Added libbarryalx.* to DEB binary package (RPM uses wildcards, so already done)
[barry.git] / doc / www / rawchannel.php
1 <? include (""); ?>
3 <? createHeader("Use Blackberry USB channels with Barry"); ?>
5 <? createSubHeader("Introduction"); ?>
7 <p>The Blackberry provides the ability for programs to send and receive data over the USB port via named channels.
8 On device there are two APIs which provide access to these channels:
9 <ul>
10 <li><a href="">net.rim.device.api.system.USBPort</a></li>
11 <li><a href=""></a></li>
12 </ul>
13 </p>
15 <p>Barry provides APIs and tools to access the PC side of these USB
16 channels. The Barry APIs provide similar functionality to the <a
17 href="">Blackberry
18 Desktop Manager API</a>.</p>
20 <p>To use USB channels with Barry you will also need the following:
21 <ul>
22 <li> a working Barry install, version 0.17 or later </li>
23 <li> a program which uses USB channels installed on your Blackberry </li>
24 </ul>
25 </p>
27 <? createSubHeader("Using USB channels to talk to 'USB Demo'"); ?>
29 <p>As part of the examples provided with the Blackberry JDEs there is a demo
30 application called 'USB Demo' which can be found in <tt>samples/com/rim/samples/device/usbdemo</tt> in the
31 installation folder of the JDE. You should build this and install it on your Blackberry.</p>
33 <p>The Blackberry JDEs come with an example application for the Blackberry Desktop Manager API in
34 <tt>samples/usbclient</tt> in the installation folder. The equivalent PC side usbclient can be
35 found in the Barry source in <tt>examples/</tt></p>
37 <p>Once the example is compiled it should be used by first running the
38 'USB Demo' application on the Blackberry and selecting one of the
39 'Connect' options from the menu. Once the 'USB Demo' application is
40 waiting then it's possible to run the <tt>usbclient</tt> example to
41 communicate with the Blackberry application.
43 <? createSubHeader("Using USB channels as a stream"); ?>
45 <p>The raw channel API provided by Barry exposes the channel interface
46 as sending and receiving of packets of data. While this closely
47 reflects the USB channel protocol, it can be unhelpful for
48 applications which are designed with <a
49 href="">streams</a> as
50 their communication mechanisms. To accommodate this Barry provides
51 a tool called <tt>brawchannel</tt>. This tool redirects the named
52 channel over STDIN and STDOUT, allowing easy communication with
53 pre-existing tools.</p>
55 <p>For example the following shows an example of using
56 <tt>brawchannel</tt> to talk to the 'USB Demo' application mentioned
57 in the previous section.</p>
59 <p>First it's necessary to run 'USB Demo' on the Blackberry and select
60 the 'Connect (low level)' menu option. With that running it's then
61 possible to run <tt>brawchannel</tt> by supplying the channel name on
62 the command line. For the 'USB Demo' application this channel name is
63 <tt>JDE_USBClient</tt>.</p>
65 <pre>user@machine:~$ brawchannel JDE_USBClient</pre>
67 <p>If all goes well then you should see nothing but a flashing
68 cursor. The 'USB Demo' application expects us to say hello, so
69 type:</p>
71 <pre>Hello from Barry.&lt;RET&gt;</pre>
73 <p>You should then see two things, firstly your terminal should now
74 look like the following:</p>
76 <pre>user@machine:~$ brawchannel JDE_USBClient
77 Hello from Barry.
78 Hello from Device</pre>
80 <p>Secondly the message you typed should appear on the device (along
81 with the demo application complaining that it's not the expected
82 text). Next we need to say goodbye to the device, so type:</p>
84 <pre>Goodbye from Barry.&lt;RET&gt;</pre>
86 <p>The device should then say goodbye back, followed by it closing the connection.</p>
88 <p>It's also possible to use other programs, such as <tt>socat</tt> to
89 use the <tt>brawchannel</tt> tool to communicate with the USB channel
90 via other mechanisms such as TCP/IP sockets.</p>
92 <p>For further information please see the man page for <tt>brawchannel</tt>.</pre>
94 <? createSubHeader("Using USB channels in your application"); ?>
96 <p>It is also possible to use USB channels directly in your
97 application by linking to the Barry library. To make use of these USB
98 channels you will need to create an instance of the
99 <tt>Barry::Mode::RawChannel</tt> class. The Barry source code
100 demonstrates creation of a RawChannel in
101 <tt>examples/</tt> and <tt>tools/</tt>.</p>
103 <p>In it's most basic form this can be done with the following code:</p>
104 <pre>Barry::Init();
105 Barry::Probe probe;
106 if( probe.GetCount() <= 0 ) {
107 // No blackberry found
108 return 1;
111 auto_ptr<SocketRoutingQueue> router;
112 router.reset(new SocketRoutingQueue());
113 router->SpinoffSimpleReadThread();
115 Barry::Controller con(probe.Get(0), *router);
117 Barry::Mode::RawChannel rawChannel(con);
119 rawChannel.Open("", CHANNEL_NAME);</pre>
121 <p>With data then sent and received using <tt>rawChannel.Send()</tt> and <tt>rawChannel.Receive()</tt>.</p>