documented source file
[bills-tools.git] / seq / seq.go
1 // Copyright 2010 Bill Burdick. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 package seq
7 import "fmt"
8 import "io"
9 import "os"
10 import "container/vector"
12 // convenience alias for sequence elements
13 type El interface{}
14 // basic sequence support
15 type Seq interface {
16 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
17 Find(f func(i El)bool) El
18 //returns a new sequence of the same type as the receiver consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
19 Rest() Seq
20 //returns the length of s
21 Len() int
22 //returns a new sequence of the same type as the receiver that appends this one and s2
23 Append(s2 Seq) Seq
24 //returns a new sequence of the same type as the receiver that appends s2 and this one
25 Prepend(s2 Seq) Seq
26 //returns a new sequence of the same type as the receiver consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
27 Filter(filter func(e El) bool) Seq
28 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
29 Map(f func(i El) El) Seq
30 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
31 FlatMap(f func(i El) Seq) Seq
34 //convert a sequence to a concurrent sequence (if necessary)
35 func Concurrent(s Seq) ConcurrentSeq {
36 switch seq := s.(type) {case ConcurrentSeq: return seq}
37 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){Output(s, c)})
40 //convert a sequence to a sequential sequence (if necessary)
41 func Sequential(s Seq) *SequentialSeq {
42 switch seq := s.(type) {case *SequentialSeq: return seq}
43 return SMap(s, func(el El)El{return el})
46 //returns a new array of the first N items
47 func FirstN(s Seq, n int) []interface{} {
48 r := make([]interface{}, n)
49 x := 0
50 Find(s, func(el El)bool{
51 r[x] = el
52 x++
53 return x == n
55 return r
58 //convenience function with multiple return values
59 func First2(s Seq) (a, b interface{}) {
60 r := FirstN(s, 2)
61 return r[0], r[1]
64 //convenience function with multiple return values
65 func First3(s Seq) (a, b, c interface{}) {
66 r := FirstN(s, 3)
67 return r[0], r[1], r[2]
70 //convenience function with multiple return values
71 func First4(s Seq) (a, b, c, d interface{}) {
72 r := FirstN(s, 4)
73 return r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]
76 //convenience function with multiple return values
77 func First5(s Seq) (a, b, c, d, e interface{}) {
78 r := FirstN(s, 5)
79 return r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4]
82 //convenience function with multiple return values
83 func First6(s Seq) (a, b, c, d, e, f interface{}) {
84 r := FirstN(s, 6)
85 return r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]
88 //returns whether s can be interpreted as a sequence
89 func IsSeq(s interface{}) bool {
90 _, test := s.(Seq)
91 return test
94 //returns the first item in a sequence
95 func First(s Seq) interface{} {
96 var result interface{}
97 s.Find(func(el El)bool{
98 result = el
99 return true
101 return result
104 //returns whether a sequence is empty
105 func IsEmpty(s Seq) bool {
106 empty := true
107 s.Find(func(el El)bool{
108 empty = false
109 return true
111 return empty
114 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
115 func Find(s Seq, f func(el El) bool) El {return s.Find(f)}
117 //applies f to each item in the sequence until f returns false
118 func While(s Seq, f func(el El) bool) {s.Find(func(el El)bool{return !f(el)})}
120 //applies f to each item in the sequence
121 func Do(s Seq, f func(el El)) {
122 s.Find(func(el El)bool{
123 f(el)
124 return false
128 //applies f concurrently to each element of s, in no particular order
129 func CDo(s Seq, f func(el El)) {
130 c := CMap(s, func(el El)El{f(el); return nil})()
131 for <- c; !closed(c); <- c {}
134 //returns the length of s
135 func Len(s Seq) int {return s.Len()}
137 //sends each item of s to c
138 func Output(s Seq, c SeqChan) {Do(s, func(el El){c <- el})}
140 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
141 func Rest(s Seq) Seq {return s.Rest()}
143 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s1 that appends this s1 and s2
144 func Append(s1 Seq, s2 Seq) Seq {return s1.Append(s2)}
146 //append a sequence to a vector
147 func AppendToVector(vec *vector.Vector, s Seq) {
148 switch arg := s.(type) {
149 case *SequentialSeq: vec.AppendVector((*vector.Vector)(arg))
150 default: Do(s, func(el El){vec.Push(el)})
154 //returns a new SequentialSeq which consists of appending s and s2
155 func SAppend(s Seq, s2 Seq) *SequentialSeq {
156 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8) + quickLen(s2, 8))
157 AppendToVector(&vec, s)
158 AppendToVector(&vec, s2)
159 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
162 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq which consists of appending s and s2
163 func CAppend(s Seq, s2 Seq) ConcurrentSeq {
164 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){
165 Output(s, c)
166 Output(s2, c)
170 func quickLen(s Seq, d int) int {
171 switch seq := s.(type) {case *SequentialSeq: return s.Len()}
172 return d
175 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
176 func Filter(s Seq, filter func(e El)bool) Seq {return s.Filter(filter)}
178 func ifFunc(condition func(e El)bool, op func(e El)) func(el El){return func(el El){if condition(el) {op(el)}}}
180 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
181 func SFilter(s Seq, filter func(e El)bool) *SequentialSeq {
182 //continue shrinking
183 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8))
184 Do(s, ifFunc(filter, func(el El){vec.Push(el)}))
185 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
188 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
189 func CFilter(s Seq, filter func(e El)bool) ConcurrentSeq {
190 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){
191 Do(s, ifFunc(filter, func(el El){c <- el}))
195 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
196 func Map(s Seq, f func(el El) El) Seq {return s.Map(f)}
198 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
199 func SMap(s Seq, f func(i El)El) *SequentialSeq {
200 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8))
201 Do(s, func(el El){vec.Push(f(el))})
202 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
205 type reply struct {
206 index int;
207 result El
210 type swEntry struct {
211 value El
212 present bool
215 // a vector with limited capacity (power of 2) and a base
216 type SlidingWindow struct {
217 start, base, count, mask int
218 values []swEntry
220 //creates a new SlidingWindow with capacity size
221 func NewSlidingWindow(sz uint) *SlidingWindow {return &SlidingWindow{0, 0, 0, (1 << sz) - 1, make([]swEntry, 1 << sz)}}
222 //returns the current maximum available index
223 func (r *SlidingWindow) Max() int {return r.base + r.Capacity() - 1}
224 //returns the size of the window
225 func (r *SlidingWindow) Capacity() int {return len(r.values)}
226 func (r *SlidingWindow) normalize(index int) int {return (index + r.Capacity()) & r.mask}
227 //returns whether the window is empty
228 func (r *SlidingWindow) IsEmpty() bool {return r.count == 0}
229 //returns whether the window has any available space
230 func (r *SlidingWindow) IsFull() bool {return r.count == r.Capacity()}
231 //returns the first item, or nil if there is none, and also returns whether there was an item
232 func (r *SlidingWindow) GetFirst() (interface{}, bool) {return r.values[r.start].value, r.values[r.start].present}
233 //removes the first item, if there is one, and also returns whether an item was removed
234 func (r *SlidingWindow) RemoveFirst() (interface{}, bool) {
235 result := r.values[r.start]
236 if !result.present {return nil, false}
237 r.values[r.start] = swEntry{nil, false}
238 r.count--
239 r.start = r.normalize(r.start + 1)
240 r.base++
241 return result.value, true
243 //returns item at index, if there is one, and also returns whether an item was there
244 func (r *SlidingWindow) Get(index int) (interface{}, bool) {
245 index -= r.base
246 if index < 0 || index >= r.Capacity() {return nil, false}
247 index = r.normalize(index + r.start)
248 value := r.values[index]
249 return value.value, value.present
251 //sets the item at index to value, if the space is available, and also returns whether an item was set
252 func (r *SlidingWindow) Set(index int, value interface{}) bool {
253 index -= r.base
254 if index < 0 || index >= r.Capacity() {return false}
255 index = r.normalize(index + r.start)
256 r.values[index].value = value
257 if !r.values[index].present {
258 r.values[index].present = true
259 r.count++
261 return true
264 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
265 func CMap(s Seq, f func(el El) El, sizePowerOpt... uint) ConcurrentSeq {
266 // spawn a goroutine that does the following for each value, with up to size pending at a time:
267 // spawn a goroutine to apply f to the value and send the result back in a channel
268 // send the results in order to the ouput channel as they are completed
269 sizePower := uint(6)
270 if len(sizePowerOpt) > 0 {sizePower = sizePowerOpt[0]}
271 size := 1 << sizePower
272 return Gen(func(output SeqChan){
273 //punt and convert sequence to concurrent
274 //maybe someday we'll handle SequentialSequences separately
275 input := Concurrent(s)()
276 window := NewSlidingWindow(sizePower)
277 replyChannel := make(chan reply)
278 inputCount, pendingInput, pendingOutput := 0, 0, 0
279 inputClosed := false
280 defer close(replyChannel)
281 for !inputClosed || pendingInput > 0 || pendingOutput > 0 {
282 first, hasFirst := window.GetFirst()
283 ic, oc, rc := input, output, replyChannel
284 if !hasFirst {oc = nil}
285 if inputClosed || pendingInput >= size {ic = nil}
286 if pendingOutput >= size {rc = nil}
287 select {
288 case oc <- first:
289 window.RemoveFirst()
290 pendingOutput--
291 case inputElement := <- ic:
292 if closed(ic) {
293 inputClosed = true
294 } else {
295 go func(index int, value interface{}) {
296 replyChannel <- reply{index, f(value)}
297 }(inputCount, inputElement)
298 inputCount++
299 pendingInput++
301 case replyElement := <- rc:
302 window.Set(replyElement.index, replyElement.result)
303 pendingInput--
304 pendingOutput++
310 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
311 func FlatMap(s Seq, f func(el El) Seq) Seq {return s.FlatMap(f)}
313 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
314 func SFlatMap(s Seq, f func(i El) Seq) *SequentialSeq {
315 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8))
316 Do(s, func(e El){Do(f(e).(Seq), func(sub El){vec.Push(sub)})})
317 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
320 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
321 func CFlatMap(s Seq, f func(i El) Seq, sizeOpt... uint) ConcurrentSeq {
322 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){
323 Do(CMap(s, func(e El)El{return f(e)}, sizeOpt...), func(sub El){
324 Output(sub.(Seq), c)
329 //returns the result of applying f to its previous value and each element of s in succession, starting with init as the initial "previous value" for f
330 func Fold(s Seq, init interface{}, f func(acc, el El)El) interface{} {
331 Do(s, func(el El){init = f(init, el)})
332 return init
335 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of all possible combinations of the elements of s of size number or smaller
336 func Combinations(s Seq, number int) Seq {
337 if number == 0 || IsEmpty(s) {return From(From())}
338 return Combinations(s.Rest(), number).Prepend(Combinations(s.Rest(), number - 1).Map(func(el El)El{
339 return el.(Seq).Prepend(From(First(s)))
343 //returns the product of the elements of sequences, where each element is a sequence
344 func Product(sequences Seq) Seq {
345 return Fold(sequences, From(From()), func(result, each El)El{
346 return result.(Seq).FlatMap(func(seq El)Seq{
347 return each.(Seq).Map(func(i El) El {
348 return seq.(Seq).Append(From(i))
351 }).(Seq)
354 //pretty print an object, followed by a newline. Optional arguments are a map of names (map[interface{}]string) and an io.Writer to write output to
355 func Prettyln(s interface{}, rest... interface{}) {
356 writer := Pretty(s, rest...)
357 fmt.Fprintln(writer)
359 //pretty print an object. Optional arguments are a map of names (map[interface{}]string) and an io.Writer to write output to
360 func Pretty(s interface{}, args... interface{}) io.Writer {
361 var writer io.Writer = os.Stdout
362 var names map[interface{}]string
363 for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
364 switch arg := args[i].(type) {
365 case map[interface{}]string: names = arg
366 case io.Writer: writer = arg
369 if names == nil {names = map[interface{}]string{}}
370 prettyLevel(s, 0, names, writer)
371 return writer
374 //This pretty is ugly :)
375 func prettyLevel(s interface{}, level int, names map[interface{}]string, w io.Writer) {
376 name, hasName := names[s]
377 if hasName {
378 fmt.Fprint(w, name)
379 } else switch arg := s.(type) {
380 case Seq:
381 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%*s%s", level, "", "[")
382 first := true
383 innerSeq := false
384 named := false
385 Do(arg, func(v El) {
386 _, named = names[v]
387 _,innerSeq = v.(Seq)
388 if first {
389 first = false
390 if !named && innerSeq {
391 fmt.Fprintln(w)
393 } else if !named && innerSeq {
394 fmt.Fprintln(w, ",")
395 } else {
396 fmt.Fprint(w, ", ")
398 if innerSeq {
399 prettyLevel(v.(Seq), level + 4, names, w)
400 } else {
401 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", v)
404 if innerSeq {
405 if !named {
406 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n%*s", level, "")
409 fmt.Fprintf(w, "]")
410 default:
411 fmt.Print(arg)
416 //a channel which can transport sequence elements
417 type SeqChan chan interface{}
419 //A concurrent sequence. You can call it to get a channel on a new goroutine, but you must make sure you read all of the items from the channel or else close it
420 type ConcurrentSeq func()SeqChan
422 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq which consists of all of the items that f writes to the channel
423 func Gen(f func(c SeqChan)) ConcurrentSeq {
424 return func() SeqChan {
425 c := make(SeqChan)
426 go func() {
427 defer close(c)
428 f(c)
430 return c
434 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the numbers from 0 to limit, in succession
435 func CUpto(limit int) ConcurrentSeq {
436 return Gen(func(c SeqChan) {
437 for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
438 c <- i
443 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
444 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Find(f func(el El)bool) El {
445 c := s()
446 defer close(c)
447 for el := <- c; !closed(c) ; el = <- c {
448 if f(el) {return el}
450 return nil
453 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
454 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Rest() Seq {
455 return ConcurrentSeq(func()SeqChan{
456 c := s()
457 <- c
458 return c
462 //returns the length of s
463 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Len() int {
464 len := 0
465 Do(s, func(el El){
466 len++
468 return len
471 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq that appends this one and s2
472 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Append(s2 Seq) Seq {return CAppend(s, s2)}
474 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq that appends s2 and this one
475 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Prepend(s2 Seq) Seq {return CAppend(s2, s)}
477 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
478 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Filter(f func(e El)bool) Seq {return CFilter(s, f)}
480 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
481 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Map(f func(i El)El) Seq {return CMap(s, f)}
483 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
484 func (s ConcurrentSeq) FlatMap(f func(i El) Seq) Seq {return CFlatMap(s, f)}
486 //returns a new SequentialSeq constructed by recursively converting nested
487 //ConcurrentSeqs to SequentialSeqs. Does not descend into nested sequential sequences
488 func (s ConcurrentSeq) ToSequentialSeq() *SequentialSeq {
489 return SMap(s, func(el El)El{
490 switch seq := el.(type) {case ConcurrentSeq: return seq.ToSequentialSeq()}
491 return el
496 // a sequential sequence
497 type SequentialSeq []interface{}
499 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of els
500 func From(els... interface{}) *SequentialSeq {return (*SequentialSeq)(&els)}
502 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the numbers from 0 to limit, in succession
503 func AUpto(limit int) *SequentialSeq {
504 a := make([]interface{}, limit)
505 for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
506 a[i] = i
508 return (*SequentialSeq)(&a)
511 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
512 func (s *SequentialSeq) Find(f func(el El)bool) El {
513 for i := 0; i < len(*s); i++ {
514 if f((*s)[i]) {return (*s)[i]}
516 return nil
519 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
520 func (s *SequentialSeq) Rest() Seq {
521 s2 := (*s)[1:]
522 return (*SequentialSeq)(&s2)
525 //returns the length of s
526 func (s *SequentialSeq) Len() int {return len(*s)}
528 //returns a new SequentialSeq that appends this one and s2
529 func (s *SequentialSeq) Append(s2 Seq) Seq {return SAppend(s, s2)}
531 //returns a new SequentialSeq that appends s2 and this one
532 func (s *SequentialSeq) Prepend(s2 Seq) Seq {return SAppend(s2, s)}
534 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
535 func (s *SequentialSeq) Filter(f func(e El)bool) Seq {return SFilter(s, f)}
537 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
538 func (s *SequentialSeq) Map(f func(i El)El) Seq {return SMap(s, f)}
540 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
541 func (s *SequentialSeq) FlatMap(f func(i El) Seq) Seq {return SFlatMap(s, f)}