Messing with common i18n modules.
[] / lib / Blog / Controller /
1 package Blog::Controller::Post;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
7 use Blog::Form::Post;
8 use Blog::Validator::Post;
10 use HTTP::Date;
12 sub list : Path('') Args(0) { }
14 sub archive
15 : Route('archive/:year|(19|20)\d\d|=/:month|(0|1)?\d|=/:day|[0-3]?\d|=')
16 #sub archive_list : LocalRegex('archive/((?:19|20)?\d\d)/(?:((?:0|1)?\d)/())?')
18 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
20 foreach ( qw/ year month day / ) {
21 $c->stash->{ $_ } = $c->req->param( $_ );
25 sub view : Local Args(1) {
26 my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
28 my $post = $c->model( 'Post' )->create( key => $id );
29 $post->load( i18n => $c->language,
30 speculative => 1
33 $self->throw_not_found( $c ) if $post->not_found;
35 $c->stash->{ post } = {
36 $post->column_value_pairs,
37 available_translations => $post->available_translations,
38 tags => [ $post->tags ]
42 sub add : Local Args(0) {
43 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
45 my $form = Blog::Form::Post->new( $c );
46 my $validator = Blog::Validator::Post->new( $c->req->params );
48 if ( $form->was_submitted && $validator->is_valid ) {
49 my $post = $form->create_from_form( $c->model( 'Post' )->name->new(),
50 $validator->params );
51 $post->save();
53 $c->flash->{ msg } = $c->loc( 'Post was added successfully' );
55 $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( '/post/view', $post->key ) );
58 $c->stash->{ validator } = $validator;
61 sub edit : LocalRegex('^edit/(\d+)$') {
62 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
64 my $id = $c->req->captures->[ 0 ];
66 my $post = $c->model( 'Post' )->create( id => $id );
67 $post->load( i18n => $c->language,
68 speculative => 1
70 $self->throw_not_found( $c ) if $post->not_found;
72 my $form = Blog::Form::Post->new( $c );
73 my $validator = Blog::Validator::Post->new( $c->req->params );
75 if ( $form->was_submitted
76 && $validator->is_valid( unique_except => $post->key ) )
78 $post = $form->update_from_form( $post, $validator->params );
79 $post->save( cascade => 1);
81 $c->flash->{ msg } = $c->loc( 'Post was saved successfully' );
83 $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( '/post/view', $post->key ) );
86 $c->stash->{ validator } = $validator;
88 $c->stash->{ post } = {
89 $post->column_value_pairs,
90 tags => [ $post->tags ]
94 sub delete : LocalRegex('^delete/(\d+)$') {
95 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
97 my $object = $c->model( 'Post' )->create( id => $c->req->captures->[ 0 ] );
98 $object->load( speculative => 1, select => [ 'id' ] );
99 $self->throw_not_found( $c ) if $object->not_found;
101 $object->delete( cascade => 1 );
103 $c->flash->{ msg } = $c->loc( 'Post was deleted successfully' );
105 $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( '/post' ) );
108 sub feed : Local Args(0) {
109 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
111 my $items = $c->model( 'Post' )->manager->feed();
113 $c->stash->{ feed } = {
114 description => $c->loc( 'Recent posts' ),
115 items => []
118 return unless @$items;
120 my $feed_items = [
121 map {
123 title => $_->i18n->title,
124 description => $c->helper('BBCode')->render( $_->i18n->annot ),
125 category => [ map { { name => $_->name } } @{ $_->tags } ],
126 pubDate => $_->addtime->epoch,
127 link => $c->uri_for( '/post/view', $_->key ),
128 comments => $c->uri_for( '/post/view', $_->key ) . '#comments',
129 author => $c->config->{ author }
131 } @$items
134 $c->res->headers->header(
135 'Last-Modified' => time2str( $feed_items->[ 0 ]->{ pubDate } ) );
137 $c->stash->{ feed }->{ items } = $feed_items;
140 sub throw_not_found {
141 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
143 $c->detach( '/default' );
146 =head1 AUTHOR
150 =head1 LICENSE
152 This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
153 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
155 =cut