3 Chris Frey <cdfrey@foursquare.net>
4 Net Direct Inc. <ndprojects@users.sourceforge.net>
6 Contributors (code and otherwise) in alphabetical order by last name:
7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8 Ian Darwin <ian@darwinsys.com>
9 - documentation fixes and additions
10 - OpenBSD port maintainer
11 Troy Engel <tengel@users.sourceforge.net>
12 - usb captures on Windows XP for the BlackBerry Pearl
13 Ron Gage <ron@rongage.org>
15 - reverse engineering Service Book record
16 Jonathan Hudson <jh+barry@daria.co.uk>
17 - big endian testing and patches
18 Peter McAlpine <peter@aoeu.ca>
20 Alan Miller <Alan.Miller@synopsys.com>
21 - usb captures on Windows XP for password authentication
22 Rick Scott <rwscott@alumni.uwaterloo.ca>
23 - password authentication code and tips