added LICENSE files
[bills-tools.git] / seq / seq.go
1 // Copyright 2010 Bill Burdick. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 package seq
7 import "fmt"
8 import "io"
9 import "os"
10 import "container/vector"
12 // convenience alias for sequence elements
13 type El interface{}
14 // basic sequence support
15 type Seq interface {
16 Find(f func(i El)bool) El
17 Rest() Seq
18 Len() int
19 Append(s2 Seq) Seq
20 Prepend(s2 Seq) Seq
21 Filter(filter func(e El) bool) Seq
22 Map(f func(i El) El) Seq
23 FlatMap(f func(i El) Seq) Seq
26 //convert a sequence to a concurrent sequence (if necessary)
27 func Concurrent(s Seq) ConcurrentSeq {
28 switch seq := s.(type) {case ConcurrentSeq: return seq}
29 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){Output(s, c)})
32 //convert a sequence to a sequential sequence (if necessary)
33 func Sequential(s Seq) *SequentialSeq {
34 switch seq := s.(type) {case *SequentialSeq: return seq}
35 return SMap(s, func(el El)El{return el})
38 //returns a new array of the first N items
39 func FirstN(s Seq, n int) []interface{} {
40 r := make([]interface{}, n)
41 x := 0
42 Find(s, func(el El)bool{
43 r[x] = el
44 x++
45 return x == n
47 return r
50 //convenience function with multiple return values
51 func First2(s Seq) (a, b interface{}) {
52 r := FirstN(s, 2)
53 return r[0], r[1]
56 //convenience function with multiple return values
57 func First3(s Seq) (a, b, c interface{}) {
58 r := FirstN(s, 3)
59 return r[0], r[1], r[2]
62 //convenience function with multiple return values
63 func First4(s Seq) (a, b, c, d interface{}) {
64 r := FirstN(s, 4)
65 return r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]
68 //convenience function with multiple return values
69 func First5(s Seq) (a, b, c, d, e interface{}) {
70 r := FirstN(s, 5)
71 return r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4]
74 //convenience function with multiple return values
75 func First6(s Seq) (a, b, c, d, e, f interface{}) {
76 r := FirstN(s, 6)
77 return r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]
80 //returns whether s can be interpreted as a sequence
81 func IsSeq(s interface{}) bool {
82 _, test := s.(Seq)
83 return test
86 //returns the first item in a sequence
87 func First(s Seq) interface{} {
88 var result interface{}
89 s.Find(func(el El)bool{
90 result = el
91 return true
93 return result
96 //returns whether a sequence is empty
97 func IsEmpty(s Seq) bool {
98 empty := true
99 s.Find(func(el El)bool{
100 empty = false
101 return true
103 return empty
106 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
107 func Find(s Seq, f func(el El) bool) El {return s.Find(f)}
109 //applies f to each item in the sequence until f returns false
110 func While(s Seq, f func(el El) bool) {s.Find(func(el El)bool{return !f(el)})}
112 //applies f to each item in the sequence
113 func Do(s Seq, f func(el El)) {
114 s.Find(func(el El)bool{
115 f(el)
116 return false
120 //applies f concurrently to each element of s, in no particular order
121 func CDo(s Seq, f func(el El)) {
122 c := CMap(s, func(el El)El{f(el); return nil})()
123 for <- c; !closed(c); <- c {}
126 //returns the length of s
127 func Len(s Seq) int {return s.Len()}
129 //sends each item of s to c
130 func Output(s Seq, c SeqChan) {Do(s, func(el El){c <- el})}
132 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
133 func Rest(s Seq) Seq {return s.Rest()}
135 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s1 that appends this s1 and s2
136 func Append(s1 Seq, s2 Seq) Seq {return s1.Append(s2)}
138 //append a sequence to a vector
139 func AppendToVector(vec *vector.Vector, s Seq) {
140 switch arg := s.(type) {
141 case *SequentialSeq: vec.AppendVector((*vector.Vector)(arg))
142 default: Do(s, func(el El){vec.Push(el)})
146 //returns a new SequentialSeq which consists of appending s and s2
147 func SAppend(s Seq, s2 Seq) *SequentialSeq {
148 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8) + quickLen(s2, 8))
149 AppendToVector(&vec, s)
150 AppendToVector(&vec, s2)
151 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
154 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq which consists of appending s and s2
155 func CAppend(s Seq, s2 Seq) ConcurrentSeq {
156 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){
157 Output(s, c)
158 Output(s2, c)
162 func quickLen(s Seq, d int) int {
163 switch seq := s.(type) {case *SequentialSeq: return s.Len()}
164 return d
167 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
168 func Filter(s Seq, filter func(e El)bool) Seq {return s.Filter(filter)}
170 func ifFunc(condition func(e El)bool, op func(e El)) func(el El){return func(el El){if condition(el) {op(el)}}}
172 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
173 func SFilter(s Seq, filter func(e El)bool) *SequentialSeq {
174 //continue shrinking
175 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8))
176 Do(s, ifFunc(filter, func(el El){vec.Push(el)}))
177 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
180 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
181 func CFilter(s Seq, filter func(e El)bool) ConcurrentSeq {
182 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){
183 Do(s, ifFunc(filter, func(el El){c <- el}))
187 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
188 func Map(s Seq, f func(el El) El) Seq {return s.Map(f)}
190 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
191 func SMap(s Seq, f func(i El)El) *SequentialSeq {
192 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8))
193 Do(s, func(el El){vec.Push(f(el))})
194 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
197 type reply struct {
198 index int;
199 result El
202 type swEntry struct {
203 value El
204 present bool
207 // a vector with limited capacity (power of 2) and a base
208 type SlidingWindow struct {
209 start, base, count, mask int
210 values []swEntry
212 //creates a new SlidingWindow with capacity size
213 func NewSlidingWindow(sz uint) *SlidingWindow {return &SlidingWindow{0, 0, 0, (1 << sz) - 1, make([]swEntry, 1 << sz)}}
214 //returns the current maximum available index
215 func (r *SlidingWindow) Max() int {return r.base + r.Capacity() - 1}
216 //returns the size of the window
217 func (r *SlidingWindow) Capacity() int {return len(r.values)}
218 func (r *SlidingWindow) normalize(index int) int {return (index + r.Capacity()) & r.mask}
219 //returns whether the window is empty
220 func (r *SlidingWindow) IsEmpty() bool {return r.count == 0}
221 //returns whether the window has any available space
222 func (r *SlidingWindow) IsFull() bool {return r.count == r.Capacity()}
223 //returns the first item, or nil if there is none, and also returns whether there was an item
224 func (r *SlidingWindow) GetFirst() (interface{}, bool) {return r.values[r.start].value, r.values[r.start].present}
225 //removes the first item, if there is one, and also returns whether an item was removed
226 func (r *SlidingWindow) RemoveFirst() (interface{}, bool) {
227 result := r.values[r.start]
228 if !result.present {return nil, false}
229 r.values[r.start] = swEntry{nil, false}
230 r.count--
231 r.start = r.normalize(r.start + 1)
232 r.base++
233 return result.value, true
235 //returns item at index, if there is one, and also returns whether an item was there
236 func (r *SlidingWindow) Get(index int) (interface{}, bool) {
237 index -= r.base
238 if index < 0 || index >= r.Capacity() {return nil, false}
239 index = r.normalize(index + r.start)
240 value := r.values[index]
241 return value.value, value.present
243 //sets the item at index to value, if the space is available, and also returns whether an item was set
244 func (r *SlidingWindow) Set(index int, value interface{}) bool {
245 index -= r.base
246 if index < 0 || index >= r.Capacity() {return false}
247 index = r.normalize(index + r.start)
248 r.values[index].value = value
249 if !r.values[index].present {
250 r.values[index].present = true
251 r.count++
253 return true
256 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
257 func CMap(s Seq, f func(el El) El, sizePowerOpt... uint) ConcurrentSeq {
258 // spawn a goroutine that does the following for each value, with up to size pending at a time:
259 // spawn a goroutine to apply f to the value and send the result back in a channel
260 // send the results in order to the ouput channel as they are completed
261 sizePower := uint(6)
262 if len(sizePowerOpt) > 0 {sizePower = sizePowerOpt[0]}
263 size := 1 << sizePower
264 return Gen(func(output SeqChan){
265 //punt and convert sequence to concurrent
266 //maybe someday we'll handle SequentialSequences separately
267 input := Concurrent(s)()
268 window := NewSlidingWindow(sizePower)
269 replyChannel := make(chan reply)
270 inputCount, pendingInput, pendingOutput := 0, 0, 0
271 inputClosed := false
272 defer close(replyChannel)
273 for !inputClosed || pendingInput > 0 || pendingOutput > 0 {
274 first, hasFirst := window.GetFirst()
275 ic, oc, rc := input, output, replyChannel
276 if !hasFirst {oc = nil}
277 if inputClosed || pendingInput >= size {ic = nil}
278 if pendingOutput >= size {rc = nil}
279 select {
280 case oc <- first:
281 window.RemoveFirst()
282 pendingOutput--
283 case inputElement := <- ic:
284 if closed(ic) {
285 inputClosed = true
286 } else {
287 go func(index int, value interface{}) {
288 replyChannel <- reply{index, f(value)}
289 }(inputCount, inputElement)
290 inputCount++
291 pendingInput++
293 case replyElement := <- rc:
294 window.Set(replyElement.index, replyElement.result)
295 pendingInput--
296 pendingOutput++
302 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
303 func FlatMap(s Seq, f func(el El) Seq) Seq {return s.FlatMap(f)}
305 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
306 func SFlatMap(s Seq, f func(i El) Seq) *SequentialSeq {
307 vec := make(vector.Vector, 0, quickLen(s, 8))
308 Do(s, func(e El){Do(f(e).(Seq), func(sub El){vec.Push(sub)})})
309 return (*SequentialSeq)(&vec)
312 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
313 func CFlatMap(s Seq, f func(i El) Seq, sizeOpt... uint) ConcurrentSeq {
314 return Gen(func(c SeqChan){
315 Do(CMap(s, func(e El)El{return f(e)}, sizeOpt...), func(sub El){
316 Output(sub.(Seq), c)
321 //returns the result of applying f to its previous value and each element of s in succession, starting with init as the initial "previous value" for f
322 func Fold(s Seq, init interface{}, f func(acc, el El)El) interface{} {
323 Do(s, func(el El){init = f(init, el)})
324 return init
327 //returns a new sequence of the same type as s consisting of all possible combinations of the elements of s of size number or smaller
328 func Combinations(s Seq, number int) Seq {
329 if number == 0 || IsEmpty(s) {return From(From())}
330 return Combinations(s.Rest(), number).Prepend(Combinations(s.Rest(), number - 1).Map(func(el El)El{
331 return el.(Seq).Prepend(From(First(s)))
335 //returns the product of the elements of sequences, where each element is a sequence
336 func Product(sequences Seq) Seq {
337 return Fold(sequences, From(From()), func(result, each El)El{
338 return result.(Seq).FlatMap(func(seq El)Seq{
339 return each.(Seq).Map(func(i El) El {
340 return seq.(Seq).Append(From(i))
343 }).(Seq)
346 //pretty print an object, followed by a newline. Optional arguments are a map of names (map[interface{}]string) and an io.Writer to write output to
347 func Prettyln(s interface{}, rest... interface{}) {
348 writer := Pretty(s, rest...)
349 fmt.Fprintln(writer)
351 //pretty print an object. Optional arguments are a map of names (map[interface{}]string) and an io.Writer to write output to
352 func Pretty(s interface{}, args... interface{}) io.Writer {
353 var writer io.Writer = os.Stdout
354 var names map[interface{}]string
355 for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
356 switch arg := args[i].(type) {
357 case map[interface{}]string: names = arg
358 case io.Writer: writer = arg
361 if names == nil {names = map[interface{}]string{}}
362 prettyLevel(s, 0, names, writer)
363 return writer
366 //This pretty is ugly :)
367 func prettyLevel(s interface{}, level int, names map[interface{}]string, w io.Writer) {
368 name, hasName := names[s]
369 if hasName {
370 fmt.Fprint(w, name)
371 } else switch arg := s.(type) {
372 case Seq:
373 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%*s%s", level, "", "[")
374 first := true
375 innerSeq := false
376 named := false
377 Do(arg, func(v El) {
378 _, named = names[v]
379 _,innerSeq = v.(Seq)
380 if first {
381 first = false
382 if !named && innerSeq {
383 fmt.Fprintln(w)
385 } else if !named && innerSeq {
386 fmt.Fprintln(w, ",")
387 } else {
388 fmt.Fprint(w, ", ")
390 if innerSeq {
391 prettyLevel(v.(Seq), level + 4, names, w)
392 } else {
393 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", v)
396 if innerSeq {
397 if !named {
398 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n%*s", level, "")
401 fmt.Fprintf(w, "]")
402 default:
403 fmt.Print(arg)
408 //a channel which can transport sequence elements
409 type SeqChan chan interface{}
411 //A concurrent sequence. You can call it to get a channel on a new goroutine, but you must make sure you read all of the items from the channel or else close it
412 type ConcurrentSeq func()SeqChan
414 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq which consists of all of the items that f writes to the channel
415 func Gen(f func(c SeqChan)) ConcurrentSeq {
416 return func() SeqChan {
417 c := make(SeqChan)
418 go func() {
419 defer close(c)
420 f(c)
422 return c
426 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the numbers from 0 to limit, in succession
427 func CUpto(limit int) ConcurrentSeq {
428 return Gen(func(c SeqChan) {
429 for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
430 c <- i
435 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
436 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Find(f func(el El)bool) El {
437 c := s()
438 defer close(c)
439 for el := <- c; !closed(c) ; el = <- c {
440 if f(el) {return el}
442 return nil
445 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
446 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Rest() Seq {
447 return ConcurrentSeq(func()SeqChan{
448 c := s()
449 <- c
450 return c
454 //returns the length of s
455 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Len() int {
456 len := 0
457 Do(s, func(el El){
458 len++
460 return len
463 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq that appends this one and s2
464 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Append(s2 Seq) Seq {return CAppend(s, s2)}
466 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq that appends s2 and this one
467 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Prepend(s2 Seq) Seq {return CAppend(s2, s)}
469 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
470 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Filter(f func(e El)bool) Seq {return CFilter(s, f)}
472 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
473 func (s ConcurrentSeq) Map(f func(i El)El) Seq {return CMap(s, f)}
475 //returns a new ConcurrentSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
476 func (s ConcurrentSeq) FlatMap(f func(i El) Seq) Seq {return CFlatMap(s, f)}
478 //returns a new SequentialSeq constructed by recursively converting nested
479 //ConcurrentSeqs to SequentialSeqs. Does not descend into nested sequential sequences
480 func (s ConcurrentSeq) ToSequentialSeq() *SequentialSeq {
481 return SMap(s, func(el El)El{
482 switch seq := el.(type) {case ConcurrentSeq: return seq.ToSequentialSeq()}
483 return el
488 // a sequential sequence
489 type SequentialSeq []interface{}
491 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of els
492 func From(els... interface{}) *SequentialSeq {return (*SequentialSeq)(&els)}
494 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the numbers from 0 to limit, in succession
495 func AUpto(limit int) *SequentialSeq {
496 a := make([]interface{}, limit)
497 for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
498 a[i] = i
500 return (*SequentialSeq)(&a)
503 //returns the first item in a sequence for which f returns true
504 func (s *SequentialSeq) Find(f func(el El)bool) El {
505 for i := 0; i < len(*s); i++ {
506 if f((*s)[i]) {return (*s)[i]}
508 return nil
511 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of all of the elements of s except for the first one
512 func (s *SequentialSeq) Rest() Seq {
513 s2 := (*s)[1:]
514 return (*SequentialSeq)(&s2)
517 //returns the length of s
518 func (s *SequentialSeq) Len() int {return len(*s)}
520 //returns a new SequentialSeq that appends this one and s2
521 func (s *SequentialSeq) Append(s2 Seq) Seq {return SAppend(s, s2)}
523 //returns a new SequentialSeq that appends s2 and this one
524 func (s *SequentialSeq) Prepend(s2 Seq) Seq {return SAppend(s2, s)}
526 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the elements of s for which filter returns true
527 func (s *SequentialSeq) Filter(f func(e El)bool) Seq {return SFilter(s, f)}
529 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the results of appying f to the elements of s
530 func (s *SequentialSeq) Map(f func(i El)El) Seq {return SMap(s, f)}
532 //returns a new SequentialSeq consisting of the concatenation of the sequences f returns when applied to all of the elements of s
533 func (s *SequentialSeq) FlatMap(f func(i El) Seq) Seq {return SFlatMap(s, f)}