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23 <h1>a_common.h File Reference</h1><hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
24 ALX file parser common header.
25 <p>
27 <p>Definition in file <a class="el" href="a__common_8h-source.html">a_common.h</a>.</p>
29 <p>
30 <code>#include &lt;libxml++/libxml++.h&gt;</code><br>
31 <code>#include &lt;libxml++/parsers/textreader.h&gt;</code><br>
33 <p>
34 <div class="dynheader">
35 Include dependency graph for a_common.h:</div>
36 <div class="dynsection">
37 <p><center><img src="a__common_8h__incl.png" border="0" usemap="#a_common.h_map" alt=""></center>
38 </div>
40 <p>
41 <div class="dynheader">
42 This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:</div>
43 <div class="dynsection">
44 <p><center><img src="a__common_8h__dep__incl.png" border="0" usemap="#a_common.hdep_map" alt=""></center>
45 <map name="a_common.hdep_map">
46 <area shape="rect" href="xmlparser_8h.html" title="A simple XML parser (use callback on start, end and data block." alt="" coords="95,80,183,107"><area shape="rect" href="barryalx_8h.html" title="Main header file for libbarryalx." alt="" coords="589,379,667,405"><area shape="rect" href="a__codsection_8h.html" title="COD structure for the ALX file parser." alt="" coords="411,80,520,107"><area shape="rect" href="a__alxparser_8h.html" title="ALX file parser (for one file)." alt="" coords="340,304,439,331"><area shape="rect" href="xmlparser_8cc.html" title="A simple XML parser (use callback on start, end and data block." alt="" coords="5,155,101,181"><area shape="rect" href="a__alxparser_8cc.html" title="ALX file parser (for one file)." alt="" coords="317,379,421,405"><area shape="rect" href="a__osloader_8cc.html" title="OS files parser (multi ALX files parser)." alt="" coords="445,379,547,405"><area shape="rect" href="a__library_8h.html" title="ALX Library class based on CODSection class." alt="" coords="543,155,623,181"><area shape="rect" href="a__application_8h.html" title="ALX Application class based on CODSection class." alt="" coords="412,155,519,181"><area shape="rect" href="a__codsection_8cc.html" title="COD structure for the ALX file parser." alt="" coords="273,155,388,181"><area shape="rect" href="a__osloader_8h.html" title="OS files parser (multi ALX files parser)." alt="" coords="467,229,560,256"><area shape="rect" href="a__library_8cc.html" title="ALX Library class based on CODSection class." alt="" coords="685,229,773,256"><area shape="rect" href="a__application_8cc.html" title="ALX Application class based on CODSection class." alt="" coords="277,229,392,256"></map>
47 </div>
49 <p>
50 <a href="a__common_8h-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
51 <tr><td></td></tr>
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