1 This directory contains support files for ABI compatibility checking
2 using the tool found at:
4 http://ispras.linuxfoundation.org/index.php/ABI_compliance_checker
8 abi-prepare.sh - extracts a git commit or tag into /tmp and builds
10 configure-lib.sh - support script used by *abi-prepare.sh scripts
12 For example, to prepare version 0.16 and 0.17.0 for comparison, run:
14 ./abi-prepare.sh barry-0.16 0.16.xml ./configure-lib.sh
15 ./abi-prepare.sh barry-0.17.0 0.17.0.xml ./configure-lib.sh
19 abi-compliance-checker.pl -l barry -d1 0.16.xml -d2 0.17.0.xml
21 Note that there are other libraries in Barry that may also need to be
22 checked: libbarry, libbarrydp, libbarryjdwp, libbarrybackup, etc.