Include the GHC "Project Unit Id" in the cabal store path
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Glob.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 -- TODO: [code cleanup] plausibly much of this module should be merged with
4 -- similar functionality in Cabal.
5 module Distribution.Client.Glob
6 ( FilePathGlob (..)
7 , FilePathRoot (..)
8 , FilePathGlobRel (..)
9 , Glob
10 , GlobPiece (..)
11 , matchFileGlob
12 , matchFileGlobRel
13 , matchGlob
14 , isTrivialFilePathGlob
15 , getFilePathRootDirectory
16 ) where
18 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
19 import Prelude ()
21 import Data.List (stripPrefix)
22 import System.Directory
23 import System.FilePath
25 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
26 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
28 -- | A file path specified by globbing
29 data FilePathGlob = FilePathGlob FilePathRoot FilePathGlobRel
30 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
32 data FilePathGlobRel
33 = GlobDir !Glob !FilePathGlobRel
34 | GlobFile !Glob
35 | -- | trailing dir, a glob ending in @/@
36 GlobDirTrailing
37 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
39 -- | A single directory or file component of a globbed path
40 type Glob = [GlobPiece]
42 -- | A piece of a globbing pattern
43 data GlobPiece
44 = WildCard
45 | Literal String
46 | Union [Glob]
47 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
49 data FilePathRoot
50 = FilePathRelative
51 | -- | e.g. @"/"@, @"c:\"@ or result of 'takeDrive'
52 FilePathRoot FilePath
53 | FilePathHomeDir
54 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
56 instance Binary FilePathGlob
57 instance Binary FilePathRoot
58 instance Binary FilePathGlobRel
59 instance Binary GlobPiece
61 instance Structured FilePathGlob
62 instance Structured FilePathRoot
63 instance Structured FilePathGlobRel
64 instance Structured GlobPiece
66 -- | Check if a 'FilePathGlob' doesn't actually make use of any globbing and
67 -- is in fact equivalent to a non-glob 'FilePath'.
69 -- If it is trivial in this sense then the result is the equivalent constant
70 -- 'FilePath'. On the other hand if it is not trivial (so could in principle
71 -- match more than one file) then the result is @Nothing@.
72 isTrivialFilePathGlob :: FilePathGlob -> Maybe FilePath
73 isTrivialFilePathGlob (FilePathGlob root pathglob) =
74 case root of
75 FilePathRelative -> go [] pathglob
76 FilePathRoot root' -> go [root'] pathglob
77 FilePathHomeDir -> Nothing
78 where
79 go paths (GlobDir [Literal path] globs) = go (path : paths) globs
80 go paths (GlobFile [Literal path]) = Just (joinPath (reverse (path : paths)))
81 go paths GlobDirTrailing =
82 Just
83 ( addTrailingPathSeparator
84 (joinPath (reverse paths))
86 go _ _ = Nothing
88 -- | Get the 'FilePath' corresponding to a 'FilePathRoot'.
90 -- The 'FilePath' argument is required to supply the path for the
91 -- 'FilePathRelative' case.
92 getFilePathRootDirectory
93 :: FilePathRoot
94 -> FilePath
95 -- ^ root for relative paths
96 -> IO FilePath
97 getFilePathRootDirectory FilePathRelative root = return root
98 getFilePathRootDirectory (FilePathRoot root) _ = return root
99 getFilePathRootDirectory FilePathHomeDir _ = getHomeDirectory
101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 -- Matching
105 -- | Match a 'FilePathGlob' against the file system, starting from a given
106 -- root directory for relative paths. The results of relative globs are
107 -- relative to the given root. Matches for absolute globs are absolute.
108 matchFileGlob :: FilePath -> FilePathGlob -> IO [FilePath]
109 matchFileGlob relroot (FilePathGlob globroot glob) = do
110 root <- getFilePathRootDirectory globroot relroot
111 matches <- matchFileGlobRel root glob
112 case globroot of
113 FilePathRelative -> return matches
114 _ -> return (map (root </>) matches)
116 -- | Match a 'FilePathGlobRel' against the file system, starting from a
117 -- given root directory. The results are all relative to the given root.
118 matchFileGlobRel :: FilePath -> FilePathGlobRel -> IO [FilePath]
119 matchFileGlobRel root glob0 = go glob0 ""
120 where
121 go (GlobFile glob) dir = do
122 entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir)
123 let files = filter (matchGlob glob) entries
124 return (map (dir </>) files)
125 go (GlobDir glob globPath) dir = do
126 entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir)
127 subdirs <-
128 filterM
129 ( \subdir ->
130 doesDirectoryExist
131 (root </> dir </> subdir)
133 $ filter (matchGlob glob) entries
134 concat <$> traverse (\subdir -> go globPath (dir </> subdir)) subdirs
135 go GlobDirTrailing dir = return [dir]
137 -- | Match a globbing pattern against a file path component
138 matchGlob :: Glob -> String -> Bool
139 matchGlob = goStart
140 where
141 -- From the man page, glob(7):
142 -- "If a filename starts with a '.', this character must be
143 -- matched explicitly."
145 go, goStart :: [GlobPiece] -> String -> Bool
147 goStart (WildCard : _) ('.' : _) = False
148 goStart (Union globs : rest) cs =
150 (\glob -> goStart (glob ++ rest) cs)
151 globs
152 goStart rest cs = go rest cs
154 go [] "" = True
155 go (Literal lit : rest) cs
156 | Just cs' <- stripPrefix lit cs =
157 go rest cs'
158 | otherwise = False
159 go [WildCard] "" = True
160 go (WildCard : rest) (c : cs) = go rest (c : cs) || go (WildCard : rest) cs
161 go (Union globs : rest) cs = any (\glob -> go (glob ++ rest) cs) globs
162 go [] (_ : _) = False
163 go (_ : _) "" = False
165 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 -- Parsing & printing
169 instance Pretty FilePathGlob where
170 pretty (FilePathGlob root pathglob) = pretty root Disp.<> pretty pathglob
172 instance Parsec FilePathGlob where
173 parsec = do
174 root <- parsec
175 case root of
176 FilePathRelative -> FilePathGlob root <$> parsec
177 _ -> FilePathGlob root <$> parsec <|> pure (FilePathGlob root GlobDirTrailing)
179 instance Pretty FilePathRoot where
180 pretty FilePathRelative = Disp.empty
181 pretty (FilePathRoot root) = Disp.text root
182 pretty FilePathHomeDir = Disp.char '~' Disp.<> Disp.char '/'
184 instance Parsec FilePathRoot where
185 parsec = root <|> P.try home <|> P.try drive <|> pure FilePathRelative
186 where
187 root = FilePathRoot "/" <$ P.char '/'
188 home = FilePathHomeDir <$ P.string "~/"
189 drive = do
190 dr <- P.satisfy $ \c -> (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
191 _ <- P.char ':'
192 _ <- P.char '/' <|> P.char '\\'
193 return (FilePathRoot (toUpper dr : ":\\"))
195 instance Pretty FilePathGlobRel where
196 pretty (GlobDir glob pathglob) =
197 dispGlob glob
198 Disp.<> Disp.char '/'
199 Disp.<> pretty pathglob
200 pretty (GlobFile glob) = dispGlob glob
201 pretty GlobDirTrailing = Disp.empty
203 instance Parsec FilePathGlobRel where
204 parsec = parsecPath
205 where
206 parsecPath :: CabalParsing m => m FilePathGlobRel
207 parsecPath = do
208 glob <- parsecGlob
209 dirSep *> (GlobDir glob <$> parsecPath <|> pure (GlobDir glob GlobDirTrailing)) <|> pure (GlobFile glob)
211 dirSep :: CabalParsing m => m ()
212 dirSep =
213 () <$ P.char '/'
214 <|> P.try
215 ( do
216 _ <- P.char '\\'
217 -- check this isn't an escape code
218 P.notFollowedBy (P.satisfy isGlobEscapedChar)
221 dispGlob :: Glob -> Disp.Doc
222 dispGlob = Disp.hcat . map dispPiece
223 where
224 dispPiece WildCard = Disp.char '*'
225 dispPiece (Literal str) = Disp.text (escape str)
226 dispPiece (Union globs) =
227 Disp.braces
228 ( Disp.hcat
229 ( Disp.punctuate
230 (Disp.char ',')
231 (map dispGlob globs)
234 escape [] = []
235 escape (c : cs)
236 | isGlobEscapedChar c = '\\' : c : escape cs
237 | otherwise = c : escape cs
239 parsecGlob :: CabalParsing m => m Glob
240 parsecGlob = some parsecPiece
241 where
242 parsecPiece = P.choice [literal, wildcard, union]
244 wildcard = WildCard <$ P.char '*'
245 union = Union . toList <$> P.between (P.char '{') (P.char '}') (P.sepByNonEmpty parsecGlob (P.char ','))
246 literal = Literal <$> some litchar
248 litchar = normal <|> escape
250 normal = P.satisfy (\c -> not (isGlobEscapedChar c) && c /= '/' && c /= '\\')
251 escape = P.try $ P.char '\\' >> P.satisfy isGlobEscapedChar
253 isGlobEscapedChar :: Char -> Bool
254 isGlobEscapedChar '*' = True
255 isGlobEscapedChar '{' = True
256 isGlobEscapedChar '}' = True
257 isGlobEscapedChar ',' = True
258 isGlobEscapedChar _ = False