- Loosen up term_slug check
[cl-trane.git] / src / common.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- lisp -*- common.lisp -- common functionality used by CL-Trane libraries and projects
3 ;;;; Copyright (c) 2008, Maciej Pasternacki <maciej@pasternacki.net>
4 ;;;; All rights reserved. This file is available on the terms
5 ;;;; detailed in COPYING file included with it.
7 ;; Package for internal use in libraries and projects
8 (defpackage #:trane-common
9 (:use #:common-lisp #:iterate #:puri)
10 (:export #:id #:slug #:slug-dao #:slugify
11 #:dirtiness-mixin #:dirty-p #:mark-as-dirty #:update-dao-if-dirty
12 #:*config* #:init-config #:*db* #:init-db-connection #:execute*
13 #:unless-null #:null-or
14 #:make-keyword #:named-lambda #:random-string #:salted-password
15 #:start-hunchentoot))
17 (in-package #:trane-common)
19 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
20 ;;; Common access methods for database objects
22 (defgeneric id (object)
23 (:documentation "Numeric ID or :NULL for DAOs and, if it makes sense, other objects.
25 Usually it will be a reader method automatically defined for ID column of a DAO."))
27 ;;; To enable using integer as a DAO when only ID is needed
28 (defmethod id ((i integer))
31 ;;; NULL database id for NIL object.
32 (defmethod id ((n null))
33 :NULL)
35 (defmethod id ((n string))
36 (parse-integer n :junk-allowed t))
38 (defgeneric slug (object)
39 (:documentation "Get short, unique, urlified name of OBJECT."))
41 (defun slug-dao (class slug)
42 "Select DAO of CLASS having \"slug\" column set to SLUG."
43 (first (postmodern:select-dao class (:= 'slug slug))))
45 ;;; FIXME:flatten characters, unicode and so on
46 (defun slugify (str)
47 (iterate (for cs in-string str)
48 (for c = (char-downcase cs))
49 (for safe-p = (find c "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
50 (for previous-safe-p previous safe-p initially t)
51 (when safe-p
52 (unless previous-safe-p
53 (collect #\- result-type string))
54 (collect c result-type string))))
56 (defclass dirtiness-mixin ()
57 ((dirty-p :initform nil :accessor dirty-p)))
59 (defun mark-as-dirty (dao)
60 (setf (dirty-p dao) t))
62 (defun update-dao-if-dirty (dao)
63 (when (dirty-p dao)
64 (postmodern:update-dao dao)
65 (setf (dirty-p dao) nil)))
67 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
68 ;;; Initialization protocol
70 (defvar *config* (py-configparser:make-config)
71 "Parsed configuration file.")
73 (defvar *config-files* (list "config.ini")
74 "List of default configuration files.")
76 (defun init-config (&rest files)
77 "Read in the configuration from files, defaulting to ones listed in *CONFIG-FILES*.
79 Should be first thing called in final init routine."
80 (py-configparser:read-files *config* (or files *config-files*)))
82 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
83 ;;; DB sugar
85 (defvar *db* nil
86 "Database connection specification")
88 (defmethod hunchentoot:dispatch-request :around (dispatch-table)
89 "Take care of database connection during HTTP request."
90 (declare (ignore dispatch-table))
91 (if *db*
92 (postmodern:with-connection *db*
93 (call-next-method))
94 (call-next-method)))
96 (defun init-db-connection (&optional (section-name "db") (connect-toplevel-p t))
97 "Initialize database connection from config.ini"
98 (flet ((opt (name)
99 (py-configparser:get-option *config* section-name name)))
100 (setf *db* (list (opt "database")
101 (opt "username")
102 (opt "password")
103 (opt "host")
104 :pooled-p t)))
105 (when connect-toplevel-p
106 (apply #'postmodern:connect-toplevel (butlast *db* 2))))
108 (defmethod print-object :around ((timestamp simple-date:timestamp) stream)
109 (if *print-escape*
110 (call-next-method)
111 (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second millisecond)
112 (simple-date:decode-timestamp timestamp)
113 (declare (ignore millisecond))
114 (format stream "~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
115 year month day hour minute second))))
117 (defun execute* (statements &optional (query-log *standard-output*))
118 "Execute a possibly nested list of sql STATEMENTS.
120 STATEMENTS may be either S-SQL expressions, literal SQL strings, or
121 lists of statements."
122 (labels ((execute-stmts (statements)
123 (dolist (stmt statements)
124 (etypecase stmt
125 (null) ; ignore NILs.
126 (string (postmodern:execute stmt))
127 (list (if (keywordp (first stmt))
128 (postmodern:execute (s-sql:sql-compile stmt))
129 (execute-stmts stmt)))))))
130 (let ((cl-postgres:*query-log* query-log))
131 (execute-stmts statements))))
133 (defun unless-null (v)
134 "If V equals :NULL, return NIL, otherwise return V."
135 (unless (eq :null v)
138 (defun null-or (v)
139 "If V is NIL or an empty string, return :NULL, otherwise return V."
140 (if (or (null v) (string= "" v))
141 :null
144 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
145 ;;; URIs
147 (defmethod uri ((u symbol))
148 "URI on keybord -> look up from config."
149 (parse-uri (py-configparser:get-option *config* "uri"
150 (string-downcase (string u)))))
152 ;; Allow merging any URI designators
153 (defmethod merge-uris (u b &optional p)
154 (merge-uris (uri u) (uri b) p))
156 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
157 ;;; Hunchentoot
159 (defun start-hunchentoot (&optional (section-name "hunchentoot"))
160 (hunchentoot:start-server
161 :port (py-configparser:get-option *config* section-name "port" :type :number)
162 ;; SBCL barfs without coerce, WTF?
163 :address (coerce (py-configparser:get-option *config* section-name "address")
164 'simple-string)))
166 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
167 ;;; General utility functions
169 (defun make-keyword (str)
170 "Convert a string or symbol to a keyword."
171 (intern (string-upcase (string str)) :keyword))
173 (defmacro named-lambda (name args &body body)
174 "Version of LAMBDA that returns anonymous function defined with
175 FLET and named NAME, which it's PRINTed with a name in most Lisp
176 implementations."
177 `(flet ((,name ,args ,@body))
178 #',name))
180 (defun random-string (&key
181 (alphabet "123456790abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
182 (min-length 17)
183 (max-length 40))
184 "Simple random string for initial password to use in account activation process."
185 (coerce (loop for i from 0 to (+ min-length (random (- max-length min-length)))
186 collect (aref alphabet (random (length alphabet))))
187 'string))
189 (defun salted-password (salt password)
190 "Return Base64-encoded MD5 checksum of SALT concatenated with PASSWORD."
191 (cl-base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string
192 (md5:md5sum-sequence (concatenate 'string salt password))))