Removed unneedable RDBO exported function.
[] / lib / Blog / RDBO /
1 package Blog::RDBO::PageI18N;
3 use strict;
5 use base qw/ Blog::DB::Object::I18N::Translation /;
7 __PACKAGE__->meta->setup(
8 table => 'page_i18n',
10 columns => [
11 qw/
12 i18nid
13 page_id
14 lang
15 istran
16 title
18 content => { lazy => 1 }
21 primary_key_columns => [ 'i18nid' ],
23 foreign_keys => [
24 page => {
25 class => 'Blog::RDBO::Page',
26 key_columns => { page_id => 'id' },
27 rel_type => 'one to one',
32 __PACKAGE__->utf8_columns( qw/ title content / );
34 =head1 AUTHOR
36 vti
38 =head1 LICENSE
40 This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
43 =cut