2 # The following version numbers are: current:revision:age
4 # See also: http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/autobook/autobook_91.html
6 # Current - number of the current interface of the library
7 # Revision - implementation number of most recent interface
8 # Age - number of previous additional interfaces supported by this library
10 # Libtool uses the following calculation for Linux:
12 # major = current - age
13 # suffix = major.age.revision
15 # Therefore a libtool version of 1.4.0 will translate to a filename of:
18 # Other operating systems just use current.revision, most of the time,
19 # and age is only used to subtract from current.
21 # Therefore, if you are careful never to increment the major version
22 # unless there is an incompatible break, you can get away with a
23 # two digit version number, and leave age as 0, always.
25 # Only ever increment the first 2 numbers in this version:
26 # The first number represents libmajor, the second libminor.
27 # So version 0.17.1 will look like 17:1:0
30 # Disable the default -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(topdir), etc, but $(top_builddir) is
32 DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)
35 #AM_CXXFLAGS = -ansi -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -D__DEBUG_MODE__
36 AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -D__BARRY_LIBRARY_BUILD__
37 AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -D__BARRY_LIBRARY_BUILD__
40 AM_CFLAGS += -D__BARRY_HAVE_GCCVISIBILITY__ -fvisibility=hidden
41 #AM_CXXFLAGS += -D__BARRY_HAVE_GCCVISIBILITY__ -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
42 AM_CXXFLAGS += -D__BARRY_HAVE_GCCVISIBILITY__ -fvisibility=hidden
43 #AM_LDFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
44 AM_LDFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
46 include_barrydir = ${includedir}/barry@BARRY_MAJOR@/barry
49 ## Boost library usage - required for serialization support, but optional
51 #BOOSTFLAG = -D__BARRY_BOOST_MODE__ -I../../../../boost/rootdir/include/boost-1_33_1
52 #LDBOOST = ../../../../boost/rootdir/lib/libboost_serialization-gcc-mt-1_33_1.a
56 # Heavy duty C++ warnings
57 #WARNFLAGS = -ansi -pedantic -Wall -W -Wold-style-cast -Wfloat-equal -Wwrite-strings -Wno-long-long
58 #WARNFLAGS = -ansi -pedantic -Wall -W -Weffc++ -Woverloaded-virtual -Wold-style-cast -Wfloat-equal -Wwrite-strings -Wno-long-long -Werror
60 #LDFLAGS = ../../external/rootdir/libusb/lib/libusb.a $(LDBOOST) $(LDDEBUG)
64 localedir = $(datadir)/locale
65 DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" @DEFS@
68 # libbarry - main USB protocol interface library
69 # libbarryalx - ALX library
70 # libbarrydp - '.debug' parser library
71 # libbarryjdwp - java debug server library
72 # libbarrysync - utility functions and classes for syncing and vformats
73 # libbarrybackup - utility classes for reading/writing Barry backup files
75 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libbarry.la libbarrydp.la libbarryjdwp.la
77 lib_LTLIBRARIES += libbarrysync.la
80 lib_LTLIBRARIES += libbarrybackup.la
83 lib_LTLIBRARIES += libbarryalx.la
86 include_barry_HEADERS = barry.h barrysync.h barrybackup.h barryalx.h \
169 noinst_HEADERS = cbarry.h \
189 usbwrap_libusb_1_0.h \
193 # Include the windows-only and android-only code files here too
194 EXTRA_DIST = convo.awk \
200 libbarry_la_SOURCES = dll.h \
201 builder.h builder.cc \
204 fifoargs.h fifoargs.cc \
206 bmp.h bmp-internal.h bmp.cc \
207 cod.h cod-internal.h cod.cc \
212 configfile.h configfile.cc \
222 protocol.h protostructs.h protocol.cc \
223 record.h recordtmpl.h record-internal.h record.cc \
224 r_recur_base.h r_recur_base-int.h r_recur_base.cc \
225 r_calendar.h r_calendar.cc \
226 r_calllog.h r_calllog.cc \
227 r_bookmark.h r_bookmark.cc \
229 r_contact.h r_contact.cc \
230 r_cstore.h r_cstore.cc \
231 r_hhagent.h r_hhagent.cc \
233 r_folder.h r_folder.cc \
235 r_message_base.h r_message_base.cc \
237 r_servicebook.h r_servicebook.cc \
240 r_timezone.h r_timezone.cc \
242 controller.h controller.cc \
244 m_mode_base.h m_mode_base.cc \
245 m_desktop.h m_desktop.cc \
246 m_raw_channel.h m_raw_channel.cc \
247 m_ipmodem.h m_ipmodem.cc \
248 m_serial.h m_serial.cc \
249 m_javaloader.h m_javaloader.cc \
250 m_jvmdebug.h m_jvmdebug.cc \
251 connector.h connector.cc \
252 version.h version.cc \
253 pppfilter.h pppfilter.cc \
257 # Now sort out USB files
259 include_barry_HEADERS += usbwrap.h
261 libbarry_la_SOURCES += usbwrap.cc
264 libbarry_la_SOURCES += usbwrap_libusb.cc
268 libbarry_la_SOURCES += usbwrap_libusb_1_0.cc
276 libbarry_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info ${LIB_BARRY_VERSION}
278 libbarrydp_la_SOURCES = \
279 dp_parser.h dp_parser.cc \
280 dp_codinfo.h dp_codinfo.cc
281 libbarrydp_la_LIBADD = libbarry.la
282 libbarrydp_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info ${LIB_BARRY_VERSION}
284 libbarryjdwp_la_SOURCES = \
287 j_message.h j_message.cc \
288 j_server.h j_server.cc \
289 j_manager.h j_manager.cc
290 libbarryjdwp_la_LIBADD = libbarry.la libbarrydp.la $(USB_LIBRARY_LIBS) $(NETWORK_LIBRARY_LIBS)
291 libbarryjdwp_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info ${LIB_BARRY_VERSION}
294 libbarrysync_la_SOURCES = \
295 vformat.h vformat.c \
299 vjournal.h vjournal.cc \
302 tzwrapper.h tzwrapper.cc
303 # if we set CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS ourselves, we need to include
304 # AM_*FLAGS as well... this only seems to matter for compile flags,
306 libbarrysync_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(GLIB2_CFLAGS)
307 libbarrysync_la_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(GLIB2_CFLAGS)
308 libbarrysync_la_LIBADD = libbarry.la $(GLIB2_LIBS)
309 libbarrysync_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info ${LIB_BARRY_VERSION}
313 libbarrybackup_la_SOURCES = \
314 tarfile.cc tarfile-ops-nt.cc \
317 libbarrybackup_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(LIBTAR_CFLAGS) $(LIBZ_CFLAGS)
319 libbarrybackup_la_LIBADD = libbarry.la $(LIBTAR_LIBS) $(LIBZ_LIBS)
320 libbarrybackup_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info ${LIB_BARRY_VERSION}
324 libbarryalx_la_SOURCES = \
325 xmlparser.h xmlparser.cc \
327 a_codsection.h a_codsection.cc \
328 a_library.h a_library.cc \
329 a_application.h a_application.cc \
330 a_osloader.h a_osloader.cc \
331 a_alxparser.h a_alxparser.cc
333 libbarryalx_la_LIBADD = libbarry.la $(LIBXMLXX_LIBS)
334 libbarryalx_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info ${LIB_BARRY_VERSION}
338 ## bin_PROGRAMS += test-base64 test-data test-time
340 ## test_base64_SOURCES = base64.h base64.cc
341 ## test_data_SOURCES = data.h data.cc
342 ## test_time_SOURCES = time.h time.cc