War of the Worlds: Fixes after reading
[ccbib.git] / content / Cory_Doctorow / Other_People's_Money.tex
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8 \textbf{\huge\textsf{Other People's Money}}
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11 Cory Doctorow
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18 This story is part of Cory Doctorow’s short story collection
19 “With a Little Help” published by himself. It is licensed under a
20 \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/}
21 {Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0} license.
23 \bigskip
25 The whole volume is available at:
26 \texttt{http://craphound.com/walh/}
28 \medskip
30 The volume has been split into individual stories for the purpose of the
31 \href{http://ccbib.org}{Creative Commons Bibliothek.}
32 The introduction and similar accompanying texts are available under the
33 title:
34 \end{flushleft}
35 \begin{center}
36 With a Little Help -- Extra Stuff
37 \end{center}
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41 \section{Other People's Money}
43 Gretl's stall in the dead WalMart off the I-5 in Pico Rivera was not
44 the busiest spot in the place, but that was how she liked it. Time to
45 think was critical to her brand of functional sculpture, and reflection
46 was the scarcest commodity of all in 2027.
48 Which is why she was hoping that the venture capitalist would just
49 leave her alone. He wasn't a paying customer, he wasn't a fellow artist
50 -- he wanted to \emph{buy} her, and he was thirty years too late.
52 “You know, I pitched you guys in 1999. On Sand Hill Road. One of the
53 founding partners. Kleiner, I think. The guy ate a salad all through my
54 slide-deck. When I was done, he wiped his mouth, looked over my
55 shoulder, and told me he didn't think I'd scale. That was it. He didn't
56 even pick up my business card. When I looked back as I was going out
57 the door, I saw him sweep it into the trash with the wrapper from his
58 sandwich.”
60 The VC -- young, with the waxy, sweaty look of someone who ate a lot of
61 GM yogurt to try to patch his biochemistry -- shook his head. “That
62 wasn't us. We're a franchise -- based here in LA. I just opened up the
63 Inglewood branch. But I can see how that would have soured you on us.
64 Did you ever get your VC?”
66 Gretl tossed her tablet with a crash on top of an overflowing barrel of
67 primo plastics and wiped her hands on the cunningly stitched dress
68 quilted from back pockets of vintage bootleg Levis, their frayed,
69 misspelled red tags on proud display. “Son, that was 1999. Within a
70 year, VCs weren't writing term-sheets. They were doing cram-downs on
71 anything halfway decent in their portfolios, forcing out the founders,
72 trying to flip them before the market cratered. But it wasn't that
73 pitch that soured me on Sand Hill Road --”
75 “We're in Inglewood.”
77 “Yes, you said.” What the hell, it was Wednesday and she had all
78 her week's commissions done already. The VC was at least pretty, if you
79 liked them young. He had good teeth -- they all had good teeth now --
80 and a cute bump in the bridge of his nose that spoke of a little bit of
81 brawling before his B-school days. “OK, here's the thing. I had
82 running code, a half-million users. That was big numbers then. We did
83 moderation matching -- a heuristic that figured out whether a message
84 on a message board was flamebait, flagging up the worst offenders to
85 volunteers who blindly checked each other. The BBC was hand-moderating
86 a million message-board posts a \emph{day} back then. We could do
87 better. But no one thought we'd scale up -- our customers were little
88 guys, hotrodder boards, cooking boards. Most of them were getting
89 everything for free in exchange for serving as our `reference
90 customers,' which was how all those biz-dev weasels did things back
91 then.
93 “By 2007, we were `Web 2.0.' I mean, we'd been Web 2.0 since Web 0.9,
94 but now it seemed like the world was ready for us. All we needed was
95 some capital to pay for the features our freeloading reference
96 customers wanted. I met every single shitweasel -- excuse me, junior
97 analyst -- on Sand Hill and brain dumped. They wrote great reports. We
98 got nothing. No one was doing investments then, either: it was all
99 acquisition driven. Stupid Sarbanes-Oxley killed IPOs and the VC went
100 with it.”
102 The stall across the way was half the size of hers. The old Shenzen
103 couple that ran it were real gnarly, covered in old burn scars from
104 working in the plastic tag factory where they'd met. Now they sold
105 nostalgic hardware, old working specialty appliances and devices from
106 the WTO's heyday. They were highly complementary to Gretl's own
107 business, which is why they had such a friendly relationship. The old
108 woman, she called herself Chloe, was giving her a little hand-gesture
109 that meant, “Do you need help getting rid of this jerk?”
111 “It's OK,” Gretl said to her, waving. “Want to get lunch in
112 twenty minutes?”
114 The old lady rocked back and forth. “Not nutritionist food,” she
115 said. Gretl nodded enthusiastically. Nutritionist food wasn't even food
116 -- just nutrients and flavoring. It was 80 percent of the stalls in the
117 food-court, since the capital costs of a food printer and feedstock
118 were practically nil, and any food hacker could differentiate himself
119 by thinking up exotic new texture/\-flavor/\-temperature combos.
121 “Twenty minutes, Mr VC.”
123 “Udhay,” he said. “Udhay Gonzales.” He passed her a card,
124 laser-etched on a jumbo lima bean. She pocketed it.
126 “You'd have thought I'd learned my lesson by then, but no, sir. I am
127 the original glutton for punishment. After Bubble 2.0, I took my best
128 coders, our CFO, and a dozen of our users and did a little health-care
129 startup, brokering carbon-neutral medical travel plans to Fortune 500s.
130 Today that sounds like old hat, but back then, it was sexy. No one
131 seriously believed that we could get out from under the HMOs, but
132 between Virgin's cheap bulk-ticket sales and the stellar medical deals
133 in Venezuela, Argentina and Cuba, it was the only cost-effective way.
134 And once the IWWWW signed up 80 percent of the US workforce through
135 World of Starcraft guilds, no employer could afford to skimp on health
136 insurance. The word would go out during that night's raids and by the
137 morning, you'd have picket lines in front of every branch office.
139 “We had all the right connections, but by then I was a 40-year old
140 woman, and that's as close as you can come to invisible in this society
141 without having brown skin or a janitor's uniform. I didn't even get a
142 chance to get ignored in the offices. We couldn't even get meetings --
143 not once they found my YASNS profiles and saw what I looked like and
144 the codgers in my social network.
146 “So that's when I threw in the towel. I bought a Dremel tool. Then a
147 hot glue gun. Then a CNC lathe. Then a mill. Then I got serious.”
149 “Well, it seems to have worked out for you.” The VC leaned over the
150 display cabinet. She saw his reflection in the clear top. His eyes were
151 wide with genuine admiration. OK, OK, she thought. OK, you get another
152 five minutes, Udhay Gonzales.
154 She opened the lid and made fortune-teller passes over her pieces with
155 her hands. “Pick them up, that's what they're for.”
157 He went for the fish first. Its scales were individual slices from the
158 skins of old Nokia phones -- back when it was just Nokia, not Marvel
159 Comics Mobile -- each articulated on its own little sprig of memory
160 wire. The gills were scuffed iPod backings, the logos just recognizable
161 under the fog of scratches. The eyes bore HP and Playstation logos,
162 respectively, and the lips were made from inner-tube strips that bore
163 the smallest recognizable logomarks. As he lifted it, it settled into
164 his hand, arching back to find his thumb and palm, nestling in there.
166 “It'll work like an old-time phone,” she said. “It'll even do a
167 little lookup from old-style exchange numbers to different identity
168 registers and try to get you a voice-call with someone.”
170 “Do people really do that?”
172 “Some do. Most just want it for the object-ness of it. It's got a lot
173 of emotion.” The scuffs, that's what did it. They were like stories,
174 those scratches, each one a memento mori for some long-dead instant in
175 some stranger's life.
177 He picked up another piece. This one was purely sculptural, made from
178 several generations of iPhones, their screens carved into abstract
179 shapes and then painted with networked OLEDs that stitched them
180 together into a single display. The abstract shapes and colors combined
181 with the device's aggressive incursions on your PAN to give the sense
182 of holding a vampire, something transgressive and savage. Dangerous.
183 “When was the last time you owned a device that felt that
184 dangerous?”
186 “Never!” The VC seemed to surprise himself with his vehemence. He
187 fumbled the device, caught it, set it down reverently.
189 Gretl laughed. “Oh, you can be rougher than that. My little critters
190 love adapting to hard circumstances.” She tossed the vampire high in
191 the sky, let it come down on the floor, having righted itself in the
192 air to take the drop on its armored back. “You can't break it, it's
193 made of garbage.”
195 The VC fondled each of her pieces, making genuine appreciative noises.
196 She could tell the difference between the genuine article and the fakes.
198 “I remember all these things from when I was little,” he said at
199 last. “I wanted them all so badly. Each one seemed impossibly
200 wonderful and out of reach.”
202 “Yeah,” she said. “That's what does it, all right. That feeling
203 right there. You watched these go from fetish item to six-for-a-buck in
204 the blister packs at the pharmacy check-out. This gives them back their
205 dignity.”
207 “Can I ask how many of these you sell?”
209 “Enough,” she said. “As many as I can make. I mostly do
210 commissions, but only with people who come down in person. I won't sell
211 online. Getting off email was the best gift I ever gave myself.”
213 “You are hard to reach,” he said.
215 “Nope. I'm easy to reach -- you just have to haul ass here to Pico
216 Rivera. There's even parking, if you're that kind of pervert.”
218 “I think I see why you aren't interested in capital,” he said.
219 “You can't scale this up -- not with all the money in the world.”
221 Gretl laughed. “You VCs -- scale, scale, scale! It's all you think
222 of. You're wrong, as it turns out. This business decomposes into four
223 elements: materials acquisition, design, fabrication and retail. They
224 all scale like crazy.
226 “Take materials. After the WTO, the Chinese spent 25 years
227 brute-forcing the problem-space of all possible 3D plastic objects that
228 an American might pay money for. There is no shortage of that stuff --
229 most of it is sitting in international waters somewhere on a container
230 ship, waiting for someone to pay the carbon taxes to land it somewhere.
231 I can bring in all the junk electronics and chassis and parts that I
232 want, and I print the actuators, controllers, wires and the rest of it
233 here.
235 “Design? Design's easy. Roll the parts through the tumbler and let
236 each one get scanned up good. Then run the evolutionary algorithm to
237 see how they can fit together. I just watch it, tweaking it, culling
238 the ugly mutants, cultivating the pretty ones. I can do fifty original
239 designs in a day, and by the time I'm done with any random container,
240 I'll have used up more than 80 percent of its payload. The rest goes to
241 some feedstockers to be eaten by bacteria.
243 “Manufacturing -- that's just monkey labor. Easy. Every kid takes
244 shop class nowadays, especially the girls.”
246 “I made cars for my parents' anniversary,” he said.
248 “Fuel-cell?”
250 He snorted. “No one wants to drive a truck anymore. Sub-micro solar.
251 Fast little things.” He picked up the fish again. “And retail,
252 that's just you, here. So if you could scale up, why don't you?”
254 “Why should I? I'm making incredible money now. I could stand to
255 double my operation, but for that I'd need, what, 60 grand? What's the
256 smallest angel round you do at your franchise?”
258 “We're very nimble.”
260 “How nimble?”
262 He mumbled something.
264 “Speak up!”
266 “Three hundred kay,” he said, blushing. “But it doesn't have to
267 be all to you. We could roll your round up with five or six similar
268 firms--”
270 “And increase my communications and bureaucracy overhead by 3,000
271 percent. Yeah, that sounds \emph{swell.} I net enough after expenses
272 that I could double every quarter if I wanted to. But I'm growing
273 organically, cherry-picking my best contractors and getting them on the
274 payroll, expanding poco a poco. I'm sixty years old, Mr Gonzales, and I
275 don't need to grow like a tumor anymore.”
277 He put the fish back down. It flopped.
279 “You say you're nimble. But from where I sit, you're not nimble
280 enough. You're starting off in the 300 grand range, and you're probably
281 averaging a million in your angel round, ten or twenty for Series A,
282 seventy for Series B. I can turn 60 grand into 600 in six months.
283 That's pretty good for me, as an individual. But I can't turn your
284 million into ten million -- not in six years. What does your franchise
285 have under management?”
287 “We're a gigafund,” he said. He managed to make it sound like a
288 boast.
290 She shook her head. “You poor, poor boy. How are you going to spend a
291 billion dollars in \$300,000 increments? You'll be sitting on three
292 quarters of that by the time you cash out the fund.”
294 “It's the smallest amount that a franchisee can take,” he said.
296 “Well, sure. The parent company's got what, half a trillion under
297 management? Don't look so surprised. Yes, I keep up to date on the
298 shenanigans you Mighty Morphin' Power Brokers get up to in Silly
299 Valley. No \emph{wonder} they're franchising! But the secret is, big
300 money is dumb money. I can spend a hundred bucks so smart that I turn
301 it into fifteen hundred. You look like a smart kid, you could probably
302 make a thousand. But you'll never do the same trick with your billion
303 in other people's money. Whoever sold you that franchise conned you,
304 sonny.”
306 He looked glum.
308 “Oh, cheer up,” she said. “You're a young man. Getting shafted by
309 VCs builds character. Look at me!”
311 He picked up the fish again. She knew what he was going to ask without
312 having to wait. She named the price. “But for you, a ten percent
313 discount.”
315 He shook his head and put it back. “I can't afford that,” he said.
317 “What are you doing tonight?”
319 He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Don't worry, I'm not interested in your
320 youthful limbs. I just have a spot on my third shift. One of my girls
321 is pregnant and she's taking some maternity. You pull six hours
322 starting at 11PM and you can take that home.”
324 “I'm not supposed to moonlight.” He caressed the fish's scales.
325 They rippled under his finger.
327 “It's due diligence,” she said.
329 He smiled. He was very pretty. And he'd built two cars -- not bad. He'd
330 do OK. Maybe he'd even work out and end up one of her regulars.
332 “Think about it. I close down at 6PM. You come by then, if you're
333 interested, and I'll give you the details for the fabrica.”
335 She locked her cabinets and set out her “Gone to lunch” sign, then
336 hopped over the display case, vaulting it the way she'd learned to do
337 in yogacrobatics class in Silver Lake.
339 “Lunch time?”
341 Mrs. Huang called to one of her daughters to come out and staff the
342 booth, then came around on her cane.
344 “No nutritionist food,” she said.
346 “Certainly not,” Gretl said, sprinkling a wave at the VC as he
347 moved off among the stalls in the dead WalMart.
349 \section{Afterword}
351 I have an odd and productive relationship with \emph{Forbes} magazine.
352 I'm far from a typical \emph{Forbes} reader, but they've commissioned
353 several articles and this short story from me, and the commissions are
354 always challenging and just weird enough to inspire. Here, the brief
355 was to write about the future of entrepreneurship. I'd been thinking a
356 lot about how \emph{little} it costs to start a business, and how
357 predatory and awful many of the investors I'd met were, and I came up
358 with this -- a Socratic dialog between a startupist and a VC who can't
359 find anyone to take his money.
361 \end{document}