fixed use of iterator after erase
[barry.git] / doc / www / troubleshooting.php
1 <? include (""); ?>
3 <? createHeader("Troubleshooting"); ?>
5 <? createSubHeader("Common Issues When Working With Barry"); ?>
8 <p><b>Q:</b> When I run btool, it hangs for 30 seconds and then times out on
9 the USB read call.</p>
11 <p><b>A:</b> To verify that you are experiencing the right issue, run
12 "btool -vl" to get a verbose USB log. At the beginning
13 the USB configuration and endpoint information is printed.
14 If the last set of endpoints have 0's in the values, you are
15 experiencing the problem. The proper set of endpoints will not
16 be displayed with "lsusb -v" in this case either.</p>
18 <p>One workaround is to run bcharge twice like this:</p>
20 <pre>
21 bcharge
22 bcharge -o
23 </pre>
25 <p>After the second bcharge, btool should work normally.</p>
28 <hr/>
31 <p><b>Q:</b> I've installed Barry, and bcharge is set to run automatically,
32 but as soon as I plug my device into the USB port, the device reboots.</p>
34 <p><b>A:</b>Make sure you're running a recent version of Barry, at least
35 0.16 or 0.17.</p>
37 <p>Depending on the age of your kernel (older than 2.6.34?), you may have
38 the berry_charge kernel module running, in which case you need to choose
39 which method you wish to use. Do not run both berry_charge and bcharge.</p>
42 <hr/>
45 <p><b>Q:</b> One of the Barry applications crashed, and now I keep getting
46 a Desktop error message in hex.</p>
48 <p><b>A:</b> If a Barry application crashes, that means the Desktop mode was
49 not shutdown properly. Your device will likely appear to still
50 be "busy" as well. Currently the only way to fix this is to
51 reset the device, either by unplugging/replugging it, or by
52 running the program "breset".</p>
55 <hr/>
58 <p><b>Q:</b> Everytime I restore a backup with the backup GUI, the database
59 I need does not get restored. What gives?</p>
61 <p><b>A:</b> Both the backup and the restore are filtered based on your
62 configuration. Check your Edit | Config... settings and make
63 sure the needed database is turned on in <i>both</i> backup and restore.</p>
66 <hr/>
69 <p><b>Q:</b> I ran the backup, but can't find my backup files!
70 Where did they go?</p>
72 <p><b>A:</b> The backup program saves all backup files as gzip'd tarballs
73 under your home directory: ~/.barry/backup/pin_number/</p>
75 <p> Each backup session creates a new file, named with the
76 pin number, date, and time.</p>