more, better tests for the new implementation for tree/bootstrap -- still some things...
[bioperl-run.git] / Bio / Tools / Run /
1 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
2 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
4 =head1 NAME
6 Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmer - Wrapper for local execution of hmmsearch
7 ,hmmbuild, hmmcalibrate, hmmalign, hmmpfam
9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
11 #run hmmpfam|hmmalign|hmmsearch
12 my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmer->new('program'=>'hmmsearch','hmm'=>'model.hmm');
14 # Pass the factory a Bio::Seq object or a file name
16 # returns a Bio::SearchIO object
17 my $search = $factory->run($seq);
20 my @feat;
21 while (my $result = $searchio->next_result){
22 while(my $hit = $result->next_hit){
23 while (my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp){
24 print join("\t", ( $r->query_name,
25 $hsp->query->start,
26 $hsp->query->end,
27 $hit->name,
28 $hsp->hit->start,
29 $hsp->hit->end,
30 $hsp->score,
31 $hsp->evalue,
32 $hsp->seq_str,
33 )), "\n";
38 #build a hmm using hmmbuild
39 my $aio = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file=>"protein.msf",-format=>'msf');
40 my $aln = $aio->next_aln;
41 my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmer->new('program'=>'hmmbuild','hmm'=>'model.hmm');
42 $factory->run($aln);
44 #calibrate the hmm
45 my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmer->new('program'=>'hmmcalibrate','hmm'=>'model.hmm');
46 $factory->run();
50 Wrapper module for Sean Eddy's HMMER suite of program to allow running of hmmsearch,hmmpfam,hmmalign, hmmbuild,hmmconvert. Binaries are available at
52 =head1 FEEDBACK
54 =head2 Mailing Lists
56 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
57 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
58 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
60 - General discussion
61 - About the mailing lists
63 =head2 Reporting Bugs
65 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
66 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email
67 or the web:
72 =head1 AUTHOR - Shawn
74 Email:
78 Shawn Hoon
80 =head1 APPENDIX
82 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
83 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
85 =cut
87 package Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmer;
90 use strict;
91 use Bio::SeqIO;
92 use Bio::Root::Root;
93 use Bio::SearchIO;
94 use Bio::AlignIO;
95 use Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase;
97 @ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase);
99 BEGIN {
102 foreach my $attr ( @HMMER_PARAMS,@HMMER_SWITCHES)
103 { $OK_FIELD{$attr}++; }
106 =head2 program_name
108 Title : program_name
109 Usage : $factory>program_name()
110 Function: holds the program name
111 Returns: string
112 Args : None
114 =cut
116 sub program_name {
117 my ($self) = shift;
118 return $self->program(@_);
121 =head2 program_dir
123 Title : program_dir
124 Usage : $factory->program_dir(@params)
125 Function: returns the program directory, obtiained from ENV variable.
126 Returns: string
127 Args :
129 =cut
131 sub program_dir {
132 return Bio::Root::IO->catfile($ENV{HMMERDIR}) if $ENV{HMMERDIR};
135 sub AUTOLOAD {
136 my $self = shift;
137 my $attr = $AUTOLOAD;
138 $attr =~ s/.*:://;
139 $attr = uc $attr;
140 $self->throw("Unallowed parameter: $attr !") unless $OK_FIELD{$attr};
141 $self->{$attr} = shift if @_;
142 return $self->{$attr};
145 =head2 new
147 Title : new
148 Usage : $HMMER->new(@params)
149 Function: creates a new HMMER factory
150 Returns: Bio::Tools::Run::HMMER
151 Args :
153 =cut
155 sub new {
156 my ($class,@args) = @_;
157 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
158 $self->io->_initialize_io();
159 my ($attr, $value);
160 while (@args) {
161 $attr = shift @args;
162 $value = shift @args;
163 next if( $attr =~ /^-/ ); # don't want named parameters
164 $self->$attr($value);
166 return $self;
169 =head2 run
171 Title : run
172 Usage : $obj->run($seqFile)
173 Function: Runs HMMER and returns Bio::SearchIO
174 Returns : A Bio::SearchIO
175 Args : A Bio::PrimarySeqI or file name
177 =cut
179 sub run{
180 my ($self,@seq) = @_;
182 if (ref $seq[0] && $seq[0]->isa("Bio::PrimarySeqI") ){# it is an object
184 my $infile1 = $self->_writeSeqFile(@seq);
185 return $self->_run($infile1);
187 elsif(ref $seq[0] && $seq[0]->isa("Bio::Align::AlignI")){
188 my $infile1 = $self->_writeAlignFile(@seq);
189 return $self->_run($infile1);
191 else {
192 return $self->_run(@seq);
197 =head2 _run
199 Title : _run
200 Usage : $obj->_run()
201 Function: Internal(not to be used directly)
202 Returns : An array of Bio::SeqFeature::Generic objects
203 Args :
205 =cut
207 sub _run {
208 my ($self,$file)= @_;
210 my $str = $self->executable;
211 my $param_str = $self->_setparams;
212 $str.=" $param_str ".$file;
214 $self->debug("HMMER command = $str");
216 if($self->program_name=~/hmmpfam|hmmsearch|hmmalign/){
217 open(HMM,"$str |") || $self->throw("HMMER call ($str) crashed: $?\n");
218 my $searchio= Bio::SearchIO->new(-fh=>\*HMM,-format=>"hmmer");
219 return $searchio;
221 else { # for hmmbuild or hmmcalibrate
222 my $status = system($str);
223 $self->throw("HMMER call($str) crashed: $?\n") unless $status==0;
224 return 1;
229 =head2 _setparams
231 Title : _setparams
232 Usage : Internal function, not to be called directly
233 Function: creates a string of params to be used in the command string
234 Example :
235 Returns : string of params
236 Args :
238 =cut
240 sub _setparams {
241 my ($self) = @_;
242 my $param_string;
243 foreach my $attr(@HMMER_PARAMS){
244 next if $attr=~/HMM|PROGRAM|DB/i;
245 my $value = $self->$attr();
246 next unless (defined $value);
247 my $attr_key = ' -'.(uc $attr);
248 $param_string .= $attr_key.' '.$value;
250 foreach my $attr(@HMMER_SWITCHES){
251 my $value = $self->$attr();
252 next unless (defined $value);
253 my $attr_key = ' -'.($attr);
254 $param_string .=$attr_key;
256 my ($hmm) = $self->HMM || $self->DB || $self->throw("Need to specify either HMM file or Database");
257 $param_string.=' '.$hmm;
259 return $param_string;
263 =head2 _writeSeqFile
265 Title : _writeSeqFile
266 Usage : obj->_writeSeqFile($seq)
267 Function: Internal(not to be used directly)
268 Returns :
269 Args :
271 =cut
273 sub _writeSeqFile{
274 my ($self,@seq) = @_;
275 my ($tfh,$inputfile) = $self->io->tempfile(-dir=>$self->tempdir);
276 my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-fh => $tfh , '-format' => 'Fasta');
277 foreach my $s(@seq){
278 $in->write_seq($s);
280 $in->close();
281 $in = undef;
282 close($tfh);
283 undef $tfh;
284 return $inputfile;
288 =head2 _writeAlignFile
290 Title : _writeAlignFile
291 Usage : obj->_writeAlignFile($seq)
292 Function: Internal(not to be used directly)
293 Returns :
294 Args :
296 =cut
298 sub _writeAlignFile{
299 my ($self,@align) = @_;
300 my ($tfh,$inputfile) = $self->io->tempfile(-dir=>$self->tempdir);
301 my $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-fh => $tfh , '-format' => 'msf');
302 foreach my $s(@align){
303 $in->write_aln($s);
305 $in->close();
306 $in = undef;
307 close($tfh);
308 undef $tfh;
309 return $inputfile;