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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / SeqIO /
1 # BioPerl module: Bio::SeqIO::agave
3 # AGAVE: Architecture for Genomic Annotation, Visualization and Exchange.
5 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
7 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
9 # The original version of the module can be found here:
10 #
12 # The DTD for AGAVE XML can be located here:
13 #
16 =head1 NAME
18 Bio::SeqIO::agave - AGAVE sequence output stream.
20 =head1 SYNOPSIS
22 It is probably best not to use this object directly, but
23 rather go through the SeqIO handler system. Go:
25 $in = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => "$file_in",
26 '-format' => 'EMBL');
28 $out = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => ">$file_out",
29 '-format' => 'AGAVE');
31 while (my $seq = $in->next_seq){
32 $out->write_seq($seq);
37 This object can transform Bio::Seq objects to agave xml file and
38 vice-versa. I (Simon) coded up this module because I needed a parser
39 to extract data from AGAVE xml to be utitlized by the GenQuire genome
40 annotation system (See
42 ***NOTE*** At the moment, not all of the tags are implemented. In
43 general, I followed the output format for the XEMBL project
46 =cut
48 =head1 FEEDBACK
50 =head2 Mailing Lists
52 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
53 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
54 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
56 - General discussion
57 - About the mailing lists
59 =head2 Reporting Bugs
61 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
62 the bugs and their resolution.
63 Bug reports can be submitted via the web:
67 =head1 AUTHOR - Simon K. Chan
69 Email:
71 =head1 APPENDIX
73 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
74 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
76 =cut
78 # ===================
81 # Let the code begin...
82 package Bio::SeqIO::agave;
83 use strict;
85 use IO::File;
88 use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;
89 use Bio::Seq;
90 use Bio::PrimarySeq;
91 use Bio::Seq::SeqFactory;
92 use Bio::Annotation::Reference;
93 use Bio::Species;
95 use XML::Writer;
97 use Data::Dumper;
99 use base qw(Bio::SeqIO);
101 # ==================================================================================
102 sub _initialize {
104 my ($self,@args) = @_;
105 $self->SUPER::_initialize(@args); # Run the constructor of the parent class.
107 my %tmp = @args ;
108 $self->{'file'} = $tmp{'-file'};
110 if ($self->{'file'} !~ /^>/) {
111 $self->_process;
112 # Parse the thing, but only if it is the input file (ie not
113 # outputing agave file, but reading it).
114 $self->{'parsed'} = 1;
115 # Set the flag to let the code know that the agave xml file
116 # has been parsed.
118 $self->{'seqs_stored'} = 0;
121 # ==================================================================================
123 =head2 _process
125 Title : _process
126 Usage : $self->_process
127 Function : Parses the agave xml file.
128 Args : None.
129 Returns : Nothing.
130 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _initialize
131 Method(s) that this method calls : _process_sciobj
132 FIRST/START sub.
134 =cut
136 sub _process {
137 my ($self) = @_;
139 while (1) {
141 my $line = $self->_readline;
142 next unless $line;
143 next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
145 if ($line =~ /<\?xml version/o) {
147 # do nothing
149 } elsif ($line =~ /\<!DOCTYPE (\w+) SYSTEM "([\w\.]+)"\>/) {
151 $self->throw("Error: This xml file is not in AGAVE format! DOCTYPE: $1 , SYSTEM: $2\n\n")
152 if $1 ne 'sciobj' || $2 ne 'sciobj.dtd';
154 } elsif ($line =~ /<sciobj (.*)>/) {
156 push @{$self->{'sciobj'}}, $self->_process_sciobj($1);
158 } elsif ($line =~ /<\/sciobj>/) {
160 last; # It is finished.
162 } else {
164 # throw an error message. The above conditions should
165 # take care all of the possible options...?
166 # $self->throw("Error: Do not recognize this AGAVE xml
167 # line: $line\n\n");
172 } # close while loop
175 return;
178 # ==================================================================================
180 =head2 _process_sciobj
182 Title : _process_sciobj
183 Usage : $self->_process_sciobj
184 Function : Parses the data between the <sciobj></sciobj> tags.
185 Args : The string that holds the attributes for <sciobj>.
186 Returns : Data structure holding the values parsed between
187 the <sciobj></sciobj> tags.
188 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process
189 Method(s) that this method calls :
190 _helper_store_attribute_list , _process_contig
192 =cut
194 sub _process_sciobj {
196 my ($self, $attribute_line) = @_;
197 my $sciobj;
198 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($attribute_line, \$sciobj);
200 my $line = $self->_readline;
202 # Zero or more <contig>
203 while ($line =~ /<contig\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
204 my $contig = $self->_process_contig(\$line, $1);
205 push @{$sciobj->{'contig'}}, $contig;
206 # print "line in _process_sciobj: $line\n";
207 # $line changes value within the subs called in this sub (_process_contig).
210 return $sciobj;
212 # ==================================================================================
214 =head2 _process_contig
216 Title : _process_contig
217 Usage : $self->_process_contig
218 Function : Parses the data between the <contig></contig> tags.
219 Args : 2 scalars:
220 - reference to a scalar holding the line to be parsed.
221 - scalar holding the attributes for the <contig> tag
222 to be parsed.
223 Returns : Data structure holding the values parsed between
224 the <contig></contig> tags.
225 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_sciobj
226 Method(s) that this method calls :
227 _helper_store_attribute_list, _one_tag , _process_fragment_order
229 =cut
231 sub _process_contig {
233 my ($self, $line, $attribute_line) = @_;
235 my $contig;
236 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($attribute_line, \$contig);
237 $$line = $self->_readline;
239 # One <db_id>:
240 $self->_one_tag($line, \$contig, 'db_id');
243 # Zero or more <fragment_order>
244 $self->_process_fragment_order($line, \$contig);
246 return $contig;
249 # ==================================================================================
251 =head2 _process_fragment_order
253 Title : _process_fragment_order
254 Usage : $self->_process_fragment_order
255 Function : Parses the data between the <fragment_order></fragment_order> tags.
256 Args : 2 scalars:
257 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
258 - reference to a data structure to store the <fragment_order> data.
259 Returns : Nothing.
260 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_contig
261 Method(s) that this method calls :
262 _helper_store_attribute_list , _process_fragment_orientation
264 =cut
266 sub _process_fragment_order {
269 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
270 # Because I'm passing a reference to a data structure, I don't need to return it
271 # after values have been added.
273 while ($$line =~ /<fragment_order\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
275 my $fragment_order;
276 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$fragment_order);
277 # Store the attribute(s) for <fragment_order> into the
278 # $fragment_order data structure.
279 $$line = $self->_readline;
281 # One or more <fragment_orientation>
282 $self->_process_fragment_orientation($line, \$fragment_order);
283 # Don't forget: $line is a reference to a scalar.
285 push @{$$data_structure->{'fragment_order'}}, $fragment_order;
286 # Store the data between <fragment_order></fragment_order>
287 # in $$data_structure.
291 return;
294 # ==================================================================================
296 =head2 _process_fragment_orientation
298 Title : _process_fragment_orientation
299 Usage : $self->_process_fragment_orientation
300 Function : Parses the data between the <fragment_orientation> and
301 </fragment_orientation> tags.
302 Args : 2 scalars:
303 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
304 - reference to a data structure to store the <fragment_orientation> data.
305 Returns : Nothing.
306 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_fragment_order
308 Method(s) that this method calls : _helper_store_attribute_list ,
309 _process_bio_sequence
311 =cut
313 sub _process_fragment_orientation {
316 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
318 # counter to determine the number of iterations within this while loop.
319 my $count = 0;
321 # One or more <fragment_orientation>
322 while ($$line =~ /<fragment_orientation\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
324 my $fragment_orientation;
325 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$fragment_orientation);
326 $$line = $self->_readline;
328 # One <bio_sequence>
329 $$line =~ /<bio_sequence\s?(.*?)\s?>/;
330 # Process the data between <bio_sequence></bio_sequence>
331 my $bio_sequence = $self->_process_bio_sequence($line, $1);
332 $fragment_orientation->{'bio_sequence'} = $bio_sequence;
334 push @{$$data_structure->{'fragment_orientation'}}, $fragment_orientation;
336 ++$count;
340 $self->throw("Error: Missing <fragment_orientation> tag. Got this: $$line\n\n")
341 if $count == 0;
343 return;
346 # ==================================================================================
348 =head2 _process_bio_sequence
350 Title : _process_bio_sequence
351 Usage : $self->_process_bio_sequence
352 Function : Parses the data between the <bio_sequence></bio_sequence> tags.
353 Args : 2 scalars:
354 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
355 - scalar holding the value of the attributes for <bio_sequence>
356 Returns : data structure holding the values between <bio_sequence></bio_sequence>
357 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_fragment_orientation
359 Method(s) that this method calls : _helper_store_attribute_list ,
360 _one_tag , _question_mark_tag , _star_tag , _process_alt_ids ,
361 _process_xrefs , _process_sequence_map
363 =cut
365 sub _process_bio_sequence {
367 my ($self, $line, $attribute_line) = @_;
369 my $bio_sequence;
371 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($attribute_line, \$bio_sequence);
372 $$line = $self->_readline;
375 # One <db_id>.
376 $self->_one_tag($line, \$bio_sequence, 'db_id');
379 # Zero or one <note>.
380 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$bio_sequence, 'note');
383 # Zero or more <description>
384 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$bio_sequence, 'description');
387 # Zero or more <keyword>
388 $self->_star_tag($line, \$bio_sequence, 'keyword');
391 # Zero or one <sequence>
392 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$bio_sequence, 'sequence');
395 # Zero or one <alt_ids>
397 #if ($line =~ /<alt_ids>/){ # NOT DONE YET!
398 # my $alt_ids;
399 # $bio_sequence->{'alt_ids'} = $self->_process_alt_ids(\$alt_ids);
403 # Zero or one <xrefs>
404 if ($$line =~ /<xrefs\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
405 my $xrefs = $self->_process_xrefs($line, \$bio_sequence);
406 $bio_sequence->{'xrefs'} = $xrefs || 'null';
410 # Zero or more <sequence_map>
411 if ($$line =~ /<sequence_map\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
412 my $sequence_map = $self->_process_sequence_map($line);
413 push @{$bio_sequence->{'sequence_map'}}, $sequence_map;
416 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$bio_sequence]); exit;
418 return $bio_sequence;
421 # ==================================================================================
423 =head2 _process_xrefs
425 Title : _process_xrefs
426 Usage : $self->_process_xrefs
427 Function : Parse the data between the <xrefs></xrefs> tags.
428 Args : reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
429 Return : Nothing.
430 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method: _process_bio_sequence
431 Method(s) that this method calls: _one_tag , _process_xref
433 =cut
435 sub _process_xrefs {
437 my ($self, $line) = @_;
439 my $xrefs;
441 $$line = $self->_readline;
443 # One or more <db_id> or <xref> within <xrefs></xrefs>. Check if
444 # to see if there's at least one.
445 if ($$line =~ /<db_id|xref\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
447 while ($$line =~ /<(db_id|xref)\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
449 if ($1 eq "db_id") {
451 my $db_id;
452 $self->_one_tag($line, \$db_id, 'db_id');
453 push @{$xrefs->{'db_id'}}, $db_id;
455 } elsif ($1 eq "xref") {
457 my $xref;
458 $self->_process_xref($line, \$xref);
459 push @{$xrefs->{'xref'}}, $xref;
461 } else {
463 $self->throw("Error: Tag type should be one of db_id or xref! Got this: $$line\n\n");
467 } # close while loop
470 if ($$line =~ /<\/xrefs>/) {
471 $$line = $self->_readline; # get the next line to be _processed by the next sub.
472 return $xrefs;
473 } else {
474 $self->throw("Error: Missing </xrefs> tag. Got this: $$line\n\n");
479 } else {
481 $self->throw("Error: Missing <db_id> or <xref> tag. Got this: $$line\n\n");
484 return;
487 # ==================================================================================
489 =head2 _process_xref
491 Title : _process_xref
492 Usage : $self->_process_xref
493 Function : Parses the data between the <xref></xref> tags.
494 Args : 2 scalars:
495 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
496 - reference to a data structure to store the <xref> data.
497 Returns : Nothing.
498 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_xrefs (note the 's' in 'xrefs')
499 Method(s) that this method calls : _helper_store_attribute_list , _star_tag
501 =cut
503 sub _process_xref {
505 my ($self, $line, $xref) = @_;
507 $$line = $self->_readline;
509 # One <db_id>
510 if ($$line =~ /<db_id\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
511 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, $xref);
512 } else {
513 $self->throw("Error: Missing <db_id> tag. Got this: $$line\n\n");
517 # Zero or more <xref_property>
518 $self->_star_tag($line, $xref, 'xref_propery');
520 return;
523 # ==================================================================================
525 =head2 _process_sequence_map
527 Title : _process_sequence_map
528 Usage : $self->_process_sequence_map
529 Function : Parses the data between the <sequence_map></sequence_map> tags.
530 Args : Reference to scalar holding the line to be parsed.
531 Returns : Data structure that holds the values that were parsed.
532 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_bio_sequence
533 Method(s) that this method calls : _helper_store_attribute_list ,
534 _question_mark_tag , _process_annotations
536 =cut
538 sub _process_sequence_map {
540 my ($self, $line) = @_;
542 my $sequence_map;
544 # Zero or more <sequence_map>
545 while ($$line =~ /<sequence_map\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
547 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$sequence_map) if defined $1;
548 $$line = $self->_readline;
550 # Zero or one <note>
551 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$sequence_map, 'note');
554 #if ($$line =~ /<computations\?(.*?)\s?>/){
555 # # $self->_process_computations();
559 # Zero or one <annotations>
560 if ($$line =~ /<annotations\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
561 my $annotations = $self->_process_annotations($line);
562 $sequence_map->{'annotations'} = $annotations;
566 } # closes the while loop
569 # Match closing tag:
570 if ($$line =~ /<\/sequence_map>/) {
571 return $sequence_map;
572 } else {
573 $self->throw("Error: Missing </sequence_map> tag. Got this: $$line\n\n");
578 # ==================================================================================
580 =head2 _process_annotations
582 Title : _process_annotations
583 Usage : $self->_process_annotations
584 Function : Parse the data between the <annotations></annotations> tags.
585 Args : Reference to scalar holding the line to be parsed.
586 Returns : Data structure that holds the values that were parsed.
587 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_sequence_map
588 Method(s) that this method calls : _process_seq_feature
590 =cut
592 sub _process_annotations {
594 my ($self, $line) = @_;
595 # ( seq_feature | gene | comp_result )+
597 my $annotations;
599 $$line = $self->_readline;
601 my $count = 0; # counter to keep track of number of iterations in the loop.
603 # One or more of these:
604 while ($$line =~ /<(seq_feature|gene|comp_result)\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
606 if ($$line =~ /<seq_feature\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
608 my $seq_feature = $self->_process_seq_feature($line, $1);
609 push @{$annotations->{'seq_feature'}}, $seq_feature;
611 } elsif ($$line =~ /<gene\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
613 # gene
615 } elsif ($$line =~ /<comp_result\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
617 # comp_result
621 ++$count;
623 } # closes the while loop.
625 $self->throw("Error: Missing <seq_feature> tag. Got: $$line\n\n") if $count == 0;
627 # Match closing tag:
628 if ($$line =~ /<\/annotations/) {
630 $$line = $self->_readline; # get the next line to be _processed by the next sub.
631 return $annotations;
633 } else {
634 $self->throw("Error: Missing </annotations> tag. Got this: $$line\n\n");
639 # ==================================================================================
641 =head2 _process_seq_feature
643 Title : _process_seq_feature
644 Usage : $self->_process_seq_feature
645 Function : Parses the data between the <seq_feature></seq_feature> tag.
646 Args : 2 scalars:
647 - Reference to scalar holding the line to be parsed.
648 - Scalar holding the attributes for <seq_feature>.
649 Returns : Data structure holding the values parsed.
650 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method: _process_annotations
652 Method(s) that this method calls: _helper_store_attribute_list ,
653 _process_classification , _question_mark_tag , _one_tag ,
654 _process_evidence , _process_qualifier , _process_seq_feature ,
655 _process_related_annot
657 =cut
659 sub _process_seq_feature {
661 my ($self, $line, $attribute_line) = @_;
663 my $seq_feature;
664 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($attribute_line, \$seq_feature);
667 $$line = $self->_readline;
670 # Zero or more <classification>
671 $self->_process_classification($line, \$seq_feature);
675 # Zero or one <note>
676 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$seq_feature, 'note');
680 # One <seq_location>
681 $self->_one_tag($line, \$seq_feature, 'seq_location');
685 # Zero or one <xrefs>
686 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$seq_feature, 'xrefs');
690 # Zero or one <evidence>
691 $self->_process_evidence($line, \$seq_feature);
695 # Zero or more <qualifier>
696 $self->_process_qualifier($line, \$seq_feature);
700 # Zero or more <seq_feature>. A <seq_feature> tag within a <seq_feature> tag? Oh, well. Whatever...
701 while ($$line =~ /<seq_feature\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
702 $self->_process_seq_feature($line, $1);
703 $$line = $self->_readline;
707 # Zero or more <related_annot>
708 while ($$line =~ /<related_annot\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
709 $self->_process_related_annot($line, $1);
710 $$line = $self->_readline;
714 # Match the closing tag:
715 if ($$line =~ /<\/seq_feature>/) {
717 $$line = $self->_readline; # for the next sub...
718 return $seq_feature;
720 } else {
722 $self->throw("Error. Missing </seq_feature> tag. Got this: $$line\n");
727 # ==================================================================================
729 =head2 _process_qualifier
731 Title : _process_qualifier
732 Usage : $self->_process_qualifier
733 Function : Parse the data between the <qualifier></qualifier> tags.
734 Args : 2 scalars:
735 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
736 - reference to a data structure to store the <qualifer> data.
737 Returns : Nothing.
738 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : _process_seq_feature
739 Method(s) that this method calls : _star_tag
741 =cut
743 sub _process_qualifier {
745 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
747 my $qualifier;
748 $self->_star_tag($line, \$qualifier, 'qualifier');
749 push @{$$data_structure->{'qualifier'}},$qualifier;
752 return;
753 # No need to return the data structure since its reference was what was modified.
756 # ==================================================================================
758 =head2 _process_classification
760 Title : _process_classification
761 Usage : $self->_process_classification
762 Function: Parse the data between the <classification></classification> tags.
763 Args : 2 scalars:
764 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
765 - reference to a data structure to store the <qualifer> data.
766 Returns : Nothing.
767 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method: _process_seq_feature
769 Method(s) that this method calls: _helper_store_attribute_list ,
770 _question_mark_tag , _star_tag, _process_evidence
772 =cut
774 sub _process_classification { # NOT IN USE.
776 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
778 my $classification = $$data_structure->{'classification'};
780 while ($$line =~ /<classification\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
782 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$classification);
784 # Zero or one <description>
785 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$classification, 'description');
787 # Zero or more <id_alias>
788 $self->_star_tag($line, \$classification, 'id_alias');
790 # Zero or one <evidence>
791 $self->_process_evidence($line, \$classification);
796 # ==================================================================================
798 sub _process_evidence { # NOT done.
800 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
802 if ($$line =~ /<evidence>/) {
804 $$line = $self->_readline;
806 # One or more <element_id> OR One or more <comp_result>
807 while ($$line =~ /<(element_id|comp_result)\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
808 if ($$line =~ /<element_id\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
809 my $element_id;
810 $self->_plus_tag($line, \$element_id, 'element_id');
811 push @{$$data_structure->{'element_id'}}, $element_id;
812 } elsif ($$line =~ /<comp_result\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
813 my $comp_result;
814 $self->_process_comp_result($line, \$comp_result, $1);
815 push @{$$data_structure->{'comp_result'}}, $comp_result;
817 $$line = $self->_readline;
824 # ==================================================================================
826 sub _process_comp_result { # NOT IN USE.
829 my ($self, $line, $comp_result, $attribute_line) = @_;
831 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($attribute_line, $comp_result);
832 $$line = $self->_readline;
834 # Zero or one <note>
835 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, $comp_result, 'note');
837 # Zero or one <match_desc>
838 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, $comp_result, 'match_desc');
840 # Zero or one <match_align>
841 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, $comp_result, 'match_align');
843 # Zero or one <query_region>
844 $self->_process_query_region($line, $comp_result);
846 # Zero or one <match_region>
847 $self->_process_match_region($line, $comp_result);
849 # Zero or more <result_property>
850 $self->_star_tag($line, $comp_result, 'result_property');
852 # Zero or more <result_group>
853 $self->_process_result_group($line, $comp_result);
855 # Zero or more <related_annot>
856 $self->_process_related_annot($line, $comp_result);
859 # ==================================================================================
861 sub _process_related_annot { # NOT IN USE.
863 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
865 while ($$line =~ /<related_annot\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
867 my $related_annot;
868 # Zero or one <related_annot>
869 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$related_annot);
870 $$line = $self->_readline;
872 # One or more <element_id>
873 my $element_id_count = 0;
874 while ($$line =~ /<element_id\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
875 my $element_id;
876 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$element_id);
877 push @{$related_annot->{'element_id'}}, $element_id;
878 $$line = $self->_readline;
879 ++$element_id_count;
882 if ($element_id_count == 0) {
883 $self->throw("Error. Missing <element_id> tag. Got: $$line");
886 # Zero or more <sci_property>
887 $self->_star_tag($line, \$related_annot, 'sci_property');
888 # while ($$line =~ /<sci_property\s?(.*?)\s?>/){
892 push @{$data_structure->{'related_annot'}}, $related_annot;
894 unless ($$line =~ /<\/related_annot>/){
895 $self->throw("Error. Missing </related_tag>. Got: $$line\n");
902 # ==================================================================================
904 sub _process_result_group { # NOT IN USE.
906 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
908 while ($$line =~ /<result_group\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
909 my $result_group = $$data_structure->{'result_group'};
910 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$result_group);
912 my $count = 0;
913 $$line = $self->_readline;
914 while ($$line =~ /<comp_result\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
915 # one or more <comp_result>
916 $self->_process_comp_result(\$line, \$result_group, $1);
917 $$line = $self->_readline;
918 ++$count;
921 $self->throw("Error. No <comp_result></comp_result> tag! Got this: $$line")
922 if $count == 0;
924 # in the last iteration in the inner while loop, $line will
925 # have a value of the closing tag of 'result_group'
926 if ($line =~ /<\/result_group>/) {
927 $$line = $self->_readline;
928 } else {
929 $self->throw("Error. No </result_tag>! Got this: $$line");
937 # ==================================================================================
939 sub _process_match_region { # NOT IN USE.
941 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
943 my $match_region = $data_structure->{'match_region'};
945 if ($$line =~ /<match_region\s?(.*?)\s?>(.*?)>/) {
947 $self->_helper_store_attribute_line($1, \$match_region);
948 $$line = $self->_readline;
950 # Zero or one db_id | element_id | bio_sequence
951 if ($$line =~ /<db_id\s?(.*?)\s?>(.*?)<\/db_id>/) {
952 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$match_region, 'db_id');
953 } elsif ($$line =~ /<element_id\s?(.*?)\s?>/) { # empty...
954 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$match_region, 'element_id');
955 } elsif ($$line =~ /<bio_sequence\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
956 $match_region->{'bio_sequence'} = $self->_process_bio_sequence($line, $1);
959 $$line = $self->_readline;
960 if ($$line =~ /<\/match_region>/o) {
961 $$line = $self->_readline; # get the next line to be _processed by the next sub
962 return;
963 } else {
964 $self->throw("No closing tag </match_region>! Got this: $$line\n");
969 # ==================================================================================
971 sub _process_query_region { # NOT IN USE.
973 my ($self, $line, $data_structure) = @_;
975 my $query_region = $data_structure->{'query_region'};
976 if ($$line =~ /<query_region\s?(.*?)\s?>/) {
977 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($1, \$query_region);
978 $$line = $self->_readline;
980 # Zero or one <db_id>
981 $self->_question_mark_tag($line, \$query_region, 'db_id');
983 if ($$line =~ /<\/query_region>/) {
984 $$line = $self->_readline; # get the next line to _process.
985 return;
986 } else {
987 $self->throw("No closing tag </query_region>. Got this: $$line\n");
994 # ==================================================================================
996 =head2 _tag_processing_helper
998 Title : _tag_processing_helper
999 Usage : $self->_tag_processing_helper
1000 Function : Stores the tag value within the data structure.
1001 Also calls _helper_store_attribute_list to store the
1002 attributes and their values in the data structure.
1003 Args : 5 scalars:
1004 - Scalar holding the value of the attributes
1005 - Reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
1006 - Scalar holding the tag name.
1007 - Scalar holding the value of the tag.
1008 - Scalar holding the value of either 'star', 'plus',
1009 or 'question mark' which specifies what type of method
1010 called this method.
1011 Returns : Nothing.
1012 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method:
1013 Method(s) that this method calls: _helper_store_attribute_list
1015 =cut
1017 sub _tag_processing_helper {
1019 my ($self, $attribute_list, $data_structure, $tag_name, $tag_value, $caller) = @_;
1021 # Add the attributes to the $$data_structure if they exist.
1022 # print "tag_name: $tag_name , attribute_list: $attribute_list\n";
1023 if (defined $attribute_list) {
1024 $self->_helper_store_attribute_list($attribute_list, $data_structure);
1028 if ($caller eq 'star' || $caller eq 'plus') {
1029 push @{$$data_structure->{$tag_name}}, $tag_value;
1030 # There's either zero or more tags (*) or one or more (+)
1031 } else {
1032 $$data_structure->{$tag_name} = $tag_value || 'null';
1033 # There's zero or one tag (?)
1036 return;
1039 # ==================================================================================
1041 =head2 _one_tag
1043 Title : _one_tag
1044 Usage : $self->_one_tag
1045 Function : A method to store data from tags that occurs just once.
1046 Args : 2 scalars:
1047 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
1048 - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
1049 Returns : Nothing.
1050 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many
1051 Method(s) that this method calls : _tag_processing_helper
1053 =cut
1055 sub _one_tag {
1057 my ($self, $line, $data_structure, $tag_name) = @_;
1059 $self->throw("Error: Missing <$tag_name></$tag_name>. Got: $$line\n\n")
1060 if $$line !~ /\<$tag_name/;
1061 # check to see if $$line is in correct format.
1063 if ($$line =~ /<$tag_name\s?(.*?)\s?\/?>(.*?)<\/$tag_name>/) {
1065 $self->_tag_processing_helper($1, $data_structure, $tag_name, $2, 'one');
1066 # $1 = attributes $data_structure = to hold the parsed values
1067 # # $tag_name = name of the tag $2 = tag value 'one' = lets
1068 # _tag_processing_helper know that it was called from the
1069 # _one_tag method.
1071 } elsif ($$line =~ /<$tag_name\s?(.*?)\s?\/?>/) {
1073 $self->_tag_processing_helper($1, $data_structure, $tag_name, '', 'one');
1075 } else {
1076 $self->throw("Error: Cannot parse this line: $$line\n\n");
1079 $$line = $self->_readline; # get the next line.
1081 return;
1084 # ==================================================================================
1086 =head2 _question_mark_tag
1088 Title : _question_mark_tag
1089 Usage : $self->_question_mark_tag
1090 Function : Parses values from tags that occurs zero or one time. ie: tag_name?
1091 Args : 3 scalars:
1092 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
1093 - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
1094 - scalar holding the name of the tag.
1095 Returns : Nothing.
1096 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many.
1097 Method(s) that this method calls : _tag_processing_helper
1100 =cut
1102 sub _question_mark_tag {
1104 my ($self, $line, $data_structure, $tag_name) = @_;
1106 if ($$line =~ /<$tag_name\s?(.*?)\s?>(.*?)<\/$tag_name>/) {
1107 $self->_tag_processing_helper($1, $data_structure, $tag_name, $2, 'question mark');
1108 $$line = $self->_readline;
1111 return;
1114 # ==================================================================================
1116 =head2 _star_tag
1118 Title : _star_tag
1119 Usage : $self->_star_tag
1120 Function : Parses values from tags that occur zero or more times. ie: tag_name*
1121 Args : 3 scalars:
1122 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
1123 - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
1124 - scalar holding the name of the tag.
1125 Returns : Nothing.
1126 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many.
1127 Method(s) that this method calls : _tag_processing_helper
1129 =cut
1131 sub _star_tag {
1133 my ($self, $line, $data_structure, $tag_name) = @_;
1135 #print "tag_name: $tag_name\n";
1136 while ($$line =~ /<$tag_name\s?(.*?)\s?>(.*?)<\/$tag_name>/) {
1137 $self->_tag_processing_helper
1138 ($1, $data_structure, $tag_name, $2, 'star');
1139 # The tag and attribute values are stored within
1140 # $$data_structure within the _tag_processing_helper method.
1141 $$line = $self->_readline;
1143 #if ($tag_name eq 'qualifier'){
1144 # print "this one:\n";
1145 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$data_structure]); exit;
1148 return;
1151 # ==================================================================================
1153 =head2 _plus_tag
1155 Title : _plus_tag
1156 Usage : $self->_plus_tag
1157 Function : Handles 'plus' tags (tags that occur one or more times). tag_name+
1158 Args : 3 scalars:
1159 - reference to a scalar holding the value of the line to be parsed.
1160 - reference to a data structure to store the data for <$tag_name>
1161 - scalar holding the name of the tag.
1162 Returns : Nothing.
1163 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : many.
1164 Method(s) that this method calls : _star_tag
1166 =cut
1168 sub _plus_tag {
1170 my ($self, $line, $data_structure, $tag_name) = @_;
1172 if ($$line =~ /<$tag_name\s?(.*?)\s?>(.*?)<\/$tag_name>/) {
1174 # Store value of the first occurence of $tag_name.
1175 # All subsequent values, if any, will be stored in the method _star_tag.
1176 $self->_tag_processing_helper($1, $data_structure, $tag_name, $2, 'plus');
1179 # If the flow gets within this block, we've already determined
1180 # that there's at least one of <$tag_name> Are there more? To
1181 # answer this, we could just treat the tag as a * tag now
1182 # (zero or more). We've already determined that it's NOT
1183 # zero, so how many more? Thus, call _star_tag.
1184 $$line = $self->_readline;
1185 $self->_star_tag($line, $data_structure, $tag_name);
1188 } else {
1189 $self->throw("Error: Missing <$tag_name></$tag_name>. Got: $$line\n\n");
1192 return;
1195 # ==================================================================================
1197 =head2 _helper_store_attribute_list
1199 Title : _helper_store_attribute_list
1200 Usage : $self->_helper_store_attribute_list
1201 Function : A helper method used to store the attributes from
1202 the tags into the data structure.
1203 Args : 2 scalars:
1204 - scalar holding the attribute values to be parsed.
1205 - reference to a data structure to store the data between the 2 tags.
1206 Returns : Nothing.
1207 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : Many.
1208 Method(s) that this method call(s) : None.
1210 =cut
1212 sub _helper_store_attribute_list {
1214 my ($self, $attribute_line, $data_structure) = @_;
1216 my %attribs = ($attribute_line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/g);
1218 my $attribute_list;
1219 for my $key (keys %attribs) {
1220 # print "\tkey: $key , value: $attribs{$key}\n";
1221 ###$$data_structure->{$key} = $attribs{$key}; # <- The ORIGINAL.
1222 push @{$$data_structure->{$key}}, $attribs{$key};
1223 # Now, store them in an array because there may be > 1 tag, thus
1224 # > 1 attribute of the same name.
1225 # Doing this has made it necessary to change the _store_seqs method.
1226 # ie: Change $bio_sequence->{'molecule_type'};
1227 # to
1228 # $bio_sequence->{'molecule_type'}->[0];
1231 return;
1234 # ==================================================================================
1236 =head2 _store_seqs
1238 Title : _store_seqs
1239 Usage : $self->_store_seqs
1240 Function : This method is called once in the life time of the script.
1241 It stores the data parsed from the agave xml file into
1242 the Bio::Seq object.
1243 Args : None.
1244 Returns : Nothing.
1245 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method : next_seq
1246 Method(s) that this method calls : None.
1248 =cut
1250 sub _store_seqs {
1252 my ($self) = @_;
1255 for my $sciobj (@{$self->{'sciobj'}}) {
1257 ### $sciobj = $self->{'sciobj'}; # The root node.
1260 for my $contig (@{$sciobj->{'contig'}}) { # Each contig has a fragment order.
1262 for my $fragment_order (@{$contig->{'fragment_order'}}) { # Each fragment order has a fragment_orientation.
1264 for my $fragment_orientation (@{$fragment_order->{'fragment_orientation'}}) {
1265 # Each fragment_orientation contain 1 bio sequence.
1267 my $bio_sequence = $fragment_orientation->{'bio_sequence'}; # <bio_sequence> contains all the
1268 # interesting stuff:
1270 my $sequence = $bio_sequence->{'sequence'};
1271 my $accession_number = $bio_sequence->{'sequence_id'}->[0]; # also use for primary_id
1272 my $organism = $bio_sequence->{'organism'};
1273 my $description = $bio_sequence->{'description'};
1274 my $molecule_type = $bio_sequence->{'molecule_type'}->[0];
1276 my $primary_seq = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(
1277 -id => $accession_number,
1278 -alphabet => $molecule_type,
1279 -seq => $sequence,
1280 -desc => $description,
1283 my $seq = Bio::Seq->new (
1284 -display_id => $accession_number,
1285 -accession_number => $accession_number,
1286 -primary_seq => $primary_seq,
1287 -seq => $sequence,
1288 -description => $description,
1291 my $organism_name = $bio_sequence->{organism_name}->[0];
1292 if (defined $organism_name) {
1294 my @classification = split(' ', $organism_name);
1295 my $species = Bio::Species->new();
1296 $species->classification(@classification);
1297 $seq->species($species);
1299 # Pull out the keywords: $keywords is an array ref.
1301 my $keywords = $bio_sequence->{keyword};
1302 my %key_to_value;
1304 for my $keywords (@$keywords) {
1305 # print "keywords: $keywords\n";
1306 my @words = split(':', $keywords);
1307 for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @words - 1; $i++) {
1308 if ($i % 2 == 0) {
1309 my $j = $i; $j++;
1310 # print "$words[$i] , $words[$j]\n";
1311 $key_to_value{$words[$i]} = $words[$j];
1314 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([%key_to_value]);
1315 my $reference = Bio::Annotation::Reference->
1316 new(-authors => $key_to_value{authors},
1317 -title => $key_to_value{title},
1318 -database => $key_to_value{database},
1319 -pubmed => $key_to_value{pubmed},
1321 $seq->annotation->add_Annotation('reference', $reference);
1323 } # close for my $keywords
1326 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$bio_sequence]); print "here\n"; exit;
1327 if (defined $bio_sequence->{'sequence_map'}) {
1329 for my $sequence_map (@{$bio_sequence->{'sequence_map'}}) {
1331 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$sequence_map]); print "here\n"; exit;
1333 my $label = $sequence_map->{label};
1335 if (defined $sequence_map->{annotations} &&
1336 ref($sequence_map->{annotations}) eq 'HASH') {
1338 # Get the sequence features (ie genes, exons, etc) from this $sequence_map
1339 for my $seq_feature (@{$sequence_map->{'annotations'}->{'seq_feature'}}) {
1341 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$seq_feature]); exit;
1342 my $seq_location = $seq_feature->{'seq_location'};
1343 my $start_coord = $seq_feature->{'least_start'}->[0];
1344 my $feature_type = $seq_feature->{'feature_type'}->[0];
1345 my $end_coord = $seq_feature->{'greatest_end'}->[0];
1346 my $is_on_complement = $seq_feature->{'is_on_complement'}->[0];
1348 # Specify the coordinates and the tag for this seq feature.
1349 # print "Primary Tag for this SeqFeature: $feature_type\n";
1350 my $feat = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->
1351 new(
1352 -start => $start_coord,
1353 -end => $end_coord,
1354 -primary_tag => $feature_type,
1358 if (defined $seq_feature->{'qualifier'} &&
1359 ref($seq_feature->{'qualifier'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
1361 for my $feature (@{$seq_feature->{'qualifier'}}) {
1363 my $value = $feature->{'qualifier'};
1364 my $feature_type = $feature->{'qualifier_type'};
1366 for (my $i = 0;
1367 $i < scalar @{$value};
1368 $i++) {
1369 $feat->add_tag_value(
1370 $feature_type->[$i] => $value->[$i]
1372 } # close the for loop
1376 } # close if (defined $seq_feature->...
1379 $seq->add_SeqFeature($feat);
1382 } # close for my $seq_feature (@{$sequence_map->...
1385 } # close if (defined $sequence_map->{annotations} &&
1388 } # close for my $sequence_map (@{$bio_sequence->{'sequence_map'}}){
1390 } # close if (defined $bio_sequence->{'sequence_map'}){
1393 # This is where the Bio::Seq objects are stored:
1394 push @{$self->{'sequence_objects'}}, $seq;
1397 } # close for my $fragment_orientation
1400 } # close for my $fragment_order
1403 } # close for my $contig
1406 } # close for my $sciobj
1408 # Flag is set so that we know that the sequence objects are now stored in $self.
1409 $self->{'seqs_stored'} = 1;
1411 return;
1414 # ==================================================================================
1416 =head2 next_seq
1418 Title : next_seq
1419 Usage : $seq = $stream->next_seq()
1420 Function : Returns the next sequence in the stream.
1421 Args : None.
1422 Returns : Bio::Seq object
1424 Method is called from the script. Method(s) that this method calls:
1425 _store_seqs (only once throughout the life time of script execution).
1428 =cut
1430 sub next_seq {
1432 my ($self) = @_;
1434 # convert agave to genbank/fasta/embl whatever.
1436 $self->_store_seqs if $self->{'seqs_stored'} == 0;
1438 $self->throw("Error: No Bio::Seq objects stored yet!\n\n")
1439 if !defined $self->{'sequence_objects'}; # This should never occur...
1441 if (scalar @{$self->{'sequence_objects'}} > 0) {
1442 return shift @{$self->{'sequence_objects'}};
1443 } else {
1444 # All done. Nothing more to parse.
1445 # print "returning nothing!\n";
1446 return 0;
1451 # ==================================================================================
1453 =head2 next_primary_seq
1455 Title : next_primary_seq
1456 Usage : $seq = $stream->next_primary_seq()
1457 Function: returns the next primary sequence (ie no seq_features) in the stream
1458 Returns : Bio::PrimarySeq object
1459 Args : NONE
1461 =cut
1463 sub next_primary_seq {
1464 my $self=shift;
1465 return 0;
1467 # ==================================================================================
1469 =head2 write_seq
1471 Title : write_seq
1472 Usage : Not Yet Implemented! $stream->write_seq(@seq)
1473 Function: writes the $seq object into the stream
1474 Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
1475 Args : Bio::Seq object
1477 =cut
1479 sub write_seq {
1481 # Convert the Bio::Seq object(s) to AGAVE xml file.
1483 my ($self,@seqs) = @_;
1485 foreach my $seq ( @seqs ) {
1486 $self->_write_each_record( $seq ); # where most of the work actually takes place.
1489 return;
1492 # ==================================================================================
1494 =head2 _write_each_record
1496 Title : _write_each_record
1497 Usage : $agave->_write_each_record( $seqI )
1498 Function: change data into agave format
1499 Returns : NONE
1500 Args : Bio::SeqI object
1502 =cut
1504 sub _write_each_record {
1505 my ($self,$seq) = @_;
1507 # $self->{'file'} =~ s/>//g;
1508 my $output = new IO::File(">" . $self->{'file'});
1509 my $writer = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => $output,
1510 NAMESPACES => 0,
1511 DATA_MODE => 1,
1512 DATA_INDENT => 2 ) ;
1514 $writer->xmlDecl("UTF-8");
1515 $writer->doctype("sciobj", '', "sciobj.dtd");
1516 $writer ->startTag('sciobj',
1517 'version', '2',
1518 'release', '2');
1520 $writer->startTag('contig', 'length', $seq->length);
1521 my $annotation = $seq ->annotation;
1522 # print "annotation: $annotation\n"; exit; Bio::Annotation::Collection=HASH(0x8112e6c)
1523 if ( $annotation->get_Annotations('dblink') ) {
1524 # used to be $annotation->each_DBLink, but Bio::Annotation::Collection::each_DBLink
1525 # is now replaced with get_Annotations('dblink')
1526 my $dblink = $annotation->get_Annotations('dblink')->[0] ;
1528 $writer ->startTag('db_id',
1529 'id', $dblink->primary_id ,
1530 'db_code', $dblink->database );
1531 } else {
1532 $writer ->startTag('db_id',
1533 'id', $seq->display_id ,
1534 'db_code', 'default' );
1536 $writer ->endTag('db_id') ;
1539 $writer->startTag('fragment_order');
1540 $writer->startTag('fragment_orientation');
1542 ##start bio_sequence
1543 ####my $organism = $seq->species->genus . " " . $seq->species->species;
1544 $writer ->startTag('bio_sequence',
1545 'sequence_id', $seq->display_id,
1546 'seq_length', $seq->length,
1547 # 'molecule_type', $seq->moltype, # deprecated
1548 'molecule_type', $self->alphabet,
1549 #'organism_name', $organism
1552 # my $desc = $seq->{primary_seq}->{desc};
1553 # print "desc: $desc\n"; exit;
1554 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$seq]); exit;
1555 ##start db_id under bio_sequence
1556 $annotation = $seq ->annotation;
1557 # print "annotation: $annotation\n"; exit; Bio::Annotation::Collection=HASH(0x8112e6c)
1558 if ( $annotation->get_Annotations('dblink') ) {
1559 # used to be $annotation->each_DBLink, but Bio::Annotation::Collection::each_DBLink
1560 # is now replaced with get_Annotations('dblink')
1561 my $dblink = $annotation->get_Annotations('dblink')->[0] ;
1563 $writer ->startTag('db_id',
1564 'id', $dblink->primary_id ,
1565 'db_code', $dblink->database );
1566 } else {
1567 $writer ->startTag('db_id',
1568 'id', $seq->display_id ,
1569 'db_code', 'default' );
1571 $writer ->endTag('db_id') ;
1573 ##start note
1574 my $note = "" ;
1575 foreach my $comment ( $annotation->get_Annotations('comment') ) {
1576 # used to be $annotations->each_Comment(), but that's now been replaced
1577 # with get_Annotations()
1578 # $comment is a Bio::Annotation::Comment object
1579 $note .= $comment->text() . "\n";
1582 $writer ->startTag('note');
1583 $writer ->characters( $note ) ;
1584 $writer ->endTag('note');
1586 ##start description
1587 $writer ->startTag('description');
1589 # $writer ->characters( $annotation->get_Annotations('description') ) ;
1590 # used to be $annotations->each_description(), but that's now been
1591 # replaced with get_Annotations.
1592 # Simon added this: this is the primary_seq's desc (the DEFINITION tag in a genbank file)
1593 $writer->characters($seq->{primary_seq}->{desc});
1594 $writer ->endTag('description');
1596 ##start keywords
1597 foreach my $genename ( $annotation->get_Annotations('gene_name') ) {
1598 # used to be $annotations->each_gene_name, but that's now been
1599 # replaced with get_Annotations()
1600 $writer ->startTag('keyword');
1601 $writer ->characters( $genename ) ;
1602 $writer ->endTag('keyword');
1606 foreach my $ref ( $annotation->get_Annotations('reference') ) {
1607 # used to be $annotation->each_Reference, but
1608 # that's now been replaced with get_Annotations('reference');
1609 # link is a Bio::Annotation::Reference object
1610 $writer ->startTag('keyword');
1611 # print Data::Dumper->Dump([$ref]); exit;
1612 my $medline = $ref->medline || 'null';
1613 my $pubmed = $ref->pubmed || 'null';
1614 my $database = $ref->database || 'null';
1615 my $authors = $ref->authors || 'null';
1616 my $title = $ref->title || 'null';
1619 $writer ->characters( 'medline:' . "$medline" . ':' . 'pubmed:' .
1620 "$pubmed" . ':' . 'database:' . "$database" .
1621 ':' .'authors:' . "$authors" . ':' . 'title:' . "$title" ) ;
1622 $writer ->endTag('keyword');
1625 ## start sequence
1626 $writer ->startTag('sequence');
1627 $writer ->characters( $seq->seq ) ;
1628 $writer ->endTag('sequence');
1630 ## start xrefs
1631 $writer ->startTag('xrefs');
1632 foreach my $link ( $annotation->get_Annotations('dblink') ) {
1633 # link is a Bio::Annotation::DBLink object
1634 $writer ->startTag('db_id',
1635 'db_code', $link->database,
1636 'id', $link->primary_id);
1637 $writer ->characters( $link->comment ) ;
1638 $writer ->endTag('db_id');
1640 $writer ->endTag('xrefs') ;
1642 ##start sequence map
1643 ##we can not use : my @feats = $seq->all_SeqFeatures;
1644 ##rather, we use top_SeqFeatures() to keep the tree structure
1645 my @feats = $seq->top_SeqFeatures ;
1647 my $features;
1649 ##now we need cluster top level seqfeature by algorithm
1650 my $maps;
1651 foreach my $feature (@feats) {
1652 my $map_type = $feature ->source_tag;
1653 push (@{$maps->{ $map_type }}, $feature);
1656 ##now we enter each sequence_map
1657 foreach my $map_type (keys %$maps ) {
1658 $writer->startTag('sequence_map',
1659 'label', $map_type );
1660 $writer->startTag('annotations');
1661 # the original author accidently entered 'annotation' instead of 'annotations'
1663 foreach my $feature ( @{$maps->{ $map_type }} ) {
1664 $self->_write_seqfeature( $feature, $writer ) ;
1667 $writer->endTag('annotations');
1668 $writer->endTag('sequence_map');
1671 $writer->endTag('bio_sequence');
1672 $writer->endTag('fragment_orientation');
1673 $writer->endTag('fragment_order');
1674 $writer->endTag('contig');
1675 $writer->endTag('sciobj');
1678 # ==================================================================================
1680 =head2 _write_seqfeature
1682 Usage : $agave->_write_each_record( $seqfeature, $write )
1683 Function: change seeqfeature data into agave format
1684 Returns : NONE
1685 Args : Bio::SeqFeature object and XML::writer object
1687 =cut
1689 sub _write_seqfeature{
1691 my ($self,$seqf, $writer) = @_;
1693 ##now enter seq feature
1694 $writer ->startTag('seq_feature',
1695 'feature_type', $seqf->primary_tag() );
1697 my $strand = $seqf->strand();
1698 $strand = 0 if !defined $strand;
1699 # $strand == 1 ? 'false' : 'true';
1700 my $is_on_complement;
1701 if ($strand == 1) {
1702 $is_on_complement = 'true';
1703 } else {
1704 $is_on_complement = 'false';
1707 # die Data::Dumper->Dump([$seqf]) if !defined $strand;
1708 $writer ->startTag('seq_location',
1709 'lease_start', $seqf->start(),
1710 'greatest_end', $seqf->end(),
1711 # 'is_on_complement', $seqf->strand() == 1 ? 'false' : 'true') ;
1712 'is_on_complement' , $is_on_complement);
1713 # is_on_complement: is the feature found on the complementary
1714 # strand (true) or not (false)?
1715 $writer ->endTag('seq_location');
1717 ##enter qualifier
1718 foreach my $tag ( $seqf->all_tags() ) {
1719 $writer ->startTag('qualifier',
1720 'qualifier_type', $tag);
1721 $writer ->characters( $seqf->each_tag_value($tag) ) ;
1722 $writer ->endTag('qualifier');
1725 ##now recursively travel the seqFeature
1726 foreach my $subfeat ( $seqf->sub_SeqFeature ) {
1727 $self->_write_seqfeature( $subfeat, $writer ) ;
1730 $writer->endTag('seq_feature');
1732 return;
1735 # ==================================================================================
1737 =head2 _filehandle
1739 Title : _filehandle
1740 Usage : $obj->_filehandle($newval)
1741 Function:
1742 Example :
1743 Returns : value of _filehandle
1744 Args : newvalue (optional)
1746 =cut
1748 sub _filehandle{
1750 my ($obj,$value) = @_;
1751 if ( defined $value) {
1752 $obj->{'_filehandle'} = $value;
1754 return $obj->{'_filehandle'};
1757 # ==================================================================================
1759 =head2 throw
1761 Title : throw
1762 Usage : $self->throw;
1763 Function : Throw's error message. Calls SeqIO's throw method.
1764 Args : Array of string(s), holding error message(s).
1765 Returns : Nothing.
1766 Note : Method(s) that call(s) this method: many.
1767 Method(s) that this method calls: Bio::SeqIO's throw method.
1769 =cut
1771 sub throw {
1773 my ($self, @s) = @_;
1774 my $string = "[$.]" . join('', @s);
1775 $self->SUPER::throw($string);
1776 return;