1 <area shape="rect" href="$record_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record classes." alt="" coords="1057,155,1124,181">
2 <area shape="rect" href="$record-internal_8h.html" title="Support functions, types, and templates for the general record parsing classes in..." alt="" coords="2037,80,2152,107">
3 <area shape="rect" href="$data_8h.html" title="Class to deal with pre-saved data files." alt="" coords="1159,304,1215,331">
4 <area shape="rect" href="$dll_8h.html" title="Macros for handling DLL/library API visibility." alt="" coords="901,379,947,405">
5 <area shape="rect" href="$r__calendar_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record parser class for calendar records." alt="" coords="833,229,924,256">
6 <area shape="rect" href="$r__calllog_8h.html" title="Record parsing class for call logs." alt="" coords="1876,304,1956,331">
7 <area shape="rect" href="$r__bookmark_8h.html" title="Record parsing class for call logs." alt="" coords="1340,304,1439,331">
8 <area shape="rect" href="$r__contact_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record parser class for contact records." alt="" coords="615,304,700,331">
9 <area shape="rect" href="$r__cstore_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record parser class for Content Store records." alt="" coords="375,304,455,331">
10 <area shape="rect" href="$r__memo_8h.html" title="Record parsing class for the memo database." alt="" coords="1553,304,1633,331">
11 <area shape="rect" href="$r__message_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record parser class for email records." alt="" coords="425,229,521,256">
12 <area shape="rect" href="$r__servicebook_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record parser class for the Service Book record." alt="" coords="479,304,591,331">
13 <area shape="rect" href="$r__task_8h.html" title="Record parsing class for the task database." alt="" coords="1057,229,1124,256">
14 <area shape="rect" href="$r__pin__message_8h.html" title="Blackberry database record parser class for pin message records." alt="" coords="68,229,188,256">
15 <area shape="rect" href="$r__saved__message_8h-source.html" title="r_saved_message.h" alt="" coords="212,229,351,256">
16 <area shape="rect" href="$r__sms_8h-source.html" title="r_sms.h" alt="" coords="1463,304,1529,331">
17 <area shape="rect" href="$r__folder_8h.html" title="Record parsing class for the Folder database." alt="" coords="1657,304,1732,331">
18 <area shape="rect" href="$r__timezone_8h.html" title="Record parsing class for the timezone database." alt="" coords="1756,304,1852,331">
19 <area shape="rect" href="$r__recur__base_8h.html" title="Base class for recurring calendar event data." alt="" coords="825,304,932,331">
20 <area shape="rect" href="$r__message__base_8h.html" title="Base class for email-oriented Blackberry database records." alt="" coords="169,304,300,331">
21 <area shape="rect" href="$protostructs_8h.html" title="USB Blackberry bulk protocol API." alt="" coords="2152,155,2253,181">
22 <area shape="rect" href="$error_8h.html" title="Common exception classes for the Barry library." alt="" coords="2339,229,2395,256">
23 <area shape="rect" href="$endian_8h.html" title="Endian conversion macros." alt="" coords="2417,155,2487,181">
24 <area shape="rect" href="$pin_8h.html" title="class for device PIN notation" alt="" coords="2081,304,2129,331">