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[cl-trane.git] / src / common.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- lisp -*- common.lisp -- common functionality used by CL-Trane libraries and projects
3 ;;;; Copyright (c) 2008, Maciej Pasternacki <>
4 ;;;; All rights reserved. This file is available on the terms
5 ;;;; detailed in COPYING file included with it.
7 ;; Package for internal use in libraries and projects
8 (defpackage #:trane-common
9 (:use #:common-lisp #:iterate)
10 (:export #:id #:slug #:slug-dao #:slugify
11 #:dirtiness-mixin #:dirty-p #:mark-as-dirty #:update-dao-if-dirty
12 #:*config* #:*init-functions* #:on-init
13 #:*db* #:execute* #:unless-null #:null-or
14 #:make-keyword #:named-lambda #:random-string #:salted-password
15 #:start-hunchentoot))
17 ;; Package for use outside of project
18 (defpackage #:cl-trane
19 (:use #:common-lisp))
21 (in-package #:trane-common)
23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
24 ;;; Common access methods for database objects
26 (defgeneric id (object)
27 (:documentation "Numeric ID or :NULL for DAOs and, if it makes sense, other objects.
29 Usually it will be a reader method automatically defined for ID column of a DAO."))
31 ;;; To enable using integer as a DAO when only ID is needed
32 (defmethod id ((i integer))
35 ;;; NULL database id for NIL object.
36 (defmethod id ((n null))
37 :NULL)
39 (defmethod id ((n string))
40 (parse-integer n :junk-allowed t))
42 (defgeneric slug (object)
43 (:documentation "Get short, unique, urlified name of OBJECT."))
45 (defun slug-dao (class slug)
46 "Select DAO of CLASS having \"slug\" column set to SLUG."
47 (first (postmodern:select-dao class (:= 'slug slug))))
49 ;;; FIXME:flatten characters, unicode and so on
50 (defun slugify (str)
51 (iterate (for cs in-string str)
52 (for c = (char-downcase cs))
53 (for safe-p = (find c "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
54 (for previous-safe-p previous safe-p initially t)
55 (when safe-p
56 (unless previous-safe-p
57 (collect #\- result-type string))
58 (collect c result-type string))))
60 (defclass dirtiness-mixin ()
61 ((dirty-p :initform nil :accessor dirty-p)))
63 (defun mark-as-dirty (dao)
64 (setf (dirty-p dao) t))
66 (defun update-dao-if-dirty (dao)
67 (when (dirty-p dao)
68 (postmodern:update-dao dao)
69 (setf (dirty-p dao) nil)))
71 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
72 ;;; Initialization protocol
74 (defvar *config* (py-configparser:make-config)
75 "Parsed configuration file.")
77 (defvar *config-files* (list "config.ini")
78 "List of default configuration files.")
80 (defun read-configuration (&rest files)
81 "Read configuration from FILES.
83 If no files are given, read files listed in *CONFIG-FILES*."
84 (py-configparser:read-files *config* (or files *config-files*)))
86 (defvar *init-functions* ()
87 "Functions (symbols) that are FUNCALLed on initialization.
89 No assumption about init function order should be made.")
91 (defun init ()
92 "Initialize everything."
93 (read-configuration)
94 (mapcar #'funcall *init-functions*))
96 (defmacro on-init (&body body)
97 "BODY should be sequence of DEFUN forms containing functions
98 that are to be executed on initialization."
99 (cons 'progn
100 (loop for defun in body
101 collect `(push ,defun *init-functions*))))
103 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
104 ;;; DB sugar
106 (defvar *db* nil
107 "Database connection specification")
109 (defmethod hunchentoot:dispatch-request :around (dispatch-table)
110 "Take care of database connection during HTTP request."
111 (declare (ignore dispatch-table))
112 (postmodern:with-connection *db*
113 (call-next-method)))
115 (on-init
116 (defun init-db-connection ()
117 "Initialize database connection from config.ini"
118 (flet ((opt (name)
119 (py-configparser:get-option *config* "db" name)))
120 (setf *db* (list (opt "database")
121 (opt "username")
122 (opt "password")
123 (opt "host")
124 :pooled-p t)))
125 (apply #'postmodern:connect-toplevel (nbutlast *db* 2))))
127 (defmethod print-object :around ((timestamp simple-date:timestamp) stream)
128 (if *print-escape*
129 (call-next-method)
130 (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second millisecond)
131 (simple-date:decode-timestamp timestamp)
132 (declare (ignore millisecond))
133 (format stream "~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
134 year month day hour minute second))))
136 (defun execute* (statements &optional (query-log *standard-output*))
137 "Execute a possibly nested list of sql STATEMENTS.
139 STATEMENTS may be either S-SQL expressions, literal SQL strings, or
140 lists of statements."
141 (labels ((execute-stmts (statements)
142 (dolist (stmt statements)
143 (etypecase stmt
144 (string (postmodern:execute stmt))
145 (list (if (keywordp (first stmt))
146 (postmodern:execute (s-sql:sql-compile stmt))
147 (execute-stmts stmt)))))))
148 (let ((cl-postgres:*query-log* query-log))
149 (execute-stmts statements))))
151 (defun unless-null (v)
152 "If V equals :NULL, return NIL, otherwise return V."
153 (unless (eq :null v)
156 (defun null-or (v)
157 "If V is NIL or an empty string, return :NULL, otherwise return V."
158 (if (or (null v) (string= "" v))
159 :null
162 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
163 ;;; Hunchentoot
165 (on-init
166 (defun start-hunchentoot ()
167 (when (py-configparser:has-section-p *config* "hunchentoot")
168 (hunchentoot:start-server :port (py-configparser:get-option *config* "hunchentoot" "port" :type :number)
169 :address (py-configparser:get-option *config* "hunchentoot" "address")))))
171 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
172 ;;; General utility functions
175 (defun make-keyword (str)
176 "Convert a string or symbol to a keyword."
177 (intern (string-upcase (string str)) :keyword))
179 (defmacro named-lambda (name args &body body)
180 "Version of LAMBDA that returns anonymous function defined with
181 FLET and named NAME, which it's PRINTed with a name in most Lisp
182 implementations."
183 `(flet ((,name ,args ,@body))
184 #',name))
186 (defun random-string (&key
187 (alphabet "123456790abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
188 (min-length 17)
189 (max-length 40))
190 "Simple random string for initial password to use in account activation process."
191 (coerce (loop for i from 0 to (+ min-length (random (- max-length min-length)))
192 collect (aref alphabet (random (length alphabet))))
193 'string))
195 (defun salted-password (salt password)
196 "Return Base64-encoded MD5 checksum of SALT concatenated with PASSWORD."
197 (cl-base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string
198 (md5:md5sum-sequence (concatenate 'string salt password))))
200 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
201 ;;; Externally exported symbols
202 (import 'init :cl-trane)
203 (import 'setup :cl-trane)
204 (export 'init :cl-trane)
205 (export 'setup :cl-trane)