectangle-y rectangle) (rectangle-height rectangle)))))
403 (defun distance (x1 y1 x2 y2)
404 (+ (abs (- x2 x1)) (abs (- y2 y1))))
407 ;;; Symbols tools
408 (defun collect-all-symbols (&optional package)
409 (format t "Collecting all symbols for Lisp REPL completion...")
410 (let (all-symbols)
411 (do-symbols (symbol (or package *package*))
412 (pushnew (string-downcase (symbol-name symbol)) all-symbols :test #'string=))
413 (do-symbols (symbol :keyword)
414 (pushnew (concatenate 'string ":" (string-downcase (symbol-name symbol)))
415 all-symbols :test #'string=))
416 (format t " Done.~%")
417 all-symbols))
421 (defmacro with-all-internal-symbols ((var package) &body body)
422 "Bind symbol to all internal symbols in package"
423 `(do-symbols (,var ,package)
424 (multiple-value-bind (sym status)
425 (find-symbol (symbol-name ,var) ,package)
426 (declare (ignore sym))
427 (when (eql status :internal)
428 ,@body))))
431 (defun export-all-functions (package &optional (verbose nil))
432 (with-all-internal-symbols (symbol package)
433 (when (fboundp symbol)
434 (when verbose
435 (format t "Exporting ~S~%" symbol))
436 (export symbol package))))
439 (defun export-all-variables (package &optional (verbose nil))
440 (with-all-internal-symbols (symbol package)
441 (when (boundp symbol)
442 (when verbose
443 (format t "Exporting ~S~%" symbol))
444 (export symbol package))))
446 (defun export-all-functions-and-variables (package &optional (verbose nil))
447 (with-all-internal-symbols (symbol package)
448 (when (or (fboundp symbol) (boundp symbol))
449 (when verbose
450 (format t "Exporting ~S~%" symbol))
451 (export symbol package))))
455 (defun ensure-function (object)
456 (if (functionp object)
457 object
458 (symbol-function object)))
463 (defun empty-string-p (string)
464 (string= string ""))
467 (defun find-common-string (string list &optional orig)
468 "Return the string in common in all string in list"
469 (if list
470 (let ((result (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
471 (zerop (or (search string x :test #'string-equal) -1)))
472 list)))
473 (if (= (length result) (length list))
474 (if (> (length (first list)) (length string))
475 (find-common-string (subseq (first list) 0 (1+ (length string))) list string)
476 string)
477 orig))
478 string))
481 (defun command-in-path (&optional (tmpfile "/tmp/clfswm-cmd.tmp"))
482 (format t "Updating command list for Shell completion...~%")
483 (labels ((delete-tmp ()
484 (when (probe-file tmpfile)
485 (delete-file tmpfile))))
486 (delete-tmp)
487 (dolist (dir (split-string (getenv "PATH") #\:))
488 (ushell (format nil "ls ~A/* >> ~A" dir tmpfile)))
489 (let ((commands nil))
490 (with-open-file (stream tmpfile :direction :input)
491 (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
492 while line
493 do (pushnew (subseq line (1+ (or (position #\/ line :from-end t) -1))) commands
494 :test #'string=)))
495 (delete-tmp)
496 (format t "Done. Found ~A commands in shell PATH.~%" (length commands))
497 commands)))
500 ;;; Tools
501 (defmacro setf/= (var val)
502 "Set var to val only when var not equal to val"
503 (let ((gval (gensym)))
504 `(let ((,gval ,val))
505 (when (/= ,var ,gval)
506 (setf ,var ,gval)))))
509 (defun number->char (number)
510 (cond ((<= number 25) (code-char (+ (char-code #\a) number)))
511 ((<= 26 number 35) (code-char (+ (char-code #\0) (- number 26))))
512 ((<= 36 number 61) (code-char (+ (char-code #\A) (- number 36))))
513 (t #\|)))
515 (defun number->string (number)
516 (string (number->char number)))
518 (defun number->letter (n &optional (base 26))
519 (nreverse
520 (with-output-to-string (str)
521 (labels ((rec (n)
522 (princ (code-char (+ (char-code #\a) (mod n base))) str)
523 (when (>= n base)
524 (rec (- (truncate (/ n base)) 1)))))
525 (rec n)))))
528 (defun simple-type-of (object)
529 (let ((type (type-of object)))
530 (typecase type
531 (cons (first type))
532 (t type))))
535 (defun repeat-chars (n char)
536 "Return a string containing N CHARs."
537 (make-string n :initial-element char))
541 (defun nth-insert (n elem list)
542 "Insert elem in (nth n list)"
543 (nconc (subseq list 0 n)
544 (list elem)
545 (subseq list n)))
549 (defun split-string (string &optional (separator #\Space))
550 "Return a list from a string splited at each separators"
551 (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
552 as j = (position separator string :start i)
553 as sub = (subseq string i j)
554 unless (string= sub "") collect sub
555 while j))
557 (defun substring-equal (substring string)
558 (string-equal substring (subseq string 0 (min (length substring) (length string)))))
560 (defun string-match (match list)
561 "Return the string in list witch match the match string"
562 (let ((len (length match)))
563 (remove-duplicates (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
564 (string-equal match (subseq x 0 (min len (length x)))))
565 list)
566 :test #'string-equal)))
569 (defun extented-alphanumericp (char)
570 (or (alphanumericp char)
571 (eq char #\-)
572 (eq char #\_)
573 (eq char #\.)
574 (eq char #\+)
575 (eq char #\=)
576 (eq char #\*)
577 (eq char #\:)
578 (eq char #\%)))
581 (defun append-newline-space (string)
582 "Append spaces before Newline on each line"
583 (with-output-to-string (stream)
584 (loop for c across string do
585 (when (equal c #\Newline)
586 (princ " " stream))
587 (princ c stream))))
590 (defun expand-newline (list)
591 "Expand all newline in strings in list"
592 (let ((acc nil))
593 (dolist (l list)
594 (setf acc (append acc (split-string l #\Newline))))
595 acc))
597 (defun ensure-list (object)
598 "Ensure an object is a list"
599 (if (listp object)
600 object
601 (list object)))
604 (defun ensure-printable (string &optional (new #\?))
605 "Ensure a string is printable in ascii"
606 (or (substitute-if-not new #'standard-char-p (or string "")) ""))
608 (defun limit-length (string &optional (length 10))
609 (subseq string 0 (min (length string) length)))
612 (defun ensure-n-elems (list n)
613 "Ensure that list has exactly n elements"
614 (let ((length (length list)))
615 (cond ((= length n) list)
616 ((< length n) (ensure-n-elems (append list '(nil)) n))
617 ((> length n) (ensure-n-elems (butlast list) n)))))
619 (defun begin-with-2-spaces (string)
620 (and (> (length string) 1)
621 (eql (char string 0) #\Space)
622 (eql (char string 1) #\Space)))
624 (defun string-equal-p (x y)
625 (when (stringp y) (string-equal x y)))
630 (defun find-assoc-word (word line &optional (delim #\"))
631 "Find a word pair"
632 (let* ((pos (search word line))
633 (pos-1 (position delim line :start (or pos 0)))
634 (pos-2 (position delim line :start (1+ (or pos-1 0)))))
635 (when (and pos pos-1 pos-2)
636 (subseq line (1+ pos-1) pos-2))))
639 (defun print-space (n &optional (stream *standard-output*))
640 "Print n spaces on stream"
641 (dotimes (i n)
642 (princ #\Space stream)))
645 (defun escape-string (string &optional (escaper '(#\/ #\: #\) #\( #\Space #\; #\,)) (char #\_))
646 "Replace in string all characters found in the escaper list"
647 (if escaper
648 (escape-string (substitute char (car escaper) string) (cdr escaper) char)
649 string))
653 (defun first-position (word string)
654 "Return true only if word is at position 0 in string"
655 (zerop (or (search word string) -1)))
658 (defun find-free-number (l) ; stolen from stumpwm - thanks
659 "Return a number that is not in the list l."
660 (let* ((nums (sort l #'<))
661 (new-num (loop for n from 0 to (or (car (last nums)) 0)
662 for i in nums
663 when (/= n i)
664 do (return n))))
665 (if new-num
666 new-num
667 ;; there was no space between the numbers, so use the last + 1
668 (if (car (last nums))
669 (1+ (car (last nums)))
670 0))))
676 ;;; Shell part (taken from ltk)
677 (defun do-execute (program args &optional (wt nil) (io :stream))
678 "execute program with args a list containing the arguments passed to
679 the program if wt is non-nil, the function will wait for the execution
680 of the program to return.
681 returns a two way stream connected to stdin/stdout of the program"
682 #-CLISP (declare (ignore io))
683 (let ((fullstring program))
684 (dolist (a args)
685 (setf fullstring (concatenate 'string fullstring " " a)))
686 #+:cmu (let ((proc (ext:run-program program args :input :stream :output :stream :wait wt)))
687 (unless proc
688 (error "Cannot create process."))
689 (make-two-way-stream
690 (ext:process-output proc)
691 (ext:process-input proc)))
692 #+:clisp (ext:run-program program :arguments args :input io :output io :wait wt)
693 #+:sbcl (let ((proc (sb-ext:run-program program args :input :stream :output :stream :wait wt)))
694 (unless proc
695 (error "Cannot create process."))
696 (make-two-way-stream
697 (sb-ext:process-output proc)
698 (sb-ext:process-input proc)))
699 #+:lispworks (system:open-pipe fullstring :direction :io)
700 #+:allegro (let ((proc (excl:run-shell-command
701 (apply #'vector program program args)
702 :input :stream :output :stream :wait wt)))
703 (unless proc
704 (error "Cannot create process."))
705 proc)
706 #+:ecl (ext:run-program program args :input :stream :output :stream
707 :error :output)
708 #+:openmcl (let ((proc (ccl:run-program program args :input
709 :stream :output
710 :stream :wait wt)))
711 (unless proc
712 (error "Cannot create process."))
713 (make-two-way-stream
714 (ccl:external-process-output-stream proc)
715 (ccl:external-process-input-stream proc)))))
717 (defun do-shell (program &optional args (wait nil) (io :stream))
718 (do-execute "/bin/sh" `("-c" ,program ,@args) wait io))
720 (defun fdo-shell (formatter &rest args)
721 (do-shell (apply #'format nil formatter args)))
727 (defun getenv (var)
728 "Return the value of the environment variable."
729 #+allegro (sys::getenv (string var))
730 #+clisp (ext:getenv (string var))
731 #+(or cmu scl)
732 (cdr (assoc (string var) ext:*environment-list* :test #'equalp
733 :key #'string))
734 #+gcl (si:getenv (string var))
735 #+lispworks (lw:environment-variable (string var))
736 #+lucid (lcl:environment-variable (string var))
737 #+(or mcl ccl) (ccl::getenv var)
738 #+sbcl (sb-posix:getenv (string var))
739 #+ecl (si:getenv (string var))
740 #-(or allegro clisp cmu gcl lispworks lucid mcl sbcl scl ecl ccl)
741 (error 'not-implemented :proc (list 'getenv var)))
744 (defun (setf getenv) (val var)
745 "Set an environment variable."
746 #+allegro (setf (sys::getenv (string var)) (string val))
747 #+clisp (setf (ext:getenv (string var)) (string val))
748 #+(or cmu scl)
749 (let ((cell (assoc (string var) ext:*environment-list* :test #'equalp
750 :key #'string)))
751 (if cell
752 (setf (cdr cell) (string val))
753 (push (cons (intern (string var) "KEYWORD") (string val))
754 ext:*environment-list*)))
755 #+gcl (si:setenv (string var) (string val))
756 #+lispworks (setf (lw:environment-variable (string var)) (string val))
757 #+lucid (setf (lcl:environment-variable (string var)) (string val))
758 #+sbcl (sb-posix:putenv (format nil "~A=~A" (string var) (string val)))
759 #+ecl (si:setenv (string var) (string val))
760 #+ccl (ccl::setenv (string var) (string val))
761 #-(or allegro clisp cmu gcl lispworks lucid sbcl scl ecl ccl)
762 (error 'not-implemented :proc (list '(setf getenv) var)))
770 (defun uquit ()
771 #+(or clisp cmu) (ext:quit)
772 #+sbcl (sb-ext:quit)
773 #+ecl (si:quit)
774 #+gcl (lisp:quit)
775 #+lispworks (lw:quit)
776 #+(or allegro-cl allegro-cl-trial) (excl:exit)
777 #+ccl (ccl:quit))
782 (defun remove-plist (plist &rest keys)
783 "Remove the keys from the plist.
784 Useful for re-using the &REST arg after removing some options."
785 (do (copy rest)
786 ((null (setq rest (nth-value 2 (get-properties plist keys))))
787 (nreconc copy plist))
788 (do () ((eq plist rest))
789 (push (pop plist) copy)
790 (push (pop plist) copy))
791 (setq plist (cddr plist))))
796 (defun urun-prog (prog &rest opts &key args (wait t) &allow-other-keys)
797 "Common interface to shell. Does not return anything useful."
798 #+gcl (declare (ignore wait))
799 (setq opts (remove-plist opts :args :wait))
800 #+allegro (apply #'excl:run-shell-command (apply #'vector prog prog args)
801 :wait wait opts)
802 #+(and clisp lisp=cl)
803 (apply #'ext:run-program prog :arguments args :wait wait opts)
804 #+(and clisp (not lisp=cl))
805 (if wait
806 (apply #'lisp:run-program prog :arguments args opts)
807 (lisp:shell (format nil "~a~{ '~a'~} &" prog args)))
808 #+cmu (apply #'ext:run-program prog args :wait wait :output *standard-output* opts)
809 #+gcl (apply #'si:run-process prog args)
810 #+liquid (apply #'lcl:run-program prog args)
811 #+lispworks (apply #'sys::call-system-showing-output
812 (format nil "~a~{ '~a'~}~@[ &~]" prog args (not wait))
813 opts)
814 #+lucid (apply #'lcl:run-program prog :wait wait :arguments args opts)
815 #+sbcl (apply #'sb-ext:run-program prog args :wait wait :output *standard-output* opts)
816 #+ecl (apply #'ext:run-program prog args opts)
817 #+ccl (apply #'ccl:run-program prog args opts :wait wait)
818 #-(or allegro clisp cmu gcl liquid lispworks lucid sbcl ecl ccl)
819 (error 'not-implemented :proc (list 'run-prog prog opts)))
822 ;;(defparameter *shell-cmd* "/usr/bin/env")
823 ;;(defparameter *shell-cmd-opt* nil)
825 #+UNIX (defparameter *shell-cmd* "/bin/sh")
826 #+UNIX (defparameter *shell-cmd-opt* '("-c"))
828 #+WIN32 (defparameter *shell-cmd* "cmd.exe")
829 #+WIN32 (defparameter *shell-cmd-opt* '("/C"))
832 (defun ushell (&rest strings)
833 (urun-prog *shell-cmd* :args (append *shell-cmd-opt* strings)))
835 (defun ush (string)
836 (urun-prog *shell-cmd* :args (append *shell-cmd-opt* (list string))))
839 (defun set-shell-dispatch (&optional (shell-fun 'ushell))
840 (labels ((|shell-reader| (stream subchar arg)
841 (declare (ignore subchar arg))
842 (list shell-fun (read stream t nil t))))
843 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\# #'|shell-reader|)))
846 (defun ushell-loop (&optional (shell-fun #'ushell))
847 (loop
848 (format t "UNI-SHELL> ")
849 (let* ((line (read-line)))
850 (cond ((zerop (or (search "quit" line) -1)) (return))
851 ((zerop (or (position #\! line) -1))
852 (funcall shell-fun (subseq line 1)))
853 (t (format t "~{~A~^ ;~%~}~%"
854 (multiple-value-list
855 (ignore-errors (eval (read-from-string line))))))))))
862 (defun cldebug (&rest rest)
863 (princ "DEBUG: ")
864 (dolist (i rest)
865 (princ i))
866 (terpri))
869 (defun get-command-line-words ()
870 #+sbcl (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*)
871 #+(or clozure ccl) (cddddr (ccl::command-line-arguments))
872 #+gcl (cdr si:*command-args*)
873 #+ecl (loop for i from 1 below (si:argc) collect (si:argv i))
874 #+cmu (cdddr extensions:*command-line-strings*)
875 #+allegro (cdr (sys:command-line-arguments))
876 #+lispworks (cdr sys:*line-arguments-list*)
877 #+clisp ext:*args*
878 #-(or sbcl clozure gcl ecl cmu allegro lispworks clisp)
879 (error "get-command-line-arguments not supported for your implementation"))
884 (defun string-to-list (str &key (split-char #\space))
885 (do* ((start 0 (1+ index))
886 (index (position split-char str :start start)
887 (position split-char str :start start))
888 (accum nil))
889 ((null index)
890 (unless (string= (subseq str start) "")
891 (push (subseq str start) accum))
892 (nreverse accum))
893 (when (/= start index)
894 (push (subseq str start index) accum))))
897 (defun near-position (chars str &key (start 0))
898 (do* ((char chars (cdr char))
899 (pos (position (car char) str :start start)
900 (position (car char) str :start start))
901 (ret (when pos pos)
902 (if pos
903 (if ret
904 (if (< pos ret)
906 ret)
907 pos)
908 ret)))
909 ((null char) ret)))
912 ;;;(defun near-position2 (chars str &key (start 0))
913 ;;; (loop for i in chars
914 ;;; minimize (position i str :start start)))
916 ;;(format t "~S~%" (near-position '(#\! #\. #\Space #\;) "klmsqk ppii;dsdsqkl.jldfksj lkm" :start 0))
917 ;;(format t "~S~%" (near-position '(#\Space) "klmsqk ppii;dsdsqkl.jldfksj lkm" :start 0))
918 ;;(format t "~S~%" (near-position '(#\; #\l #\m) "klmsqk ppii;dsdsqkl.jldfksj lkm" :start 0))
919 ;;(format t "result=~S~%" (string-to-list-multichar "klmsqk ppii;dsdsqkl.jldfksj lkm" :preserve t))
920 ;;(format t "result=~S~%" (string-to-list-multichar "klmsqk ppii;dsd!sqkl.jldfksj lkm"
921 ;; :split-chars '(#\k #\! #\. #\; #\m)
922 ;; :preserve nil))
925 (defun string-to-list-multichar (str &key (split-chars '(#\space)) (preserve nil))
926 (do* ((start 0 (1+ index))
927 (index (near-position split-chars str :start start)
928 (near-position split-chars str :start start))
929 (accum nil))
930 ((null index)
931 (unless (string= (subseq str start) "")
932 (push (subseq str start) accum))
933 (nreverse accum))
934 (let ((retstr (subseq str start (if preserve (1+ index) index))))
935 (unless (string= retstr "")
936 (push retstr accum)))))
942 (defun list-to-string (lst)
943 (string-trim " () " (format nil "~A" lst)))
947 (defun clean-string (string)
948 "Remove Newline and upcase string"
949 (string-upcase
950 (string-right-trim '(#\Newline) string)))
952 (defun one-in-list (lst)
953 (nth (random (length lst)) lst))
955 (defun exchange-one-in-list (lst1 lst2)
956 (let ((elem1 (one-in-list lst1))
957 (elem2 (one-in-list lst2)))
958 (setf lst1 (append (remove elem1 lst1) (list elem2)))
959 (setf lst2 (append (remove elem2 lst2) (list elem1)))
960 (values lst1 lst2)))
963 (defun rotate-list (list)
964 (when list
965 (append (cdr list) (list (car list)))))
967 (defun anti-rotate-list (list)
968 (when list
969 (append (last list) (butlast list))))
971 (defun n-rotate-list (list n)
972 (if (> n 0)
973 (n-rotate-list (rotate-list list) (1- n))
974 list))
977 (defun append-formated-list (base-str
979 &key (test-not-fun #'(lambda (x) x nil))
980 (print-fun #'(lambda (x) x))
981 (default-str ""))
982 (let ((str base-str) (first t))
983 (dolist (i lst)
984 (cond ((funcall test-not-fun i) nil)
985 (t (setq str
986 (concatenate 'string str
987 (if first "" ", ")
988 (format nil "~A"
989 (funcall print-fun i))))
990 (setq first nil))))
991 (if (string= base-str str)
992 (concatenate 'string str default-str) str)))
995 (defun shuffle-list (list &key (time 1))
996 "Shuffle a list by swapping elements time times"
997 (let ((result (copy-list list))
998 (ind1 0) (ind2 0) (swap 0))
999 (dotimes (i time)
1000 (setf ind1 (random (length result)))
1001 (setf ind2 (random (length result)))
1003 (setf swap (nth ind1 result))
1004 (setf (nth ind1 result) (nth ind2 result))
1005 (setf (nth ind2 result) swap))
1006 result))
1010 (defun convert-to-number (str)
1011 (cond ((stringp str) (parse-integer str :junk-allowed t))
1012 ((numberp str) str)))
1014 (defun parse-integer-in-list (lst)
1015 "Convert all integer string in lst to integer"
1016 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (convert-to-number x)) lst))
1020 (defun next-in-list (item lst)
1021 (do ((x lst (cdr x)))
1022 ((null x))
1023 (when (equal item (car x))
1024 (return (if (cadr x) (cadr x) (car lst))))))
1026 (defun prev-in-list (item lst)
1027 (next-in-list item (reverse lst)))
1030 (let ((jours '("Lundi" "Mardi" "Mercredi" "Jeudi" "Vendredi" "Samedi" "Dimanche"))
1031 (mois '("Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril" "Mai" "Juin" "Juillet"
1032 "Aout" "Septembre" "Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre"))
1033 (days '("Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday"))
1034 (months '("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July"
1035 "August" "September" "October" "November" "December")))
1036 (defun date-string ()
1037 (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year day)
1038 (get-decoded-time)
1039 (if (search "fr" (getenv "LANG") :test #'string-equal)
1040 (format nil " ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D ~A ~2,'0D ~A ~A "
1041 hour minute second
1042 (nth day jours) date (nth (1- month) mois) year)
1043 (format nil " ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D ~A ~A ~2,'0D ~A "
1044 hour minute second
1045 (nth day days) (nth (1- month) months) date year)))))
1049 ;;; System information functions
1051 (defparameter *bat-cmd* "acpi -b")
1052 (defparameter *cpu-cmd* "top -b -n 2 -d 1 -p 0")
1053 (defparameter *cpu-cmd-fast* "top -b -n 2 -d 0.1 -p 0")
1054 (defparameter *mem-cmd* "free")
1056 (defmacro with-search-line ((word line) &body body)
1057 `(let ((pos (search ,word ,line :test #'string-equal)))
1058 (when (>= (or pos -1) 0)
1059 ,@body)))
1061 (defun extract-battery-usage (line)
1062 (with-search-line ("Battery" line)
1063 (let ((pos (position #\% line)))
1064 (when pos
1065 (parse-integer (subseq line (- pos 3) pos) :junk-allowed t)))))
1067 (defun extract-cpu-usage (line)
1068 (with-search-line ("%Cpu(s):" line)
1069 (let ((pos1 (search "id" line)))
1070 (when pos1
1071 (let ((pos2 (position #\, line :from-end t :end pos1)))
1072 (when pos2
1073 (- 100 (parse-integer (subseq line (1+ pos2) pos1) :junk-allowed t))))))))
1075 (defun extract-mem-used (line)
1076 (with-search-line ("cache:" line)
1077 (parse-integer (subseq line (+ pos 6)) :junk-allowed t)))
1079 (defun extract-mem-total (line)
1080 (with-search-line ("mem:" line)
1081 (parse-integer (subseq line (+ pos 4)) :junk-allowed t)))
1083 (let ((total -1))
1084 (defun memory-usage ()
1085 (let ((output (do-shell *mem-cmd*))
1086 (used -1))
1087 (loop for line = (read-line output nil nil)
1088 while line
1089 do (awhen (extract-mem-used line)
1090 (setf used it))
1091 (awhen (and (= total -1) (extract-mem-total line))
1092 (setf total it)))
1093 (values used total))))
1096 (defun cpu-usage ()
1097 (let ((output (do-shell *cpu-cmd-fast*))
1098 (cpu -1))
1099 (loop for line = (read-line output nil nil)
1100 while line
1101 do (awhen (extract-cpu-usage line)
1102 (setf cpu it)))
1103 cpu))
1105 (defun battery-usage ()
1106 (let ((output (do-shell *bat-cmd*))
1107 (bat -1))
1108 (loop for line = (read-line output nil nil)
1109 while line
1110 do (awhen (extract-battery-usage line)
1111 (setf bat it)))
1112 bat))
1114 (defun battery-alert-string (bat)
1115 (if (numberp bat)
1116 (cond ((<= bat 5) "/!\\")
1117 ((<= bat 10) "!!")
1118 ((<= bat 25) "!")
1119 (t ""))
1120 ""))
1123 ;;; System usage with a poll system - Memory, CPU and battery all in one
1125 (let ((poll-log "/tmp/.clfswm-system.log")
1126 (poll-exec "/tmp/")
1127 (poll-lock "/tmp/.clfswm-system.lock"))
1128 (defun create-system-poll (delay)
1129 (with-open-file (stream poll-exec :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
1130 (format stream "#! /bin/sh
1132 while true; do
1133 (~A; ~A ; ~A) > ~A.tmp;
1134 mv ~A.tmp ~A;
1135 sleep ~A;
1136 done~%" *bat-cmd* *cpu-cmd* *mem-cmd* poll-log poll-log poll-log delay)))
1138 (defun system-poll-pid ()
1139 (let ((pid nil))
1140 (let ((output (do-shell "ps x")))
1141 (loop for line = (read-line output nil nil)
1142 while line
1143 do (when (search poll-exec line)
1144 (push (parse-integer line :junk-allowed t) pid))))
1145 pid))
1147 (defun stop-system-poll ()
1148 (dolist (pid (system-poll-pid))
1149 (fdo-shell "kill ~A" pid))
1150 (when (probe-file poll-log)
1151 (delete-file poll-log))
1152 (when (probe-file poll-exec)
1153 (delete-file poll-exec))
1154 (when (probe-file poll-lock)
1155 (delete-file poll-lock)))
1157 (defun start-system-poll (delay)
1158 (unless (probe-file poll-lock)
1159 (stop-system-poll)
1160 (create-system-poll delay)
1161 (fdo-shell "exec sh ~A" poll-exec)
1162 (with-open-file (stream poll-lock :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
1163 (format stream "CLFSWM system poll started~%"))))
1165 (defun system-usage-poll (&optional (delay 10))
1166 (let ((bat -1)
1167 (cpu -1)
1168 (used -1)
1169 (total -1))
1170 (start-system-poll delay)
1171 (when (probe-file poll-log)
1172 (with-open-file (stream poll-log :direction :input)
1173 (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
1174 while line
1175 do (awhen (extract-battery-usage line)
1176 (setf bat it))
1177 (awhen (extract-cpu-usage line)
1178 (setf cpu it))
1179 (awhen (extract-mem-used line)
1180 (setf used it))
1181 (awhen (and (= total -1) (extract-mem-total line))
1182 (setf total it)))))
1183 (values cpu used total bat))))