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4 <title>Barry Documentation</title>
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12 <div class='pageHeader'>Syncing your BlackBerry with Evolution</div><img src='nothing.jpg' width='100%' height='5' alt=''><br><div class='linearNav'>
13 <div class="subHeader">Introduction</div>
14 <p>This document describes the steps needed to sync your Blackberry with
15 Evolution, using OpenSync version 0.22 and the command line tool
16 msynctool. The concepts are similar with other Opensync plugins,
17 and should be relatively straightforward to sync with other data sources.</p>
20 <div class="subHeader">Overview</div>
21 <p>The first sync requires the following steps:
22 <ul>
23 <li>Run Evolution and make sure it has created its local databases</li>
24 <li>Create a sync group with msynctool, and configure each member</li>
25 <li>Shutdown Evolution servers</li>
26 <li>Run the sync</li>
27 </ul>
28 </p>
30 <p>Future syncs only require the following steps:
31 <ul>
32 <li>Shutdown Evolution servers</li>
33 <li>Run the sync</li>
34 </ul>
35 </p>
38 <div class="subHeader">First Step</div>
39 <p>First step is to always make a backup of your data. Use the GUI
40 backup tool that comes with Barry, or the RIM Windows Desktop software,
41 to make backups of your device data.</p>
43 <p>Remember that your device data is not the only database being operated
44 on. Your Evolution data is also at risk, should something go wrong.
45 You should backup your Evolution data as well.
46 See
47 "<a href="http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/03/how-to-backup-evolution/">How To Backup Evolution</a>" (external link)
48 for step by step instructions on backing up your local Evolution data.</p>
51 <div class="subHeader">Preparing Evolution</div>
52 <p>If you've never run Evolution before, start Evolution and follow its
53 initial configuration dialogs. Once it is running, click on each of the
54 available section buttons. These buttons include: Mail, Contacts,
55 Calendars, Memos, and Tasks. Clicking on each of these, causes Evolution
56 to open and create the matching databases.</p>
58 <p>Each of these sections should have a "Personal" folder. This is
59 where data from your Blackberry will end up, and any data in these
60 databases will be synced to your Blackberry as well.</p>
62 <p><b>Note:</b> Only Contacts and Calendar items are currently supported
63 in the Barry Opensync 0.22 plugin.</p>
66 <div class="subHeader">Preparing OpenSync</div>
67 <p>Opensync organizes its sync configurations in the form of groups. Each
68 group contains two or more member plugins that will be synchronized.</p>
70 <p>For example, using msynctool, you can create a group called EvoBarry
71 which will sync your Blackberry and Evolution like this:</p>
73 <pre>
74 msynctool --delgroup EvoBarry
75 msynctool --addgroup EvoBarry
76 msynctool --addmember EvoBarry evo2-sync
77 msynctool --addmember EvoBarry barry-sync
78 msynctool --configure EvoBarry 1
79 msynctool --configure EvoBarry 2
80 msynctool --showgroup EvoBarry
81 </pre>
83 <p>Each configuration stage (1 and 2) will open an editor, where you can
84 edit the member plugin's configuration file. Evolution's plugin takes
85 its configuration in the form of XML. For example:</p>
87 <pre>
88 &lt;config&gt;
89 &lt;address_path&gt;file:///home/cdfrey/.evolution/addressbook/local/system&lt;/address_path&gt;
90 &lt;calendar_path&gt;file:///home/cdfrey/.evolution/calendar/local/system&lt;/calendar_path&gt;
91 &lt;tasks_path&gt;file:///home/cdfrey/.evolution/tasks/local/system&lt;/tasks_path&gt;
92 &lt;config&gt;
93 </pre>
95 <p>Barry's plugin member takes a simple text file. The default configuration
96 that comes with Barry is shown below:</p>
98 <pre>
100 # This is the default configuration file for the barry-sync opensync plugin.
101 # Comments are preceded by a '#' mark at the beginning of a line.
102 # The config format is a set of lines of <keyword> <values>.
104 # Keywords available:
106 # DebugMode - If present, verbose USB debug output will be enabled
108 # Device - If present, it is followed by the following values:
109 # PIN number - PIN number of the device to sync with (in hex)
110 # sync calendar - 1 to sync calendar, 0 to skip
111 # sync contacts - 1 to sync contacts, 0 to skip
113 # Password secret - If present, specifies the device's password in plaintext
116 #DebugMode
118 Device 3009efe3 1 1
120 #Password secret
121 </pre>
123 <p>Edit the device's PIN number, and save. You're now ready to run your
124 first sync.</p>
127 <div class="subHeader">Syncing!</div>
128 <p>It is recommended that Evolution's backend servers be shutdown before
129 the sync is performed. Therefore, make sure you've closed Evolution,
130 and run the following commands to sync, using the group you just configured:</p>
132 <pre>
133 evolution --force-shutdown
134 msynctool --sync EvoBarry
135 </pre>
137 <p>Status messages will appear at each stage of the sync: each plugin
138 fetches new records, the conflict resolution is performed by the Opensync
139 engine, and new records are written to each plugin.</p>
142 <div class="subHeader">Troubleshooting</div>
143 <p>There are a number of things that can go wrong during a sync:
144 <ul>
145 <li>One of the plugins may crash</li>
146 <li>Opensync may hang, or take a long time, while processing conflicts</li>
147 <li>Opensync may get confused and duplicate a lot of data</li>
148 </ul>
149 </p>
151 <p><b>If one of the plugins crash...</b></p>
153 <p>If one of the plugins crashes due to a segmentation fault, try to get
154 a sequence of steps that can reproduce the crash every time. At that
155 point, enable core dumps, and run it again:</p>
157 <pre>
158 ulimit -c unlimited
159 msynctool --sync EvoBarry
160 </pre>
162 <p>This will leave a core file somewhere on your filesystem. In order
163 to get a useful backtrace from it, you will need the debug packages
164 for Barry and OpenSync. The debug packages for Barry are available
165 at the
166 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=153722">Sourceforge download page</a>.
167 Debug packages for OpenSync should
168 come with your distribution.</p>
170 <p>Once you have installed the matching debug packages, open the core
171 dump file like this, which will tell you which program was running when
172 the plugin crashed:</p>
174 <pre>
175 gdb /bin/ls corefile
176 [... lots of output ...]
177 (gdb) quit
178 </pre>
180 <p>As gdb loads, it will print the name of the program that crashed.
181 Often this is /usr/lib/opensync/osplugin or something similar.
182 Load gdb again with the correct program, and use the backtrace (bt)
183 command:</p>
185 <pre>
186 gdb /usr/lib/opensync/osplugin corefile
187 [... lots of output ...]
188 (gdb) bt
189 [... useful output ...]
190 (gdb) quit
191 </pre>
193 <p>Paste the "useful ouput" above into an email and
194 <a href="contact.html">send it to us</a>
195 .</p>
199 <p><b>If OpenSync hangs...</b></p>
201 <p>If the hang lasts only for about 30 seconds, then it is likely the
202 USB conversation that is timing out. Enable the <b>DebugMode</b>
203 keyword in the Barry plugin configuration above, and send the last
204 few screens of output to the
205 <a href="contact.html">mailing list</a>
206 .</p>
208 <p>Otherwise, Opensync supports a detailed level of logging. If you set
209 the environment variable <b>OSYNC_TRACE</b> to the path of an empty
210 directory, Opensync will write detailed logs for every thread
211 used during the syncing process. These logs quickly get out of
212 hand, so delete them before each test run.</p>
214 <p>Some of these logs may contain private data, so before posting
215 them on the mailing list, or on a website, you may wish to
216 double check. You can also
217 <a href="contact.html">email them privately</a>
218 to the lead developer.</p>
221 <p><b>If you get a load of duplicates...</b></p>
223 <p>If the sync has crashed, note that OpenSync will know this and attempt
224 a slow-sync automatically the next time you run the sync. If there is
225 a mismatch in supported fields, this can cause duplicates to be created
226 on one or possibly both sides of the sync. For example, if your desktop
227 software supports a Speed field, which the Blackberry does not, then
228 with OpenSync 0.22, these records will look different, and duplicates will
229 be created.</p>
231 <p>This bug should be <a href="http://www.opensync.org/ticket/636">fixed
232 in the upcoming OpenSync 0.40.</a></p>
234 <p>In the meantime, it is much better to avoid slow-syncing, and re-create
235 your sync configuration from scratch, as documented above.</p>
237 <p>If you know that one side is authoritative (for example, you may know
238 that your Blackberry has the most up to date set of data), delete all
239 the data from the opposite data source, reconfigure, and sync again.</p>
241 <p>If all else fails, restore your backups and start fresh.</p>
244 <div class="Copyright">Copyright &copy; 2011 - Net Direct Inc.</div>
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