Merge pull request #10354 from geekosaur/changelogs-are-docs
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Glob.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 module Distribution.Client.Glob
4 ( -- * cabal-install globbing features
5 RootedGlob (..)
6 , isTrivialRootedGlob
7 , FilePathRoot (..)
8 , getFilePathRootDirectory
10 -- * Additional re-exports
11 , module Distribution.Simple.Glob
12 , Glob (..)
13 , GlobPiece (..)
14 , GlobPieces
15 , matchFileGlob
16 ) where
18 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
19 import Prelude ()
21 import Distribution.Simple.FileMonitor.Types
22 import Distribution.Simple.Glob
23 import Distribution.Simple.Glob.Internal
24 ( Glob (..)
25 , GlobPiece (..)
26 , GlobPieces
29 import System.Directory
30 import System.FilePath
32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 -- | Check if a 'RootedGlob' doesn't actually make use of any globbing and
35 -- is in fact equivalent to a non-glob 'FilePath'.
37 -- If it is trivial in this sense then the result is the equivalent constant
38 -- 'FilePath'. On the other hand, if it is not trivial (so could in principle
39 -- match more than one file), then the result is @Nothing@.
40 isTrivialRootedGlob :: RootedGlob -> Maybe FilePath
41 isTrivialRootedGlob (RootedGlob root pathglob) =
42 case root of
43 FilePathRelative -> go [] pathglob
44 FilePathRoot root' -> go [root'] pathglob
45 -- TODO: why don't we do the following?
46 -- > go ["~"] pathglob
47 FilePathHomeDir -> Nothing
48 where
49 go paths (GlobDir [Literal path] globs) = go (path : paths) globs
50 go paths (GlobFile [Literal path]) = Just (joinPath (reverse (path : paths)))
51 go paths GlobDirTrailing =
52 Just
53 ( addTrailingPathSeparator
54 (joinPath (reverse paths))
56 go _ _ = Nothing
58 -- | Get the 'FilePath' corresponding to a 'FilePathRoot'.
60 -- The 'FilePath' argument is required to supply the path for the
61 -- 'FilePathRelative' case.
62 getFilePathRootDirectory
63 :: FilePathRoot
64 -> FilePath
65 -- ^ root for relative paths
66 -> IO FilePath
67 getFilePathRootDirectory FilePathRelative root = return root
68 getFilePathRootDirectory (FilePathRoot root) _ = return root
69 getFilePathRootDirectory FilePathHomeDir _ = getHomeDirectory
71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 -- Matching
75 -- | Match a 'RootedGlob' against the file system, starting from a given
76 -- root directory for relative paths. The results of relative globs are
77 -- relative to the given root. Matches for absolute globs are absolute.
78 matchFileGlob :: FilePath -> RootedGlob -> IO [FilePath]
79 matchFileGlob relroot (RootedGlob globroot glob) = do
80 root <- getFilePathRootDirectory globroot relroot
81 matches <- matchGlob root glob
82 case globroot of
83 FilePathRelative -> return matches
84 _ -> return (map (root </>) matches)