Remove Clustalw and TCoffee from list of dependencies
[bioperl-run.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: perl
3 perl:
4   - "5.24"
5   #- "5.20"
6   - "5.18"
7   #- "5.16"
8   #- "5.14"
10 sudo: false
11 env: PERL_CPANM_OPT="--notest --force --skip-satisfied"
13 addons:
14   apt:
15     packages:
16       - ncbi-blast+
17       - ncbi-blast+-legacy
18       - clustalw
19       - bwa
20       - hmmer
21       - probcons
22       #- emboss
23       #- wise
24       #- samtools
25       #- muscle
26       #- bedtools
27       #- mafft
29 install:
30     #These are recommended or required Perl libraries
31     - "cpanm Bio::Perl 2>&1 | tail -n 1"
32     - "cpanm Bio::FeatureIO 2>&1 | tail -n 1"
33     - "cpanm IPC::Run XML::Twig 2>&1 | tail -n 1"
34     - "cpanm Config::Any 2>&1 | tail -n 1"
35     - "cpanm File::Sort 2>&1 | tail -n 1"
36     #- "SAMTOOLS=( dirname `which samtools` ) cpanm Bio::DB::Sam 2>&1 | tail -n 1"
38 # Install non-apt dependencies
39 before_install:
40     - bash ./packages/
41     - export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/local/bin/
43 script:
44     - "perl ./Build.PL --accept"
45     - "./Build test"
47 #after_success:
48 #    - ./travis_scripts/
50 #TODO - send emails to bioperl-guts-l
51 notifications:
52   email:
53     recipients:
54       #-
55       -
56     on_success: change
57     on_failure: change
59 # whitelist branches
60 branches:
61   only:
62     - master