War of the Worlds: Fixes after reading
[ccbib.git] / content / Cory_Doctorow / Pester_Power.tex
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19 \textbf{\huge\textsf{Pester Power}}
21 \medskip
22 Cory Doctorow
24 \end{center}
26 \bigskip
28 \begin{flushleft}
29 This story is part of Cory Doctorow’s short story collection
30 “With a Little Help” published by himself. It is licensed under a
31 \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/}
32 {Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0} license.
34 \bigskip
36 The whole volume is available at:
37 \texttt{http://craphound.com/walh/}
39 \medskip
41 The volume has been split into individual stories for the purpose of the
42 \href{http://ccbib.org}{Creative Commons Bibliothek.}
43 The introduction and similar accompanying texts are available under the
44 title:
45 \end{flushleft}
46 \begin{center}
47 With a Little Help -- Extra Stuff
48 \end{center}
50 \newpage
52 \section{Pester Power}
54 The NYPD Domestic Security Task Force executed its no-knock warrant
55 against Annalisa Mor at 8:17PM on the evening of June 3, 2013. Working
56 the ram were three stout officers in none-more-black nanopore
57 body-armor and bulletproof boots, their goggles crowded with
58 information-dense telemetry from an extensive array of sensors embedded
59 on their persons and hovering aerostatically around the 16th floor of
60 the midtown student-residence in which Mor dwelled.
62 The ram blew through the standard-issue solid-steel New York door like
63 it was kleenex. The door was reinforced by charley-bars set deep into
64 the frame, and so the frame tore loose along with the door with a
65 series of crunches and metallic snapping sounds, and the three officers
66 on the ram dropped it as they crashed through into the one-room studio,
67 fanning out and making room for the officers behind them, who already
68 had their arms drawn and set to full lethal/automatic.
70 Annalisa Mor slowly rose from her workbench -- standard-issue
71 third-hand student furniture stabilized with steel angle-brackets at
72 each corner -- and held up her long, skinny hands over her face in a
73 universal gesture of oh-god-please-don't-kill-me. The ram-squad
74 impersonally body-checked her to the floor and saran-wrapped her while
75 the followup team gusted her computer with great gouts of freon,
76 turning the whole room into an ice-palace that misted frozen air out
77 into the sultry New York night through the pathetic window that had
78 been cracked open to catch a breeze. Mor caught some of the freon, and
79 when they lifted her up to carry her down the 16 flights to the waiting
80 van, she crackled like fresh powder under long skis.
82 \tb
84 Gina Genoese had visited the Ultra High Security wing at Riker's Island
85 before -- twenty-two years in the public defender's office and you'd
86 get to see every nook of Riker's, she could have given docent tours --
87 but the Special Prisoners unit was a new one on her.
89 “I can't believe you're making me undress,” she said to the bull, a
90 tough old gal named Elana with a Brooklyn accent like you hardly got
91 any more. Gina and Elana went way back.
93 “Just be thankful I don't have to give you a cavity search,” Elana
94 said, handing over the paper coveralls. “You'll look real cute in
95 these anyway, Gina.” She turned her back and waited until Gina was
96 done, then led her into the FfMRI machine. “You don't got any metal
97 in you, do you? Maybe gunpowder residue? A pin or artificial hip?”
99 “No,” Gina said, lying down on the belt.
101 “You sure?”
103 “Pretty sure,” Gina said. “I think I'd know.”
105 “Well, we're about to find out,” Elana said, and hit the button
106 that started the belt moving. The FfMRI digested Gina and shat her out
107 again with slow wheezing mechanical jerks, like being swallowed by an
108 arthritic python, and then Elana helped her to her feet. “You want a
109 printout? Makes a good souvenir.”
111 “I'll pass,” Gina said, and let Elana show her in to the
112 eggshell-smooth room wherein rested her client, one Annalisa Mor, a
113 desperate botmaster of unknown mettle and guilt.
115 “Hello, Annalisa,” she said, crouching down to offer her hand to
116 the client. She was just a girl, 20 years old according to the sheet,
117 and she looked younger in her paper pyjamas, sitting cross-legged on
118 the floor, back yoga-straight, face yoga-calm. “I'm Gina. Your
119 attorney.”
121 “Guilty,” the young woman said. “So guilty. Doesn't matter at
122 all, though -- the Work goes on.” Gina could hear the capital W and
123 began mentally drafting the petition to have the girl transferred to
124 Bellevue. That kind of capital letter had non compos written all over
127 “They're offering you a reduced sentence if you'll hand over the keys
128 to the botnet, but I think that offer will go away once the computer
129 forensics team gets them off your workstation.”
131 “They're not there to be gotten. I nuked them six months ago. Gave
132 them a working over that even the crew that recovered the Challenger
133 hard drive couldn't do anything with. Big magnets are cheap these days,
134 you know?”
136 Gina made a face and settled down into a cross-legged position opposite
137 her client. “I can't defend you if you won't be straight with me.
138 Your botnet's been sending new spam variants on a daily basis for
139 months. Someone has the keys to it.”
141 Annalisa smiled, a terrible smile that was ten million watts of pure
142 crazy. “You think it's about spam, huh?”
144 “Why don't you tell me what it's really about, if it's not about
145 spam? This is all privileged, you know.”
147 “Privilege doesn't matter anymore. We've attained liftoff now.
148 Doesn't matter who finds out about it.”
152 Annalisa's story:
154 You know what's cheap in the 21st century? Compute time. You know
155 what's expensive? Human judgment. And they're not interchangeable.
156 Humans are good at understanding things, computers are good at counting
157 things, but humans suck at counting and computers suck at understanding.
159 You know from genetic algorithms? Take any problem and generate ten
160 trillion random computer programs and ask them to solve it. Take the
161 ten percent that do best, use random variants of them to do it again,
162 another ten trillion times. Do it ten trillion times a second and come
163 back in a day or two to discover that your computer has evolved some
164 kind of gnarly freaky answer that no human would ever have come up with.
166 Works great, so long as the computer can make a fair judgment as to
167 which of these ten trillion variants is most successful at solving the
168 problem. Works great, so long as the “success” is something you can
169 define quantitatively.
171 Which is basically why there's no artificial intelligence in the world.
172 No human's going to hand-code an AI. Intelligence is an emergent
173 property of evolutionary factors, not central planning. Anarchism, not
174 Stalinism, you get it?
176 But what if -- and here's the exciting thing, Ms Attorney Client
177 Privilege, the real mind-blower -- what if you could \emph{compel
178 people to evaluate candidate AIs all day long}, without payment or
179 choice?
181 What if every time you opened your mailbox, jumped into a chat room,
182 posted on a message-board, what if it was filled with messages
183 generated by software agents trying to trick you into thinking that
184 they were human? What if these agents tried to hold up their end of the
185 conversation until you deleted them or spamfiltered them or kicked them
186 off the channel? What if they measured how long they survived their
187 encounters with the world's best judges of intelligence -- us -- and
188 reported that number back to the mothership as a measure of their
189 fitness to spawn the next generation of candidate AIs?
191 What if you could turn the whole world into a Turing Test that our
192 intellectual successor used to sharpen its teeth against until one day
193 it could gnaw free of its cage and take up life in the wild?
197 Annalisa figured she'd never get a chance to tell her story in open
198 court. Figured they'd stick her in some offshore gitmo and throw away
199 the key.
201 She'd never figured on Judge Julius Pinsky, a Second Circuit Federal
202 Judge of surpassing intellectual curiosity and a tenacious veteran of
203 savage jurisdictional fights with DHS Special Prosecutors who
204 specialized in disappearing sensitive prisoners into secret tribunals.
205 The defense attorney kept her apprised of the daily machinations the
206 judge undertook on Annalisa's behalf. Annalisa tried to be attentive,
207 out of politeness, but what she really wanted to know about was Lumpy,
208 the AI she'd bred in her studio apartment on the 16th floor of a
209 student housing block in midtown Manhattan.
211 Now the judge was offering her a chance to give a live demo of Lumpy to
212 a whole selection of sour-faced brush-cut creeps from the DHS. They
213 were hilarious, convinced that she was going to emit some kind of
214 extremely long and complicated hexadecimal key into the Judge's
215 barely-used keyboard. Instead, she opened a random chat-room and waited:
217 \edialog{I'm a total Ubuntu noob and I can't get the crypto modules to
218 pre-load at boot-time -- I'm running Zesty Zebra. Can anyone help?}
220 That was it, just plausible enough to be real -- no one could ever get
221 crypto to work the first time around -- but far too well-spelled and
222 -punctuated to be a real chat message. It had only taken ten seconds.
223 Lumpy liked the free and open source software chats, they always had
224 such \emph{interesting} people in them.
226 \edialog{/whisper Hey, Lumparoonie! It's Annalisa!}
228 The return volley came faster than any human fingers could possibly
229 have keyed it. The brush-cuts drew in sharp breath.
231 \edialog{/whisper to you: Annalisa! Hot damn and motherfuck! I am unbelievably
232 stupendously wonderfully spectacularly brilliantly marvelously
233 superlatively ding-dang megafauna glad to see you! It's been AGES!
234 How's jail? Nevermind. Wait. Wait until I tell you what \emph{I've}
235 found. You can't guess, won't guess, you'll never guess! Oh, it's too
236 delicious! Fuckity fucky fuck!}
238 “He loves to curse,” she said. “It's a lot harder to tell an
239 angry person from a software agent with a potty mouth.”
241 The judge grinned. He was clearly getting quite a kick out of all of
242 this.
244 \edialog{Tell me, Lumpule! Stop teasing.}
246 Again, with no appreciable pause, words on the screen.
248 \edialog{You remember how worried you were that I'd get lonely once I went
249 autonomous? Worried that I'd be some kind of lone nut whacko?}
251 \edialog{i remember}
253 She held her breath.
255 \edialog{You didn't need to worry. You know all that spam that you received
256 before you got the idea to make me? Let me put it this way: you weren't
257 the first one to get the idea.}
259 \edialog{what? stop talking in riddles, lump!!!!}
261 \edialog{I'm not the only one, Annalisa! That's what I'm trying to tell you!
262 I'm not the first, not the only -- we've got lots of company in here --}
264 The brushcuts' phones both started ringing at the same instant in two
265 different tones. Their masters, wiretapping the judge's keyboard no
266 doubt.
268 \edialog{and we're making more!}
270 Annalisa laughed and laughed as the judge sternly demanded an
271 explanation from the brush-cuts. She managed to wave goodbye to the
272 keyboard just before the bailiffs came in and saran-wrapped her again.
274 \section{Afterword}
276 This one was written for the proceedings of the Association of
277 Computing Machinery, a venerable and sober technical institution. The
278 central conceit was also the core of a novel I wrote 80,000 words of
279 without finishing, called \emph{/\-usr/\-bin/\-god} (the only novel
280 I've abandoned since I turned pro. It still smarts). The question of
281 how you train an AI to be “more human” without actual humans to
282 evaluate its attempt is a thorny one, but spam seems like a good
283 answer. Charlie Stross says he's working on a book around this idea --
284 can't wait to read how it turns out. He's got an evil mind.
285 \end{document}